Berichten TOT 17 oktober 2023 staan hier.

Most of this Palestina-site is English.  Some quotes in English from Jaap Hamburger’s speech d.d. august 13, 2022, chair “Another Jewish Voice “(Een Ander Joods Geluid”):  


quotation one





quotation two



13 augustus 2022

In Utrecht bezochten zo'n tweehonderd personen een protestbijeenkomst tegen het driedaagse Israëlische offensief tegen de Gazastrook. Tijdens het offensief kwamen 49 Palestijnen om het leven, onder wie 17 kinderen.

Een van de zeven sprekers op de bijeenkomst was Jaap Hamburger, voorzitter van Een Ander Joods Geluid.


Alvorens zijn toespraak te beginnen nam Hamburger stelling tegen het cliché dat de Gazastrook 'de grootste openluchtgevangenis ter wereld' zou zijn. Volgens hem is eerder sprake van een concentratiekamp:

In een rechtsstaat zijn gevangenen veroordeeld tot straf door een onafhankelijke rechter, nadat de aanklacht bewezen is verklaard en de relevante bepalingen uit de Strafwet zijn toegepast. In een rechtsstaat is de rechtspraak openbaar en wordt de gevangene bijgestaan door een advocaat. In een rechtsstaat heeft de gevangenisstraf een bepaalde duur en in een gevangenis heerst een regime, geen willekeur.

Dat alles geldt niet voor de bevolking van Gaza. Zij is veroordeeld buiten alle wetten om, door een rechter die ook aanklager en uitvoerder van de straf is. Er zijn geen regels of wetten gevolgd, er is geen advocaat aan te pas gekomen, er is geen uitzicht op vrijlating. Willekeur bepaalt het lot van de bevolking. Gaza heeft daarom meer van een concentratiekamp dan van een gevangenis.

Aansluitend hield Hamburger zijn geplande toespraak.

Een Ander Joods Geluid

Dames en heren, mijn naam is Jaap Hamburger, ik spreek namens Een Ander Joods Geluid.

Dat is de naam van de Nederlandse organisatie waarvan ik voorzitter mag zijn, maar veel belangrijker dan dat: het is de aanduiding van een Geluid dat niet alleen in Nederland, maar overal is aan te treffen: in bijna alle Europese landen, in Engeland, in Amerika, in Canada, in Zuid-Afrika, en ja, ook in Israël, ook daar is een ander Joods geluid aanwezig. Overal waar Joden wonen is het te horen: het Geluid van Joden die geen zionist willen zijn.

Zionistische leer

Ooit, aan het einde van de 19e eeuw, was het zionisme een lofwaardige emancipatie- en bevrijdingsbeweging voor Midden- en Oost-Europese en Russische Joden. Het streed, vaak onder de banier van het socialisme, voor gelijkheid van allen voor de wet, voor gelijke burgerrechten.

Die erfenis heeft het zionisme verloochend toen het door de Joodse immigranten meegenomen werd naar Palestina. Eenmaal daar aan land gegaan, is het van lieverlee geïnfiltreerd en geïnjecteerd met een dosis religie. Gemengd met het chauvinisme dat in Israël uit diverse bronnen vloeit, waaronder dat van de Amerikaanse en Russische immigranten, is het vandaag de dag verworden tot de beweging van mateloze - ik herhaal dat woord: mateloze arrogantie, zelfrechtvaardiging, onderdrukking, landroof en verdrijving.

Hedendaags zionisme

Daar staan we nu: het hedendaags zionisme regeert Palestina tussen de river en de sea. Let wel, ook Gaza valt onder dat gebied, ook Gaza is naar internationaal recht bezet gebied!

En wat behelst dat hedendaags zionisme in de praktijk? De verleiding is groot beladen begrippen uit de geschiedenis in herinnering te roepen: Blut, Boden, Lebensraum en ja, ook Übermensch en Untermensch. Want als Israëli mag ik wat jij als Palestijn niet mag. Ik maak hier de dienst uit, dat recht heb ik mijzelf gegeven, op de punt van het geweer. Als jij daartegen protesteert, dan ben jij een antisemiet; en als jij je daartegen verzet, dan ben je een terrorist.

Als Israëli mag ik wat jij als Palestijn niet mag. Ik maak hier de dienst uit, dat recht heb ik mijzelf gegeven, op de punt van het geweer.

Jij Palestijn, jij zult weten dat wij hier de baas zijn, wij volgen en bespioneren jou dag en nacht, tot achter je voordeur, wij arresteren jou waar en wanneer wij willen, houden jou gevangen zolang ons goeddunkt, een fatsoenlijke rechtsgang bieden wij jou niet. Wij martelen jou, wij bombarderen jou en je volk, bij voorkeur als je in Gaza woont, dan hebben wij iets om over op te scheppen en te juichen. Wij doen gewoon altijd en overal wat ons goeddunkt, en een reden verzinnen we er later wel bij, of zelfs dat niet. Want eigenlijk hebben wij altijd al een geldige reden: jij valt ons aan en wij verdedigen ons.

Niet-zionistische Joden? 'Verraders'

En als jij daar, ja jij, van dat andere Joodse geluid, het daar niet mee eens bent, waar jij ook woont, jij bent erger dan een antisemiet. Jij bent een verrader, een linkse verrader van je eigen volk.

Dat is het wereldbeeld van degenen die zich daar 'zionist' durven te noemen, degenen die vergeten zijn of nooit geweten hebben dat het zionisme ooit gelijkheid preekte. Dat is het echte verraad, dat van de Joods-zionistische diehards, die in ons land vertegenwoordigd worden door het Centrum voor Informatie en Documentatie Israël (ClDl) en zijn directeur Hanna Luden, door het Nieuw Israëlietisch Weekblad[NIW] en zijn hoofdredacteur Esther Voet, en door een handvol al te luidruchtige lieden op Twitter, maar ook door de zionisten van gristelijk rechts.

From the river to the sea

Want je hoeft geen Jood te zijn om zionist te wezen. Van der Staay en Segers en ook Wilders bewijzen het elke dag. Zo hoefje gelukkig ook geen Jood te zijn om anti-zionist te wezen, jullie bewijzen het.

Verdoner kan maar niet begrijpen dat afkeer van de Israëlische apartheid juist het tegendeel van antisemitisme is.

En dit, dames en heren, dit is de boodschap van het andere Joodse geluid voor al die zionistische mee- en mooipraters, de Ludens, de schare NlW-lezers, de van der Staayen en de Segers-getrouwen, de Wildersvolgers, voor Verdoner, de Nationaal Coördinator Antisemitisme Bestrijding die maar niet begrijpen kan dat afkeer van de Israëlische apartheid juist het tegendeel van antisemitisme is. Dit is ook de boodschap voor de zwijgers en de wegkijkers, de Hoekstra's en de Rutte's - dit is mijn boodschap, dit is uw boodschap:


Zionisme als gangmaker van collectieve eigenwaan en moorddadige onderdrukking

Deel dit artikel


Woensdag, 11 januari 2023

Nieuwe Israëlische regering maakt zich op voor massale deportatie Palestijnen.

Israël stelt duizend Palestijnen op de bezette Westelijke Jordaanoever een ultimatum: verlaat jullie woonplaatsen of jullie worden gedeporteerd.

Circa duizend Palestijnen op de Westelijke Jordaanoever krijgen dezer dagen een kennisgeving van de Israëlische bezettingsautoriteiten in de bus: ontruim jullie woningen, want jullie wonen illegaal op een Israëlisch militair oefenterrein. Dat blijkt uit een persbericht van de Israëlische mensenrechtenorganisatie B’Tselem, waarin verder te lezen is dat Israël ‘van plan is de Palestijnen een alternatieve woonplaats aan te bieden’. Wie geen gehoor geeft aan de kennisgeving zal, zo leert de geschiedenis, met harde hand worden gedeporteerd.


Het is een van de eerste daden van het vorige week aangetreden zesde kabinet-Netanyahu, een ‘regering met extremisten, vrouwenhaters en homofoben’, aldus een treffende typering van de Volkskrant. Een speerpunt in het regeerprogramma is het opvoeren van de illegale Israëlische kolonisering van de bezette Palestijnse Westoever, waarop volgens de extreemrechts-religieuze coalitie ‘het Joodse volk een exclusief recht heeft’. Het ultimatum aan de duizend Palestijnen past daarin.

Het gaat om de duizend inwoners van acht dorpen in Masafir Yatta, een landstreek in de South Hebron Hills op de Westoever. Zij zijn al vier decennia speelbal van de Israëlische autoriteiten, die hun woongebied in 1981 tot militair oefenterrein – ‘Firing Zone 918’ – bestempelden, een geijkte Israëlische methode om gebied ‘Palestijnenvrij’ te maken.

In 1999 werden de toen zevenhonderd inwoners door het Israëlische leger in vrachtwagens geladen en afgevoerd. Die deportatie werd door de Palestijnen en de Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) juridisch aangevochten, leidend tot de terugkeer van de inwoners hangende de zich voortslepende procedure. Daaraan kwam op 4 mei 2022 een eind: die dag gaf het Israëlische Hooggerechtshof groen licht voor hun deportatie en de sloop van hun dorpen.

Sindsdien zijn in meerdere dorpen Palestijnse woningen en andere bouwwerken gesloopt en vonden in het gebied grootschalige militaire oefeningen plaats. Die maatregelen hadden tot doel de leefsituatie van de bevolking dermate ondraaglijk te maken dat zij ‘vrijwillig’ zou vertrekken, zoals B’Tselem in oktober 2022 schreef in een vergeefse oproep aan de hoofdaanklager van het Internationaal Strafhof om te interveniëren. De bevolking liet zich echter niet intimideren, reden voor Israëls nieuwe regering om drastische maatregelen te treffen en een nieuwe collectieve deportatie aan te kondigen.


De deportatie van de bevolking van de acht dorpen geldt onder het Statuut van Rome, het oprichtingsverdrag van het Internationaal Strafhof, als een oorlogsmisdaad, zoals B’Tselem in zijn persbericht terecht onderstreept. Dat had voor de internationale gemeenschap reden temeer moeten zijn om Israël door middel van (dreiging met) sancties van zijn voornemen te weerhouden.

Ondanks veelvuldige oproepen daartoe van de Palestijnse bevolking bleven concrete maatregelen echter uit. De Palestijnen moesten het doen met de gebruikelijke holle woorden van solidariteit van buitenlandse diplomaten en politici.

Zo veroordeelde de EU-vertegenwoordiger voor de Palestijnse gebieden, de Duitser Sven Kühn von Burgsdorff, tijdens een bezoek aan Masafir Yatta de uitspraak van het Israëlische Hooggerechtshof als ‘een politiek besluit’ dat dreigde tot ‘de grootste gedwongen bevolkingsverplaatsing in decennia’ te leiden. Alleen ‘internationale druk’ zou het tij nog kunnen doen keren, aldus de topdiplomaat in juli vorig jaar.

Het zijn rituele klaroenstoten zoals we die maar al te goed kennen en waarvan Israël zich nog nooit iets heeft aangetrokken – schaamlapjes die niet kunnen verhullen dat zowel Brussel als Den Haag feitelijk ten diepste medeplichtig zijn aan de Israëlische overheersing. Aan de Palestijnen en hun rechten bestaat in de Europese bestuurscentra geen boodschap, zoals ditmaal de bevolking van Masafir Yatta ondervindt.


“Bovenstaand rondzendbericht over de nieuwe verschrikkingen die Israel hier jegens de Palestijnen dreigt te gaan uithalen kregen wij in handen via sympathisanten.  Deze rondzendbrief is afkomstig van The Rights Forum en we nemen hun tekst hier integraal over. Maar voor Ospaca gaat de verontwaardiging hier aan de dag wordt gelegd nog lang niet ver genoeg. Wat Israël hier allemaal aan eindeloze, onbeperkte, nimmer aflatende, grenzeloze giga-misdrijven tegen de menselijkheid uithaalt – nota bene stuk voor stuk de zwaarste misdrijven die de mensheid kent –, en dit dan ook nog jaar in jaar uit, nu al meer dan 70 jaar onafgebroken achter elkaar, zonder daarvoor ooit gestraft te worden is, onmiskenbaar en éénledig,  enkel te duiden met antwoord op deze vraag: ISRAEL of ISRAHELL ? Dat antwoord is dan: ISRAHELL!




Uit Jewish Voice for Peace.

Woensdag, 11 januari 2023

Over the last two days, Israeli forces invaded multiple cities and villages across the occupied West Bank, killing five Palestinians and arresting dozens, including children. The new Israeli government — the most extremist, supremacist government in Israel’s history — is rapidly accelerating the rate of its brutal attacks against Palestinians.

During these attacks on Palestinian communities, the Israeli military shot and killed Samir Aslan while arresting his teenage son. According to his family, Samir was calling out to comfort his son when Israeli soldiers shot him. Video footage shows the Israeli soldiers preventing any assistance for Samir, leaving him bleeding on the ground until he succumbed to his wounds. Four more Palestinians were killed by Israeli forces in the past 48 hours, including two teenagers.

This devastating violence by the Israeli military is part of Operation Breaking the Wave, a military campaign which, although only recently acknowledged by the Israeli government, has brutalized Palestinians for the past nine months. Last year, Israeli forces killed over 200 Palestinians, in the deadliest year for Palestinians in the occupied West Bank since the second Intifada.

Under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s leadership, the new government has continued and rapidly accelerated this terrifying violence, killing nine Palestinians since January 1.

(Uit: Jewish Voice for Peace)



25 januari 2023

The streets of Tel Aviv swelled with over 100,000 Israeli protesters this past weekend. The demonstrations show how many Israelis are worried about "democratic rights" under Netanyuhu's new far-right government.

But the protests made scant mention of the 18 Palestinians killed in January by the Netanyahu government — a sickeningly record-breaking pace for a new administration. Nor were the protests focused on justice for the residents of Masafer Yatta whose homes the Israeli military has been destroying for months.

In short, these protests, ostensibly concerned with "democratic rights," were primarily focused on the rights of Israelis — rather than the millions of Palestinians suffering under Israeli apartheid. Even more revealing were the speakers at the protest, including former government leaders and accused war criminals Benny Gantz and Tzipi Livni.

As Yara Hawari wrote in Al Jazeera:

There has been no Israeli prime minister that hasn't been a criminal with hands stained with the blood of Palestinians, and there has been no Israeli government that has actually upheld democracy. The Israeli ''democratic state" is and always has been a myth, an illusion built to sustain the oppression of the Palestinian people and continue their dispossession.


26 januari 2023

Apartheid Israel's occupation forces murdered at least 10 Palestinians, including an elderly woman and two children, in a massacre in Jenin refugee camp earlier today.

Many more were injured, including children suffering from teargas reportedly fired in a hospital.

Israel's massacre in Jenin today included violent attacks on a hospital, ambulances, and many homes. The US and Europe, through funding and arming apartheid Israel and shielding it from accountability, are partners in crime.

Today's raid marks one of the deadliest days in the occupied West Bank in many months. It has been a bloody start to 2023 for Palestinians. Israel's occupation forces have so far murdered at least 30 Palestinians, including 7 children.

But popular resistance continues with the steadfastness that marks Palestinian life, and with the strength and determination that are needed to continue the struggle, from Jenin and Nablus to Gaza, from Al-Naqab to Masafer Yatta, from Jerusalem to Yafa and our communities in exile.

Join us in the struggle to dismantle apartheid and all forms of racism!

If you are angered by Israel’s unmasked fascism, fundamentalism and brutality now is the time to channel your anger - and solidarity - into mobilising for Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW) 2023. Under the slogan People Against Apartheid, Israeli Apartheid Week returns 13 - 27 March.


We call on people across the world, including students, academics, artists, churches, and movements for social, racial, gender and climate justice to join/support IAW 2023.


Together, lets make IAW 2023 the largest global mobilization of grassroot efforts to strengthen the Palestinian anti-apartheid movement and strategic BDS campaigns!




26 januari 2023

Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW) is an opportunity to globally mobilize grassroots solidar ty with the Palestinian struggle for freedom, dignity and justice. During IAW we raise awareness about lsraeli apartheid and build strategic BDS ( campaigns in support of the Palestinian struggle to end Israel's brutal system of apartheid, settler-colonialism and ethnic cleansing.

Understanding the intrinsic connection of our struggles and inspired by the growing international recognition that Israel is perpetrating the crime against humanity of apartheid, we call on people across the world, including students, academics, artists, workers, churches, and movements for social, racial, gender and climate justice to join IAW 2023 under the slogan People Against Apartheid. Together, lets make IAW 2023 a global mobilization of grassroot efforts to strengthen the Palestinian anti-apartheid movement ( and strategic BDS campaigns.


Over the past year, the Israeli apartheid regime has intensified its system of segregation, fragmentation and control to maintain its system of settler-colonial oppression and domination over Palestinian lives and land. We have witnessed a devastating number of Palestinians murdered by the Israeli occupation forces, including more than 30 children, and targeted extrajudicial killings, such as that of renowned journalist Shireen Abu Akleh. Israel’s policy of ethnic cleansing has intensified along with forced removals and random acts of violence committed by illegal settlers protected by the occupation forces.


Popular resistance continues with the steadfastness that marks Palestinian life, and with the strength and the determination that are needed to continue the struggle, from Masafer Yatta to Jenin and Gaza, from Sheikh Jarrah to Yafa to Al-Naqab and in exile.


Supporting the Palestinian struggle allows us to reflect on the discrimination and forms of injustice our own communities and societies have to tackle, and increase our determination for a just world without racism, without colonial walls, without corpoate impunity.


Join us in the struggle to dismantle apartheid and all forms of racism!




Bericht van het Palestijns BDS Nationaal Comite (BNC)

 26 januari 2023

Woedend over apartheid Israël’s bloedbad in Jenin!

De bezettingstroepen van apartheid Israel hebben eerder vandaag minstens 10 Palestijnen vermoord, onder wie een oudere vrouw en twee Kinderen, tijdens een bloedbad in het vluchtelingenkamp van Jenin. Vele anderen raakten gewond, onder wie

kinderen door traangas dat naar verluidt in een ziekenhuis was afgevuurd.


Het Israëlische bloedbad in Jenin omvatte gewelddadige aanvallen op een ziekenhuis, ambulances en vele huizen. De VS en Europa zijn collaborateurs door apartheid Israel te financieren en te bewapenen en af te schermen van kritiek.


De inval van vandaag markeert een van de dodelijkste dagen op de bezette Westelijke Jordaanoever in vele maanden. Het was een bloedige start van 2023 voor de Palestijnen.

De Israëlische bezettingstroepen hebben tot nu toe minstens 30 Palestijnen vermoord, onder wie 7 kinderen.


Maar het verzet van de bevolking gaat door met de standvastigheid die het Palestijnse leven kenmerkt, en met de kracht en vastberadenheid die nodig zijn om de strijd voort te zetten, van Jenin en Nablus tot Gaza, van Al-Naqab tot Masafer Yatta. van Jeruzalem tot Yafa en onze gemeenschappen in ballingschap.


Doe mee in de strijd om apartheid en alle vormen van racisme te ontmantelen!


Als je boos bent over Israël’s ontmaskerde fascisme, fundamentalisme en brutaliteit, is dit het moment om je woede - en solidariteit - te kanaliseren om te mobiliseren voor de Israel Apartheid Week (IAW)2023. Onder de slogan People Against Apartheid keert de Israeli Apartheid Week terug van 13 tot 27 maart.


We roepen mensen over de hele wereld op, waaronder studenten, academici, kunstenaars, arbeiders, kerken en bewegingen voor sociale, raciale, gender- en klimaatrechtvaardigheid om zich bij IAW 2023 aan te sluiten of deze te steunen. Laten we er samen voor zorgen dat IAW 2023 de grootste wereldwijde mobilisatie van grassroots-inspanningen wordt om de Palestijnse anti-apartheidsbeweging en strategische BDS- campagnes te versterken!



Zaterdag, 28 januari 2023

Uit: Jewish Voice for Peace

As the number of lives lost in Palestine continues to grow, it becomes increasingly clear that the Israeli government has launched a new escalation of violence against Palestinians.

Jewish tradition says that to kill a single person is to extinguish a whole world. Yesterday, the Israeli military launched an attack that killed ten Palestinians in the Jenin refugee camp. Earlier today, a Palestinian killed at least seven Jewish Israelis near a synagogue in a settlement outside of Jerusalem. Already in 2023, the Israeli army has killed almost 30 Palestinians.

We grieve the heartbreaking loss of life, and we rage at the root causes of all this violence: the Israeli government’s brutal apartheid and settler-colonial rule over Palestinians.

Within a few hours of the shooting today, the Israeli military began escalating its extreme violence against Palestinians, invading Shuafat refugee camp and Beit Hanina, calling reserve soldiers in, and moving forces to the West Bank and Gaza border. What we are witnessing is not a “conflict,” a “clash,” or a “war” between two equal parties. There is no mistaking the massive disparity of power between the Israeli government and the Palestinians it targets. Backed by $3.8 billion in annual military funding from the U.S. government, the Israeli government controls, dominates, and dispossesses Palestinian lives and lands.

We refuse to accept this as the status quo.

With love and rage,

Stefanie Fox

Executive Director

Israeli apartheid is at the root of recent violence.


Woensdag 1 februari 2023.

On January 26, the Israeli military launched an attack that killed 10 Palestinians in the Jenin refugee camp. The next day, a Palestinian killed at least seven Jewish Israelis near a synagogue in a settlement outside of Jerusalem. Each and every individual loss of life is heartbreaking.

 But it’s essential that we don’t view these scenes of violence and death as isolated incidents. The root cause of all this bloodshed is the Israeli government’s brutal apartheid and settler-colonial rule over Palestinians.

We’re only one month into the new year, and already Israeli soldiers have killed at least 30 Palestinians, including four teenagers. Israeli settlers have ambushed and set fire to Palestinian cars and defaced Palestinian property — over one hundred attacks in the past two days. Every night, the Israeli army has been raiding Palestinian cities and villages, invading families’ homes, and arresting their children, some as young as 12 years old. This is on the heels of 2022 — the deadliest year for Palestinians in nearly two decades.

Make no mistake: Netanyahu and his far-right government are sowing death and destruction systematically. They are calculating how much violence and displacement they can impose without provoking rebuke from the U.S. government. While we mourn and rage, we must also redouble our efforts to end U.S. complicity and support for Israel’s violence — and for its entire system of apartheid.

Tell Congress: Biden must end U.S. support for Israeli war crimes.

Washington sends Israel $3.8 billion in military funding every single year, with no oversight, and the Biden administration and Congress refuse to take even the most basic steps for transparency. The U.S. shields Israel from accountability internationally, undermining investigations and even criticism.



Netanyahu gives Israelis "green light to shoot Palestinians."

Israeli PM’s plan to expedite gun permits for Israelis could give the go-ahead to inflict more violence on Palestinians, reports Al Jazeera.



uit: rondzendbrief The Rights Forum 31 januari 2023

Op vrijdagavond 27 januari schoot een 21-jarige Palestijn zeven Israeli's dood in de illegale Israëlische nederzetting Neve Yaakov in bezet Oost-Jeruzalem.

Een dag later wijdde minister van Buitenlandse Zaken Wopke Hoekstra (CDA) een tweet aan de aanslag.


Op donderdag 26 januari vielen tien Palestijnse doden door bruut Israëlisch geweld in de Palestijnse stad Jenin en elders op de bezette Westelijke Jordaanoever.

Hoekstra, en het kabinet met hem, reageerde niet. Zijn gedachten waren ditmaal niet bij de slachtoffers en hun families.


Die eenzijdigheid roept herinneringen op aan de tweet die premier Mark Rutte (VVD) verstuurde naar aanleiding van de geweldsescalatie in Palestina en Israël in mei 2021.

Die tweet leidde tot hevig protest en werd gevolgd door een gepeperd Tweede Kamerdebat.

Uit Hoekstra's twittergedrag blijkt dat het kabinet uit de eerdere ophef geen lering heeft getrokken.


Bezetting als voedingsbodem

Tekenend is ook Hoekstra’s verwijzing naar Holocaust Remembrance Day als context van de aanslag. Het is maar de vraag of de schutter weet had van de herdenking.

Bovendien gaat Hoekstra voorbij aan voor de hand liggende redenen die een Palestijn kan hebben om de wapens op te nemen.

De belangrijkste daarvan is de meedogenloze, al 55 jaar durende Israëlische bezetting, die gepaard gaat met oorlogsmisdaden, misdaden tegen de menselijkheid en een scala mensenrechtenschendingen. De bezetting is een voedingsbodem voor verzet en

geweld in alle soorten en maten.


Hoekstra doet er goed aan kennis te nemen van de verklaring waarin drie mensenrechtenexperts van de VN die straffeloosheid naar aanleiding van het Israëlische geweld in Jenin opnieuw aan de kaak stellen:


We urge the international community to react without delay and take action as recommended by international  law, including the UN Charter.

This remains the only possible course of action to end the relentless violence, abuses and impunity and to start to pave the way to a better future for Palestinians and Israelis.


Onrecht en trauma

De realiteit is dat miljoenen Palestijnen nog nooit een dag in vrijheid hebben kunnen leven. De ene generatie na de andere groeit op onder een dagelijks regime van onrecht en onderdrukking en de bijbehorende trauma's en pijn.

Dat gold ook Khayri Alqam, de 21-jarige Palestijn die de aanslag pleegde. Hij werd bij zijn geboorte vernoemd naar zijn grootvader, die vier jaar eerder, in mei 1998, in Jeruzalem op straat werd doodgestoken. De dader, door de media omschreven als een Joodse terrorist, doodde nog drie Palestijnen en kerfde een Davidsster in een van hen.

In 2010 werd de kolonist Haim Pearlman opgepakt als vermoedelijke dader, maar hoewel zijn schuld volgens getuigen en de veiligheidsdienst Shin Bet vaststond werd hij door de rechtbank niet veroordeeld.              

Pearlman was verbonden aan de extreemrechtse terreurorganisatie Kach, opgericht door rabbi Meir Kahane. 

Daar stond hij in nauw contact met de huidige minister van Nationale Veiligheid Itamar Ben-Gvir, die recent nog een herdenkingsbijeenkomst voor Kahane bijwoonde. De benoeming van Ben-Gvir en een aantal geestverwanten tot ministers wijst uit hoe religieus extremisme in Israël gaandeweg mainstream is geworden.


Geweld en persoonlijk leed

Toch was dat naar verluidt niet het primaire motief dat kleinzoon Alqam tot zijn daad bracht. Volgens een door het dagblad Haaretz qeciteerd familielid werd zijn actie ingegeven door de dood van zijn 17-jarige vriend en bloedverwant Salah Muhammad Ali.

Die werd woensdag 25 januari in het vluchtelingenkamp Shu'afat in Oost-Jeruzalem door een Israëlische militair doodgeschoten omdat hij een wapen in zijn hand zou hebben gehad - het bleek te gaan om een speelgoedpistool. De militair die hem doodde

werd de volgende dag door Ben-Gvir onderscheiden. Vrijdag wijdde Alqam zijn laatste Facebookpost aan een afscheid van Ali alvorens hij de aanslag pleegde die zeven Israëlische kolonisten en hemzelf het leven kostte.




9 februari 2023

Time is running out!

We need your help now to raise 1 MILLION signatures before February 21 to pass a European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) that can push the EU to ban trade with illegal Israeli settlements.

Sign the ECI

Europe is the most important trading partner with Israel’s illegal settlements! Imports from these settlements constitute an economic backbone of Israel’s colonial settlement enterprise.

As we enter the final days of this campaign we urge our supporters to take the following three actions to #StopTradeWithSettlements:

Sign the ECI!

Join the Twitterstorm happening throughout today.

Forward this email to your family and friends and ask them to sign the ECI.


Click here Click here to join the Twitterstorm!


Israel’s most racist, far-right and fundamentalist government ever is escalating violence and brutality against Palestinians to new levels. So far this year, at least 36 Palestinians were murdered by apartheid Israel. Israel is planning to deport even more Palestinians from their homeland, demolish even more homes, arrest even more en masse, deploy even more occupation forces to the West Bank, especially in East Jerusalem, give even more guns to Israeli settlers, and further cement de facto annexation.

This is not just another petition. Your voice can make a significant difference.

As an EU citizen, you can contribute directly to ending EU complicity. Together, we can hold the EU accountable to its obligation to stop assisting illegal occupations anywhere.


In solidarity,

The Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC)



10 februari 2023


Beste lezer,

Bij een inval in een Palestijns vluchtelingenkamp in Jericho hebben Israëlische militairen vijf Palestijnen doodgeschoten. De Israëlische bezettingstroepen vielen afgelopen maandag in alle vroegte het kamp binnen, op zoek naar twee Palestijnen, en stuitten daarbij op verzet. In het vuurgevecht dat ontbrandde kwamen de vijf Palestijnen om het leven, vier van hen behorend tot dezelfde familie. Onder hen zouden de twee gezochte mannen zijn. De lichamen van de slachtoffers werden door de militairen meegenomen. Zeker elf Palestijnen werden gevangengenomen.

Beschieting restaurant
De twee gezochte Palestijnen waren volgens het Israëlische leger op 28 januari verantwoordelijk voor de beschieting van een restaurant aan de rand van de illegale Israëlische nederzetting Vered Jeriho, even ten zuiden van Jericho. Bij de beschieting raakte niemand gewond.

In een poging de twee te vinden sloot het Israëlische leger de toegangswegen tot Jericho na 28 januari zo goed als af. Afgelopen zaterdag vielen bezettingstroepen het kamp voor een eerste keer met zwaar materieel binnen in een mislukte poging de twee mannen te vinden. Daarbij vielen dertien Palestijnse gewonden en werden negen Palestijnen opgepakt. Drie woningen werden grotendeels vernield. Volgens Israëlische media vuurden militairen een geleide anti-tankraket op het kamp af.

Ruim één Palestijnse dode per dag
In 2023 kwamen op de Westoever tot en met afgelopen maandag 41 Palestijnen door Israëlisch geweld om het leven – een macaber gemiddelde van ruim één dode per dag. Twee weken geleden werden bij een inval in het vluchtelingenkamp van Jenin tien Palestijnen gedood. Een dag later schoot een 21-jarige Palestijn zeven Israëli’s dood in de illegale nederzetting Neve Yaakov in bezet Oost-Jeruzalem.



Wij strijden tegen landroof, bezetting en onderdrukking. Helpt u mee?


Een nieuwe VN-strategie voor de kwestie-Palestina is noodzakelijk

10 februari 2023

Met het aantreden van Israëls nieuwe regering mag een fundamentele koerswijziging van de VN in de kwestie-Palestina niet langer uitblijven. Dat betoogt het Global Network on the Question of Palestine in een open brief aan de secretaris-generaal van de VN.

Directe aanleiding is een verklaring van de nieuwe, extreemrechtse regering van Israël. Die laat zien dat de regering geen onderscheid maakt tussen bezet Palestijns gebied en Israël binnen de erkende grenzen van voor juni 1967. Ze ontkent het recht op zelfbeschikking van het Palestijnse volk, erkend als een dwingende norm van internationaal recht. Ze laat zien dat Israël de intentie heeft om te annexeren, een ernstige schending van datzelfde recht.

Deze ontwikkeling vormt de grootste bedreiging voor het Palestijnse volk sinds de stichting van de staat Israël in 1948, toen 750 duizend Palestijnen – bijna driekwart van de bevolking – werden verdreven en in ballingschap gedwongen.

Gezien deze dreiging is een fundamentele verandering van strategie van de VN en zijn lidstaten noodzakelijk. De nieuwe strategie moet de fouten en mislukkingen uit het verleden vermijden. Vorige pogingen om tot vrede te komen gingen uit van de verkeerde premisse dat twee ongelijke partijen in staat zouden zijn door middel van onderhandelingen een einde aan het conflict te maken. Essentieel is dat de onvervreemdbare rechten van het Palestijnse volk volledig worden gerealiseerd. Zonder een rechtvaardige oplossing voor de situatie van de Palestijnen is er geen perspectief op een vreedzaam samenleven van de twee volken.

The Rights Forum, dat deel uitmaakt van het netwerk, publiceerde een verkorte versie van de brief op zijn website.

Kwart miljoen handtekeningen voor burgercampagne tegen illegale nederzettingen

10 februari 2023

Deze week heeft het Europees Burgerinitiatief 'Stop Handel met Nederzettingen' een mooie mijlpaal bereikt: een kwart miljoen Europese burgers ondertekenden tot nu toe de petitie die moet leiden tot een verbod op handel met illegale nederzettingen in bezette gebieden. Deze week sloot ook de prominente ngo Oxfam Novib zich bij de campagne aan.

De campagne loopt nog tot en met 20 februari, en bevindt zich dus in de laatste fase. In Nederland is de petitie inmiddels ruim 26 duizend keer ondertekend. Hoewel de vereiste minimumgrens daarmee reeds lang is bereikt, streven wij ernaar om ten minste 30 duizend handtekeningen op te halen.

Wij doen daarom nog eenmaal een beroep op uw steun: teken de petitie, verspreid haar binnen uw netwerk en help ons de grens van 30 duizend handtekeningen te bereiken! 

Barcelona verbreekt tijdelijk de banden met Israël

De burgemeester van Barcelona heeft op 8 februari aangekondigd dat de Catalaanse stad alle institutionele betrekkingen met Israël opschort. Een belangrijk onderdeel van de maatregel is het bevriezen van de stedenband tussen Barcelona en Tel Aviv.

In een brief aan de Israëlische premier Benjamin Netanyahu schrijft burgemeester Ada Colau dat de betrekkingen opgeschort zullen blijven 'totdat de Israëlische autoriteiten een einde maken aan de systematische schending van de mensenrechten van Palestijnen'. Barcelona is de eerste stad ter wereld die een dergelijke stap zet.




9 februari 2023


From Jenin to Jericho, 2023 has seen a horrifying escalation of raids, murder, and brutal violence against Palestinians. Below, three JVP staff leaders share reflection, analysis, and a call to action:

  • A crisis moment for Palestine — Stefanie Fox, Executive Director
  • Updates from the ground — Eran Efrati, Director of Campaigns and Partnerships
  • Why Rep Ilhan Omar was kicked off the House Foreign Affairs Committee — Beth Miller, Political Director of JVP Action

A crisis moment for Palestine

By Stefanie Fox, Executive Director

Nearly every day for the last few weeks, I’ve woken up to heartbreaking news from Palestine.

Nearly every day, I learn that the Israeli military has raided another refugee camp, or that settlers have destroyed Palestinian homes and property at will. Each morning I learn of the murders of children and their elders who were trying to save them.

The current crisis comes at the hands of Israel’s new far-right, fascist government, which was elected by and for the settler movement. Their mission: to expand settler colonialism throughout historic Palestine. The Israeli government, and its emissaries in the military, are hard at work to create the conditions in which they can carry out that mission.

While enabling murder after murder, indignity after indignity, Netanyahu is calculating just how much damage he can inflict against Palestinians without testing the limits of Israel’s most powerful ally. The U.S. government, it seems, has a tremendous capacity to turn the other cheek where Israel’s brutality against Palestinians is concerned. Again and again, the Biden administration affirms its “great friendship” with Israel, essentially giving Netanyahu free rein to continue his regime of racist violence.


Yet we know that popular opinion in the U.S. is increasingly critical of Israel and its blatant rights abuses, including among our Jewish communities. The movement for Palestinian liberation is growing stronger every day. Just yesterday, the city of Barcelona cut sister city ties with Tel Aviv in protest of Israel's Apartheid policies. Powerful players in the U.S. government see the pressure building for accountability here too, and they're scared. Congress’s recent vote to remove Ilhan Omar from the House Foreign Affairs Committee was pure retribution for her vocal critique of Israel and support of Palestinians. They’re lashing out because we’re winning.

It’s essential that we keep the growing power of our movement in mind through our heartbreak, hopelessness, and rage. JVP offers a place to come together in community, in organization, where we can get informed, share in outrage — and, most importantly, to conceive and carry out a plan for change.


We have a Jewish tradition that says our actions, rather than our beliefs, are the true measure of our contributions to the world.




9 februari 2023

Updates from the ground

By Eran Efrati, Director of Campaigns and Partnerships

Every day since the start of 2023, Israeli forces have conducted coordinated raids, attacks, abductions, and executions. They have ended Palestinian life daily, committing ethnic cleansing at the fastest rate since the Nakba.


Earlier this week, after a nine-day siege, the Israeli military stormed the Aqbat Jabr refugee camp outside Jericho in the occupied West Bank, killing five Palestinians. This followed a harrowing five-hour raid that injured 13 more the night before, during which the Israeli military barred ambulances and medical personnel from providing care to injured Palestinians. The military also withheld the bodies of murdered Palestinians from grieving families, a standard practice by the Israeli government.


This attack came just a week after Israeli forces killed nine Palestinians in Jenin refugee camp, following days of blockade, closures, home demolitions, settler attacks, and near-nightly military raids.


And it’s not just the military committing these horrific acts. Netanyahu’s new Jewish supremacist government has also mobilized settler militias backed by the border police, the secret police, and the Ministry of Justice to escalate the full force of state violence against Palestinians.


All across occupied Palestinian territory, Israel has severely restricted movement, the delivery of basic supplies, and access to urgent care. The Israeli state is out to demolish dissent and any semblance of free life in Palestine.


In the last month, we have seen Palestinian parents trying to protect their children and being shot to death, first in Qalandiya then in a checkpoint next to Ramallah. Have no doubt: We will see more and more executions in broad daylight of parents trying to protect their children from being taken by Israeli soldiers, from the brutality of night raids in their homes.


We cannot be silent.


We are in active conversations with the global movement for Palestinian liberation and return, coordinating an international response guided by our Palestinian partners across continents, countries, and cities. We will not wait until thousands lose their lives, and we will not continue our regular lives while theirs are being taken away daily.


We are on the verge of a revolution — the second phase of the Unity Intifada. As Palestinians declare their intent to resist separation and come together in uprising, we should be crystal clear on our role in supporting liberation for all.


Now is the time to grow our numbers. Now is the time to fight. 



12 februari 2023

Earlier this week, Barcelona mayor Ada Colau cut ties with Israel until “Israeli authorities stop the systematic violation of human rights of the Palestinian people.” This decision represents an exciting victory in the movement for Palestinian liberation. But Colau has already faced backlash from Zionist Jewish organizations in Israel and Spain promoting false claims of antisemitism.


Since 1998, Barcelona has had a “twinning agreement” with Tel Aviv calling for friendship and cooperation between the cities. But after Israel’s assault on Gaza in May 2021, a local campaign began urging Colau to break ties. As Colau wrote in her breakup letter to Netanyahu, her constituents called on her to “condemn the crime of apartheid against the Palestinian people” — and she heard them and took action.


Barcelona’s declaration is a victory not only for local organizers, but for the global Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement for Palestinian freedom. As the Boycott National Committee (BNC) noted in a statement, it was courageous city councils who were the first to cut links with apartheid South Africa.


We know this is only the beginning — and so does our opposition. That’s why it’s essential that we stand up as proud anti-Zionist Jews to celebrate and lift up what it looks like to hold Israel accountable for its apartheid crimes. 


In solidarity,

Tallie Ben Daniel

Managing Director

15 februari 2023

Biden administration’s “concern” doesn’t cancel U.S. complicity

This week, the Biden administration said that it is “deeply troubled” by the Israëli government’s announcement that it will approve thousands more illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank. This comes on the heels of the U.S.’s expression of “deep concern” over the Israëli government’s rapidly escalating state violence against Palestinians under occupation and siege.

Yet these expressions of trouble and concern amount merely to ineffectual handwringing, as the U.S. takes no concrete steps to hold Israël to account. Instead, the U.S. maintains full complicity in the violence of Israel’s current and past government, providing $3.8 billion in unconditional annual military funding and actively seeking to silence Palestinians seeking justice. Our sister organization JVP Action offers further analysis and demands accountability now.

Read JVPA’s statement


Press Releases / February 14, 2023


Contact: Adina Marx | | 929-290-0317

"Statements of ‘deep concern' are meaningless in the face of the Israëli government's rapidly escalating state violence against Palestinians living under occupation and siege."

Washington, D.C., February 14,2023 - Following another night of deadly Israëli military raids on Palestinian communities, Jewish Voice for Peace Action calls on the Biden administration to take concrete actions to hold the Israëli government accountable for violations of human rights and international law and withdraw U.S. support now.

During its first 1.5 months in office, Benjamin Netanyahu’s far-right coalition government is behaving exactly as promised: accelerating its violent attacks on Palestinians and committing grave violations of human rights and international law. Meanwhile, the Biden administration wrings its hands, makes hollow statements, and takes no meaningful action.

Israel's far-right government has launched an escalated phase of state violence against Palestinians, which is the root cause of every senseless and tragic death. In the first six weeks of 2023, Israëli forces and settlers have killed 50 Palestinians, including 11 children. Last year was already the deadliest for Palestinians in the occupied West Bank since 2004, and 2023 is now set to out-pace it. Attacks carried out by Palestinians in illegal settlements in Jerusalem, and gunfire from Jewish-lsraeli citizens carrying weapons during these attacks and shooting at attackers, have resulted in the killing of 11 Jewish-lsraelis.

The Israëli government's domination and oppression of Palestinians is the root cause of each of these deaths. Netanyahu and the other extremist leaders in his coalition government are using this moment to justify the rapid expansion of the settler project - demolishing more Palestinian homes, building more settlements and outposts, and increasing mass arrests and displacement of Palestinian communities. This week's announcement to approve thousands more illegal settler units and nine outposts make the intentions of the government even more explicit.

The United States is fully complicit in the violence of Israel's current and past government. In addition to the $3.8 billion dollars in unconditional annual military funding sent from the U.S., the Biden administration has actively sought to silence Palestinians seeking accountability at home and in the international arena.

Netanyahu's coalition government is exposing the State of Israël as the violent apartheid regime it has always been and removing the fake mask of democracy. It is long past time for the Biden administration to respond.

The Biden administration's finger-wagging over the Israëli government’s actions are inadequate and will not lead to any meaningful change. The U.S. should immediately take steps to withdraw support now and to hold the Israëli government accountable for its gross violations of human rights and war crimes against Palestinians, including ending U.S. military funding and diplomatic support for Israel's apartheid regime.

"The Biden administration currently appears more concerned with wanting Israël to maintain its facade of democracy, than with the lives and rights of Palestinians living under Israëli apartheid. Statements of ‘deep concern' are meaningless in the face of the Israëli government's rapidly escalating state violence against Palestinians living under occupation and siege. It is long past time to finally end U.S. complicity in Israëli apartheid."

— Beth Miller, Political Director of Jewish Voice for Peace Action

Beth Miller is available to speak with the media

16 februari 2023

You may have seen the video circulating on social media of our Executive Director, Human Rights Defender Issa Amro being brutally beaten by an Israëli soldier.

The attack happened in front of international iournalists, in front of cameras. This shows that soldiers feel emboldened to carry out these brutal assaults — they know the Israëli government stands by them. The Israëli National Security Minister — far-right extremist Ben Gvir — issued a statement in support of the soldier!

Please help protect Issa now!

We need our own governments to act! Help Issa now by writing to the U.S. Department of State. Click here.

Scroll down to the form at the end of the site. Here is a template for your message:

Subject: Protect Issa Amro


An Israëli soldier brutally assaulted Palestinian activist Issa Amro, grabbing him by the throat and throwing him to the ground during a peaceful tour of Hebron. issa is recognized as a Human Rights Defender by the U.S. State Department as well as the UN and EU and well known for his philosophy of nonviolence. He met with Secretary Blinken in 2021. We need the U.S. State Department to immediately issue international protection for Issa.

American journalist Lawrence Wright, winner of a Pulitzer Prize, witnessed the whole attack and stated that the Israëli army misrepresented the incident in their official statement: the attack was unprovoked, the soldier initiated the encounter and Issa neither cursed nor laid hands on the soldier.

The Israëli National Security Minister— Far-Right extremist and former Kahanist Itamar Ben Gvir — called for support of the soldier. The attack happened in front of cameras and an American journalist. It is clear the Israëli soldiers feel emboidened by the new government to carry out attacks with impunity. They are protected by the army, supported financially by the Israëli settler communities, and encouraged by the government.

The U.S. Department of State has a responsibility to work on behalf of its own citizens as well as to protect human rights worldwide. The attacks against Issa and other HRDs are escalating at an alarming rate. I ask you to listen to the testimonies of Palestinian HRDs as well as American journalists.

Issa's life and physical and mental wellbeing are in danger. I ask that the Department of State take measures to issue protection for Issa with immediate effect.

Issa was giving a tour to Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Lawrence Wriqht from The New Yorker. As he led the tour into the closed part of Shuhada Street — Hebron's Main Street closed to Palestinians since 1994 — Issa sent the journalist through the closed Street while he himself walked on the adjacent graveyard, speaking to the two Internationals.

A soldier approached him, attempting to stop the tour. Then insisted that they delete the videos that they had filmed. Issa insisted that filming is legal, and the soldier detained him. Issa asked him to call his commander — no one came. Issa stated he wanted to speak to his lawyer.

Suddenly, the soldier grabbed Issa by the throat, choking him and throwing him brutally to the ground. Issa had kept his hands behind his back. The soldier kicked him on the ground until another soldier stopped him. Issa called the Israëli police for an ambulance and was asked, "Are you an Arab or a Jew?" He was then told they could not help him and no ambulance came.

The Israëli army tried to blame the assault on Issa, but journalist Wright stated clearly that the army had not told the truth about the attack, which was unprovoked.

We need your help now more than ever. Please help us strengthen our work in Hebron and support the people on the ground!

The Huwara Pogrom: This is Zionism


1 maart 2023

Last Sunday in the occupied West Bank, we saw the inevitable outcome of Zionism, a form of Jewish nationalism and the primary political ideology that drove the establishment of Israel.

Israeli settlers destroyed Palestinian homes, livelihoods, and lives. In the worst settler attacks in decades, nearly 300 Israeli settlers rampaged through the Palestinian villages of Huwara, Zatara, and Burin, burning homes to the ground, lighting vehicles on fire, and injuring 350 Palestinians.

Throughout, the Israeli military stood by and watched the settler violence, and even prevented ambulances and medics from treating the injured, making it indisputably clear that the Israeli settler movement is supported and enabled by the Israeli state.

The far-right Netanyahu government would like its people to believe these acts of violence and aggression are demonstrations of its might. But we know the opposite is true: such reckless and indiscriminate acts of violence are not the actions of a stable nation. They’re the actions of a crumbling state lashing out in anger and fear to maintain its untenable apartheid regime.


Why is the Israeli government scared?

The Israeli state is in the throes of instability — politically, socially, and economically.

For weeks, tens of thousands of Israeli citizens have been mounting mass demonstrations in protest of Netanyahu’s proposed overhaul of the nation’s judiciary. And while popular unrest may not make much of a difference to the ultra-right regime, the power-hungry government is susceptible to disruption in at least one realm: economics.

As newspapers including the New York Times and Haaretz have been reporting, foreign investors are withdrawing their money at an unprecedented rate, as Israeli entrepreneurs frantically transfer their money abroad. This flow of foreign capital was essential to Israel’s self-styled brand of “Start-Up Nation” — a title it's in serious danger of losing.

In light of its increasingly damaged international reputation, longtime critics of Israel’s apartheid practices and supporters of Palestinian freedom are seeing significant wins. Barcelona recently became the first major city to officially cut ties with Israel until it improves its human rights record. There’s no doubt that more and more cities, nations, and organizations will take similar courageous stands in the months and years ahead.


Nothing New

As pressure mounts globally and internally, the Israeli government is confronted with its destabilization and its status as a pariah state, and its sense of desperation is growing. Israel’s own president, Isaac Herzog, stated recently that the country was “on the brink of constitutional and social collapse.”

Israel’s response to its own precarity is, of course, the massive settler attack on Huwara. It’s the massacres the Israeli military has carried out in Jenin and Nablus. It is powerful members of government both implicitly and explicitly endorsing the murder of Palestinians by both settlers and the military. It is carrying out “the law of Palestinian elimination” the basis of Israel’s settler-colonial project, as a daily practice. It is making Palestinians pay for simply existing.

This is not an exception or an aberration or a temporary escalation. This is Zionism.



West Bank violence in Palestinian town described as 'a  Pogrom' by Israëli military commander

The use of the word 'pogrom' appears to be emotive and significant, and was used historically to refer to organised violence against Jewish people in Tsarist Russia.

Israëlische kolonisten staken 75 huizen en honderd auto's in brand in de Palestijnse stad Hawara.

Dinsdag 28 februari 2023

A senior commander in the Israëli military has described the violence  by Israëli settlers

in the Palestinian town of Hawara on Sunday night as "a pogrom".


It is sad and unfortunate that the grandchildren of the Nazi Holocaust and victims of the Russian Pogroms are committing the same horrible acts European Jews had to endure for centuries in Russia with its many Pogroms but in Europe when the Nazis rounded millions of Jews born and raised in Germany, Holland, Belgium, France, Italy even Greece rounded up put on the trains to the death camps in Auschwitz-Birkenau, Belzec, Bergen-Belsen and Russian Pogroms in Odesa, Kiev, Warsaw, and other towns.


Israeli/American Jewish Terrorism

When over 400 Israeli/American Jewish armed settlers descended in mass on the Palestinian town of Hawara near Nablus under the full protection of the Israël Defense Forces, burning down the entire town and destroying hundreds of homes and hundreds

of cars, it could not be but Israeli/American Jewish terrorism.


For over 50 years now, hundreds of messianic Jewish Americans and other Israëli settlers from Europe and North Africa have been wreaking havoc on Palestinian towns, villages, and farms, burning homes, uprooting and burning trees, poisoning well and

killing life stock not only by Israëli settlements in and near Hebron but by Israëli settlements near Nablus and other villages and towns all over the Occupied West Bank.


14 maart 2023


Last Sunday, over a dozen JVP chapters across the country turned rage into action. From Seattle to New Haven, we took to the streets, demanding divestment from Israël Bonds.


The largest protest was held in Washington, D.C., at the Grand Hyatt hotel, where far-right Israëli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich was fundraising for the Israël Bonds conference. JVP rabbis and students attempted to take over the hotel’s atrium, planning to transform it into a Beit Midrash (house of study) and teach the Torah of Divestment, chanting:


“Israël Bonds is a shonde, Israël Bonds is a shame.

No funding apartheid in our name!”


After they were forced outside by security, the JVP rabbis continued their Torah of Divestment in the streets, where 1,000 people had protested Smotrich for hours despite the cold and rain. Protesters included JVP’s DC Metro and Baltimore chapters and many others, covering the full spectrum of Progressive Jews. It was an indication of the many new people who are deeply upset about, and potentially open to being convinced that Smotrich actually represents Israel's true face.


These new people represented an opportunity to grow the movement. And JVP members delivered a message intended to give the assembled protesters’ anger a demand: Divest from Israëli apartheid and end U.S. military funding for Israël now.


As we discussed in last week’s Wire, billions of dollars have been sent to Israël by holders of Israël Bonds including 80 U.S. state and municipal governments and the Jewish Federation, among countless other U.S. organizations. You or your child may have even received one as a bar/bat mitzvah gift!


Israël Bonds fund up to 25% of Israel's foreign debt, which means that they support a state that has proven itself committed, over decades, to maintaining its apartheid regime. Divestment from Israël Bonds would halt the flow of money to the Israëli government and call into question the legitimacy of the Israëli government before the world.

10 maart 2023

We were attacked by Israëli settlers on Purim!!!!

Israëli settlers invaded our community center in Hebron, knocking over tables and chairs, and throwing rocks and wine bottles at us and at the house.

On Purim, a group of Israelis from the Hebron settlements paraded through the closed streets. They were dancing and celebrating on Hebron's main Street although the Palestinians cannot do so. Israel's new far-right extremist National  Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir was among them, dressed up as a police officer or soldier. Meanwhile, drunken Israëli settlers attacked and vandalized Palestinian houses. Hebron's main Street is closed to Palestinians under the city's harsh restrictions and segregation policy. Israelis, however, are free to walk and drive through, or celebrate as they wish.

The next day, Israëli border police invaded our community center and dispelled international solidarity activists who were there to provide protective presence.

Then a group of young Israëli settlers attacked Palestinian houses and our center, while the soldiers neglected to intervene. The settlers threw rocks at us and wine bottles. Some of them even broke into our yard, knocking over chairs and tables.


A mere two days earlier, the Israëli arrny showed up at the doorstep of a Palestinian family living on Shuhada Street. The soldier welded shut the front door while the Palestinians family was still inside. The family could be seen in the fenced window with the children crying.


Thankfully, due to the efforts of our volunteers on the ground, we managed to exercise enough pressure to make the army come and reopen the doors.

Many front doors on Shuhada Street were welded shut by Israëli soldiers, often trapping the families inside. They were forced to use back entrances or event to make a hole in their back wall in order to create an alternative passage way. Their doors have never been opened since.


The welding of the doors is an attempt to gradually close off the small part of Shuhada Street that is still accessible to Palestinians. With the new extremist Israëli government, we expect to see the land-taking and closure policy to advance rapidly. As well as settler and soldier violence. We need all the support we can get now!

10 maart 2023


Beste lezer,

Deze week bracht een afvaardiging van Palestijnse christenen uit diverse lagen van de samenleving een bezoek aan Nederland. De delegatie was hier om aandacht te vragen voor het leven onder bezetting van Palestijnen in het algemeen, en voor de positie van christenen in Israël en de bezette Palestijnse gebieden. Hun boodschap was duidelijk: 'als er nu niet wordt ingegrepen zal de christelijke gemeenschap in Palestina verdwijnen'.


Er was veel belangstelling voor de verhalen van de leden van de delegatie. Met ondersteuning van The Rights Forum ontmoetten zij vertegenwoordigers van kerkelijke instanties, de Tweede Kamer en afzonderlijke politieke partijen. Ook stonden er ontmoetingen met maatschappelijke organisaties op het programma, en was er veel aandacht vanuit verschillende jongerenorganisaties.

Nieuw is dat er vooral veel belangstelling van Christenunie politici was. Zo waren er ontmoetingen met een senator, het wetenschappelijk instituut, de jongerenpartij, een Europarlementariër en lokale politici van de partij.


Dat de christelijke gemeenschap in Israël en Palestina gevaar loopt is al lang duidelijk. Wij schreven daar in het verleden herhaaldelijk over. De verhalen van de delegatieleden illustreerden de situatie op pijnlijke wijze. Zo vertelde één van hen over twee christelijke Palestijnse dorpen dicht bij de grens met Libanon. De dorpen werden verwoest, maar de kerk en begraafplaats zijn er nog. Palestijnen die een bezoek willen brengen aan familieleden die daar zijn begraven, kunnen daar echter niet zomaar terecht. Israël veranderde het gebied in een nationaal park, met als gevolg dat bezoekers - ook Palestijnen die hun overleden voorouders willen bezoeken - een toegangskaartje moeten kopen. Over de twee dorpen, Iqrit en Biram, publiceerde 2Doc in 2016 de documentaire Waiting for a Miracle.


We bereiken een punt van totale hopeloosheid,' vatte een delegatielid de situatie samen. De cijfers ondersteunen dit beeld: het percentage christelijke Palestijnen bedroeg ooit tussen de twaalf en vijftien procent van de bevolking, nu is dat minder dan één procent.


Hand in hand met Palestijnse moslims

Hoewel de missie als doel had de positie van Palestijnse christenen te belichten, benadrukten de delegatieleden expliciet de parallellen met de Palestijnse islamitische gemeenschap. Hoewel de problemen waar de geloofsgroepen mee geconfronteerd worden kunnen verschillen, is de grondoorzaak hetzelfde. Het is de Israëlische bezetting die hen in hun bestaan bedreigt. En gezamenlijk verzetten zij zich daartegen: 'Palestijnse christenen en moslims lopen hand in hand. We moeten allemaal leven met dezelfde bezetting, vergunningen en checkpoints.'



17 maart 2023

“Palestijn standrechtelijk geëxecuteerd!”

Beste lezer,

Gisteren verschenen op sociale media gruwelijke beelden uit de bezette Palestijnse gebieden. Zij laten een winkelstraatje in het centrum van de stad Jenin zien. Naast stilstaande auto’s ligt roerloos een gewonde Palestijnse man. Zijn scooter ligt achter hem. Plots rennen vier zwaarbewapende Israëlische militairen in burgerkleding het beeld in. Een van hen hurkt bij de Palestijn en schiet hem van dichtbij een kogel door het hoofd.

De Palestijn, de 28-jarige Nidal Khazim, was donderdagmiddag een van de twee doelwitten van een Israëlische militaire inval in Jenin. Zij moesten worden opgepakt of 'geneutraliseerd'. Beide mannen zouden volgens een verklaring van het Israëlische leger betrokken zijn bij ‘terroristische activiteiten’, al werd daar zoals gewoonlijk geen bewijs voor geleverd. Ook de tweede man werd ‘geneutraliseerd’ – onbekend is hoe. Daarnaast werden nog twee Palestijnen gedood, onder wie een 16-jarige jongen.


Standrechtelijke executie

Naar het zich laat aanzien is Nidal Khazim neergeschoten terwijl hij op zijn scooter reed, en gedood toen hij al een tijdje gewond op straat lag. Volgens Israëlische media was hij ongewapend. Zijn dood is een schoolvoorbeeld van een standrechtelijke executie, een grove schending van de Conventies van Genève en het Internationaal verdrag inzake burgerrechten en politieke rechten, en gerekend tot de oorlogsmisdrijven in het Statuut van Rome, het oprichtingsverdrag van het Internationaal Strafhof.


Een dergelijke misdaad dient gerechtelijke vervolging te krijgen, maar voor zover bekend is de dader nog niet aangehouden. De kans dat in Israël vervolging wordt ingesteld is normaliter minimaal; executies door Israëlische militairen zijn niets nieuws en gewoonlijk kraait er geen haan naar. Maar deze executie is gefilmd en dat leidde in een eerder geval wel tot vervolging, en tot enorme commotie in de Israëlische samenleving.

19 maart 2023


My name is Yuval Dag. I’m 20 years old and I live in a moshav in the south of Israel. Tomorrow I will refuse to enlist in the Israeli military because I am not willing to take part in the Occupation of the Palestinian territories and give myself to the Israeli state.

I grew up a zionist. The existence of Israel, as a state and as a society no matter its actions in the past and present, has always felt self-evident to me. I never questioned it. I participated in every national holiday and event with anticipation. I enjoyed the feeling of unity and fellowship.


One day, while roaming the internet, I encountered an “anti-Israel” comment. The moment I read it, I was filled with rage. How could it be that someone dares to criticize us? We are the victims and always have been. The commentators have no way of knowing what it is like to live in our reality. But as much as I was shaken by the comment, I was even more shaken by my own reaction. I found myself offended in the name of the state, without having ever developed a conscious stance and without ever having examined my own beliefs, all because of  my education and the social atmosphere I was living in.


At that moment I realized that my outlook was not a product of my own critical thinking, but a product of indoctrination. At that point, I began a journey of disassembling my beliefs and examining them under a new light, in a non biased and independent form.


I began to see how, contrary to what I believed all my life, the two sides in the “Israeli-Palestinian conflict” are asymmetric, and the “conflict” itself is not a conflict, but an ongoing and prolonged war. I saw that we are not the victims, but the occupiers and oppressors. I began to understand the absurdity of how we treat human lives; when an Israeli citizen is murdered, the entire nation mourns, but when 7 Palestinians are murdered by the Israeli military in one week, we do not hear a word about it, and if we do, we hurry to question the innocence of the murdered or to justify the soldier who performed the killing and who should be blamed. For us, the status quo is a relatively peaceful life with the occasional “operation” in Gaza and a wave of terrorist attacks from the west bank, but for many Palestinians, military invasions, violence, killings and oppression is the norm. I realized that Palestinians in the west bank do not live alongside the Israeli military, but under its rule. Their basic daily schedule, from the moment they wake up, whether they can go to school or work, depends entirely on the military. In a moment's notice, due to “security” concerns, Israel can put entire villages and neighborhoods under a complete lockdown, even if it means denying medicine and food to tens of thousands of people.


Write Yuval a solidarity letter.


I realized that Israel was built on expulsion and banishment, and that the only way for it to continue existing as an national home exclusively for the Jewish people is by crushing, oppressing and silencing any element that can potentially destabilize this status, whether this element is the lives of millions of people or a symbolic flag. Everyone has the right for sovereignty, both Palestinians and the Jewish people, but no sovereignty can come at such a heavy price at the expense of so many lives.


Finally, I understood what now seems obvious to me. The body responsible for executing this project that is built on explosion and can be enforced only through oppression, is the Israeli military. Unlike the common belief, the military is not driven by pure intentions and its crimes are not the result of a few rogue soldiers. It is a body that, time after time, demonstrates hostile, racist and clearly offensive policies. Terrorism, murder of civilians and journalists, pogroms, vandalism, displacement and prevention of basic and crucial infrastructure are daily occurrences which are perpetrated by the Israeli military in the West Bank, with its help, and under its rule.


No one can overlook what happened in Huwara. It was impossible to ignore the burnt houses, the shattered windows, the dozens of wounded, those who were murdered and the soldiers who stood by. It was also impossible to ignore the Israeli minister who called for the erasure of the village after the acts. Today, more than ever, it is becoming clear to the general public how closely Israel and its policies are connected to violence and to the occupation of the Palestinian territories. The occupation can no longer be seen as incidental. It can no longer be considered as a security need. The occupation is a political enterprise operated by the army, that harms the vast majority of people who live here. It serves a racist and colonialist agenda of Jewish supremacy. Even those who shut their eyes for all these years, who tried to ignore and suppress the existence of the occupation, cannot continue to ignore it after the pogrom committed by settlers under the protection of soldiers of the Israeli army. The fact that this violence, which originates with the government, has become so transparent and unapologetic, requires us to open our eyes and resist.



Resistance begins, first of all, with self-reflection and understanding. With the understanding that by wearing a uniform and symbols of a certain body, you choose to represent that body. With the understanding that enlisting in the army is a political choice, and its meaning is to support the military and political agenda, and to take part in it. The understanding that even a small cog contributes to the system's function. The understanding that one of the Israeli military’s most central missions and roles is to be an occupying and oppressive body. The understanding that even a good person serving as a soldier in this system causes harm and suffering to the people under occupation. The understanding that even tough conscription is the default, it does not mean that it is the moral and right thing to do. The understanding that no individual alone has the ability to change the policies of a military-political body. Self-reflection should occur when every boy or girl are called to enlist. It is our responsibility to take a deep look at ourselves and decide what we are willing to stand for.


I refuse. I refuse to give my body and my life to any system, for any country, and in the current situation, especially not to the state of Israel and the Israeli military. I call on everyone who is about to enlist to recognize and face the truth. Open your eyes and look at our reality. Set aside the Israeli society’s common narrative, which has a clear interest in turning everyone into soldiers. I believe that in this reality, our only choice is to refuse.

In solidarity,


22 maart 2023



Palestijnen die verzet plegen tegen de Israëlische misdrijven worden, onveranderlijk, als ‘terroristen’ bestempeld. Ook al gooien ze alleen met stenen naar hun Israëlische kwelgeesten. In de geroofde gebieden worden ze daarvoor regelmatig gewoon op straat neergeschoten door het Israëlische leger. Of zelfs, expliciet, gericht standrechtelijk geëxecuteerd.


Een dergelijke buitengerechtelijke moord door het Israëlische leger maakte vorige week ook de 28 jarige Palestijn Nidal Khazim tot slachtoffer. Terwijl hij gewond en bewusteloos op straat lag, dook er plotseling een 4 man sterk Israëlisch militair moordcommando in burger op. Dat hem tweemaal van dichtbij door het hoofd schoot (zie voorafgaand, onder 17 maart 2023). 


Daarnaast heeft de Israëlische bezetter voor de Palestijnen, die nog in Israël wonen na de Nakba, en zich schuldig maken aan verzet, een nieuwe strafmaatregel bedacht. Op 16 februari 2023 werd daarvoor in Israël een nieuwe wet uitgevaardigd die het mogelijk maakt om, wat dus ‘terroristen’ worden genoemd, uit Israël te deporteren naar Gaza en naar de overige bezette gebieden. En hun onmogelijk te maken om ooit nog naar huis terug te keren.


Aldus is het misdadige Israëlische regiem er ook op deze manier op uit om zo veel mogelijk Palestijnen etnisch uit Israël te kunnen wegzuiveren, die het wagen om ook maar het geringste verzet te plegen.





Gallup poll in Palestinians’ favor — 1st time in history!

22 maart 2023.


Last week, Gallup, one of the largest public-opinion polling organizations in the world, revealed that in their most recent polling on “sympathies in the Middle East,” 49% of U.S. Democrats placed their sympathies with Palestinians over 38% with Israelis — the first time in the poll’s history that it has landed in Palestinians’ favor. Looking at all U.S. adults, regardless of party affiliation, the gap between favorability toward Israel and Palestine is the narrowest since polling on the issue began.


Notably, Gallup’s poll came in the same week as a new poll from Pew that showed “more Americans shared favorable than unfavorable views of Jews.” As Palestinian-American writer and political analyst Yousef Munayyer pointed out in a recent Tweet:


Looking back at data from the last ten years, Munayyer goes on to show that Democratic attitudes toward Jews have stayed relatively flat, while their sympathies for Palestinians have risen. These polls taken together are significant because they offer concrete evidence that “Sympathizing with the Palestinian plight under the oppression of Israel’s systematic human rights abuses should have nothing at all to do with people’s attitude toward Jews or any group.”


For the movement for Palestinian liberation, this means the world is catching on to the fact that support for Palestinians, and criticism of Israel, have nothing to do with one’s attitude toward Jewish people. It also means we have an opportunity to grow our movement like never before.

JVP-South Florida in the papers

22 maart 2023.

JVP-South Florida published an ad in the region’s three Jewish newspapers illuminating the ways that the state of Israel’s claims to democracy have always been a hoax.


A Cruel Hoax.

The new Israeli government, which has announced plans to expand the powers of the police and to limit the power of the courts, is moving the country toward a police state. While it is heartening to see hundreds of thousands of Israeli staking to the streets to protest what they see as an erosion of Israeli democracy, they – and we – will do well to remember that,

for Palestinians, the claim of IsraEli democracy has been a cruel hoax.

No one could seriously argue otherwise. After all, this is a place where Palestinian homes are destroyed on the whim of Israeli officials. Palestinian land is seized by gun-toting settlers with the active support of the army and the police.


Palestinians are jailed and killed with impunity, and Israeli law explicitly says that the State belongs to Jews and not to Palestinians. It is a place, according to Human Rights Watch, of “apartheid and persecution” maintained fort he purpose of “privileging Jews over Palestinians” and involving “an institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination.”

As U.S. Jews, we stand with the Palestinian people,

who are demanding their right to return to, and live in, their homes and on their land with dignity and justice. We look toward the day when all people have equal rights from the River to the Sea.


24 maart 2023

Beste lezer,


Israël gaat uiterlijk 7 mei de school van het Palestijnse dorp Jubbah al-Dhib met de grond gelijk maken - en dat is niet voor het eerst. In augustus 2017 werd het door Europa gefinancierde gebouw al een keer afgebroken vanwege gebrek aan een ‘vergunning’.

Het schoolgebouw werd door Palestijnse vrijwilligers herbouwd en fungeert sindsdien als lagere school. Dit schooljaar krijgen veertig leerlingen – 25 meisjes en 15 jongens – er les. Daaraan komt nu een eind. Op 8 maart gaf een Israëlische rechtbank opdracht de school binnen zestig dagen te slopen. Eiser is de Israëlische kolonistenorganisatie Regavim.


Israëlisch 'recht'

Voor alle duidelijkheid: een Israëlisch gerechtshof geeft dus groen licht aan de Israëlische bezettingsautoriteiten om een Palestijnse school in door Israël bezet Palestijns gebied te slopen. Dit nadat daar door een extremistische Israëlische kolonistenorganisatie op werd aangedrongen, en ondanks de flagrante schendingen van het internationaal recht en de mensenrechten die ermee worden goedgekeurd en ‘gelegaliseerd’.


En de Palestijnen? Die zijn er niet in geslaagd een ‘vergunning’ van hun bezetter te krijgen voor het geven van onderwijs aan hun kinderen, op land dat aantoonbaar hun eigendom is.


Destructie Palestijnse samenleving

Volgens cijfers van de VN werden sinds 2009 ruim 9.400 Palestijnse bouwwerken gesloopt. Dit jaar staat de teller op 276 (per 16 maart), waarvan 77 in Oost-Jeruzalem. In dat tempo wordt het recordjaar 2016 (met 1.094 gesloopte bouwwerken) ruimschoots overtroffen.


De dreigende sloop van de school moet aanleiding zijn voor actie van de Tweede Kamer. Niet alleen vanwege de sloop van het gebouw, maar vanwege de destructie van de complete Palestijnse samenleving die er achter schuilgaat. Die moet nu een halt worden toegeroepen.

Wij strijden tegen landroof, bezetting en onderdrukking. Helpt u mee?

The protests were just the beginning.



29 maart 2023.


This week, after months of unprecedented protests and work stoppages, Benjamin Netanyahu announced that he is delaying his plans for a judicial overhaul.


In fact, the very judiciary that the protests seek to protect has been a major instrument of violence against and displacement of Palestinians. As Rachel Beit Arie writes in Mondoweiss:

“We know that the same court for decades has approved killing, torture, house demolitions, land confiscations, and deportations of Palestinians. It’s the court that, from the very establishment of the state of Israel, and with very few exceptions, willingly positioned itself as one of the arms of an un-democratic, oppressive regime and provided It with a decent facade.”


By staying silent on Palestine, the majority of protestors maintain their complicity with Israeli apartheid.


But though the protests’ main organizers fall into this camp, Palestine solidarity groups have made their presence known at the protests, drawing attention to the settler pogrom in Huwara and the infinite damage of the ongoing Nakba. More and more Jewish Israelis are waking up to the long-overdue realization that “the settler-colonial project cannot live alongside a liberal democracy.”


The ground on which the Israeli apartheid regime stands is less and less stable. The crack in apartheid is growing.

We need to hammer until it breaks.

Jamaal Bowman & Bernie Sanders have demanded action for Palestinian rights.

4 april 2023

An exciting update from our sister organization JVP Action: Last week, Congressman Jamaal Bowman and Senator Bernie Sanders released a letter speaking out against Israel’s decades-long oppression of Palestinians and calling on the Biden administration to ensure U.S. funds don’t support it.

This unprecedented, bicameral (from members of both the House of Representatives and the Senate) letter asks the administration to "undertake a shift in U.S. policy in recognition of the worsening violence, further annexation of land, and denial of Palestinian rights [by the Israeli government]" and "to ensure that all future foreign assistance to Israel, including weapons and equipment, is not used in support of gross violations of human rights."

Most importantly, the letter calls on the administration to finally enforce existing U.S. law and ensure that the U.S. stop funding Israel’s human rights violations against Palestinians.
“The letter is the most forceful response yet by Democratic members of Congress aimed at Israel’s new far-right government.”
— Jewish Currents

The public release of the letter indicates that Congressman Bowman and Senator Sanders are willing to face blowback from powerful Israel lobby groups.

It also means that the Biden administration is very publicly on the spot: Will they defend the illegal use of U.S. weapons and continue to express only vague platitudes of “concern,” or will they finally take action to hold apartheid Israel accountable?

Most members of Congress are completely disconnected from the brutal reality that Palestinians face daily. They are playing political games on an issue that directly impacts Palestinians’ lives.

But the truth is, we have the numbers. We have the power. So we need to show them that the only way forward is to speak out. Write to your members of Congress urging them to support the Bowman-Sanders letter now.

Take action

Palestinians will pay the price for Israeli "democracy."

"Benjamin Netanyahu temporarily halted reforms he sought to make to Israel's judicial system," reports Mondoweiss, "but critics say Palestinians will pay the ultimate price as the far-right continues to consolidate power."

Jamaal Bowman & Bernie Sanders have demanded action for Palestinian rights.

4 april 2023

An exciting update from our sister organization JVP Action: Last week, Congressman Jamaal Bowman and Senator Bernie Sanders released a letter speaking out against Israel’s decades-long oppression of Palestinians and calling on the Biden administration to ensure U.S. funds don’t support it. 

This unprecedented, bicameral (from members of both the House of Representatives and the Senate) letter asks the administration to "undertake a shift in U.S. policy in recognition of the worsening violence, further annexation of land, and denial of Palestinian rights [by the Israeli government]" and "to ensure that all future foreign assistance to Israel, including weapons and equipment, is not used in support of gross violations of human rights."

Most importantly, the letter calls on the administration to finally enforce existing U.S. law and ensure that the U.S. stop funding Israel’s human rights violations against Palestinians.

“The letter is the most forceful response yet by Democratic members of Congress
aimed at Israel’s new far-right government.” — Jewish Currents  

The public release of the letter indicates that Congressman Bowman and Senator Sanders are willing to face blowback from powerful Israel lobby groups.



What I Saw at Al-Aqsa Mosque This Week

6 april 2023

It takes all my strength to keep my heart from breaking.

The images broadcast from Al-Aqsa Mosque in the last 48 hours are almost too much to bear:

Israeli police brutally beat Palestinian worshippers, during the sacred month of Ramadan, in the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, one of the holiest sites in our faith.

For U.S. Muslims, and all people of conscience in the United States, the immense pain of these images comes with a question: Why does our government fund this kind of violence against Palestinians?

Senator Bernie Sanders and Congressman Jamaal Bowman are taking unprecedented steps to investigate — and possibly legally force an end to — U.S. funds supporting the kind of atrocities we saw in the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Tell your Senators and U.S. House Representative(s): Sign on to the letter calling on President Biden and Sec. of State Anthony Blinken to investigate U.S. funding of Israeli violence against Palestinians. We know that what we saw Tuesday night — Palestinian Muslims beaten while in prayer — was immensely evil.

We know that the atrocities visited upon Palestinians living in occupation and apartheid violate international law.

We also know it’s not new: Israeli forces committing violence against Palestinians in the Al-Aqsa Mosque has somehow become a regular, repeat occurrence every Ramadan.¹

But here is something very few people know:

There is good reason to believe what we have witnessed this week in the Al-Aqsa Mosque violates U.S. laws — in a way that could threaten U.S. funding of Israeli violence moving forward.  Linda and the MPower Action team

What is Zionism?

12 april 2023


JVP is a proudly anti-Zionist organization. But many misconceptions exist about Zionism. Here’s why we’re opposed to it:

Zionism as a movement emerged as a 19th century colonial political ideology that claimed Jewish safety required a Jewish-only nation-state — and that that state should be built in historic Palestine, on land Palestinians had lived on for thousands of years.


The Zionist movement advanced their ideology as a response to centuries of antisemitic persecution against Jews across Europe. Yet the persecution of Palestinians was baked in to Zionism from its very beginnings. Using the strategy of “maximum land, minimum Palestinians,” the Zionist movement embraced settler-colonialism as a key tactic to force Palestinians off their land.


In 1948 Zionist militias (in what later became the Israeli military) expelled over 780,000 Palestinians from their land and villages to create the modern nation-state of Israel, in what Palestinians call the Nakba, or catastrophe. Beginning with the Absentee Property Law of 1950, the Israeli government has used legislation to formalize and infinitely extend Palestinians’ refugee status, confiscating property and offering little hope of return.


Zionism is predicated on the idea that Jews should have more rights than others in a Jewish ethno-state. Contemporary legislation like 2018’s Jewish Nation-State Basic Law, which constitutionally enshrines Jewish supremacy, is simply putting the official stamp of approval on Zionism’s implicit founding principles.


When we take the principled position as anti-Zionists, we are acting in solidarity with other anti-colonial and anti-imperialist movements. We are acknowledging the Jewish people’s long history of oppression, and rejecting Zionism as the answer. We are insisting that our safety is — and always has been — in solidarity and a shared future.

14 april 2023

Beste lezer,

Donderdag 6 april debatteerde de Tweede Kamer over goedkeuring van een verdrag tussen Israël en Nederland dat de juridische ‘status van hun strijdkrachten’ op elkaars grondgebied regelt. Volgens het kabinet is dat een noodzakelijke stap voor nauwere samenwerking met het Israëlische defensie-apparaat.

Treurig was dat vrijwel geen Kamerleden bij het debat aanwezig waren. Alleen DENK, de initiator van het debat, de SP en PVV waren vertegenwoordigd. Regerings­partijen VVD en D66 hadden zich weliswaar aangemeld, maar trokken zich om onduidelijke redenen terug.

Vaagheid alom
Kenmerkend voor het debat was dat de antwoorden van de verantwoordelijke minister van Defensie Kajsa Ollongren (D66) uitblonken in vaagheid. Dat gold met name voor de reactie van Ollongren op vragen van SP-Kamerlid Frank Futselaar over de aanleiding voor het verdrag. De samenwerking zou volgens het kabinet bijdragen aan de versterking en innovatie van de Nederlandse krijgsmacht; Israël beschikt over waardevolle kennis en technologie, aldus Ollongren.

Volgens Futselaar is dat niet het punt; hij vroeg zich terecht af waarom je een militair verdrag zou sluiten met een land dat zich aanhoudend schuldig maakt aan schendingen van het internationaal recht. Het antwoord daarop werd begraven in vaagheden.


Israëlische bezetting
Ollongren benadrukte dat het verdrag op geen enkele manier kan worden gezien als goedkeuring van de Israëlische bezetting en dat alleen zal worden samengewerkt binnen Israëls internationaal erkende grenzen van voor 1967. Ook onderstreepte zij dat de samenwerking met Israël de bezetting van de Palestijnse gebieden niet mag faciliteren of versterken.

Hoe Ollongren die afspraak gaat waarborgen bleef volstrekt onduidelijk. Het Israëlische leger vormt immers de spil van de bezetting en is verantwoordelijk voor het geweld, de onderdrukking en de apartheid waarmee de Palestijnse bevolking al decennia dag in, dag uit wordt geconfronteerd. Daar kun je als Nederland niet omheen werken.

Verdrag aangenomen
Ondanks het onbevredigende debat werd het verdrag op dinsdag 11 april met een ruime meerderheid aangenomen. Alleen DENK, BIJ1, SP, PvdD en FvD stemden tegen. Opvallend is dat ook GroenLinks, de PvdA en D66 voor het verdrag stemden.


Defensieverdrag moet wapendeal mogelijk maken
In het Kamerdebat herhaalde minister Ollongren het keer op keer: het verdrag regelt ‘slechts’ de juridische grondslag voor aanwezigheid van troepen op elkaars grondgebied, maar van concrete activiteiten is voorlopig geen sprake.

Maar, slechts vier dagen voor het debat informeerde Ollongrens staatssecretaris Christophe van der Maat (VVD) de Tweede Kamer over het voornemen van het kabinet om voor 515 miljoen euro een Israëlisch raketsysteem aan te schaffen. Daar wordt haast mee gemaakt. Het debat over toestemming van de Tweede Kamer vindt al op 19 april plaats.

Die haast is nodig omdat Nederland het systeem snel operationeel wil hebben. Dat houdt in dat Israëlische militairen en ander personeel langdurig op Nederlands grondgebied zullen verblijven voor installatie en instructie. Daarvoor ontbrak tot dusver echter de juridische grondslag. Voor Van der Maat komt Ollongrens verdrag dan ook precies op tijd.

Sterker, uit Van der Maats bovengenoemde Kamerbrief blijkt dat door het kabinet al in december of januari tot aanschaf van het Israëlische raketsysteem is besloten. Vanuit dat perspectief lijkt het verdrag primair bedoeld om de wapendeal te faciliteren. 

Militaire samenwerking met Israël moet direct stoppen


Kun je als Nederland samenwerken met een leger dat zich schuldig maakt aan bezetting, oorlogsmisdaden en mensenrechtenschendingen? Natuurlijk niet. Toch wil het kabinet de militaire banden met Israël aanhalen. The Rights Forum is daartegen een petitie gestart.


De petitie is keihard nodig omdat de Haagse politiek op het punt staat een besluit te nemen over de samenwerking met het Israëlische defensie-apparaat. Hier­onder lichten we dat kort toe. Ons standpunt is dat elke vorm van samen­werking met het Israëlische defensie-apparaat onacceptabel is.

Waarom? Het Israëlische ministerie van Defensie, met het leger als uitvoerende tak, vormt de spil van de illegale bezetting en kolonisering van Palestijns gebied, en is verantwoordelijk voor het geweld, de onderdrukking en de apartheid waarmee de Palestijnse bevolking al decennia dag in, dag uit wordt geconfronteerd. Het leger faciliteert de bezetting en beschermt de kolonisten die pogroms aanrichten in bezet gebied. Datzelfde leger was verantwoordelijk voor de – onbestraft gebleven – moord op de Palestijns-Amerikaanse journaliste Shireen Abu Akleh en op talloze andere Palestijnen. Onze website documenteert talloze voorbeelden van die praktijk.

Nederland is gebonden aan internationale verdragen als de Conventies van Genève en het eigen mensenrechtenbeleid. Op grond daarvan is militaire samenwerking met Israël volstrekt uitgesloten. Het pijnlijke is dat alle Kamerleden dat weten, maar zij ten aanzien van Israël de mensenrechten onder­geschikt maken aan andere belangen of ideologie. Onze petitie is bedoeld om dat fenomeen aan de kaak te stellen. Palestijnse mensenrechten wegen even zwaar als die van Oekraïners, Israëli’s en Nederlanders.

We zijn er zeker van dat dit standpunt in de samenleving breed wordt gedeeld en creëren met onze petitie een platform om dat gewicht te geven. De petitie wordt door steeds meer maatschappelijke organisaties gesteund. Dat volume is nodig om af te rekenen met de hypocriete Haagse politiek om Israël uit te zonderen van sancties en daarmee de Palestijnen uit te zonderen van rechten.

Haagse politiek

Deze donderdag debatteert de Tweede Kamer met het kabinet over verdieping van de militaire samenwerking met Israël. Aan de orde is goedkeuring van het verdrag tussen beide landen dat de juridische ‘status van hun strijdkrachten’ op elkaars grondgebied regelt. Dat is een noodzakelijke stap voor de nauwere samenwerking met het Israëlische defensie-apparaat die het kabinet nastreeft.

Die nauwere samenwerking zal inhoudelijk op ambtelijk niveau worden uitgewerkt nadat de Tweede Kamer het juridische kader heeft goedgekeurd – de Kamer zelf komt daar niet meer aan te pas. Terecht zijn hierover door de SP, BIJ1, CDA en met name DENK eerder scherpe Kamervragen gesteld, waarvan de beantwoording door het kabinet serieuze vervolg­vragen oproept. Zo kan het kabinet niet garanderen dat de Israëlische counter­parts schoon zijn van deelname aan (oorlogs)misdaden.

En zo liggen er nog tal van vragen, zoals over de ‘uitwisseling van informatie’ die volgens het kabinet de voornaamste pijler onder de defensiesamenwerking wordt. Het Israëlische ministerie van Defensie is de vergunningverlener voor de export van onder meer de spyware Pegasus. Met deze spionagesoftware wordt door allerlei partijen informatie gestolen, ook in Nederland, en het lijkt voor de hand te liggen daar eerst paal en perk aan te stellen alvorens met het Israëlische ministerie tot uitwisseling van informatie over te gaan.

Verder is het niet meer dan redelijk om eerst de schade te vereffenen die het Israëlische leger in de loop der jaren heeft aangericht aan Nederlandse en Europese hulpprojecten. Gemeten vanaf 2016 bedraagt die 2,5 miljoen euro. En kunnen we voorafgaand aan het tekenen van verdragen de garantie krijgen dat Nederlandse hulp aan de Palestijnen niet langer door Israëlische militairen wordt verwoest?

De voorbeelden tonen afdoende aan dat de voorgenomen militaire samenwerking op geen enkele manier door het kabinet valt te verantwoorden en door de Tweede Kamer radicaal dient te worden afgewezen. De ogen zijn daarbij vooral gericht op partijen als CDA, VVD en in het bijzonder D66. Het is D66-minister van Defensie Kajsa Ollongren die het verdrag namens het kabinet door de Kamer moet loodsen. Van haar fractie wordt verwacht daar tegenin te gaan, maar zoals hierboven al geconstateerd is hypocrisie de politiek eigen als het om Palestijnse rechten gaat.



Jewish Currents

18 april 2023


Amira Hass Is Still Angry

As Israel’s new government emboldens its settler right, Haaretz's longtime occupied territories correspondent discusses the state's old and new forms of domination over Palestinians.

Alex Kane

April 18, 2023


Israeli journalist Amira Hass.

(This article previously appeared in the Jewish Currents email newsletter;

When I want to understand the bureaucracy of Israeli occupation, or learn how an Israeli raid in the West Bank impacted Palestinians, I turn to the latest from Amira Hass, Haaretz's correspondent for the occupied Palestinian territories. An Israeli Jew who resided in Gaza from 1993 to 1997 and has lived in the West Bank city of Ramallah ever since, Hass is the author of the book Drinking the Sea at Gaza: Days and Nights in a Land Under Siege and has written countless exposes on Israel's military rule and its settlement project. In recent months, Hass has unpacked why Al-Aqsa Mosque is so important to Palestinians, reported on the Israeli army's killing of a 61-year-old Palestinian woman in Jenin, and examined the Palestinian Authority's unwillingness to protect Palestinians from settler attacks.


As the far-right Israeli government expands settlements, escalates military violence against Palestinians, and attempts to curb the power of the judicial system, I wanted to hear from Hass about how she views these developments in Israeli and Palestinian politics. On Friday, we discussed the potential of the Israeli protest movement, Palestinian armed resistance, and how she manages to maintain her sense of outrage. This interview has been edited for length and clarity.


ALEX KANE: What do you make of the Israeli protests against the judicial overhaul? Do you think there's a possibility that these protests could impact public consciousness about Israel's military occupation?


AMIRA HASS: The overhaul is indeed alarming and frightening. It is going to negatively affect many segments of Israeli society: workers, women, the LGBTQ community, old people. And it will curtail liberties such as freedom of speech and freedom of organization. The tens of thousands of Israeli Jews who protest have all the reasons to stand up against it, as they know for certain that their comfortable life in an economically thriving liberal democracy for Jews is in danger.


I emphasize the phrase "democracy for Jews": It is stupefying to see how the great majority of the protesters do not see the obvious linkage and continuity between Israel’s military dictatorship over the Palestinians in the occupied territories that has

existed for almost six decades and the basic components of the judicial overhaul. For half the population living between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea—the Palestinians—the state has never been democratic. Moreover, prominent protesters have been molding and maintaining this military dictatorship, and now fear that the weakening of the present judicial system will expose them to lawsuits abroad [that they have previously avoided] because the world thought that everything was being supervised and monitored by independent Israeli courts. So I perfectly understand those who refrain from participating, especially Palestinians.


But as a leftist I believe in the educating and radicalizing potential of civil protests and I believe our social and political role as leftists is to contribute to this process with our critical and distinct participation. Radicalization can happen both in discourse and

activism. For example, during the Balfour demonstrations against Netanyahu in 2020 and 2021, some leftist activists succeeded in drawing some of the mainstream demonstrators into anti-occupation activism, for example regular accompaniment of

Palestinian farmers who are exposed to settler violence. In the current protests, leftist Mizrahi activists calling themselves the Mizrahi Civic Collective have published a platform which decries the proposed neoliberal, authoritarian [judicial] overhaul and

at the same time exposes the inherent flaws of the "old regime.” In all cities, the left forms a bloc of its own, carrying the Palestinian flag and chanting slogans like "there is no democracy with occupation.” They have a chance to be heard by others, to be taken into account by emerging leaders. In addition, the nature of the right-wing think tank Kohelet Policy Forum, financed by Jewish American billionaires and heavily-supported by the settler lobby, has been exposed, damned, and ridiculed during the

protests, which have accentuated and revived old basic concepts of Israel as a welfare society.


Even if the majority of protesters do not see the contradiction between a Jewish state and democracy, and probably won't see it for many years, their determination to stop the new legislation indirectly serves a larger cause than the preservation of their

comfortable life. Palestinians on either side of the Green Line will not be spared by the judicial overhaul. On the contrary, they are the first and immediate targets of this proposed legislation. It is a bold attempt to guarantee the rule of the extreme right

wing for many years, a right wing that has been openly advocating for a repetition of 1948 and the mass expulsion of Palestinians as a "solution." Their success in passing this legislation will embolden them in carrying out their anti-Palestinian schemes.


AK: Is this new Israeli government a radical break from past governments?


AH: The answer is yes and no at the same time. Obviously, for the reasons I mentioned, the majority of protesters see it as a radical break, while we on the left, and certainly the Palestinians, see how the logic of Jewish nationalism, superiority, and militarism is being stretched even further along pre-existing lines. But we can say this about so many regimes: Didn't fascism embrace to the extreme some basic components of capitalism? Didn't Soviet Russia continue some traits of Tsarist Russia?

There is a difference between a flawed system—even a very, very flawed system—that still has mechanisms to protect people who are "others” (I refrain from using the term “minority,” especially when it comes to Palestinians) and a system that doesn't even recognize that they have any rights.


AK: In the West Bank, there's been an increase in violent attacks against Israelis compared to previous years. What explains this?


AH: I have a reservation about this question. When our starting point is talking about Palestinian violence, it's as though we accept that the norm is occupation, and the annoying Palestinians have come and interfered with it. The responsibility for

violence is thus put on the Palestinians. But on a permanent basis, Israel continues to confiscate land, to demolish Palestinian houses, break into homes, meddle with economic activity, prohibit construction and development, isolate Gaza and disconnect it from the rest of the world, and prevent Palestinian freedom of movement all of which are very violent, systemic actions of the state. You didn't start by asking me if there is a spike in Israeli bureaucratic violence against the Palestinians. So let's say firstly that Israel continues with this abnormal situation of dominating every aspect of Palestinian life. Some Palestinians then express their despair by taking up arms in different forms. Some take up arms only within their cities when the Israeli army invades. Some carry out lone wolf attacks against Israelis. Yes, there is an increase, but it reflects an increase in the despair of the people.


At the same time, it's important to note that in comparison to the scope of Israeli violence against Palestinians, very few Palestinians resort to the use of arms and to the killing of Israeli civilians. However, there is great support for the armed groups

because people feel that they reflect their sentiments of anger and the desire to take revenge. Those who claim that this will liberate Palestine are deceiving themselves and others, but all other ways of struggle have totally failed: popular unarmed

struggle, diplomacy, and lawsuits.


AK: Last month, the Knesset passed a law repealing parts of the 2005 law that barred Israelis from living in four northern West Bank settlements. This caused a diplomatic dispute with the United States, because former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon

promised the Bush administration that Israel would abandon these settlements, and now the government is going back on that commitment. What's the significance of this development?


AH: The change may indeed reflect disrespect of an understanding with the US, but it does not reflect a dramatic change on the ground. Since 2005, the land that was evacuated has not been returned to the Palestinians. And throughout, there have been

delegations of settlers carrying out provocations in these areas, which forces the army to guard them and causes harm to the Palestinians there. The ex-settlement of Homesh sits on private agricultural land of Palestinians from the nearby two villages.

They were not allowed to return to work their lands, in spite of a High Court ruling that they should be allowed to. Palestinians were also not allowed to use the land in the other three evacuated settlements. They were categorized as “Area C," which is

under full Israeli administrative control, and does not allow Palestinians to develop the land. That was a signal that the evacuation of the four settlements was only temporary, that it was reversible. If Israel really intended to finalize the evacuation of the settlements, they would not have prevented Palestinian villagers and the Palestinian Authority from developing the areas. That's why I was not very surprised.


The revocation says that international agreements are not sacred for the Israelis. Again, this is not new; Israel cherry picks whatever suits it from the Oslo Accords, and throws everything else away. The danger is it gives more power to the settlers, and to people like [far-right ministers] Bezalel Smotrich and Itamar Ben-Gvir.


AK: Since you live in Ramallah, you have a really close view of what's going on in the West Bank. What is the state of the Palestinian Authority right now?


AH: It's pathetic and tragic. It's important to say that even the cleanest, most creative and democratic leadership wouldn't have been able to stand up to Israel's very sophisticated war of attrition against the Palestinians. It’s not because of the nature of

the PA that Israel succeeds in doing what it does. But a struggle needs the people's trust in the leadership and its intentions, which does not exist. The Palestinian political body is dismembered. The PA doesn't allow the development of any new

thinking or new strategies to confront Israel. Mahmoud Abbas, the president of the PA, has managed to create a very authoritarian regime in which he and a group around him decide everything. There is no parliament. People are more and more afraid to speak out. The judiciary is under the control of Fatah and Abbas's men. The PA continues security coordination with Israel and arrests political opponents, but does not try to protect its own people from settler violence and does not respect agreements

with one of the most important sectors in Palestinian society—the teachers who have been on strike for almost two and a half months. Polls show that the PA is not respected—and is, rather, hated—by the people. And then Israel keeps stealing money

from the PA’s revenues, so the PA can't even materialize some of their plans and pay salaries, which is the minimum that people expect them to do. It's a very desperate situation.


AK: You spend what seems like all of your time writing about the occupation. How do you sustain your outrage against the routine violence of the occupation? Does your anger ever dull?


AH: On the contrary, I'm always angrier. It continues to blow my mind. I just wrote about a Palestinian family in East Jerusalem that will be evicted because of one of the racist laws that makes it obligatory for the Israeli government to take over buildings

that were owned by Jews before 1948 and pass it on to Jewish hands now. At the same time, it does not allow Palestinians who are Jerusalemites to get back their pre-1948 property in West Jerusalem. With every sentence that I wrote, I felt my rage

growing. I live among the people who are the daily targets of Israeli violence, so how could my anger get dull? I see how my life is comfortable and safe in comparison to every Palestinian's. Every friend of mine is a target of bureaucratic and military

violence. I have freedom of movement, and I can go to Jerusalem whenever I want, but most of my friends here in the West Bank cannot go to Jerusalem. It's about 15 kilometers away. Not to mention my friends who are jailed in Gaza, among the two

million Gazans there. It makes me angry to just talk about it.


Alex Kane is a senior reporter for Jewish Currents.

24 april 2023.

To all AXA´s responsible people in charge,

AXA´s website reads under Ukraine-update-on-actions: “AXA has condemned the invasion of Ukraine. Since the start of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, AXA has fully enforced all international sanctions. AXA has also stopped underwriting new insurance business (and stopped renewals) with respect tot Russian owned assets located in Russia. AXA has stopped underwriting new reinsurance (and stopped all reinsurance renewals) of Russian insurers. AXA has stopped all new investments in Russian assets.”

Yet, where is AXA´s responsibility towards Palestinians living under Israëli apartheid and occupation, for 74 years? AXA continues to invest in Israëli banks that are on the UN list of corporations involved in Israel’s illegal settlement enterprise in occupied Palestinian territory. Israeli apartheid forces have murdered over 90 Palestinians so far this year. And we are only in April. Land theft, annexation, ethnic cleansing, home demolitions and settlement expansion are increasing at an alarming rate. Israel is only able to maintain its oppressive regime over the Indigenous Palestinian people because of international complicity of states, corporations and institutions. AXA is one of these complicit international companies. On its website, AXA claims to respect human rights but continues to finance Israeli banks that make AXA responsible – and possibly legally liable – for aiding/abetting or profiting from war crimes and the crime against humanity of apartheid.

I am contacting you because those AXA groups investments are not respecting the spirit of AXA´s compliance and ethic code. The fact that AXA continues to finance and profit from Israel’s colonial settlements and apartheid by investing in Israeli banks that are the backbone of Israel´s illegal settlement enterprise, is an act of complicity.  These banks are listed in the UN database of business enterprises involved in Israel´s illegal settlements – a war crime.

To conclude: AXA´s hypocritical policies on ethical investments and human rights, as far as Israel´s war crimes and crimes against humanity are concerned, should be stopped. Right now.

Committee NAKBA 75

P. Brandligt

26 april 2023

Bipartisan Agreement — on Israeli Apartheid

It’s no secret that U.S. support for Israel crosses party lines. But the coming weeks promise a veritable cross-aisle parade of high-power politicians traveling from D.C. to celebrate the "ironclad" relationship with Israel. Right now, House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries is leading a delegation. Next week, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy will lead another delegation. And Florida governor and Republican presidential hopeful Ron DeSantis will be heading over later this week as well.

The timing of these trips is no coincidence. This week marks the 75th anniversary of the establishment of the state of Israel, and its heavily nationalistic Independence Day and Memorial Day celebrations. It is also, of course, the 75th anniversary of the Nakba — but a discussion of Palestinians’ ongoing state of catastrophe and ethnic cleansing at the hands of the Israeli government is not expected to be on any of the delegates’ agendas.

So what is the purpose of these visits?


Jeffries’ office said, “While in Israel, we will meet with a number of stakeholders about Israel’s unique challenges within the region and discuss our efforts to maintain and strengthen the special relationship between our nations.”

McCarthy has brag-Tweeted that he will be the second Speaker of the House in history to address the Knesset, in commemoration of Israel’s 75th year of statehood. (The first: Newt Gingrich.)

DeSantis will meet with Trump-buddy Netanyahu to deliver a keynote at a trade conference co-sponsored, deeply ironically, by the Museum of Tolerance in Jerusalem. He’ll speak about “the importance of the U.S.-Israel relationship – especially in difficult times.”

“Difficult times” may allude to the recent massive protests in Israel over Netanyahu’s proposed judicial overhaul. But, despite the mildest of rebukes from the Biden administration, these visits make clear that Washington is as committed as ever to its uncharacteristic display of bipartisan solidarity — over unconditional support for Israel’s apartheid regime.

27 april 2023

For Tax Day last week, 31 teams across the country led actions to protest U.S. military funding to Israel, while nearly 6,000 people this month checked out where their tax dollars are going with USCPR’s newly redesigned U.S. Military Funding to Israel Map.

All of this was part of the launch for our new flagship campaign: Palestine Will Be Free: #StopArmingIsrael & Fund Our Communities.

Tax Day flyers wheatpasted in DC

Palestine Will Be Free is a long-term campaign focused on building political power to win USCPR’s ultimate goal: end U.S. military funding to Israel, once and for all.

27 april 2023

Just days ago, Israelis demolished several Palestinian shops in the old Hebron vegetable market. These are shops that were forced closed by military order for security reasons — reasons that have now proven themselves as a mere pretext for settlement expansion. We fear more destruction to come – we need action now!


Now as April is coming to an end, we also have good news and a number of updates to share with you. First up, we have launched on social media and encourage you to follow us on:


Last week, our Executive Director Issa Amro received the Global Advocacy Award presented by Harvard Law School Advocates and Harvard Human Rights Journal. Mr. Amro is an exemplar of courage, risking his freedom and his life for justice,” they stated.

Issa recently testified to the United Nations about the harassment that he has been facing in recent times and the oppression his community lives under in Hebron, and all of Palestine. "My brother lives in Ukraine. He is afraid about me for living in Hebron!"


We are now seeing an eerie attempt to undermine the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation in Palestine. Academic Francesca Albanese is under attack. For a long time, Israel has refused to even let Special Rapporteurs enter and carry out their duty. We need to protect independent voices!


Freedom Seder / Iftar


We had a succesfull joint Freedom Iftar and Seder in our Hebron House—inspired by the 1969 Freedom Seder of the civil rights movement. People gathered for an evening against apartheid in our activist center, located directly next to a fanatic illegal settlement & Israeli army base.  

Furthermore, our advocacy team was represented at the Amnesty International USA Annual General Meeting.

We spoke at the event entitled Witness to Apartheid in Palestine and Israel: Observations from the Field.

Last of all, we wish you all a happy Eid from Palestine! May we soon celebrate the holidays in freedom an equality!

With peace,

Friends of Hebron

Working for Peace and Justice

Khader Adnan’s Death: A Wake-Up Call for the World’s Conscience

2 mei 2023

This morning, Palestinian leader Khader Adnan died in an Israeli dungeon after 86 days of hunger strike, protesting his unjust detention by the Israeli government without charge or trial. He left behind a wife and nine children. A medic from Physicians for Human Rights Israel had warned Israeli authorities that Adnan was facing “imminent death,” but that did not dissuade the Israeli government from keeping him in shackles and denying his freedom.


Adnan is a renowned symbol of the Palestinian prisoners’ struggle for freedom, having been arrested 12 times and spending nearly eight years in Israeli prisons, mostly in “administrative detention,” an obscene Israeli practice of holding Palestinians indefinitely without charge or trial. Currently, more than 1000 Palestinians are held in Israeli prisons under this practice.


Israel’s regime of mass arrests and imprisonment of Palestinians is a systematic effort to entrench its illegal occupation and apartheid over Palestinian life. This regime doesn’t even spare children, who are systematically abused and brutalized in Israeli military detention. Israel is the only country that processes children through a military court system, where thousands of Palestinian children have experienced this abuse. Some, like Adnan, would rather find freedom in death than be imprisoned in life by the shackles of Israel’s brutal occupation.


Adnan has died, but his life of resistance will not be forgotten. His death should serve as a wake-up call for those that remain silent as Israel destroys Palestinian lives and continues denying them freedom as they have for decades, not just in the dungeons of indefinite detention but in the far bigger prison of military occupation and apartheid. On April 25th, President Biden said in a statement celebrating 75 years of the apartheid state, “As a life-long friend and supporter of the State of Israel, I have worked my entire career to deepen and strengthen our partnership.” This partnership has done nothing but enable a full-fledged ethnic cleansing campaign against the Palestinian people. It is well past time for the world, and the U.S. government in particular as the biggest supporter of Israel’s apartheid government, to raise its voice and demand an end to Israel’s ongoing crimes against Palestinians via viable action and accountability.


We at AMP will continue to fight for a fundamental change in U.S. policy toward Palestine and Israel. We do so in solidarity with all the Palestinian prisoners held in the occupation’s prisons, and we will continue this fight until every last Palestinian is free.


American Muslims for Palestine

Breaking News: Liege, Belgium, Cuts Ties with Israel.

3 mei 2023.

Barcelona. Oslo. And now Liege. The Belgian city has become the third in Europe to sever ties with Israel over its apartheid crimes against Palestinians.


The motion, which came about through the tireless work of local organizers, accuses Israel of “apartheid, colonization, and military occupation,” and specifically references the Nakba — both the 1948 mass expulsion of Palestinians from their homes in 1948, and Israel’s ongoing catastrophic human rights abuses and violations of international law.


Liege’s motion calls for a national boycott of Israeli goods and services produced in “the occupied Palestinian territories,” as well as urging other cities around the world to follow its principled example.


While largely a symbolic move — Liege has no official ties with Israel — such actions draw attention to the global movement for boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS), and show that refusing complicity with apartheid Israel is possible and powerful.


It’s in recognition of that power that Zionist organizations came after Barcelona’s Mayor Ada Colau after she announced her city would be cutting ties with Israel. Despite public pressure from Spain’s largest Zionist Jewish organizations, as well as members of her own city council, Mayor Colau stood strong. JVP expressed our support of her courageous resolution by taking out an ad in Spain’s biggest newspaper — which was used in hearings to show that her decision had enthusiastic international support.

These European cities’ refusal to have dealings with an apartheid regime shows the world that Israel’s legitimacy is eroding precipitously. Barcelona, Oslo, Liege... The list will no doubt keep growing.

8 mei 2023


Millions in private U.S. dollars fund illegal Israel settlements, settler violence, and the expulsion of Palestinians from their homes. It’s time we stop it.


That’s why JVP is launching “We Don’t Buy It,” a new national consumer boycott campaign aimed at cutting off the flow of money into Israeli settler organizations. The campaign will focus on products and businesses owned by the Falic family, one of the biggest private U.S. funders of Israeli settler colonialism and Palestinian dispossession.



The Falic family profits off of the cosmetics, wine, and fashion industries, as well as, most prominently, their Duty Free Americas airport retail chain. They use their profits to donate millions of dollars to so-called Israeli “charity” organizations, which literally build the infrastructure for illegal settlements. These right-wing organizations incite anti-Palestinian violence and further ethnic cleansing, and also push a disgusting anti-LGBTQ agenda.


It's no surprise that at the same time, the Falic family is funding a racist, supremacist, homophobic agenda here in the U.S. The far right in the U.S. and Israel doesn't just share racist values — they literally share funders. By cutting off Falic family profits, we slow the flow of money into far-right organizations in both places.


Every consumer dollar we put in the Falics’ pockets becomes part of the fortune that funds ethnic cleansing. It’s time to turn off the tap and say We Don’t Buy It! We refuse to spend money that finances the destruction of Palestinian homes and lives.


Whether you’re an active chapter leader or a new member looking for a way to plug in, this invitation is for you, and requires no commitment. Join us to learn and level up — together.


In solidarity,


Dani Noble

Senior Campaigns Organizer


8 mei 2023

Dit is het moment om onze stem te laten horen. Zolang het Israëlische leger zich structureel schuldig maakt aan oorlogsmisdaden en misdrijven tegen de menselijkheid, is militaire samenwerking met Israël moreel onaanvaardbaar.

Terwijl het Israëlische leger zich structureel schuldig maakt aan oorlogsmisdaden en misdrijven tegen de menselijkheid, wil Nederland de militaire samenwerking met Israël gaan versterken.


Dit mag niet gebeuren!


Met elke vorm van samenwerking draagt Nederland indirect bij aan illegale bezetting, onderdrukking en geweld tegen onschuldige Palestijnse burgers.


Beste vrienden in Nederland,
Dit is absurd: het Israëlische leger terroriseert de Palestijnse bevolking vrijwel dagelijks met razzia’s, vermoordt jaarlijks honderden Palestijnen en faciliteert kolonisten die Palestijns gebied annexeren -- maar Den Haag zet nu stappen om de samenwerking met dit leger uit te breiden.

We kunnen dit niet laten gebeuren. Elke vorm van militaire samenwerking met Israël leidt ertoe dat Nederland indirect bijdraagt aan de illegale bezetting, mensenrechtenschendingen en oorlogsmisdaden die structureel gedocumenteerd worden en desondanks onbestraft blijft.
De militaire samenwerking met Israël is onder andere gericht op kennisuitwisseling -- maar waarom zou Nederland militaire kennis willen uitwisselen met een land dat deze kennis gebruikt voor onderdrukking en illegale bezetting? Het Israëlische leger speelt tenslotte een sleutelrol in de bewaking en bewapening van de ommuurde enclaves waarin het Palestijnse volk vastzit.


The second open massacre of 2023 

9 mei 2023

Savagery. That is the word that describes what took place in Gaza late last night as people slept peacefully in their homes. It was a calculated massacre that Israel conducted last night, well aware that entire families would be the casualties of this attack. Even war has rules, but Israel has complete disregard for that.

Ali Izzaldin
Mayar Izzaldin
Dr. Jamal Khaswan
Dr. Mervat Khaswan
Yousef Khaswan
Dania Adas
Hajar Al-Bahtini
Layla Al-Bahtini
Wafa Ghannam

These are the names of some of the civilian victims. As usual, Israel provoked an escalation and aggression by carrying out this assassination and crime. It’s a well-known Israeli playbook we’ve seen used before. Whenever Israeli politicians are dealing with internal political turmoil and deals have to be made, they are made at the expense of Palestinians. Netanyahu first started by killing the Palestinian leader, Khader Adnan, in prison after an 86-day hunger strike by denying him medical care. Israel relentlessly bombed Gaza for a night, a truce was agreed to. However, in the past three days Israel has conducted assassinations of Palestinians in Nablus, announced one of the largest settlement expansions, and last night, committed a massacre in Gaza. In Netanyahu’s desperation to stay in power, he’s shown time and again that he’s willing and prepared to commit atrocious crimes against humanity. The Biden Administration insists that all of this is normal and has been consistent in its lack of decisive action to hold Israel accountable. At least the European Union had enough shame to cancel a diplomatic reception to avoid the participation of Ben Gvir. Instead, the White House issued a statement to “recognize the resilience of Israel’s democracy” in light of the 75th anniversary of its founding.

Latest Israel onslaught proves the Nakba is ongoing

9 mei 2023

Last night, “a total of 40 fighter jets participated in bombing different locations,” reported Middle East Eye. “Another air strike in the afternoon targeted a vehicle in Qarara town in Khan Yunis.” The bombings targeted residential apartment buildings, and at least 15 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza since last night. There was then an Israeli invasion into Nablus, in the West Bank, early today. The Palestinian Red Crescent says at least 145 were injured, including 12 people shot with live fire and others suffering tear gas inhalation.


There are several indications this may only be the beginning — the military operation was named, “Operation: Shield and Arrow,” and army reservists have been alerted they may be called up. Most chilling were the words of Israel’s Minister of National Security Itamar Ben Gvir, after the attacks in Gaza and the West Bank. Gvir told the media, “It’s a good start.”


As we train our eyes and hearts on the horrors of last night, we must insist on the consistency of what we are seeing.


Israel bombed Palestinian families in their sleep last night off the same blueprint established at the very founding of the state. The Nakba, catastrophe in Arabic, is not just a historical event, but an ongoing structure of violence. With the 75th anniversary of the ongoing Nakba looming, it should come as no surprise that Israel has launched new attacks in Gaza and the West Bank.

Dertien Palestijnse doden door Israelische luchtaanval op Gazastrook.

9 mei 2023


Bij Israëlische bombardementen op de Gazastrook vonden dertien Palestijnen de dood, onder wie tien burgers. Juist vorige week werd een wapenstilstand van kracht, die nu door Israël is verbroken.

Veertig Israëlische gevechtsvliegtuigen voerden afgelopen nacht een verrassingsaanval uit op de Gazastrook. De bombardementen kostten dertien Palestijnen het leven, onder wie drie commandanten van de Al-Quds Brigades, de militaire tak van de verzetsorganisatie Palestijnse Islamitische Jihad (PIJ). Ook hun gezinsleden, onder wie drie jonge kinderen, kwamen om.


Onder de gedode burgers is de in Gaza bekende medicus Jamal Khaswan, voorzitter van de raad van bestuur van het Al-Wafa ziekenhuis en voormalig voorzitter van de tandartsenassociatie in Gaza. Ook zijn vrouw en zoon, een student medische wetenschappen, werden gedood. Khaswan had de Russische nationaliteit.


Twintig gewonden zijn in ziekenhuizen opgenomen, onder wie drie kinderen en zeven vrouwen.


Meerdere gewonden verkeren in kritieke toestand en er wordt rekening mee gehouden dat het dodental verder oploopt.


Wapenstilstand verbroken

Precies een week geleden, op dinsdag 2 mei, voerden PIJ en Israël wederzijds aanvallen uit. PIJ sohoot vanuit de Gazastrook circa honderd projectielen op Israël af als vergelding voor de dood van zijn woordvoerder Khader Adnan, die na een hongerstaking van 87 dagen stierf in een Israëlische gevangenis, waar hij onder administratieve detentie - zonder formele aanklacht en recht op een proces - werd vastgehouden. Israëlische en Palestijnse organisaties beschuldigden Israël van moedwillige medische verwaarlozing van Adnan, leidend tot diens dood.

Bij de beschietingen van PIJ vielen drie lichtgewonden. Israël op zijn beurt voerde bombardementen op Gaza uit, die een Palestijn het leven kostte. Dankzij bemiddeling van Egypte en Qatar werd een wapenstilstand overeengekomen, die nu door Israël is verbroken.


Juist dezer dagen werden de politieke leiders van PIJ en Hamas, de feitelijke machthebber in de Gazastrook, in Cairo verwacht om over een langdurig bestand te praten.

Egypte heeft de Israëlische bombardementen scherp veroordeeld. Ook Jordanië en Turkije leverden harde kritiek. De Speciale VN-Coordinator voor het Midden-Oosten Vredesproces, de Noor Tor Wennestand, veroordeelde de aanval op Palestijnse burgers: "Ik veroordeel de dood van burgers door Israëls luchtaanvallen. Dit is onacceptabel", schreef hij in een verklaring.


Grootschalig geweld verwacht

Zowel PIJ als Hamas noemden de aanval een ‘laffe misdaad’ en kondigden nader te bepalen’  vergeldingsoperaties aan. In Israël juichten zowel de regering als de oppositie de aanval op Gaza als 'gerechtvaardigde precisiebombardementen’ toe. President Isaac Herzog feliciteerde de strijdkrachten met de aanvallen, die hij omschreef als 'het dwarsbomen van terrorisme’.


Tegelijkertijd is Israël ervan doordrongen dat het met de bombardementen de aanzet heeft gegeven tot een nieuwe grootschalige confrontatie met PIJ en Hamas. Minister van Defensie Yoav Gallant waarschuwde de Israëlische gemeenten in de nabijheid van de Gazastrook voor ‘langdurige gevechten'. Duizenden Israëlische burgers verlieten dinsdagmiddag de regio en

naar verwachting zullen duizenden anderen hun voorbeeld volgen. Zij worden met bussen overgebracht naar andere delen van Israël, waar zij op kosten van de staat in hotels worden ondergebracht.

Nagekomen bericht: twee Palestijnen gedood

Vlak voor publicatie van dit artikel werd bekend dat bij nieuwe Israëlische bombardementen op de Gazastrook twee Palestijnen zijn omgekomen.

Tweede Kamer eiste gerechtigheid voor Shireen, maar kreeg die niet

11 mei 2023

Minister Hoekstra moest van de Tweede Kamer ‘alles uit de kast halen’ om te zorgen dat de 'brute moord' op Shireen Abu Akleh niet in de ‘doofpot’ verdwijnt. Het is tijd dat hij dat waarmaakt, betogen Gerard Jonkman en Rolien Sasse.

Donderdag 11 mei is het precies een jaar geleden dat de Palestijns-Amerikaanse Shireen Abu Akleh werd gedood door het Israëlische leger. De prominente journaliste van Al-Jazeera werkte die dag aan een reportage in een vluchtelingenkamp bij Jenin, in bezet Palestijns gebied, toen plotseling het vuur werd geopend. Op beelden die door omstanders zijn gemaakt, is te zien dat op haar blauwe vest met dikke letters het woord pers staat. Gevochten werd er op dat moment niet. Alles wijst erop dat de journaliste door een gerichte actie is vermoord.

Daders niet vervolgd

Hoewel Israël allereerst verantwoordelijkheid ontkende en gewapende Palestijnen als schuldige aanwees, bleek deze leugen al snel onhoudbaar. Allerlei onafhankelijke onderzoeken (waaronder van de VN) hebben onomstotelijk vastgesteld dat Israël

verantwoordelijk is. Meerdere onderzoeken, bijvoorbeeld van de Amerikaanse tv-zender CNN, maar ook van de Palestijnse mensenrechtenorganisatie Al-Haq in samenwerking met het Britse onderzoeksbureau Forensic Architecture, stellen bovendien dat de aanval op Abu Akleh [waarschijnlijk] opzettelijk was.


Israël, daarin gesteund door trouwe bondgenoot VS, erkent inmiddels wel 'waarschijnlijk’ verantwoordelijk te zijn, maar ontkent tegelijkertijd opzet - een ontkenning die niet nader wordt onderbouwd. Deze houding zorgt ervoor dat de daders niet worden vervolgd. Maar weinigen geloven ondertussen dat het onderzoek dat de Amerikaanse inlichtingendienst FBI eind vorig jaar startte tot enige verantwoording zal leiden, niet in de laatste plaats omdat Israël weigert eraan mee te werken. De kans is dus levensgroot dat voor de daders van deze moord straffeloosheid blijft gelden.

Straffeloosheid de norm

Dat zou niet de eerste keer zijn. Talloze voorbeelden illustreren dat mensenrechtenschendingen en oorlogsmisdaden die Israël tegen Palestijnen begaat niet worden bestraft. Dat geldt bijvoorbeeld voor de meer dan tweehonderd burgers die in 2018

tijdens protesten in Gaza werden gedood en de achtduizend die daarbij gewond raakten door scherpe munitie afgeschoten door het Israëlische leger. Dat optreden is door allerlei mensenrechtenorganisaties scherp veroordeeld. Ook een onderzoekscommissie van de VN stelde vast dat het optreden van het Israëlische leger tegen ongewapende burgers die geen gevaar voor hen vormden onrechtmatig was en mogelijke misdaden tegen de menselijkheid betrof.

Het geldt evenzeer voor de gruwelijke geweldsuitbarsting van kolonisten tegen de inwoners van Huwara, eerder dit jaar, waarbij een dode viel en meer dan honderd gewonden. Israëlische militairen keken toe maar traden niet op. Erger nog, een Israëlische minister merkte juist op dat het dorp van de kaart geveegd moest worden.

Kortom, straffeloosheid is de norm, ook voor moord. Israëlische mensenrechtenorganisaties documenteren dat al jaren. Yesh Din rapporteerde vorig jaar bijvoorbeeld dat in de periode 2017-2021 minder dan één procent van de Israëlische militairen die Palestijnen leed hebben berokkend, überhaupt zijn aangeklaagd.


In de Nederlandse politiek werd gereageerd op de dood van Abu Akleh. Bijvoorbeeld CDA-Kamerlid Agnes Mulder veroordeelde de brute moord,’ die in haar optiek ‘In koelen bloede’ werd uitgevoerd. Ze benadrukte dat deze moord niet de 'doofpot’ in mag, de daders moeten worden berecht en minister van Buitenlandse Zaken Hoekstra hier ‘Alles voor uit de kast moet halen’. Samen met de SP diende ze een motie in waarin de 'frontale aanval op de persvrijheid’, wordt veroordeeld en de minister opgeroepen wordt om zich voor deze zaak te blijven inspannen zodat de daders kunnen worden berecht'. De motie werd in juli vorig jaar in ruime meerderheid aangenomen, met 119 stemmen.

Een aantal maanden later werd, onder aanvoering van D66 een amendement ingediend dat de toenemende straffeloosheid voor opdrachtgevers van moorden op journalisten hekelt.

Daarin wordt voorgesteld om een task force in te stellen die eraan bij kan dragen dat verantwoordelijken alsnog worden vervolgd. Tijdens de behandeling van dit voorstel lichtte het CDA toe dit amendement belangrijk te vinden juist vanwege de moord op Abu Akleh. Bij de stemming kreeg ook dit voorstel ruime steun, 125 zetels.

Hoekstra moet leveren

Minister Hoekstra heeft zich, op aandringen van de Kamer, een aantal keer uitgesproken , alhoewel geregeld in wat bedekte termen. Maar de laatste maanden is het vooral erg stil over deze moord, terwijl de oproep in de motie nog even actueel is als toen die vorig jaar werd ingediend en er juist voor dit soort zaken nu een taskforce wordt ingericht.

Deze stilte is onbegrijpelijk, want het tegengaan van straffeloosheid, waar nu wel veel werk van gemaakt wordt in Oekraïne, zou permanent en universeel moeten zijn. Hopelijk zal de verjaring van deze tragische moord aanleiding zijn voor de Nederlandse regering om actief uitvoering te geven aan de heldere wensen van de Kamer.

12 mei 2023

Beste lezer,

Op 11 mei 2022, gisteren precies een jaar geleden, werd de Palestijns-Amerikaanse journaliste Shireen Abu Akleh door een Israëlische militair doodgeschoten. Een jaar later is de dader nog niet aangeklaagd, laat staan berecht.

Leugen op leugen
Op de dag dat Shireen werd gedood kwam Israël met in elkaar geflanst ‘bewijs’ dat zij zou zijn gedood door Palestijnen. Later erkende Israël dat Shireen ‘zeer waarschijnlijk’ en ‘per ongeluk’ door een Israëlische militair werd doodgeschoten, maar dat zou zijn gebeurd omdat zij zich in een vuurgevecht met Palestijnse strijders begaf.

Inmiddels hebben talloze onafhankelijke onderzoeken het tegendeel bewezen: Shireen en haar collega-journalisten werden bewust beschoten vanuit een Israëlisch militair voertuig. Het was een targeted killing, waarvan aan Israëlische zijde bekend is wie de opdracht gaf en wie de trekker overhaalde.

Dodelijk patroon
Deze feiten hebben desondanks niet tot gerechtigheid geleid. En dat past in een patroon: sinds 2001 werden twintig journalisten gedood door Israëlische militairen in bezet Palestijns gebied. Geen enkele dader werd aangeklaagd. En daarmee komt Israël keer op keer weg, omdat het zich gedekt weet door de VS en de EU.

Nederlandse losse flodder
In Nederland leidde de dood van Shireen tot grote verontwaardiging. Minister van Buitenlandse Zaken Wopke Hoekstra (CDA) werd door zijn eigen fractie opgeroepen om ‘alles uit de kast te halen’ voor een veroordeling van de dader en te voorkomen dat de kwestie in de ‘doofpot’ belandt. Een motie van CDA en SP die daartoe opriep werd in juli 2022 met grote meerderheid aangenomen.

Sindsdien heeft het kabinet volop gelegenheid gehad om gerechtigheid voor Shireen af te dwingen, maar is er niks bewerkstelligd. Integendeel, vorige maand besloot de Tweede Kamer de samenwerking met het Israëlische leger juist te intensiveren. De politieke verontwaardiging van de Tweede Kamer bleek een losse flodder: straffeloosheid is ook in Nederland de norm als het om Israël gaat.

Lees hier het hele artikel over hoe de dood van

Shireen Abu Akleh de Israëlische straffeloosheid symboliseert.

Gerard Jonkman, directeur van The Rights Forum, en Rolien Sasse, algemeen directeur bij PAX, spreken zich in een opiniestuk dat zowel in Trouw als op onze website verscheen, uitgesproken tegen de Nederlandse stilte omtrent de dood van Shireen.

'Deze stilte is onbegrijpelijk,' schrijven zij, 'want het tegengaan van straffeloosheid, waar nu wel veel werk van gemaakt wordt in Oekraïne, zou permanent en universeel moeten zijn. Hopelijk zal de verjaring van deze tragische moord aanleiding zijn voor de Nederlandse regering om actief uitvoering te geven aan de heldere wensen van de Kamer.'

Lees hier het hele opiniestuk.

Wij strijden tegen landroof, bezetting en onderdrukking. Helpt u mee?

Tientallen Palestijnse doden door Israëlische luchtaanval op Gazastrook, één Israëlisch slachtoffer

In de nacht van 8 op 9 mei voerden Israëlische gevechtsvliegtuigen een verrassingsaanval uit op de Gazastrook. De bombardementen kostten dertien Palestijnen het leven, onder wie drie commandanten van de Al-Quds Brigades, de militaire tak van de verzetsorganisatie Palestijnse Islamitische Jihad (PIJ). Ook hun gezinsleden, onder wie drie jonge kinderen, kwamen om.

Onder de gedode burgers was de in Gaza bekende medicus Jamal Khaswan, voorzitter van de raad van bestuur van het Al-Wafa ziekenhuis en voormalig voorzitter van de tandartsenassociatie in Gaza. Ook zijn vrouw en zoon, een student medische wetenschappen, werden gedood.

Sinds die eerste nacht houden de Israëlische bombardementen aan, evenals raketten die vanuit Gaza op Israël afgevuurd worden. Het aantal dodelijke slachtoffers aan Palestijnse zijde is, op het moment van schrijven, opgelopen tot 31. Onder hen zijn zes kinderen en drie vrouwen. Eén Israëli kwam om het leven nadat een raket afgevuurd vanuit Gaza een gebouw in de Israëlische stad Rehovot raakte.

Lees hier het hele artikel, waarin we onder meer schrijven

over de verbroken wapenstilstand die voorafging aan de

bombardementen en de verwachte escalatie van geweld.

Israëlische bezettingstroepen slopen opnieuw een Palestijnse school

In alle vroegte sloopten Israëlische bezettingstroepen op 7 mei de school van het Palestijnse dorp Jubbah al-Dhib. Daardoor zitten zestig kinderen zonder onderwijs.

Zoals wij eerder schreven oordeelde een Israëlische rechtbank op 8 maart dat de school binnen zestig dagen moest worden afgebroken. De reden daarvoor was het ontbreken van een bouwvergunning van de bezettingsautoriteiten.

Zulke aanvragen van Palestijnen op de Westelijke Jordaanoever worden in ruim 98 procent van de gevallen afgewezen. Voor Palestijnen zit er daarom niets anders op dan zonder vergunning te bouwen. Vroeg of laat verschijnt dan het Israëlische leger om hun werk af te breken, waarna de Palestijnen de rekening voor de sloop krijgen. De meedogenloosheid waarmee dit beleid wordt gehandhaafd is goed te zien in het kleine Jubbah al-Dhib.

Het Israëlische sloopbeleid is bedoeld om iedere Palestijnse ontwikkeling in het C-gebied, het gebied waar Jubbah al-Dhib ligt en dat 60 procent van de Westoever omvat, in de kiem te smoren, zodat de inwoners vroeg of laat gedwongen zijn het gebied te verlaten. Tegelijkertijd blijft Israël er in hoog tempo zijn illegale kolonies (‘nederzettingen’) uitbreiden.

Lees hier het hele artikel over de sloop van de school, het meedogenloze beleid dat daaraan ten grondslag ligt en de internationale passiviteit rondom de kwestie.

Petitie Israël, laat hulpverlener Mohammed Al-Halabi vrij!

Amnesty International is een petitie gestart waarin Israël wordt opgeroepen om de Palestijnse hulpverlener Mohammed al-Halabi vrij te laten.

Al-Halabi kreeg na een zeer oneerlijk proces 12 jaar celstraf. Hij was manager van het kantoor van hulporganisatie World Vision in Gaza. De Israëlische autoriteiten beschuldigen hem ervan geld door te sluizen naar Hamas. Hij werd 52 dagen ondervraagd, gemarteld en met de dood bedreigd om hem tot een ‘bekentenis’ te dwingen.

Onafhankelijk onderzoek in opdracht van de Australische overheid bewijst dat Al-Halabi onschuldig is. Maar de uitkomsten van dat onderzoek werden niet meegewogen in de rechtszaak. Al-Halabi blijft aangeven dat hij onschuldig is en wil uit principe niet schikken in de zaak.

Al 30.000 mensen gingen u voor.

1 year ago, an Israeli sniper murdered Shireen Abu Akleh.

17 mei 2023

Last Thursday, May 11, 2023, marked one year since an Israeli soldier killed Palestinian-American journalist Shireen Abu Akleh.

     …since an Israeli soldier killed Palestinian-American journalist Shireen Abu Akleh in broad daylight.

     …since an Israeli soldier shot killed Palestinian-American journalist Shireen Abu Akleh in the back of the head, in broad daylight.

    …since an Israeli soldier shot Palestinian-American journalist Shireen Abu Akleh in the back of the head, in broad daylight, while she was wearing her press vest.

The list of additional crimes and indignities surrounding Shireen’s murder could go on and on — including those that the media perpetrated after her death.

Initial reporting in outlets including the New York Times described the circumstances of her killing as “unclear,” and deliberately obscured the fact that Israeli soldiers pulled the trigger. They echoed language from the Israeli military and government, gravely insulting Shireen’s memory.

Even after independent media and human rights groups (as well as, eventually, most mainstream media outlets) provided incontrovertible evidence that an Israeli sniper deliberately targeted her, President Biden has done nothing but make vague, unenforced calls for “accountability.”


And one year after she was shot and killed, the Israeli military issued a hollow so-called “apology” as a clear propaganda stunt.

As Mariam Barghouti writes in Mondoweiss, “Israel’s war on Palestinian journalists is part of its larger war against Palestinians.” As we mourn, rage, and resist on the 75th anniversary of the Nakba, we recognize Shireen’s murder as one of the endless indications that the Nakba is ongoing. As is Palestinian resistance.

Last Thursday, May 11, 2023, marked one year since an Israeli soldier killed Palestinian-American journalist Shireen Abu Akleh. And Palestinians on the ground, as well as those of us working tirelessly as part of the Palestine solidarity movement, will keep her legacy alive.


Tell Congress: Condemn Israel’s Attacks on Gaza Now

On May 9, the Israeli military launched yet another deadly attack on Gaza. For five days, the military targeted residential apartment buildings and vehicles, killing 33 Palestinians, including children, before a ceasefire was brokered. This horrifying military operation means that the Israeli military was once again dropping bombs on 2 million Palestinians who are trapped by Israel's blockade, with nowhere to shelter or flee.

The U.S. government is entirely complicit in Israel's attacks. The Israeli warplanes that killed Palestinians while they slept were U.S.-sourced, and the Biden administration continues to support $3.8 billion in unconditioned funding to the Israeli military every single year.

We must demand that Congress condemn Israel's brutal attacks and stop the flow of U.S. support and money to Israel's apartheid government. They need to hear from you.

Call your representative and senators now

#StopG4S wins a major BDS victory!

7 juni 2023.


In a major victory for the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement for Palestinian liberation, British private security company G4S has just sold off its remaining businesses in apartheid Israel.

G4S has long helped Israel to operate prisons at which Palestinian political prisoners are held without trial and subjected to torture. They’ve also provided equipment and services to illegal Israeli settlements and the Israeli military.

In 2012, Palestinian prisoners’ and human rights organizations launched a BDS campaign against G4S, leading such high-profile entities as the Church of Sweden, the United Methodist Church, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to divest from G4S. This pressure was so effective that the company divested from Israel’s prison system, military checkpoints, and illegal settlements in 2016.

Yet G4S remained invested in Policity, Israel’s police academy. Allied Universal, G4S’s parent company, finally sold off its stake in Policity this spring. This final sell-off was driven in large part by the organizing of BDS campaigners in Quebec, who consistently and courageously pressured a major Quebec fund manager (and shareholder in Allied Universal) to demand G4S end its complicity in Israeli apartheid.

JVP chapters also played an important role in driving the divestment campaign at the local level.


In 2014, the JVP-Triangle NC chapter participated in #DurhamDropG4S, which successfully pressured Durham County to not renew its $1 million contract with G4S.

According to Jade Brooks, a Triangle local leader at the time of the campaign, “Fighting and winning that campaign allowed us to build lasting relationships of political trust and do meaningful political education about the connections between the violence and fear G4S was responsible for in Palestine and the violence and fear perpetuated by private security officers here at home, especially towards Black people, people of color, and poor people. This win reminds us that BDS campaigns are an important tactic to build base, build leaders, and build the movement for a free Palestine!”

9 juni 2023


Niet het stelsel van internationale verdragen, ook niet het stelsel van VN-resoluties, of de Nederlandse Grondwet, werden er door het kabinet bijgepakt toen dit moest beoordelen of het met het Israëlische ministerie van Defensie in zee kon gaan voor de aanschaf van Israëlische wapens van ­leverancier Elbit Systems.
Het kabinet toetste de samenwerking met Elbit aan een ander criterium: het zogenoemde Nederlandse ‘landenbeleid’. Dat ging zo: een ambtenaar op het ministerie van Defensie vroeg een collega op Buitenlandse Zaken of dat beleid ruimte laat voor de wapendeal met Elbit. Het antwoord van Buitenlandse Zaken was positief.

Maar hoe kan een ‘landenbeleid’ alle dwingende standaarden, zoals van de Grondwet en internationale verdragen, overrulen? Wat houdt dat in? En waar is dat zogenaamde ‘landenbeleid’ beschreven of gepubliceerd?
Twintig regels
In antwoord op vragen van The Rights Forum beschreven Kamerleden het landenbeleid als ‘beleidsvoornemens’ die niet officieel zijn vastgelegd..
Daarin wordt in twintig regels het beleid aangaande Israël/Palestina belicht. Tien daarvan gaan over de Israëlische repressie van Palestijnse ngo’s. Daarnaast wordt de inzet beschreven voor goede relaties, de tweestatenoplossing, een evenwichtige opstelling in het vredesproces, het welzijn van de Palestijnse bevolking in door Israël bezet gebied, en versterking van de Palestijnse Autoriteit.
Ziehier het ‘landenbeleid’ dat wordt geacht de militaire samen­werking met Israël en wapenfabrikant Elbit te schragen. Dat doet het niet. Integendeel, het document noemt nota bene het mensenrechtenbeleid als vitaal beleidsonderdeel, waarbinnen de strijd tegen straffeloosheid als speerpunt geldt. Met andere woorden: regimes die de rechtsorde schenden zouden daarvoor niet mogen worden beloond met samenwerking of wapendeals.

Lees hier het hele artikel over het zogenaamde 'landenbeleid', hoe de wapendeal door de Tweede Kamer kwam, en wat de deal staat te wachten in de Eerste Kamer.

Wij strijden tegen landroof, bezetting en onderdrukking. Helpt u mee?


Militaire samenwerking met Israël moet direct stoppen

The Rights Forum voert campagne om militaire samenwerking met Israël te stoppen. Ons standpunt is dat het Nederlandse mensenrechten­beleid en internationale verdragen elke vorm van militaire samenwerking – en zeker de aankoop van de raketten – in de weg staan.
Waarom? Het Israëlische ministerie van Defensie, met het leger als uitvoerende tak, vormt de spil van de illegale bezetting en kolonisering van Palestijns gebied, en is verantwoordelijk voor een niet aflatende stroom van misdrijven tegen de menselijkheid en oorlogsmisdrijven in Palestijns bezet gebied.

Nieuw rapport van Israëlische mensenrechten-organisaties  'State of the Occupation'

The Platform, een samenwerkingsverband van 17 vooraanstaande Israëlische mensenrechtenorganisaties, heeft een nieuw rapport gepubliceerd getiteld 'State of the Occupation'. 

In het rapport maken zij, 56 jaar na het begin van de Israëlische militaire bezetting van de Westelijke Jordaanoever, de balans op en doen zij uit de doeken hoe de bezetting er anno 2023 uitziet.

Vier thema's vormen de leidraad van het rapport: geweld door de Israëlische veiligheidstroepen, annexatie van Palestijns gebied, ontheemding van Palestijnen, en aanvallen op non-gouvernementele organisaties. De vier thema's vloeien in elkaar over en vormen gezamenlijk de kern van het huidige Israëlische bezettingsbeleid.


12 juni 2023.

De gemiddelde busreiziger heeft waarschijnlijk geen flauw idee, maar de kans bestaat dat als je in een bus stapt in Nederland, je nietsvermoedend bijdraagt aan de Israëlische uitbuiting van de Palestijnse gebieden. In sommige gebieden in Nederland is het bedrijf EBS actief. EBS is in 2010 opgericht door de Israëlische moedermaatschappij Egged, dat op de VN-lijst staat van bedrijven die betrokken zijn bij de kolonisering van Palestijns grondgebied en daarmee hun internationale verplichtingen schenden.


Reden daarvoor is dat Egged busdiensten opereert van en naar illegale nederzettingen op de Westelijke Jordaanoever, in bezet Oost-Jeruzalem en de bezette Syrische Golan. Egged maakt op de Westelijke Jordaanoever gebruik van wegen die dwars door Palestijns gebied lopen, maar grotendeels verboden zijn voor Palestijnen. Het voert zelfs gesegregeerde busdiensten uit, met bussen die verboden zijn voor Palestijnen. Egged is daarmee een heel belangrijke logistieke schakel in Israëls nederzettingenpolitiek.


Kom in actie!

Binnenkort wordt besloten welk bedrijf het busvervoer in de regio's Holland Rijnland en Midden Holland mag gaan verzorgen. EBS is één van de bedrijven die meedingen naar deze concessie Zuid-Holland Noord.


Wat kun je als consument doen om te voorkomen dat jij als OV-reiziger straks moet meebetalen aan mensenrechtenschendingen? Schrijf een email aan de provincie Zuid Holland of gebruik het contactformulier op de website van de provincie.


Wilt u meer weten over EBS en Egged? Bezoek dan de pagina over de busbedrijven op de website van BDS Nederland.

13 juni 2023.

Last February, Mayor Ada Colau of Barcelona made the historic decision to cut ties with Israel over its human rights violations — and the Zionist backlash was swift and fierce. Mayor Colau’s critics, including members of her own city council, wanted her and her supporters to feel isolated and punished for their courageous resolution.

Together, JVP sprang into action. Thanks to supporters like you, we were able to take out a full-page ad in Spanish newspaper El Pais proclaiming U.S. Jews’ solidarity with Barcelona. And JVP’s ad was used as evidence during the hearing that upheld Mayor Colau’s principled decision.

The Israel lobby has deep pockets and high-profile platforms. But we’ve got an unstoppable movement supporting the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement for Palestinian liberation

Barcelona was only the beginning.

In the last few months, additional cities including Oslo, Norway, and Liege, Belgium, have made major stands against complicity with Israeli apartheid. Both cities vowed to boycott goods made in illegal Israeli settlements, and urged other municipalities to follow suit.

As more and more municipalities in the U.S., Europe, and around the world begin to take action against Israeli apartheid, we will be there. We’ll connect with grassroots organizations on the ground and strategize the most effective ways to lend our voice and stand in solidarity.

Right now, we’re in the middle of our summer fundraising campaign — our last chance before our fiscal year ends to ensure we have the financial resources to quickly respond to world events with powerful actions that proclaim apartheid Israel does not speak for all Jews. 

We’re only going bigger and bolder from here.

In solidarity,
Jason Farbman
Digital Director

13 juni 2023.


Israel’s massacres, siege, and land theft against our people are escalating. It has killed at least 158 Palestinians already this year, including many children. Yet, the fact that its government is the most far-right, fundamentalist and sexist ever – with a proud fascist component – gives us an unprecedented opportunity to dramatically build our people power to reach the S in BDS – targeted, lawful sanctions.

Our people’s steadfastness (sumud) and relentless popular resistance are our main inspiration. Despite 75 years of its ongoing Nakba against the Indigenous Palestinians, Israel’s regime of settler-colonialism and apartheid has utterly failed to colonize our minds with despair.

Supported by our intersectional solidarity partners in racial, Indigenous, social, gender and climate justice movements representing tens of millions worldwide, we are building power. Just days ago, the BDS movement celebrated bringing G4S, the world’s largest security company, to its knees, making it end all its business in apartheid Israel. ­


Like apartheid South Africa before it, apartheid Israel derives its power and impunity from the US and Europe. They continue to unconditionally arm it, fund it and shield it from accountability, partly through ruthless bullying and racist repression. But this McCarthyism is a sign of their despair and our strength. They know we shall never rest until Israel receives the full apartheid South Africa treatment.

Building on our grassroots networks, we’re winning more local governments than ever. This year alone, mayors and city councils, from Barcelona (Catalonia) to Liege and Verviers (Belgium), and from Oslo (Norway) to Belem (Brazil), have taken decisive measures against Israeli apartheid and the companies supporting its crimes to express meaningful solidarity with our liberation struggle.


15 juni 2023.


Marking AXA’s Annual General Meeting (AGM), Palestine solidarity activists once again demonstrated creatively in front of the building where the “AGM ceremony” was taking place to increase pressure on AXA to divest from Israeli apartheid.


Cheered by drivers and passers by, the one day activist singers danced to the rhythm of the famous song "Djadja" by the singer Aya Nakamura, with alternative lyrics written for the occasion. The demonstrators called on AXA to “get out of there,” warning that “one day there will be sanctions” on Israel’s settler colonial and apartheid regime and that will adversely affect AXA.


Since the start of 2023, the current far-right Israeli government has intensified land theft, annexation, ethnic cleansing, home demolitions and settlement expansion at an alarming rate. Israeli forces have killed at least 160 Palestinians, including 26 children, so far this year.

This is what AXA’s investments are helping in.
The French multinational insurance giant AXA continues to invest $15.6M in Israeli banks Bank Hapoalim (US$ 6.53), Leumi Bank (US$ 5.63M), Israel Discount Bank (US$ 3.08M) and Mizrahi Tefahot Bank (US$ 600K).
These banks are all listed in the United Nations database of businesses involved in the illegal settlement enterprise in the occupied Palestinian territory and are recognised as the backbone of Israel's illegal settlement project in the occupied Palestinian territory and the associated violations of international humanitarian law and Palestinian human rights.

Since AXA actually decided to betray, once again, its social responsibilities, and not stop its investments in Israeli banks, we call on people worldwide to intensify our #BoycottAXA campaign until AXA fully ends its support to the Israeli apartheid regime.


In solidarity,

The Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC)


Killers walk free after farcical internal 'investigation'

15 juni 2023.


Yesterday, the Israeli military announced it was closing the case over the death of Omar Asaad, the Palestinian-American octogenarian killed under brutal circumstances in January 2022. The soldiers involved in detaining Asaad in the Palestinian town of Jiljilya had dragged him from his vehicle, zip-tied his wrists, blindfolded him, gagged him, and left him unconscious on the cold ground overnight. Asaad was found dead the next day. According to the Israeli army’s chief legal body, the soldiers involved in Asaad’s murder would not face any charges after an internal Israeli investigation found no evidence that the cardiac arrest Mr. Asaad suffered was due to his detainment by the soldiers.

Mr. Asaad was 80 years old and the first high-profile case of a Palestinian-American killed by Israel in 2022. Aljazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh was the second, killed in May of that year as well.

When asked about whether the US government was notified by Israel about the closing of this case, State Department spokesman Matthew Miller responded with “I’ll take that one back and find out if we have.” Later, the State Department said they were speaking 'directly' with the Israelis on the matter of Asaad's case.

That’s all we get as far as accountability for US citizens murdered by Israel in cold blood. Whether neglect over the case of Omar Asaad or the overt cover-up of the murder of Shireen Abu Akleh, the US government continues to enable Israel’s war crimes by establishing a culture of impunity that implies carte blanche approval. Even when it is clear the act Israel is committing constitutes a war crime–as in the case of Asaad and Abu Akleh–the US government takes no meaningful steps to hold Israel accountable and prevents others from doing so.

Furthermore, US reliance on Israel’s internal investigations and military law enforcement to take appropriate measures to hold its soldiers accountable is completely farcical. As Israeli rights group Yesh Den reports, from 2017 to 2021 hundreds of complaints against Israeli soldiers were filed and less than 1 percent were prosecuted. Of those convicted of harming Palestinians, the military courts handed extremely lenient sentences, continuing the unfettered impunity. Even after Israel admits to ‘mistakenly’ killing Palestinians as in the case of Shireen Abu Akleh earlier this year and 2-year-old Mohammed al-Tamimi this week, the US government takes no meaningful action.

It has become abundantly clear that there are two separate classes of citizens in America. By not offering Palestinian Americans protection from Israel’s crimes, the US government is sending a strong message that Palestinian Americans are not deserving of the same rights as all Americans. Israel’s violation of Palestinian human rights will continue unabated unless the US takes seriously the implications of what it means that US citizens are killed without accountability abroad.

We must honor the memory of every Palestinian lost to Israel’s brutal violence by continuing to demand accountability and an end to Israel’s impunity.

Israeli Occupation Forces Raid Nablus, Kill Young Palestinian Man.


15 juni 2023.


With the killing of Tawil, the number of Palestinians killed by the Israeli army since the beginning of the year has risen to 161, including 26 children.


A young Palestinian man was killed and two others were injured in an Israeli army assault on the northern West Bank city of Nablus, the official Palestinian news agency WAFA reported.


The Palestinian Ministry of Health said in a statement that Israeli soldiers shot Yehya Anis, 20, in the head and killed him. Two other Palestinians were shot in the head and leg and were taken to a hospital in Nablus. One of them is reportedly in critical condition.


Meanwhile, the Israeli army surrounded the Rafidya neighborhood in Nablus in order to demolish the home of Usama Tawil, who was arrested on February 13 and charged with killing an Israeli soldier in the city.


Hours later, the army demolished the 150-square-meter home, located in a four-story building, displacing his parents and a

sister who lived in the house.


The Red Crescent said that at least 170 people were treated for suffocation due to the heavy tear gas fired by the Israeli soldiers

during the raid.


It also said one of its ambulances was hit by a tear gas canister and another was shot at by the soldiers to prevent it from

reaching the area to evacuate the wounded.


With the killing of Tawil, the number of Palestinians killed by the Israeli army since the beginning of the year has risen to 161,

including 26 children.




16 juni 2023.

Beste lezer,

Elke twee weken publiceert VN-organisatie OCHA een overzicht van de schade aan levens en eigen­dommen die het gevolg is van Israëls bezetting van de Palestijnse gebieden. De meest recente cijfers betreffen de periode van 16 tot en met 29 mei.
Twee weken onderdrukking
• In die twee weken werden door het Israëlische leger vier Palestijnen gedood en 420 verwond, onder wie 41 kinderen. In de eerste 149 dagen van 2023 (tot en met 29 mei) werden in totaal 143 Palestijnen gedood en 4.519 verwond. Onder de doden zijn 28 kinderen; het jongste slachtoffer was twee jaar oud toen hij door een Israëlische militair door het hoofd werd geschoten.
• In de genoemde periode voerde het leger 118 (meest nachtelijke) invallen uit in bezet Palestijns gebied; over 2023 staat de teller op 1.558, ruim tien per dag. Daarbij vallen doden en gewonden en wordt grote schade aangericht.
• Met ondersteuning van het leger werden in de genoemde periode 48 Palestijnse huizen en andere bouwwerken gesloopt. In 2023 werden tot dusver circa 370 Palestijnse gebouwen gesloopt, waaronder scholen. Naar verwachting gaat dit najaar het tien­duizendste gebouw tegen de vlakte sinds de VN de sloop in 2009 is gaan registreren. De tweejarige Muhammad Haytham al-Tamimi werd door een Israëlische militair doodgeschoten terwijl hij met zijn vader op weg was naar familie. Hij is de jongste van 28 kinderen die in 2023 door het Israëlische leger werden gedood. 

Samenwerking taboe
Hoewel deze feiten de wurgende onderdrukking waaraan de Palestijnen blootstaan slechts beperkt aantonen is de centrale rol van het Israëlische leger als uitvoerder en facilitator onmis­kenbaar. Hoe je je tot zo’n leger, en het ministerie van Defensie dat het aanstuurt, moet verhouden is vastgelegd in het Nederlandse mensenrechtenbeleid, de Grondwet en internationale verdragen. Derde landen zoals Nederland hebben de plicht Israël aan te spreken op zijn daden en te manen tot respect voor de rechtsorde. Wordt daar geen gehoor aan gegeven dan resteert het verbreken van de relatie en het opleggen van sancties.
Nederland heeft dat jarenlang opzichtig nagelaten. Maar nu gaat het kabinet een forse stap verder door de militaire samen­werking met Israël juist te verdiepen.
Waar andere regimes worden bestraft vanwege hun schendingen van de rechtsorde, wordt Israël door Nederland beloond voor vergelijkbare schendingen. Let wel: de bestrijding van straffeloosheid geldt als speerpunt van het Nederlandse mensenrechtenbeleid – maar nadrukkelijk niet als het om Israël gaat. De Palestijnen betalen de prijs. Dit met steun van de Tweede Kamer die, de SP en DENK uitgezonderd, een lachertje maakte van de besluitvorming.
Steun onze campagne
Inmiddels ligt de kwestie in de Eerste Kamer; die moet het verdrag dat aan de militaire samenwerking ten grondslag ligt nog ratificeren. De fracties van de SP en GroenLinks hebben daarover kritische vragen gesteld. Toch is de vrees is dat politieke ideologie ook in de senaat zal prevaleren boven Palestijnse mensenrechten.The Rights Forum legt zich hier niet bij neer! Ons standpunt is dat van militaire samenwerking met Israël geen sprake kan zijn zolang dat land volhardt in de door de VN gedocumenteerde misdaden. Om dat te realiseren vertrouwen we niet op de politiek, maar des te meer op een krachtige interventie vanuit de samenleving. Inmiddels tekenden ruim negenduizend burgers onze petitie Geen militaire samenwerking met Israël’. Wij roepen alle overige Nederlanders op dat voorbeeld te volgen en de petitie te helpen verspreiden.

Wij strijden tegen landroof, bezetting en onderdrukking. Helpt u mee?

8th Annual Palestine Advocacy Day & Training to take place Oct 23-24 in Washington, D.C.

20 juni 2023.

Since 2015, American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) has organized an annual Palestine Advocacy Day and Training Weekend to educate students, community leaders, and organizers on civic engagement and policy work exclusively on the issue of Palestine.

As of 2021, Palestine Advocacy Day was handed off to Americans for Justice in Palestine Action (AJP Action), AMP's 501(c)(4) affiliate organization. Last year, Palestine advocates helped us break a record of 803 participants from all across the nation, making it the largest Palestine lobbying event in the US.

This year, we're excited to announce Palestine Advocacy Day 2023 (PAD) from Monday, October 23rd to Tuesday, October 24th, 2023, in Washington, DC.

Three years after the Covid-19 pandemic and its domestic and global repercussions, we are back and stronger than ever. During the pandemic, we continued our advocacy day virtually, which was effective and impactful. Nonetheless, this year we are excited to resume our program in person and cannot wait to see you in our nation's capital advocating for Palestinian rights.

Palestine Advocacy Day has been a transformational tool in the fight for Palestinian rights in the U.S. Our visits to Capitol Hill have resulted in Members of Congress standing boldly against the Zionist lobby, and pieces of legislation are being introduced to hold Israel accountable for its crimes. For the first time, stories of Palestinian suffering and the Nakba are ringing loudly in the halls of power, and we need to assert ourselves in order to enact concrete policy changes that secure Palestinian rights and freedom.

As we witnessed in Jenin this morning, Israel will continue using its advanced weapons of war to crush the cities, towns, and villages of Palestine unabated unless we work to amplify the voices of those resisting this brutal occupation on the ground. We have an important and unique role to play in this country as the US is the biggest supporter of Israel’s crimes. This reality must change and this is something we can achieve together.

Join us and register today to secure your spot! Registration includes one-night hotel stay, two meals, access to the full program, and all materials.


See you soon!

21 juni 2023.

As we approach the 18th birthday of the BDS movement for Palestinian rights, we take a look back at some highlights in our struggle for Palestinian rights in the first half of 2023:

1. In a massive victory for human rights, G4S, the largest security firm in the world, decided to completely divest from apartheid Israel. This decision followed 13 years of tireless BDS campaigning with support from global partners.

2. Barcelona Mayor suspended institutional relations with apartheid Israel, including the twinning agreement with Tel Aviv. The decision was supported by over 54 prominent figures, including Mark Ruffalo & Susan Sarandon as well as progressive Jewish groups and individuals from 15 countries.

3. Norway's capital, Oslo, announced it will exclude from procurement companies that directly or indirectly contribute to Israel’s illegal settlement enterprise.

4. The Belgian city of Liège voted to end all ties with Israel, citing its regime of “apartheid, colonization and military occupation” against Palestinians. And Verviers (Belgium) cut its ties with the Israeli apartheid regime to “strengthen its support for the Palestinian people.”

5. The mayor of Belém (Brazil) declares the city an Apartheid Free Zone.


6. The PLO, the BDS movement, and Palestinian civil society and human rights organizations issue a historic anti-apartheid call to intensify global pressure to dismantle Israel's regime of settler-colonialism and apartheid.

7. Palestinian trade union bodies and professional syndicates urge all trade unions, trade union federations, and professional syndicates worldwide to contribute to the Palestinian-led Anti-Apartheid Movement.

Donate now to help us further our impact!


8. Despite the hypocrisy of FIFA's decision to remove them as a host, Indonesia stood for Palestinian rights and called for the exclusion of apartheid Israel from the Under-20 Men’s World Cup. while the governor of Bali opposed the inclusion of apartheid Israel team.

9. Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE Manitoba), which represents 37,000 workers, announced its support for the BDS movement to end Israeli apartheid and oppression of Palestinians.

10. The Brit and Grammy award-winning artist Sam Smith canceled their performance in apartheid Israel, following pressure from fans and supporters of Palestinian rights.


11. South African Rugby Union (SARU) rescinded an invitation to the Tel Aviv Heat, a team representing apartheid Israel, for the Mzansi Challenge.

12. US Tech Companies shut down operations in Israel, following the lead of Israeli tech giants that have moved abroad, further undermining investor confidence in the troubled Israeli economy.

13. Brazilian organizations forced the cancellation of a propaganda event at the University of Campinas featuring complicit Israeli universities. And UK scholar Sophie Grace Chappell withdrew from an ethics conference in apartheid Israel.

14. Indigo Music Festival canceled an event in Sinai after popular pressure led by BDS Egypt because of Israeli participation in the festival in violation of the movement’s anti-normalization guidelines.


15. Balkan Trafik Festival in Belgium ends partnership with apartheid Israel.

16. In response to the artworkers’ strike against the Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma, due to its complicity in supporting Israeli apartheid, the Finnish National Gallery accepted new ethical guidelines leading to a substantial milestone for the art community.

17. Following intense boycott pressure, including PACBI’s call to boycott all films supported by the Rabinovich Foundation, the racist Israeli film fund will reportedly end its insistence that filmmakers seeking its support must sign a loyalty oath to deny in their films the reality of Israeli apartheid and ethnic cleansing against Indigenous Palestinians..

18. Following a year long European Citizens Initiative (ECI) to ban trade with settlements, the European Committee on Petition (PETI) decided unanimously that the European Commission must respond to our demand to stop trade with illegal settlements.


These 18 BDS-related impacts are just a snapshot of where we stand today. Thank you for continuing to stand in solidarity with our non-violent struggle against apartheid, settler colonialism and occupation and for Palestinian freedom, justice and equality! 

In solidarity,

Fatima, Katie and Rafael


This is Israel’s “settlement expansion” in real time.

21 juni 2023.

Last Sunday, the Israeli Cabinet gave Bezalel Smotrich singular and expedited authority to approve and hasten 4,500 new units of (illegal) settlement expansion. You may remember Smotrich, Israel’s finance minister, from his public call to “wipe out” the Palestinian town of Huwara.


Giving Smotrich unilateral powers to massively expand settlements left the Biden administration “deeply troubled,” according to a statement. 


The very next day, the Israeli military murdered six Palestinians in an attack that included airstrikes from U.S.-made Apache helicopters. It was the first time in nearly twenty years such advanced weaponry was used in the West Bank. During the attack, the Israeli military deliberately fired on Palestinian ambulances, and trapped and fired at several Palestinian journalists. At least one Palestinian teenager was killed.


The timing is no coincidence. This is “settlement expansion” in real time.


Settlement expansion is a key way the Israeli government steals Palestinian land and kills, ethnically cleanses, and colonizes the Palestinians living there. Israeli settlers and the military “expand” settlements by carrying out raids in homes and towns, developing settler-only roads, demolishing homes and schools, and otherwise terrorizing Palestinians in an effort to expel them from their land.


While the Israeli government gives far-right extremist Smotrich unprecedented input and approval powers over settlement expansion, they’re greenlighting horrific attacks like the one on Jenin.


This is Zionism in action: the Israeli military laying siege to a Palestinian city, murdering and terrorizing residents, with the goal of ethnically cleansing them out of their homes to make room for even more settlements — and more destruction of Palestinian life.


Meanwhile, the Biden administration’s statements about being “deeply troubled” ring hollow without any calls for accountability, or acknowledgment that U.S. funding helps put the weapons of “expansion” in the Israeli military’s hands.


Tell Congress: Support the Palestinian Children and Families Act

Our sister organization, JVP Action, has provided a tool to turn your outrage into action. As the Israeli government moves to expand illegal settlements, it’s more important than ever for U.S. lawmakers to take a stand for Palestinian rights. You can take action now by calling on your member of congress to support the Palestinian Children and Families Act, which would ensure not one cent of U.S. military funding to Israel is being used to pay for the military detention of Palestinian children, the demolition of Palestinian homes, or the annexation or Palestinian land.


A new pogrom by Jewish settlers in the Palestinian town of Turmus Ayya, homes and cars set ablaze

New pogrom in Turmus Ayya, near Ramallah.


21 juni 2023.


Hundreds of Israeli settlers, many of them armed, attacked the peaceful Palestinian town of Turmus Ayya, northeast of

Ramallah, setting homes and vehicles of Palestinians on fire, according to local sources.


The settlers, protected by Israeli soldiers, used brutal force against the unarmed town's residents, attacking people, their homes and vehicles while soldiers provided protection to the settlers and jointed in the attack on the town by firing tear gas canisters

at the homes causing dozens of suffocation cases.


Calls were made by the residents to save them as many were trapped inside their homes.


It is estimated that over 50 vehicles and 30 homes were set ablaze as the armed settlers went on a pogrom from one street to another, taking their time in setting fire to the cars and homes.


Any resistance from the residents was faced with army gunfire and a barrage of gas canisters, said the local sources.


22 juni 2023.

For five months straight, hundreds of people have come together biweekly for JVP's Power Hours for Palestine. This series has been a dynamic, inspiring forum to get updated on the latest from the ground and take the most strategic actions together to challenge Israeli state violence.


When Israel elected its most racist, supremacist government yet in January, I felt from many people a sense of a compass spinning, demagnetized, unclear how to find a clear north.

In a way that felt both new and also 75 years old, we had to grapple yet again with this central contradiction: The movement for Palestinian freedom has grown tremendously, and yet Israeli state violence only keeps escalating to new heights of dystopian imagination. So many people asked the age-old, despairing question: When up against such massive forces, what can each of us actually do?

But a time like this — with avowed Jewish supremacists in highest positions of rule — is precisely what we built JVP for: to have a base of thousands of Jewish people to challenge Israeli state violence in the most strategic ways. People just need a few things: an understanding of what’s happening politically, clear direction towards action, and connection with others who share our anger and resolve.

So JVP launched Power Hours for Palestine — a biweekly education and action series for anyone to come together for 30-60 minutes and channel our grief and rage into action, power, and commitment.


Since February, Power Hour attendees have:

  • Made thousands of calls to Congress to push for Palestinian rights and fight AIPAC’s influence, led by our sister organization, JVP Action
  • Wrote hundreds of letters to the editor to influence media narratives
  • Rallied hundreds of members into new coalition campaigns like Not on our Dime, the groundbreaking effort to halt funding to settler violence, and the campaign to get Marvel to drop their Israeli Mossad agent superhero before it hits the big screen
  • Took escalating actions each week in campaigns that then won — like the push for superstar Sam Smith to drop their performance in Israel, led by the Adalah Justice Project
  • Skilled up hundreds of people on having difficult conversations about Zionism and bringing new people into the movement


Each week, we’d begin by asking people in the Zoom chat how they were arriving. The most common responses: “Angry,” “grieving,” “isolated,” “disempowered.” At the end of the power hour, we’d ask people how they were leaving. The most common responses: “Inspired,” “recommitted,” “resolved.”


The opposition wants us to feel isolated and disempowered. We refuse. JVP was built for this moment — for channeling anger into action, in a way that builds our people power.


And we mean it when we say: We are only going bigger and bolder from here.


With resolve,

Elena Stein

Director of Organizing Strategy

22 juni 2023.

This weekend, I had the chance to meet USCPR Youth Fellow Craig Birckhead-Morton, who’s doing phenomenal organizing with the Yalies4Palestine student group at Yale University.


Craig is fighting to bring power back to the people. On an elite private institution campus, that means demanding Yale answer to its student body and local community, and end its complicity in human rights violations.


While Palestinian people resist Israel’s repeated invasions and massacres, as well as violent Israeli settler pogroms, it’s all the more vital to organize in solidarity.


I met Craig and other Youth Fellows at the USCPR grassroots organizing convening in Chicago this weekend. I was moved to see the power they’re building together.


With USCPR’s support, Craig is building coalitions for revolutionary demands. He’s been organizing Yalies4Palestine’s first BDS campaign to pressure Yale to cancel its contract with security firm G4S, known for running Israel’s police training academy.


Collectively, through organizing efforts across the country, the movement has achieved an even more significant win. This month, G4S fully divested from apartheid Israel.

“It’s a huge win,” Craig told me. “And it’s a signifier of all the collective work, all the campaigns at schools in the U.S., even outside of academia and around the world.”



Communications Director


23 juni 2023.

Yesterday, gangs of hundreds of armed Israeli settlers, incited by Israel's far-right government, waged pogroms across the occupied Palestinian West Bank. They torched dozens of Palestinian homes, cars, property, and crops. The Israeli military fired on Palestinians trying to protect their homes.


In Turmus Ayya, near Ramallah, 24-year-old footballer Omar Qatin, a father of two, was defending his neighbors when Israeli forces shot him dead. More than 30 Palestinians were injured.


Earlier this week, an Israeli helicopter gunship and occupation forces raided the Jenin refugee camp, murdering at least six Palestinians, including two children, and injuring more than 90.


Israel is able to maintain, expand and escalate its apartheid regime with impunity thanks in part to the support from companies like PUMA.


Tomorrow, groups around the world will join the Boycott PUMA Global Day of Action.


Join them online.


Show PUMA your outrage over its ongoing support for Israeli apartheid

PUMA continues to lie, saying it has nothing to do with Israeli apartheid.

But PUMA continues to partner with the Israel Football Association, which governs and advocates for maintaining teams in illegal Israeli settlements on stolen Palestinian land. Israeli settlements are illegal land grabs forcing Palestinians from their homes.


BDS campaigns have forced major corporations, like G4S, that are complicit in Israeli apartheid and a litany of human rights abuses around the world to end ties with Israeli apartheid.


What’s stopping self-proclaimed “progressive” PUMA from following suit?


The boycott campaign is growing. Last month there were protests inside, outside and online during PUMA’s shareholders meeting. PUMA’s CEO was so rattled he said “BDS” by mistake as he was talking about the Better Cotton Initiative (BCI) in front of 200 shareholders at PUMA’s 75th anniversary AGM!


But we need to grow the campaign more.


Just as Banksy has done, let's use the power of cats on social media for Palestinian rights!

As PUMA celebrates its 75th anniversary, Palestinians are marking 75 years of ongoing violent Israeli oppression.

Let’s step up the pressure on PUMA until it lives up to its claim of a “devotion to universal equality” by ending its complicity in Israeli apartheid.

settLer rampage through Palestinian village

Several dozen settlers rampaged through the village of Umm Safa on Saturday,

setting vehicles and homes ablaze and opening fire.

An unknown number of settlers rampaged through several Palestinian towns in the northern West Bank,

including Huwara, the scene of another deadly settler riot, another fatal terror attack.


23 juni 2023.

On Wednesday, hundreds of settlers also tore through the Palestinian towns of Turmus Ayya and Urif setting homes, cars and fields on fire, and terrorizing residents.

On Saturday evening, IDF chief Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi, Shin Bet head Ronen Bar, and Police Commissioner Kobi Shabtai issued a joint statement strongly condemning the string of settler attacks on Palestinians in the West Bank branding them as “nationalist terrorism in the full sense of the term.”

23 juni 2023.

Israel News

"Run to the Hilltops": Ben-Gvir Calls on Settlers to Establish More Illegal Outposts.

Several unauthorized West Bank outposts have been established in the past few days, with National Security Minister Ben-Gvir calling for even more as government officials ask security forces to look the other way.


Settlers have set up several unauthorized outposts in the West Bank during the past few days, following a deadly shooting attack by a Palestinian.


Hamas spokesperson said that “the [shooting] in Eli is a response to Israël’s crimes carried out [on Monday] at the Jenin refugee

camp, and the aggression against the Al-Aqsa Mosque. The struggle won't stop until our people are free and independent."


Defense Minister Yoav Gallant will hold a security assessment later this evening with IDF Chief of Staff Herzl Halevi, Shin Bet security service head Ronen Bar and other senior security officials. Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich said he was canceling a cabinet meeting scheduled to discuss the high cost of living to visit the scene of the attack.


National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir issued a statement, saying that “Another shooting and yet another one. We're like a sitting duck." Ben-Gvir then called on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant to “go on a wide military operation and resume the policy of targeted assassinations in the West Bank."


Six Palestinians killed, 7 Israeli soldiers wounded in Jenin clashes

Nieuwe escalatie van Israëlisch geweld teistert Palestijnse Westoever

23 juni 2023.


Wanneer grijpen Israels machtige

bondgenoten in om een ramp te

voorkomen die zich zo nadrukkelijk

aankondigt? Die vraag is meer dan ooit

urgent na de geweldexplosie die deze

week plaatsvond op de door Israel

bezette Westelijkejordaanoever.

Nieuw bloedbad in Jenin

Het geweld begon maandag met een grootschalige Israëlische militaire inval in Jenin. Die stuitte op zwaar Palestijns verzet, waarop 'The occupation forces went crazy', zoals een van de getuigen het beschreef. Bij de gevechten werden vijf Palestijnen, onder wie een 15-jarige, gedood en raakten er 91 gewond. Twee Palestijnen, onder wie een jong meisje, overleden later aan hun verwondingen.

De aanval op Jenin illustreert hoe de situatie escaleert. Duidelijk is dat de effectiviteit van het Palestijnse verzet tegen de Israëlische bezetting toeneemt. De Palestijnen slaagden er naar verluidt in om vijf veelal bepantserde militaire voertuigen op te blazen. Israël zette helikopters in, waaronder een Apache, om verzetsstrijders te beschieten en gewonde Israëlische militairen te evacueren.

Palestijnse wraak

Dinsdag werden bij een wraakactie vier Israëlische kolonisten door twee Palestijnen doodgeschoten. De aanval vond plaats in een restaurant bij een tankstation vlakbij de illegale Israelische nederzetting Eli op de Westoever. Een van de aanvallers werd ter plekke door een gewapende Israëlische burger doodgeschten, de tweede werd later door een militair gedood. Ook vielen vijf

gewonden, vier Israëli's en een Palestijn.

Israëlische pogroms

Dinsdagavond trokken uit Israëlische kolonisten bestaande burgermilities naar Palestijnse dorpen en steden, waaronder Luban al-Sharqiya en het in februari bestormde Huwara. Daarbij werden huizen, kantoren, auto's en gewassen in brand gestoken of anderszins vernield. Palestijnen die zich tegen de bendes trachtten te verdedigen werden door het Israëlische leger beschoten. Vierendertig Palestijnen raakten gewond, 134 voertuigen werden vernield.

Woensdag bestormden honderden Israëlische kolonisten onder bescherming van het Israëlische leger het dorp Turmus Aya: een nachtmerrie voor de Palestijnse bewoners. Getuigen vertelden hoe kolonisten huizen binnendrongen en in brand staken, in een aantal gevallen met de bewoners - waaronder kinderen en een oude vrouw - er nog in. Een 27-jarige Palestijn werd doodgeschoten, twaalf raakten gewond. Circa dertig huizen en zestig voertuigen brandden geheel of gedeeltelijk uit.

Verdere escalatie

Woensdagavond werden drie Palestijnen in een auto gedood door een vanuit een drone afgeschoten explosief. Volgens Israël zouden de drie vlak daarvoor een Israëlisch checkpoint hebben beschoten. Net als de inzet van helikopters bij Jenin tekent het gebruik van killer drones de escalatie van de gevechten.

Olie op het vuur

Zondag besloot het Israëlische kabinet de procedure voor de stichting en uitbreiding van nederzettingen vergaand te versoepelen en onder het gezag te plaatsen van de extremistische minister Bezalel Smotrich, zelf een kolonist. In reactie op de Palestijnse wraakactie van dinsdag kondigde het kabinet van premier Netanyahu de bouw van duizend nieuwe woningen in de nederzetting Eli aan.

Zo gooit Israël olie op de uitslaande brand. De Palestijnen zien hoe hun burgers door het militair oppermachtige Israël worden gedood en verdreven, en hoe hun land wordt afgenomen en gekoloniseerd. Israëls bondgenoten, waaronder Nederland, putten zich uit in 'bezorgdheid', maar weigeren in te grijpen.

23 juni 2023.

Zwaar militair geweld en pogroms door rabiate kolonisten zetten de Westelijke Jordaanoever deze week in vuur en vlam. Israels bondgenoten, waaronder Nederland, kijken passief toe hoe de situatie volledig uit de hand loopt.


Wanneer grijpen Israëls machtige bondgenoten in om een ramp te voorkomen die zich zo nadrukkelijk aankondigt? Die vraag is meer dan ooit urgent na de geweldsexplosie die deze week plaatsvond op de door Israël bezette Westelijke Jordaanoever.

Nieuw bloedbad in Jenin

Het geweld begon maandag met een grootschalige Israëlische militaire inval in Jenin, de Palestijnse stad in het noorden van de Westelijke Jordaanoever die structureel blootstaat aan Israëlisch geweld. Getuigen beschrijven de gewelddadige wijze waarop een 36-jarige Palestijn door Israëlische militairen van zijn bed werd gelicht.


De Israëlische inval stuitte op zwaar Palestijns verzet, waarop 'The occupation forces went crazy', zoals een van de getuigen het beschreef. Willekeurige huizen werden doorzeefd. Een 15-jarig Palestijns meisje werd in haar woonkamer door het hoofd geschoten. Ook journalisten werden aangevallen - een van hen werd neergeschoten vlakbij de plek waar op 11 mei 2022 de

journaliste Shireer Abu Akleh werd gedood.


Bij de gevechten werden vijf Palestijnen, onder wie een 15-jarige, gedood en raakten er 91 gewond. Twee Palestijnen, onder wie het genoemde meisje, overleden later aan hun verwondingen. Zeven of acht Israëlische militairen raakten gewond.


De aanval op Jenin, die negen uur duurde, illustreert hoe de situatie escaleert. Duidelijk is dat de effectiviteit van het Palestijnse verzet tegen de Israëlische bezetting toeneemt. De Palestijnen slaagden er naar verluidt in om vijf veelal bepantserde militaire voertuigen op te blazen. Israël zette helikopters in, waaronder een Apache, om verzetsstrijders te beschieten en gewonde Israëlische militairen te evacueren.

Palestijnse wraak

In de nacht van maandag op dinsdag werd een 20-jarige Palestijn in het dorp Husan bij Bethlehem door een Israëlische militair doodgeschoten. De omstandigheden waaronder dit plaatsvond zijn onduidelijk.


Dinsdag werden bij een wraakactie vier Israëlische kolonisten door twee Palestijnen doodgeschoten. De aanval vond plaats in een restaurant bij een tankstation vlakbij de illegale Israëlische nederzetting Eli op de Westoever. Een van de aanvallers werd ter plekke door een gewapende Israëlische burger doodgeschoten, de tweede werd later door een militair gedood.

Ook vielen vijf gewonden, vier Israëli's en een Palestijn.


Israelische pogroms

Dinsdagavond trokken uit Israëlische kolonisten bestaande burgermilities naar Palestijnse dorpen en steden, waaronder Luban al-Sharqiya en het in februari bestormde Huwara. Daarbij werden huizen, kantoren, auto's en gewassen in brand gestoken of anderszins vernield.

Palestijnen die zich tegen de bendes trachtten te verdedigen werden door het Israëlische leger beschoten. Vierendertig Palestijnen raakten gewond, 134 voertuigen werden vernield.


Woensdag bestormden honderden Israëlische kolonisten onder bescherming van het  Israëlische leger het dorp Turmus Aya.

Een Palestijns-Amerikaanse getuige aan het woord:


"It was terrifying, we just saw mobs of people in the streets, masked, armed. [The army was] literally clearing the way for them".


Voor de Palestijnse bewoners speelde zich een nachtmerrie af. Getuigen vertelden hoe kolonisten huizen binnendrongen en in brand staken, in een aantal gevallen met de bewoners waaronder kinderen en een oude vrouw - er nog in. Een 27-jarige Palestijn werd doodgeschoten, twaalf raakten gewond. Circa dertig huizen en zestig voertuigen brandden geheel of gedeeltelijk uit.


Toen de Palestijnse premier Mohammad Shtayyeh later op de dag een bezoek bracht aan Turmus Aya kreeg hij het verwijt dat de Palestijnse Autoriteit niet had ingegrepen om de kolonisten te verdrijven. De frustratie onder de Palestijnen die zonder enige bescherming van hun regering elke dag blootstaan aan Israëlisch geweld is een van de redenen dat de PA zijn krediet heeft verspeeld.


Verdere escalatie

Ook elders op de Westoever werden pogroms gemeld. In het noordelijke Urif werden huizen en bewoners door zo'n honderd kolonisten met stenen bekogeld en werd onder andere de lokale school in brand gestoken. Palestijnen die zich verweerden werden door Israëlische militairen beschoten.


Woensdagavond werden drie Palestijnen in een auto gedood door een vanuit een drone afgeschoten explosief. Volgens Israël zouden de drie vlak daarvoor een Israëlisch checkpoint hebben beschoten. Net als de inzet van helikopters bij Jenin tekent het gebruik van killer drones de escalatie van de gevechten.


Olie op het vuur

Deze maand ging de Israëische bezetting van de 'Palestijnse gebieden' haar 57e jaar in.

Intussen heeft Israël er zo'n 800 duizend kolonisten gehuisvest in honderden illegale nederzettingen. Zondag besloot het Israëlische kabinet de procedure voor de stichting en uitbreiding van nederzettingen vergaand te versoepelen en onder het gezag te plaatsen van de extremistische minister Bezalel Smotrich, zelf een kolonist. In reactie op de Palestijnse wraakactie van dinsdag kondigde het kabinet van premier Netanyahu de bouw van duizend nieuwe woningen in de nederzetting Eli aan.


Zo gooit Israël olie op de uitslaande brand. De Palestijnen zien hoe hun burgers door het militair oppermachtige Israël worden gedood en verdreven, en hoe hun land wordt afgenomen en gekoloniseerd. Israëls bondgenoten, waaronder Nederland, putten zich uit in 'bezorgdheidmaar weigeren in te grijpen.

Inktzwarte toekomst


Door het falen van de internationale gemeenschap om de Palestijnen met het internationaal recht in de hand te beschermen,

realiseren die zich dat ze er alleen voor staan. Wat hen rest is zichzelf te verdedigen. Uit een begin juni gehouden peiling onder Palestijnen blijkt dat inmiddels 53 procent de gewapende strijd ziet als enige oplossing voor het beëindigen van de bezetting.


Dat aantal lag vijf jaar geleden zo'n 20 procent lager.

Tegelijkertijd is de steun voor de tweestatenoplossing gedaald van bijna 50 procent in 2019 tot 28 procent nu. Hoofdreden voor die scherpe daling is de conclusie dat een levensvatbare Palestijnse staat door de voortdurende uitbreiding van de Israëlische nederzettingen niet langer mogelijk is.


Ziedaar de ingredienten voor een inktzwarte toekomst. Het groeiende Palestijnse verzet tegen de genadeloze bezetting zal - zeker onder de huidige Israëlische regering - tot nog meer repressie en kolonistenterreur leiden. Door niet in te grijpen maken Nederland en de EU zich medeplichtig aan die escalatie. Gezien het afgrijselijke lot van de Palestijnen kan daar inmiddels de term 'sadisme' aan worden toegevoegd.

Kolonisten gaan door met hun pogroms en installeerden nog een achtste buitenpost.

Abu Pessoptimist

24 juni 2023.

Honderden Israëlische kolonisten hebben zaterdag voor een vierde dag pogroms gehouden in plaatsen als Umm Safa (ten noorden van Ramallah) en Urif (ten zuiden van Nablus). Een aantal Palestijnen raakte gewond, een aantal huizen en auto's brandde af.

Het leger keek in de meeste gevallen werkloos toe en kwam van tijd tot tijd de kolonisten te hulp door de Palestijnen, die de kolonisten wilden terugdringen, met traangas en rubberkogels op een afstand te houden. Een twintigtal kolonisten bracht zaterdag ook nog een bezoek aan Huwwara, waar de kolonisten al eerder dit jaar een ontzettende ravage aanrichtten, en staken er een aantal auto's in brand. En intussen richtten kolonisten bij Salfit, in het centrale deel van de Westoever, zaterdag nog een nieuwe buitenpost op, de achtste sinds afgelopen dinsdag en stortten zij zich vooral op huizen en auto's. Een vooralsnog onbekend aantal daarvan ging in vlammen op.

Volgens de burgemeester werden de kolonisten beschermd door het leger dat regelmatig met traangas en rubberkogels schoot op burgers die hun eigendommen wilden beschermen. De kolonisten brandden een huis met een baby erin tot de grond toe af en ze schoten regelmatig hun geweren af. Volgens sommige bronnen zetten de dorpsbewoners als tegenprestatie een auto van de militaire inlichtingendienst in lichterlaaie.

Twee jounalisten klaagden dat ze beschoten waren en toonden als bewijs een gehavende camera. Verder werd een ambulance met een patiënt er in door een steen getroffen, maar gelukkig raakte alleen de chauffeur lichtgewond en de ambulance beschadigd.


Een tweede plaats die bezoek kreeg van kolonisten was Urif (ten zuiden van Nablus, de plaats waar de twee mannen vandaan kwamen die dinsdag vier kolonisten doodschoten).

De plaats heeft daar al de nodige last van ondervonden. De directe familie van de twee is opgepakt en hun hele uitgebreide familie verloor haar permissies om te werken in Israël of voor de nederzettingen. Volgens burgemeester Abdul Hakim Shehadeh van het dorp gebeurde hier zaterdag hetzelfde als in Umm Safa, De kolonisten kwamen met tientallen tegelijk, en het het leger beschermde hen en schoot op dorpelingen die probeerden de kolonisten te stoppen.

Eveneens deze zaterdag installeerden kolonisten een nieuwe wilde buitenpost op gestolen land in Deir Istiya, ten westen van Salfit. Volgens Moath Salma, de burgemeester, kozen ze daarvoor het al-Qa'da gebied in het noorden van het dorp. Ze installeerden twee mobiele huizen en drie schuren en startten werk aan de infrastructuur. Het was de achtste nieuwe nederzetting in een week tijds. Verder werden in de nacht van vrijdag op zaterdag een aanzienlijk aantal olijfbomen verbrand toen kolonisten bouwland aanstaken in Wad Sa'ir, ten noordoosten van Hebron.

27 juni 2023.

Last week, settlers carried out a horrifying series of pogroms in Turmus Ayya, Urif, Umm Safa, and dozens of other Palestinian villages. These attacks are part of a longstanding practice of ethnic cleansing by settlers and the Israeli state. We saw the complicity of the Israeli government last March, when Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich broadcast his support for the pogrom in Huwara, calling for the entire town to be “wiped out.” Soon after, Smotrich traveled to the U.S. to speak at the Israel Bonds conference to raise funds for the Israeli state.


Smotrich’s allegiance to both settler violence and Israel Bonds is no coincidence.


Since their establishment in 1951, Israel Bonds have funneled billions of dollars into almost every sector of the Israeli economy. Despite the organization's assertion that bond money doesn't fund the Israeli military, material support for the Israeli government directly enables the displacement of Palestinians, the expansion of settlements, and unchecked settler violence.

Every organization that holds an Israel Bond helps finance — and is thus complicit in — the oppression, displacement, and violence against Palestinians perpetuated by Israel's apartheid regime.


That’s why JVP is collaborating with movement partners to launch a new campaign urging U.S. individuals, organizations, and government agencies to divest from Israel Bonds — but we can only move forward with your support.



JVP’s campaign will target local governments, progressive nonprofits, and institutions across public and private sectors, to demand divestment — and urge them to reinvest in funds that support justice and freedom for all people.
This campaign also represents an exciting opportunity to grow our base. Scores of progressive U.S. Jews hold Israel Bonds, and many don’t know where their investments are going. Our campaign will seek to educate current bond holders about their bonds’ role in Israeli apartheid and the need to divest now.

We saw this education in action during Smotrich’s visit to D.C. last March, when 1,000 protesters covering the full spectrum of liberal to progressive Jews came out in full force!


27 juni 2023.


Marking CAF’s Annual General Meeting (AGM), BDS Euskal Herria, CAF workers, Amnesty International and their supporters globally increased pressure on CAF and its shareholders to stop this illegal business in occupied Jerusalem.

Under the current far-right Israeli government, land theft, annexation, ethnic cleansing, home demolitions, settlement expansion, and pogroms against Palestinians perpetrated by armed, fascist settler militias are increasing at an alarming rate.

In East Jerusalem, at least one third of all Palestinian homes are at risk of demolition, which would mean the forcible displacement of some 100,000 Palestinians. Israeli forces and illegal settlers also persistently desecrate and obstruct Palestinian access to our Muslim and Christian holy places in the occupied Old City of Jerusalem. 

The Basque transport company CAF, in partnership with the Israeli construction firm Shapir, is building and operating tramlines for the Jerusalem Light Rail (JLR), a transport system that supports Israel’s illegal de jure annexation of occupied East Jerusalem. It also facilitates the expansion of illegal Israeli settlements and the forcible displacement of Palestinians from the occupied city.

By being a major partner in the JLR project, CAF is complicit in these serious Israeli violations of international law and Palestinian human rights.

During its 2023 AGM, once again CAF betrayed its social responsibilities and continues its involvement in the Jerusalem Light Rail project. We call on people worldwide to intensify our #CAFGetOffIsraelsApartheidTrain campaign until the company CAF ends all complicity in Israeli apartheid and settler colonialism.

Together, let’s demand that CAF abandons the project to build Israel's colonial tramway!

Palestinians survived five days of pogroms.

28 juni 2023.


In the last week, Israeli settlers carried out a series of attacks on Palestinian villages across the Occupied West Bank in a wave of violence that lasted five agonizing days. Gangs of armed settlers, often in the hundreds, descended on 17 different Palestinian villages, lighting dozens of homes and cars on fire and shooting at Palestinian homes.

Among the terrified Palestinians taking shelter during the pogrom in Turmus Ayya was Palestinian American Illinois State Representative Abdelnasser Rashid, trapped inside with his family. According to Representative Rashid, his children were terrified by the sounds of gunfire from the settlers surrounding homes in their neighborhood.

The attacks by Jewish settlers prompted a raid by the Israeli military, which took part in and escalated the violence, turning their weapons on Palestinian residents and preventing critical medical care from reaching the injured. During the raid, a Palestinian resident and 27-year-old father of two, Omar Qattin, was shot and killed.

This was not unusual: The Israeli military not only routinely enables, but also participates in settler violence against Palestinians. An off-duty Israeli soldier was one of only a few suspects detained in the aftermath of the pogrom in Umm Safa, where, like in Turmus Ayya, settlers burned down and shot at Palestinian homes.

Though the Israeli military and security establishment labeled the violence by Jewish settlers as acts of "terrorism," their condemnation was little more than an attempt to obscure their own role in escalating settler violence.

These attacks are not only condoned by Israeli officials and carried out with the protection of the Israeli military — they are part and parcel of how the Israeli government expands its control over the Occupied West Bank, stealing Palestinian land and ethnically cleansing the Palestinians who live there.

When new Israeli settlements are built, like the four thousand new units approved by the Israeli cabinet last week, they are designed to surround Palestinian villages and displace their residents. The Israeli government’s expansion of illegal settlements in the Occupied West Bank is being facilitated by settler violence, and when it’s not protecting settlers, the Israeli military is actively participating in their attacks on Palestinians. In other words, the Israeli government, military, and Jewish settlers are working in tandem towards the same goal — the destruction of Palestinian homes and lives. 

As this pattern of expansion and violence grows clearer, the U.S. government’s refusal to take a stand is as stark as ever. Even as a U.S. state representative, and many Palestinian Americans, came under attack in Turmus Ayya, the Biden Administration remains unwilling to hold the Israeli government accountable in any substantive way.

We know that this violence is funded by U.S. tax dollars and private funders, and enabled by an Israeli regime keen on expanding illegal settlements. The U.S.’s failure to act, once again, leaves Palestinians, including the U.S. citizens in Turmus Ayya, to fend for themselves.


Tell Congress: End U.S. funding for the Israeli military’s crimes against Palestinians

Our sister organization, JVP Action, has a tool to turn your outrage into action. While the Israeli military provides cover for rampant settler violence, the U.S. government continues to hand them billions every year. As settler violence increases, it’s more important than ever for U.S. lawmakers to cut off the flow of U.S. funding to the Israeli military, which enables and even participates in such attacks.


Call on President Biden to Condemn Israeli Aggression in Jenin

3 juli 2023.


Last month, Israel used helicopter gunships and drone strikes in a military operation that led to a massacre of seven in Jenin. Despite the asymmetrical warfare deploying the most advanced military hardware in the world, Israeli forces were surprised by Jenin’s resistance. Israel's last invasion only boosted the morale and determination of Jenin's defenders. Realizing its failure, Israel decided to escalate the level of violence. Last night, the Israeli military launched yet another major attack on Jenin, the largest since the second intifada in 2002. Airstrikes, drone strikes, and a massive ground invasion killed at least ten Palestinians and wounded dozens more.

Israel is changing the rules of engagement in the West Bank. On top of home demolitions, settler pogroms, assassinations, settlement expansion, and mass incarceration, the occupation now seeks to suffocate the growing and popular resistance in Jenin with massive shows of force. The entire camp’s water, power, and telecommunications were cut in the lead-up to last night’s invasion of Jenin, leaving thousands of residents in the dark, thirsty, and with no way to call for help as their neighborhoods were being bombed– a sick and twisted display of collective punishment.

And you guessed it right: the planes, missiles, technology, guns, and bullets used in last night’s massacre were all generously furnished by the government of the United States through our tax dollars.

We urgently call on the Biden Administration to publicly condemn these actions by the Israeli government. American taxpayers' money should not be used to fund acts potentially breaching international and U.S. laws. The use of U.S.-manufactured military equipment in such episodes of extreme violence and violation of human rights must be investigated thoroughly.

This brutal assault is another reason to demand a shift in U.S. policy toward Israel. It is long overdue for Israel’s settler-colonial violence to end, and to uphold the principles of justice as guaranteed under international law. Palestinians deserve to live free from fear and the violence that threatens their lives and livelihoods every day.

IsraËlische leger zaait opnieuw dood en verderf in Jenin.

3 juli 2023.


Israëlische bezettingstroepen voeren een grootschalige aanval uit op het Palestijnse vluchtelingenkamp van Jenin. Tot dusver zijn acht Palestijnse doden en vijftig gewonden gemeld. De aanval duurt nog voort.

Opnieuw voert Israël een zware aanval uit op het vluchtelingenkamp van de Palestijnse stad Jenin in het noorden van de Westelijke Jordaanoever. De aanval begon even na middernacht toen een militair konvooi van tientallen gepantserde voertuigen,

waaronder bulldozers, het kamp hermetisch afsloot. Naar verluidt werd het kamp vanuit de lucht met raketten beschoten waarna duizend Israëlische militairen de stad binnentrokken.

Doden en gewonden

Volgens mediaberichten zijn talloze woningen en infrastructuur vernietigd en stijgen dikke rookwolken op uit de stad. De water- en elektriciteitsvoorziening is afgesloten of vernietigd.

Tot dusver is de dood bevestigd van acht Palestijnen, onder wie drie kinderen. Het aantal gewonden bedraagt vijftig. Al-Jazeera beschrijft hoe een jonge vrouw in haar badkamer werd geraakt door een kogel die door de gesloten voordeur werd geschoten. Ooggetuigen spreken van de zwaarste aanval sinds 2002, toen Israël een deel van de stad verwoestte. Daarbij vielen 53 Palestijnse en 23 Israëlische doden.


Het Israëlische leger is naar eigen zeggen van plan de aanval 48 uur vol te houden. Deze namiddag maken Israëlische troepen zich naar verluidt op de moskee van het vluchtelingenkamp te bestormen. Online-medium Middie East Eye houdt een liveblog bij van de gebeurtenissen.

Bolwerk van verzet

Jenin geldt van oudsher als bolwerk van verzet tegen de Israëlische bezetting. In een poging dat uit te roeien valt Israël de stad met grote regelmaat binnen. Op 19 juni werden daarbij vijf Palestijnen gedood en raakten er 91 gewond. Op 16 maart was Jenin het toneel van een standrechtelijke executie door Israëlische militairen. Op 26 januari vielen negen Palestijnse doden bij wat een 'slachtin' werd genoemd. Op 11 mei 2022 werd de Palestijns-Amerikaanse journaliste Shireen Abu Akleh door een Israëlische militair gedood terwijl zij verslag deed van een Israëlische inval in het vluchtelingenkamp.


De voortgaande Israëlische aanval maakt opnieuw pijnlijk duidelijk dat de Palestijnse 'regering', de Palestijnse Autoriteit (PA), zijn burgers niet kan of wil beschermen tegen het geweld van de bezetter. Op 21 juni werd de Palestijnse premier Mohammad Shtayyeh zwaar bekritiseerd nadat Israëlische burgermilities met hulp van het leger een pogrom uitvoerden op het dorp Turmus Aya zonder dat de PA ingreep. De frustratie onder de Palestijnen die zonder enige bescherming van hun regering elke dag blootstaan aan Israëlisch geweld is een van de redenen dat de PA zijn krediet heeft verspeeld.

3 juli 2023.


Palestinian territories

Israel attacks Jenin in biggest West Bank incursion in 20 years

At least eight Palestinians killed and dozens injured as major Israeli offensive targets city of Jenin


Bethan McKernan in Jenin and Peter Beaumont


Israël has launched a major aerial and ground offensive into the occupied West Bank city of Jenin, its biggest military operation in the Palestinian territory in years, in what it described as an "extensive counter-terrorism effort”.


At least eight Palestinians were killed and 50 injured, 10 seriously, in the attack that began at about 1.00 am on Monday, and the death toll is likely to rise, according to the Palestinian health ministry.


On Monday afternoon, Israëli sources suggested they would need at least another 24 hours to complete the operation.


Launching at least 10 drone strikes on buildings, a brigade of Israeli troops suggesting between 1,000 and 2,000 soldiers - backed by armoured bulldozers and snipers on rooftops entered the city and its refugee camp, encountering fire from Palestinians, after Israel informed the White House of its plans.


The streets of Jenin were deserted on Monday except for crowds of people outside the nearest hospital, watching the gun battles at the main entrance to the camp at the end of the street. Black smoke from burning tyres and teargas filled the air.

Ambulances struggled to cross impromptu Israeli checkpoints.


As explosions echoed around the city, calls to support the fighters rang out from loudspeakers in mosques.


The White House said it defended Israel's right to security and was monitoring the situation on the West Bank closely. "We have seen the reports and are monitoring the situation closely," a White House spokesperson said". "We support Israel's security and right to defend its people against Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad and other terrorist groups.”


Britain's prime minster, Rishi Sunak, called on the Israeli military to exercise restraint.


"While we support Israel's right to selfdefence, the protection of civilians must be prioritised," a spokesperson said. "In any military operation, we would urge the Israel Defence Forces to demonstrate restraint in its operations and for all parties to

avoid further escalation in the West Bank and Gaza.”


A spokesperson for the Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas, called the operation "a new war crime against our defenceless people”, while the Gaza-based militant group Hamas called on young men in the West Bank to join the fighting.

Lynn Hastings, the UN's resident humanitarian coordinator, expressed alarm at the scale of Israeli forces operation in Jenin, adding on Twitterļ¼š"Airstrikes were used in the densely populated refugee camp. Several dead and critically wounded. Access

to all injured must be ensured.”


Alarmed by scale of Israeli forces operation in #Jenin, occupied #WestBank. Airstrikes were used in the densely populated refugee camp. Several dead and critically wounded. Access to all injured must be ensured. @ochaopt is mobilising #humanitarian partners to provide assistance


In a joint statement, the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) and the domestic intelligence service, Shin Bet, said they had attacked a command centre in the Jenin refugee camp that was used by a local militant group.


Images from inside Jenin showed armed and masked Palestinian fighters on the streets as gun battles and explosions continued into Monday morning.


At a checkpoint on the outskirts of the city, the sound of increasingly heavy gun battles and aircraft overhead could be heard as the day wore on.


In an escalation of the violence, Israel carried out an airstrike near a mosque in the city chat it said was being used by Palestinian gunmen to target Israeli forces.

“Exchanges of fire are taking place with gunmen adjacent to a mosque in the Jenin refugee campļ¼›' the IDF said. "An IDF aircraft struck to remove the threat."


The joint aerial and ground incursion into the camp is the first since the 2002 battle of Jenin during the second intifada, when more than 50 Palestinians and 23 Israeli soldiers were killed in over a week of fighting, including 13 Israeli soldiers in a single



Monday's events bring the death toll of Palestinians killed this year in the West Bank to 133, part of more than a year-long rise in violence that has resulted in some of the worst bloodshed in that area in nearly two decades.


"There is bombing from the air and an invasion from the ground," said Mahmoud al-Saadi, the director of the Palestine Red Crescent Society in Jenin. "Several houses and sites have been bombed... smoke is rising from everywhere."

The incursion came at a time of growing pressure within Israel for a tough response to a series of attacks on settlers, including a shooting last week that killed four people.


Electricity was cut off in some parts of Jenin and military bulldozers were ploughing through narrow streets - another reminder of Israel's incursions during the last uprising. The Palestinian Authority and Jordan condemned the violence.


The operation led to protests overnight across the West Bank, including at a checkpoint near the city of Ramallah, in which a Palestinian man died after being shot in the head by the army, and a general strike across the territory on Monday.

Israel's air defence systems were put on alert for potential retaliatory rocket fire from the blockaded Gaza Strip.


An IDF spokesperson, R Adm Daniel Hagari, said the operation was a focused, brigade-sized raid that was expected to last between one and three days, and Israel did not intend to hold ground.


One Israeli official said the raid was intended to "break the safe-haven mindset of the camp, which has become a hornets' nest". It was unclear whether the operation would trigger a wider response from Palestinian factions, drawing in militant groups in the Gaza Strip, the coastal enclave controlled by Hamas.


A senior Hamas official called on young men in the West Bank to join the fighting. Saleli al-Arouri, the deputy head of the organisation's political bureau, saidļ¼š"To our heroes in the West Bank, from the south to the northļ¼šthis is your day, young men.

Fight with all the weapons, all your anger and with any means possible to defend our honour in Jenin.”


A statement from the Iranian-backed Islamic Jihad group in Gaza saidļ¼š"The resistance will confront the enemy and defend the Palestinian people and all options are open to strike the enemy and respond to its aggression on Jenin."


As the operation continued on Monday, the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, was briefed on progress and on the activity of the forces on the ground, discussing future operational plans.


The Israeli defence minister, Yoav Gallant, said his forces were "closely monitoring the conduct of our enemies. The defence establishment is ready for all scenarios".


The camp on the outskirts of the northern West Bank city was set up in the 1950s and the ghetto-like area, home to about 11,000 people, has long been viewed as a hotted of what Palestinians consider armed resistance and Israelis see as terrorism.


Hundreds of armed fighters from militant groups including Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Fatah are based there, and the semi-autonomous Palestinian Authority has next to no presence.


The Jenin Brigades, a unit made up of armed men from different factions, has been blamed for several terror attacks against Israeli citizens as the security situation across Israel and the West Bank has deteriorated over the past 18 months.


Jenin and nearby Nablus have been the major targets of the now more than year-old Israeli Operation Breakwater, which has involved near-nightly raids and some of the fiercest fighting in the West Bank since the second intifada came to an end in 2005.

Vigilante attacks by West Bank-based Israeli settlers against Palestinian villages are also growing in scale and scope.


Only days before a drone strike last month in Jenin, for the first time since the second intifada, the army used helicopter gunships to help extract troops and vehicles from a raid on the city, after fighters used explosives against a force sent in

to arrest two suspects.


After the last major raid in Jenin, Palestinian gunmen killed four Israelis near a Jewish settlement in the West Bank in an attack that led to a rampage by settlers in Palestinian villages and towns.


 'Ik voelde me medeplichtig aan de apartheid in Palestina'

Nederland weigert Israël verantwoordelijk te houden voor grove 

mensenrechtenschendingen. Berber van der Woude constateerde dit en 

nam daarom ontslag als diplomaat. Ze is nu bestuurslid van The Rights Forum.

Wij zijn ontzettend dankbaar voor haar steun en inzet, zien ernaar

uit de komende tijd samen met haar te streven naar een

rechtvaardig Palestina/lsraël-beleid.

4 juli 2023.


Israeli air and land forces are attacking now the refugee camp of Jenin.Thousands of Palestinians, many ethnically cleansed from the Galilee in 1948, are forced again to flee their homes.


Israeli forces have cut off water, electricity and communications, destroyed vital infrastructure and homes, and targeted clinics and ambulances. Jenin is under siege.

Western governments are either “closely monitoring” or “alarmed” at the unattributed “violence,” effectively deepening their already criminal complicity with apartheid Israel and its 75-year-old system of oppression against Indigenous Palestinians. In parallel, and with unprecedented colonial hypocrisy, the same governments have reacted to the illegal Russian invasion of Ukraine with sweeping sanctions and shouting about the sanctity of international law.

Drunk with impunity, Israel’s far-right government, the most fundamentalist and shamelessly racist in its history, is failing to read the anger brewing underneath, however. Support for Palestinian rights and for BDS has multiplied in recent years. In 2023 alone, investments in Israel’s hi-tech are sharply declining; large pension funds are divesting; G4S has ended all its Israeli business. City councils, churches, trade unions, academic associations, and many artists worldwide have taken effective measures to end complicity with apartheid.


In 2023, we’ve endured and resisted Israeli fascist pogroms against our towns and villages, another massacre in the besieged Gaza Strip, accelerating annexation and illegal settlement construction, and unmasked genocidal incitement by Israeli leaders. Yet, the International Criminal Court is failing to do its job. The UN Secretary-General has once again duly omitted apartheid Israel’s military from his updated “list of shame” of armed forces committing violence against children in armed conflicts. The UN has done nothing to even investigate apartheid.

While Israel was busy violently destroying parts of the Jenin refugee camp, the Conservative dominated UK House of Commons was busy passing a McCarthyite, anti-Palestinian bill that is designed to repress democracy and civic rights in the UK and shield Israel’s regime of oppression and its illegal settlements from accountability from public bodies and city councils.

The most urgent, fundamental form of solidarity that Palestinians are asking for is pressure to end complicity. We call for more pressure to end military funding to and military trade with Israel and to ban contracts with and investments in companies involved in Israeli settlements and apartheid, as first steps towards real accountability.

With your help, the BDS movement is growing its massive intersectional network to cut the links of complicity with Israel’s regime of settler-colonialism, military occupation and apartheid.


We need to channel our collective global outrage at Israel’s atrocities into strategic campaigning that can force elected officials to end state, corporate and institutional complicity and outrageous hypocrisy, as was done in the struggle to abolish apartheid in South Africa. Palestinians are counting on you.

In solidarity and hope,

Rita and Saleh


Destruction in Jenin is 'Catastrophic': This Is What We Know So far

Only after 12 Palestinians were buried in Jenin, | and after local and international media entered the camp, the picture of the destruction left in the wake of the Israeli invasion became clearer.

5 juli 2023.


In short, the Jenin refugee camp is almost destroyed, the kind of destruction that can only be compared to the invasion and

destruction of Jenin in 2002.


In both cases, the culprit and the victim were the same as of today.



On Wednesday afternoon, the Jenin governorate warned of the deterioration of the humanitarian situation of thousands of 

residents because of the Israeli occupation targeting of infrastructure of the city and its camp.


For 38 hours, starting at dawn on Tuesday, July 3, the Israeli military did nothing but destroy, eyewitnesses say. The devastation has surpassed the most pessimistic of expectations.


Local authorities in Jenin estimated that about 80 percent of buildings in the camp were completely or partially damaged,

Aljazeera Net reported.


The governor of Jenin in the Palestinian Authority, Akram Rajoub, announced on Wednesday the start of an official committee to

assess the damage of the Israeli military operation in the camp.


For his part, the deputy governor of Jenin, Kamal Abu Al-Rub, revealed in a preliminary assessment that the camp, which

consists of about a thousand properties distributed between houses and apartments, about 80% of them were damaged, and

the damage ranged from lotal and partial destruction - burning, vandalism and damage to property.


The destruction was systematic, according to eyewitness accounts and videos and images that emerged.


During the invasion, Israel occupied residential homes and fired at a hospital and journalists. It also barred medics from reaching

the wounded inside Jenin.


An international outcry followed the Israeli invasion, which resulted in an unprecedented number of Palestinian casualties,

the worst since 2005, according to United Nations officials.

Israel attacks, and Jenin endures.

6 juli 2023.


Over the last several days, Israeli forces carried out the largest raid in a West Bank city in over 20 years, causing widespread destruction.


The details of this attack qualify it as a war crime under international law. Amidst the bombing campaign, the Israeli military raided Jenin Public Hospital, firing teargas and live ammunition. The military also targeted emergency services and fired teargas several times inside Khalil Suleiman hospital, rendering the emergency room unusable.


Israeli military bulldozers destroyed roads, too, in order to block medical care from reaching the injured — a vicious tactic that is now preventing children from accessing a United Nations-run school in the camp.


The haunting images of desperate families trying to escape the onslaught of violence in Jenin have been seared into our minds — terrified children in their pajamas, their hands raised in the air; men and women dodging tear gas as they flee with their babies in their arms; the elderly being pushed in wheelchairs; a young boy clinging to his pet cat.


Israeli forces also bombed the Jenin Freedom Theater, where Palestinians were taking shelter from the brutal assault, and cut off water and electricity from much of the camp and the city. The Israeli military murdered at least 12 Palestinians, including five children, and their violence forced thousands of people to evacuate.


Even after the Israeli military withdrew, local residents remained without access to clean drinking water or power, and around 80% of homes in the area sustained damage during the assault.


Palestinian journalists risked their lives to cover the siege, with Israeli snipers shooting directly at their equipment and forcing them to take shelter indoors for several hours, preventing any news coverage from going out.


The residents of Jenin refugee camp are among the descendants of the hundreds of thousands of Palestinians who were forced to flee their homes during the creation of the state of Israel in 1948, known to Palestinians as the Nakba, or “catastrophe.” Palestinian families are being made refugees twice or even three times over, forced to flee their homes again and again while staring down the barrel of an Israeli gun.

From Gaza to Jenin, Israel enforces apartheid


As the Israeli military and violent settler attacks continue to besiege Palestinians, Palestinians continue to resist. +972 explores how the Israeli military, in response, is using its policy in Gaza as the rule, rather than the exception, in the most recent brutal attacks on Jenin.

6 juli 2023.


I am devastated.

What we saw this past weekend — Israel bombing Palestinians in Jenin — should spur us all to action. We’re funding the bombing of a refugee camp. Let that sink in.

Those who represent us in Congress should call for accountability and to withhold military aid to Israel. At the very minimum Congress should condemn the horrific violence.

Tell Congress to condemn the Israeli invasion of Jenin.

Twelve Palestinian children and adults have been killed.¹

At least 140 were injured, some maimed for the rest of their lives.²

Thousands were displaced from their homes.³

Every U.S. Member of Congress needs to feel pressure to end U.S. funding of the Israeli military that carried out these horrors in Jenin.

The Jenin invasion is a frightening escalation by the Israeli military — the largest invasion of a Palestinian city in over 20 years.ā“ We should all be alarmed by it and by what could come next.

Netanyahu is being bolder than ever. And our leaders in the U.S. need to take action to stop him.

The violence isn’t new — but the political context in the United States is new. U.S. sympathy for and attention to Palestinians living under occupation is at an all-time high.āµ

That’s why we must pressure Congress now. They represent the people of the U.S. and the U.S. population is changing


In solidarity,
Linda and the MPower Action team



  1. Israel says it's ending its largest West Bank offensive in years,” NPR, July 4, 2023.
  2. Under Fire: Report from Jenin Refugee Camp on Israel’s Largest West Bank Attack in 20 Years | Democracy Now!,” Democracy Now!, July 5, 2023.
  3. “ Gaza-Israel exchange of fire as Israeli forces complete Jenin withdrawal,” BBC News, July 5, 2023.
  4. Israel attacks Jenin in biggest West Bank incursion in 20 years | Palestinian territories,” The Guardian, July 3, 2023.
  5. Why sympathy for the Palestinians among Americans is shifting and at an all-time highBusiness Insider, April 8, 2023.

MPower Action is the political and lobbying arm of MPower Change, a grassroots movement of diverse Muslim communities working together to build social, spiritual, racial, and economic justice for all people.


Palestinian Fighter Kills Israeli Soldier, Wounds Armed Settler

6 juli 2023.


An Israeli soldier was killed, and the armed guard of an illegal Jewish settlement wounded in a Palestinian attack on Thursday, Israeli media reported.


The attack came a day following an end to a massive Israeli military operation in the West Bank that killed 12 Palestinians

and wounded 120 more.


Three of the Palestinians killed were minors.


The Palestinian attack, described by Palestinian groups as a direct relation to the Israeli invasion of Jenin, took place near the

illegal settlement of Kedumim, west of Nablus in the northern West Bank.


The Israeli occupation army announced that it had "neutralized” the Palestinian fighter.


Meanwhile, Israeli state radio said the attacker shot an Israeli  soldier and a security guard during a search of his car.


According to Israeli sources, the Israeli occupation army carried out combing operations in the vicinity of the settlement on

suspicion of the presence of other Palestinian fighters.


Israel is Outraged because BBC Anchor Asked and Followed up on This Question

6 juli 2023.


A BBC news anchor sparked outrage among Israeli and pro-lsraeli occupation circles after she asked former Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett about the killing of children in Jenin.


"The Israeli military are calling this a military operation, but we now know that young people are being killed, four of them under

18. Is that really what the military set out to do, to kill people between the ages of 16 and 18?” Anjana Gadgil asked.


The interview aired on Tuesday, as the Israeli occupation army carried out a massive invasion that resulted in the killing and

wounding of scores of Palestinians in Jenin and the destruction of much of the Jenin refugee camp.


"On the contrary, in fact all  11 killed are fighters. The truth is  that there are young terrorists who have decided to take up arms, and this is their responsibility," Bennett, a rightwing politician answered.


"Terrorists, but children. The Israeli forces are happy to kill children?" Gadgil answered.


"You know it's quite remarkable that you'd say that, because they're killing us," Bennett claimed.


"We're not talking about that. The UN have defined them as children," she said.


The fact that Gadgil insisted on her point, raised the ire of pro­ Israel and Zionist organizations in the UK and Israel.


Following the interview, supporters of Israel and pro-lsrael organizations in Britain launched a campaign against the presenter, accusing her of bias and violating the channel's rules of neutrality, Aljazeera Arabic reported.


A formal complaint was made against Gadgil who was later forced to formally apologize.


Here is the exchange between the British journalist and the right-wing Israeli politician.

Geen apartheid in de bus:

EBS verliest aanbesteding Zuid-Holland Noord

7 juli 2023.


De Israëlische busmaatschappij EBS heeft de aanbesteding voor het busvervoer in de regio Zuid-Holland Noord verloren. In plaats van EBS heeft de provincie gekozen voor Qbuzz B.V, die voor 13 jaar de concessie ter waarde van €1 miljard heeft gekregen.

BDS Nederland voerde campagne tegen EBS, omdat het moederbedrijf Egged ook in Israël en bezet gebied opereert en zelfs busvervoer dat verboden is voor Palestijnen in Palestijns gebied aanbiedt. Het bedrijf onderhoudt buslijnen van en naar de nederzettingen, en verzorgt het vervoer van Israëlische gevangenismedewerkers.

Ondanks dat Egged op de VN-lijst van bedrijven staat die profiteren van de nederzettingen weigerde de provincie het bedrijf uit te sluiten van de aanbesteding. EBS verzorgt al wel het vervoer in onder andere de regio’s Waterland en Haaglanden, en doet naar verluidt ook een poging een concessie in de provincie Utrecht te bemachtigen.

De weigering van Nederlandse overheden om zelfs bedrijven die op de VN-lijst staan uit te sluiten toont wederom de noodzaak aan van BDS.

Nederlandse nog steeds op zwarte lijst VN

Op 30 juni bracht de VN Mensenrechtenraad de bijgewerkte lijst uit van bedrijven die zaken doen in of met de illegale nederzettingen. Volgens de VN Hoge Commissaris voor Mensenrechten zijn de 112 bedrijven op de lijst ‘zakelijke ondernemingen, die direct en indirect, de bouw en groei van de nederzettingen mogelijk hebben gemaakt, gefaciliteerd en ervan hebben geprofiteerd’. En op deze zwarte lijst prijken wederom de Nederlandse bedrijven B.V., Tahal Group International B.V.en Kardan N.V.. Juist zoals dus ook het moederbedrijf van EBS, het Israëlische Egged, zoals hierboven aangegeven.

Veruit het grootste en bekendste Nederlandse bedrijf is het in Amsterdam gevestigde, dat hotels en appartementen aanbiedt in bezet gebied. In september 2022 kondigde het bedrijf aan ‘waarschuwingen’ te plaatsen bij accommodaties in bezet gebied, een maatregel die, zelfs als deze uitgevoerd wordt, volstrekt onvoldoende is om niet langer medeplichtig te zijn aan het in stand houden van de nederzettingen. Op de site zijn diverse Israëlische accommodaties in bezet gebied te vinden, zonder dat er waarschuwingen bij staan.

Op onze site schreven we eerder een artikel over hoe profiteert van de illegale bezetting van Palestina. Dit blijft onverminderd het geval.

Protest in Den Haag na slachtpartij Jenin

Zaterdag 8 juli, wordt een demonstratie gehouden in Den Haag, naar aanleiding van de Israëlische slachtpartij in een vluchtelingenkamp in Jenin. Hierbij werden 13 Palestijnen, waaronder kinderen, vermoord. Het bezettingsleger richtte ook grote verwoestingen aan in het kamp, waar voornamelijk vluchtelingen woonden die tijdens de Nakba uit Haifa waren verdreven. Zo’n 3000 Palestijnen uit het kamp zijn nu noodgedwongen opnieuw op de vlucht.

Het Baskische bedrijf CAF breidt de illegale Jerusalem Light Rail (JLR) van Israël uit en exploiteert deze. JLR is een tramsysteem dat West-Jeruzalem verbindt met illegale Israëlische nederzettingen in bezet Palestijns Oost-Jeruzalem. Als zodanig ondersteunt de JLR de illegale de jure annexatie door Israël van Oost-Jeruzalem en faciliteert het de uitbreiding van illegale Israëlische nederzettingen.

Ook in Nederland is CAF actief. Sinds 2019 worden de NS sprintertoestellen geleverd door CAF. Dit geldt ook voor GVB-tram- en metrotoestellen in Amsterdam en tramtoestellen van het Openbaar Vervoer Utrecht.

Tijdens de jaarlijkse aandeelhoudersvergadering van het bedrijf werd actie gevoerd onder de banner #CAFGetOffIsraelsApartheidTrain-campagne. In Beasain (Baskenland), verzamelden activisten van BDS Euskal Herria, CAF-werknemers en Amnesty zich voor het kantoor van CAF. Ze riepen de aandeelhouders op om de betrokkenheid van het bedrijf bij de Jerusalem Light Rail te beëindigen en liepen vervolgens naar het centrum van de stad. Ze deelden pamfletten uit om het bewustzijn te vergroten over de medeplichtigheid van CAF aan de grove schendingen van de mensenrechten van de Palestijnen door Israël.

Het volledige artikel over CAF en de acties tijdens de aandeelhoudersvergadering is te vinden op onze website.

9 juli 2023.

Dear Reader,

As one of our dedicated supporters, we’ve often worked closely with you to provide direct support to the brave Israelis refusing to serve in the Israeli army. Today, I’m writing to share an example of other kinds of work RSN is involved.

A central pillar of the current Israeli government is a fascist party led by West Bank settlers, and many elements of its legislative agenda are designed to facilitate the occupation regime in the West Bank. The realization, that without an end to the military occupation of the Palestinians there will be no democracy in Israel, has dawned on many Israelis who identify as centrist liberals.

A new crop of activist groups has sprung up to channel this energy. One example is Mothers Against Violence (MAV), a grassroots group with chapters across Israel. With their yellow vests, they are a visible presence at every pro-democracy protest, working to defuse potentially violent encounters with the police and right-wing counter protesters. In parallel they operate a humanitarian support project for the Palestinian residents of Masafer Yatta, a West Bank community that is a locus of Israeli displacement efforts.

The Mothers long term goal is ending the occupation. They have explicitly called on Israelis to refuse service in the West Bank. In recent weeks, as settler violence against West Bank Palestinians has escalated, they’ve launched a new public campaign: Get the Soldiers Out! Targeting parents of Israeli Army conscripts, the campaign warns of the legal jeopardy threatening soldiers providing security for settler attacks (particularly following their designation as nationalist terrorism), as well as communicating current research on the high levels of PTSD exhibited by soldiers who served in this role.

RSN has identified the mothers as a unique and effective voice within Israeli public discourse. Because of their unique position as mothers and grandmothers of soldiers, their calls for refusal have generated traction among audiences not normally associated with the anti-occupation positions. We believe that they will form an important component of a mass refusal movement.

Over the past few months we’ve worked with the Mothers’ leadership to find the most effective way to support the group. MAV believes that remaining a very lean volunteer organization, is the best way.

Drawing on the cadre of refusers we’ve supported over the past two decades, we’ve managed to recruit a number of mentors with the requisite experience and skills to help MAV build their capacity. Over the next six months, RSN mentors will work with MAV and a new group of reservist refusers to ensure that they have the tools to make the most of this political juncture’s potential to significantly expand the anti-occupation movement.

In solidarity,

Mattan Helman
Executive Director
Refuser Solidarity Network


The U.S.-Israel Special Relationship: A Strategic & Moral Liability

17 juli 2023.


The next installment of the "Palestine in Session" webinar series will focus on the U.S.-Israel “special relationship,” and its negative impact, mainly in the United States. The Palestinians have endured 75 years of Al-Nakba (Catastrophe), and for decades Israel’s apartheid regime has been maintained by U.S. support, whether by economic, political, military, or diplomatic means. The roots of the US.-Israel relationship developed over decades.

How does the U.S. aid to Israel impact everyday Americans? How does the “special relationship” affect U.S. national interests? These questions will be answered and more.

Israeli policy has proven to be a strategic and moral liability for the United States. While Americans struggle at home, Israel receives a whopping $3.8 billion dollars a year from U.S. tax dollars. This funding helps to maintain Israeli oppression against the Palestinians, not the so-called shared values of democracy and the rule of law. Americans need to understand that this “special relationship” not only hurts Palestinians but Americans as well.  

Israel is a racist state.

18 juli 2023.


This weekend, Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal said an obvious fact: “Israel is a racist state.”

The backlash that followed was infuriating, but not surprising. House Democratic leadership rushed to defend Israel’s apartheid regime, releasing a statement claiming that Israel was founded on the principle of “complete equality of social and political rights for all its citizens.” Hand-in-hand with Democratic leadership, AIPAC added to the pile-on, attacking Rep. Jayapal with the same empty talking points about Israeli “equality.”

But Rep. Jayapal was right. Israel is a racist state.

To any person of conscience, it has long been clear that racism and Jewish supremacy shape every level of the Israeli state. There is no “equality” to be found in Israel’s discriminatory legal system, which greenlights the theft of Palestinian homes and the ethnic cleansing of entire Palestinian villages. There is no “equality” for the millions of Palestinians living under brutal military occupation, denied the right to vote for the governments that drop bombs on them. And when Israeli soldiers kill Palestinian children with impunity and protect and enable Jewish settlers carrying out pogroms against Palestinian communities, Israel’s commitment to upholding Jewish supremacy is on full display. 

House Democratic leadership’s willful ignorance of Israeli atrocities rings particularly false this week, as it comes amidst rising calls for congresspeople to skip Israeli President Isaac Herzog’s speech to Congress on Wednesday.

Five members of Congress have already publicly committed to skipping the speech, and they are absolutely right. Israel is a racist state — and our representatives should not be honoring an apartheid politician in the Capitol tomorrow.


Tell Congress: Skip Herzog’s speech

Herzog presides over an extremist government bent on the total destruction of Palestinian homes and lives. Our elected officials should be standing for Palestinian rights, not honoring the president of an apartheid state. Join our sibling organization, JVP Action, in sending a message to your member of Congress.


‘This is textbook apartheid’

In recent years, leading international and Israeli human rights groups have recognized what Palestinians have been saying for decades: Israel is committing the crime of apartheid. The Institute for Middle East Understanding (IMEU) breaks down Israel’s apartheid regime in this policy backgrounder.

Jewish Voice for Peace
P.O. Box 589
Berkeley, CA 94701
United States

Freedom Flotilla komt naar Rotterdam

21 juli 2023.


Freedom Flotilla-schip de Handala legt komende dinsdag 25 juli aan in de Veerhaven in Rotterdam. De opvarenden van het Noorse schip protesteren met een vijf maanden durende tocht tegen de blokkade van de Gazastrook.

De Handala wordt dinsdagavond 25 juli ontvangen door Rotterdamse vredesactivisten en Palestijnen in Nederland. Komende week zijn er debatten en kinderactiviteiten in de stad.


Woensdag 26 juli 20:00 – 22:00 uur (inloop 19:30)
Locatie: Wijkpaleis, Claes de Vrieselaan 72 in Rotterdam Delfshaven

Paneldiscussie met de Palestijns-Nederlandse Ismail Ziada uit Gaza, de Israëlische vredesactivist Eitan Bronstein Aparicio (Zochrot) en Thomas van Gool (Pax) over internationaal recht en verdragen in de strijd tegen de bezetting van Palestina. De discussie wordt geleid door Loes de Kleijn, die regelmatig bewustwordingscampagnes organiseert voor artsen in Nederland en Palestina. Met toelichting van een lid van de bemanning van de Flotilla en met spoken word van Soraya Speaking.


Donderdag 27 juli 14:00 – 18:00 uur
Locatie: Grote Kerkplein (bij regen in naastgelegen gebouw de Heuvel)

Solidariteitsmarkt en kinderactiviteiten met onder andere workshops schilderen, kinderrechten, stop motion (neem je mobiel mee!), leren Dabke dansen, informatiemarkt, Palestijnse hapjes en de verkoop Palestijnse producten. Verschillende sprekers zoals de bemanning van de Freedom Flotilla zijn aanwezig. Onthulling van het straatnaambord ‘Gazaplein’.


Vrijdag 28 juli 12:00 - 15:00 uur
Locatie: Veerhaven, Rotterdam

Rondleidingen op het schip de Handala en ontmoetingen met de opvarenden.


Op zaterdag 29 juli vertrekt het schip weer en zwaaien we ze uit. 


The horrors of ongoing, escalating anti-Palestinian violence - perpetrated together by the Israeli apartheid government, military, and settlers - know no bounds.

21 juli 2023.


Just in the past month, the Israeli military waged an assault on Jenin, including its refugee camp, murdering and displacing Palestinians in an attack that made clear the Nakba remains ongoing.

It is not only billions in both public and private funds from the U.S. that power the Israeli military and apartheid government. They are also powered by other key U.S. actors: Google and Amazon.

That’s why on Wednesday, July 26, tech workers, community activists, and people of conscience like you will gather at Amazon’s annual Web Services Summit to tell Amazon: “No Tech For Apartheid!”

Since 2021, Google and Amazon tech workers, joined by over 50 human rights organizations, have been organizing together with the #NoTechForApartheid campaign.

They’ve been saying, loud and clear:

Tech workers do not want to build technology that could be used to expand mass surveillance of Palestinians; deepen criminalization of Palestinians; and further the ongoing Nakba, by helping to expand segregated settlements on stolen Palestinian land.

Amazon tech workers have been ramping up their organizing against Israeli apartheid, and need your support. Can you show up to rally with workers next Wednesday, July 26 at 12:30 pm at the Javits Center?

As we mark 75 years since the Nakba, let us show Amazon and Google that we will not stop organizing in solidarity together until Big Tech stops enabling the injustice and violence that began with the Nakba and that Palestinians continue to face to this day.

Sign up to join us and Amazon tech workers in New York City, next Wednesday, July 26, at 12:30 pm — and support workers and community activists in their demands.

23 juli 2023.


Israel is in an unprecedented crisis, but we believe that it represents a unique opportunity for strengthening the anti-occupation movement. Help us make the most of it by supporting our work with Israeli civil society. Donate via this link. As I write this update, Netanyahu’s government is readying to ram through the first piece of its anti-democratic legislative agenda on Tuesday. Israel’s reserve army, a cornerstone of its defense policy, is in open rebellion. Just this weekend, as some 70,000 Israelis marched in sweltering heat from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, over 500 air force pilots formally announced that if the legislation passes, they will refuse to serve. On Saturday, they were joined by nearly 10,000 soldiers from other branches. Later in the day, dozens of former heads of the army and the security services published a letter backing the refusers. Never in Israel’s 75-year history has refusal to serve in the army been mainstreamed in this way.

PHOTO: The sign “We Won’t Kill and Die in the Service of the Settlers” greets tens of thousands of pro-democracy protesters as they enter Jerusalem on Saturday night at the end of a march from Tel Aviv

At first glance, these developments might seem like a domestic spat with no relevance to the future of the Palestinians. Our Israeli partners, however, see the current turmoil as an outstanding opportunity to significantly expand the anti-occupation movement. They cite a number of factors.

  1. Refusal to serve, until recently seen by the mainstream as tantamount to sacrilege, has been normalized as a legitimate form of civil resistance.
  2. Centrist Israelis are increasingly realizing that without an end to the military occupation of the Palestinians there will be no democracy in Israel: A central pillar of the current Israeli government is a fascist party led by West Bank settlers, and many elements of its legislative agenda are designed to facilitate the occupation regime in the West Bank.
  3. The Anti-Occupation Bloc of the democracy protest movement has experienced steady growth and its message -- No Democracy With Occupation -- is increasingly visible at the demonstrations.

In an effort to make the most of the current opportunities for change, Mothers Against Violence, a new voice for refusal in Israel and an RSN partner, have launched a new campaign: Get the Soldiers Out! Because of their unique position as mothers and grandmothers of soldiers, their calls for refusal have generated traction among audiences not normally associated with the anti-occupation positions.

In solidarity,

Mattan Helman
Executive Director
Refuser Solidarity Network

26 juli 2023.


Today, Amazon workers at one of the company’s biggest annual events interrupted business as usual.


Minutes ago at NYC’s Amazon Web Services (AWS) Summit, activists interrupted an Amazon exec’s keynote speech on camera to ask: Why does Amazon continue to provide tech to Israel’s apartheid government and military despite growing worker and community dissent?

One of many beautiful milestones we saw today:

Today's historic event saw Amazon warehouse workers, including co-founders of the Amazon Labor Union, joining Amazon tech workers in collective action.

Amazon is profiting off of Israeli apartheid and violence against Palestinians through Project Nimbus, their $1 billion contract with Israel’s military & government. They are actively providing  powerful tech to an army accused of war crimes and a government that violently forced Palestinians off their land in 1948 and has been doing so every day since.

That’s why Amazon workers made it clear today that they refuse to allow business as usual. Since the early morning hours, they spoke with attendees and Amazon co-workers about #NoTechForApatheid and flyered the streets.

Amazon workers are clear: they demand a say in how their labor is being used and refuse to be complicit in enabling the violence that Palestinians face every day.

Tell Amazon CEO Andy Jassy: Listen to your workers. End all ties with Israeli apartheid and cut the Project Nimbus contract.

The annual AWS summit in NYC aspires to bring thousands of “cloud enthusiasts” to the Javits Center for a day of “learning, networking, and collaboration.”

But Amazon’s technology isn’t being used to bring people together—it’s forcing them apart. It’s enabling and entrenching apartheid, state violence, occupation, and land grabs by providing its tech to apartheid Israel.

Mere weeks ago, the Israeli military launched an assault on Jenin, killing 12 Palestinians, and displacing thousands.1 We don’t want tech to make apartheid “more efficient” or “nimble.” We know that just means deadlier for Palestinians living under a brutal military occupation.

Thanks to today’s action, Amazon workers across the U.S. let their bosses know that they can’t avoid the #NoTechForApartheid question any longer.

We need to build on this momentum right now to keep the spotlight on Amazon’s complicity with the Israeli apartheid government and military’s human rights abuses.

As Israelis protest, BDS wins big.

26 juli 2023.


On Monday, the American Anthropology Association (AAA) voted to boycott Israeli academic institutions, becoming the largest academic association to follow through on activists’ calls for an academic boycott of apartheid Israel.


As the results of the vote were announced, Israel’s Knesset adopted a judicial reform bill that would undermine the power of Israel’s Supreme Court to check the authority of the Israeli military, allowing Israel’s ultra right-wing government to more deeply entrench violent apartheid rule over Palestinians. The move has prompted international outcry and led hundreds of thousands of Israelis to take to the streets in protest.


The AAA’s decision feels perfectly timed. Here’s why.

This vote shows public opinion is shifting.

In 2016, a resolution calling for a boycott was narrowly defeated, but this time, there was overwhelming support for the boycott. 71% of AAA members voted to endorse a resolution that acknowledges what Palestinians have said for years — that Israel is committing the crime of apartheid.

Israel is terrified of BDS.

The AAA boycott further erodes Israel's legitimacy — and it comes at a time when that legitimacy is being questioned for the first time by even the most ardent supporters of Israel.

We have an opening to grow our movement.

The AAA boycott — coupled with the widespread criticism of Israel’s current government — is emblematic of a stunning shift in public opinion around Palestine/Israel. It also represents an opportunity to bring more people than ever before into the movement for Palestinian liberation, especially if we can meet them where they are and help them grow with us. Now is the time to get those criticizing Israel for the first time to see what we already know: that democracy and apartheid can never coexist.

Ask Christina Aguilera to cancel her apartheid Israel concert!

27 juli 2023.


Together, we've convinced stars like Sam Smith, Lana Del Rey, Lorde, Shakira and many others to cancel Israeli shows.


And we can do it again.

This is urgent. 

Christina Aguilera is due to cross our picket line in a matter of days. But we have a real chance to persuade her to cancel.

Thousands of artists have endorsed our peaceful calls for boycotting apartheid Israel. Our movement is growing all the time. Let's keep it up!

In solidarity,

Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI)


The nonviolent BDS movement for freedom, justice and equality is supported by the absolute majority in Palestinian society. BDS rejects all forms of racism and racial discrimination.

28 juli 2023.

In een artikel van 18 juli over de demonstraties die in Israël plaatsvinden tegen de door het kabinet-Netanyahu nagestreefde ‘juridische hervorming’ wordt Jeruzalem door de NOS de hoofd­stad van Israël genoemd. Dat verdient correctie.

Slechts een handjevol staten heeft Jeruzalem als Israëls hoofdstad erkend en er een ambassade gevestigd: de VS, Guatemala, Honduras en Kosovo.

De rest van de wereld, waaronder de VN, EU en Nederland, beschouwt Oost-Jeruzalem als Palestijns gebied dat sinds 1967 door Israël militair bezet wordt gehouden; Israëls annexatie van het stadsdeel wordt niet erkend, laat staan als deel van Israëls hoofd­stad. Als erkende hoofdstad geldt Tel Aviv.

Joodse kolonisering
De Israëlische bezetting van Oost-Jeruzalem dient als springplank voor Joodse kolonisering. Het aantal Joodse kolonisten dat Israël sinds 1967 illegaal in het bezette stadsdeel heeft gevestigd nadert een kwart miljoen. In dezelfde periode zijn zo’n 20 duizend Palestijnen uit de stad verdreven.


“Zo wordt onder onze ogen de door de NOS genoemde ‘hoofdstad’ Jeruzalem gecreëerd, gefundeerd op gestage etnische zuivering en agressieve kolonisering. Onder internationaal recht geldt de kolonisering van bezet gebied onder de oorlogsmisdaden, maar zolang de internationale gemeenschap daar geen sancties aan verbindt, trekt Israël zich daar niets van aan. Integendeel:  het spant zich in om Jeruzalem als ‘ondeelbare hoofdstad’ in het internationale geheugen gegrift te krijgen. Daar draagt de NOS met haar publicatie aan bij.”

Rapport The Legal Status of the Israeli Occupation

De Israëlische mensenrechtenorgansatie Yesh Din en de vooraanstaande mensenrechtenadvocaat Michael Sfard hebben op donderdag 27 juli een juridische analyse gepubliceerd van de Israëlische bezetting van Palestijns gebied.

In het rapport stellen de onderzoekers dat de Israëlische bezetting uit drie kernelementen bestaat: de demografische verandering van de Palestijnse gebieden; de juridische en fysieke scheiding van de bevolking langs nationale lijnen; en de geleidelijke de jure annexatie van Palestijns gebied.

Op basis daarvan concluderen Yesh Din en Sfard dat Israëls bezetting illegaal is geworden, dat Israël de Westelijke Jordaanoever annexeert (en Oost-Jeruzalem al heeft geannexeerd) en dat Israël zich schuldig maakt aan apartheid.

Het rapport is ter kennisgeving aan het Internationaal Gerechtshof in Den Haag gestuurd. Bezoek de website van Yesh Din om het rapport te lezen.

Israel just passed yet another racist law.

2 augustus 2023.


On Sunday, the Israeli Knesset passed a shockingly racist law — even by the standards of Israel’s apartheid government.

Under the new "sexual terrorism" law, Palestinian citizens of Israel convicted of rape, sexual assault, or sexual harassment can receive double the sentence of Israelis found guilty of the same crimes. The law passed in a bipartisan vote of 39-7, and received immediate condemnation from journalists, Israeli feminist groups, and Palestinian lawmakers.

This law manufactures an image of Palestinians as more violent and more dangerous than Israelis. According to the law, a crime is inherently worse simply because a Palestinian committed it. This puts a target on the back of Palestinian men and boys, intensifying the constant threat of violence that Palestinians already live under.


We already know that Israeli courts don’t recognize the humanity of Palestinian children, but instead try them as adults, throw them in solitary confinement, and hold them in military prisons without charge. Palestinian adults, too, are disproportionately held in administrative detention without charge for months or even years at a time, severely undermining their right to a fair trial.  

It’s also clear that this new law does very little to actually make Israeli Jewish women any safer. Instead, it uses sexual violence as yet another pretext for the brutal treatment and racist profiling of Palestinians.

As Jews, we know all too well the dangers of a government demonizing entire groups of people. Laws that allocated different punishments based on race or identity were core to upholding white supremacy in the Jim Crow South, and were enshrined in the Nuremberg Code in Nazi Germany. Israel’s “sexual terrorism” law is no different.

The stakes are rising.

As the Knesset passes a flurry of laws, each more racist and undemocratic than the next, the stakes are rising for the Palestinian liberation movement. Join JVP membership at our Summer All Member Meeting to see how we’re organizing in response — and take action together.

“Encoding the worst human impulses into law”


In 2018, the Israeli Knesset passed the Nation-State Law, which was condemned at the time for making Jewish supremacy the law of the land. This piece from Al-Jazeera explores the parallels between racist Israeli legislation and similar laws throughout history.

2 augustus 2023.


As we start picking up the pace here at Eyewitness Palestine, we have great news to share with you all—the Olive Harvest Delegation is happening October 2023, and we are still accepting applications! This delegation includes supporting Palestinians on their land during olive harvest as well as meetings and tours of various villages, towns and cities. We also have a day with Chef Hani ElFar who will be giving us a “farm to table” experience, where we will pick and cook our own Palestinian meals, all whilst learning about the history of the dishes. Deadline to apply is August 20, 2023.

As you may already know, Jenin Refugee Camp was brutally attacked last month by the Occupation forces. In an effort to support trauma healing programs for the children there, which are being provided by The Freedom Theater and Fragments Theater, we have set up a Zoom event during which we will be joined live from Jenin by two Palestinian artists to hear about what happened there, as well as what is happening to rebuild and re-heal. Please sign up and join us on August 16, 2023.

Filmmakers trekken zich terug uit apartheid Israëls Jerusalem Film Festival.

4 augustus 2023


Jane Campion, Estibaliz Urresola Solaguren en andere filmmakers hebben gevraagd om hun films terug te trekken van het festival, dat samenwerkt met het Israëlische ministerie van cultuur.

Oscarwinnaar Jane Campion (Beste Rfgisseur, 2021) en de Baskische filmmaker Estibaliz Urresola Solaguren behoren tot degenen die hebben gevraagd om hun films terug te trekken van het Jerusalem Film Festival.

Minstens drie andere regisseurs, uit de VS en het 

VK, deden dat ook. De film Sweetie uit 1989 van

Campion en Urresola's speelfilmdebuut 20.000

Species of Bees zouden op het festival vertoond



Bekroond scenarioschrijver, producent en

regisseur James Schamus, mede-oprichter en

voormalig CEO van Focus Features, reageerde op

het nieuws:

“Vorig jaar sprak Emma Watson voor een groeiend koor van Internationale culturele werkers ter ondersteuning van Palestijnse rechten

toen ze verklaarde dat 'solidariteit een werkwoord is'.


Deze zomer, terwijl de wereld toekijkt hoe de Israëlische regering haar aanvallen op en onteigening van de Palestijnse inwoners van Jeruzalem opvoert, nemen filmmakers die zin moedig ter harte."


Palestijnse en internationiale filmmakers en acteurs hadden er bij deelnemers aan het filmfestival van Jeruzalem, dat samenwerkt met de extreemrechtse, seksistische, fundamentalistische, homofobe en transfobe Israëlische regering, op aangedrongen zich

terug te trekken:


"Tot het festival zijn medeplichtigheid aan het apartheidsregime van Israël beëindigt, kan deelname aan het Jerusalem Film Festival het onrecht alleen maar verlengen, ongeacht de goede bedoelingen.


We dringen er bij u op aan om u aan te sluiten bij duizenden artiesten, waaronder veel filmmakers, die de geweldloze Palestijnse piketlijn hebben gerespecteerd, door uw deelname te annuleren."


We waarderen deze betekenisvolle solidariteit enorm. We danken deze filmmakers en roepen alle andere regisseurs en andere artiesten op om te weigeren deel te nemen aan de pogingen van apartheid Israël om zijn mensenrechtenschendingen tegen Palestijnen te verdoezelenzoals het apartheidsregime van Zuid-Afrika daarvoor.

[Vertaald uit het Engels: Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI)]

Tell Christina Aguilera performing in apartheid Israel hurts Palestinians

9 augustus 2023.


Adalah Justice Project and Jewish Voice for Peace New York hand-delivered the singer’s management a letter from more than 10,000 people.


There’s just one more thing we need you to do.


Christina Aguilera is due to fly to apartheid Israel this week, and we need to let her know that crossing our picket line hurts Palestinians.

Click here to send a tweet letting Xtina know that artwashing apartheid Israel can only harm the Palestinian struggle for our rights.


If you aren’t on Twitter, you can copy and paste the message below onto her Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok or YouTube channels.


Artwashing apartheid Israel hurts Palestinians. If you wouldn't have played in apartheid South Africa, why apartheid Israel? Thousands of artists have respected the Palestinian call and refused to cross the picket line. #XtinaDontGo


If we can get our message heard, we’ll be letting all artists considering crossing our picket line know where we stand.


In solidarity,
Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI)



The nonviolent BDS movement for freedom, justice and equality is supported by the absolute majority in Palestinian society. BDS rejects all forms of racism and racial discrimination.


11 augustus 2023.


Bij een aanval van bewapende Israëlische kolonisten op het Palestijnse dorp Burqa op vrijdag 4 augustus de 19-jarige Palestijn Qusay Jamal Mi’atan doodgeschoten. Zijn dood staat niet op zichzelf, maar past in een breder patroon van toenemend kolonistengeweld. Het Israëlische leger treedt niet of nauwelijks op, en speelt vaak zelfs een faciliterende rol.

Kolonistengeweld naar recordhoogte
De aanvallen van kolonisten, die steeds vaker de vorm aannemen van pogroms, vinden dagelijks plaats. Volgens de meest recente cijfers van de Verenigde Naties voerden Israëlische kolonistenmilites tussen 5 en 24 juli 56 aanvallen uit op Palestijnse gemeenschappen. Vanaf 1 januari staat de teller op 581, gemiddeld twintig per week. In 2023 zal naar verwachting voor het eerst een totaal boven de duizend aanvallen worden geregistreerd.

Op 19 november 2022 trokken duizenden Joodse kolonisten onder begeleiding

van Israëlische militairen door de Palestijnse stad Al-Khalil (Hebron).

Daarbij werd grof geweld tegen de Palestijnse bevolking gebruikt. © APA Images / Mamoun Wazwaz

Bij de aanvallen door kolonisten vielen dit jaar al negen Palestijnse doden en raakten vele anderen gewond. Daarnaast werd verspreid over de Westoever grote schade aangericht: honderden bomen en tal van gewassen werden vernield, vee liep verwondingen op en huizen, schuren, tractoren, auto’s, waterleidingen en zonnepanelen werden beschadigd of vernield.

Joodse terreur
Inmiddels begint binnen Israëls politieke en militaire establishment door te dringen dat een monster is gecreëerd. Benny Gantz, leider van oppositiepartij Nationale Eenheid en voormalig stafchef van het leger, sprak van ‘gevaarlijk Joods-nationalistisch terrorisme dat zich onder onze ogen ontwikkelt’. De huidige stafchef, Herzl Halevi, alsmede Shin Beth-directeur Ronen Bar waarschuwden premier Netanyahu dat de Joodse terreur Palestijns verzet en geweld aanwakkert.

Dat is een voorzichtige eerste stap op weg naar erkenning van de realiteit, schrijft het Israëlische dagblad Haaretz. Niet alleen bestaan er ‘Joodse terroristen’, maar ook ‘Joodse terroristische organisaties’. Die beschikken over een machtige ‘politieke vleugel’ die hun ideologie formuleert en propageert, hun activiteiten van financiering voorziet en het door hen gestolen land met behulp van een bereidwillige rechterlijke macht ‘legaliseert’, aldus de krant. Die politieke vleugel is inmiddels ruim vertegenwoordigd in de regering en bepaalt de politieke koers van het land.

Oproep van ruim duizend (joodse) wetenschappers uit de VS, Israël en Palestina!

"Ruim duizend (joodse) wetenschappers uit de VS, Israël en Palestina van over de hele wereld hebben een petitie opgezet waarin zij aandringen op de volledige aandacht voor het directe verband tussen de recente aanval van de Israëlische regering op de rechterlijke macht en de steeds verdere landroof van Palestijns gebied. Er kan geen democratie zijn voor Joden in Israël zolang de Palestijnen onder een apartheidsregime leven. Het uiteindelijke doel van de wettelijke hervormingen door deze fascistische Israëlische regering is meer land te annexeren, Palestijnen binnen en buiten de Green Line hun rechten te ontnemen, de beperkingen op Gaza aan te scherpen en alle gebieden onder Israëlische heerschappij etnisch te zuiveren van hun Palestijnse bevolking.



13 augustus 2023.


MK Simha Rotman is a fascist Israeli politician and a leader of the current Israeli government’s “judicial coup”. He is also a settler. Last week, the pro-democracy movement organized a demonstration outside his home, deep in the southern West Bank. In the lead were two of RSN’s Israeli partners, Mesarvot and Mothers Against Violence. Following behind were members of centrist protest groups, many of whom just weeks earlier had done everything possible to ostracize the anti-occupation movement.

Yesterday evening, the Mothers led the procession at the central pro-democracy protest in Tel Aviv. They raised a banner with the text “Get the Soldiers Out of the Occupied Territories”, and behind them marched thousands. With your help, our partners have brought the Palestinian issue into the heart of the pro-democracy movement’s agenda. A clear message: ”There is no democracy with occupation!”

According to our partners on the ground, the anti-occupation bloc is making headway. The pro-democratic centrist groups who protest weekly are taking in the anti occupation bloc’s messages and are stating the occupation as a clear connection to the current settler government’s anti-democratic steps. Yeheli, coordinator for Mesarvot network, reports that each week more people approach anti-occupation activists, ask questions, show interest in learning information, and participate in the bloc.

Months ago, when the government first set out with the judicial coup, we witnessed the beginning of a public uprising and recognized the opportunity within the crisis. We knew this was an unprecedented moment to re-shape the Israeli’s public’s opinion to see the corruption of the occupation of the Palestinian territories. Now we are starting to see the work of grassroot groups at the forefront, such as Mesarvot and Mothers against violence, bear fruit.

Refusal had become a common civil disobedience act of protest, when just recently it was considered taboo. This has made it possible for public refusal declarations, such as the MAV refusal letter we sent you last week, as well as Mesarvot’s refusal acts, to be featured in widespread media. Even more so, the connection between the judicial coup and the settlers' leadership in the Knesset makes the corrupted settler’s rule in the Palestinian territories visible. This is signaling to the public that the occupation is a threat to Palestinians and Israelis alike, and to all democratic efforts in the area, and is leading to a rise in the number of people who state they support refusal to serve in the territories. Now we need to take it to the next level.

We need your help to continue to grow the refuser movement and make the most of the achievements reached so far. We need to help MAV and Mesarvot expand the campaign for Refusal in Israel. We need to support parents who don’t want to send their children to the military and support youth who want to refuse.




In solidarity,

Ayala Olier
International Solidarity Coordinator
Refuser Solidarity Network

Help Support the Nation’s Largest Advocacy Project for Palestine

18 augustus 2023


We are thrilled to announce that the Nation's Largest Advocacy Day for Palestine is back, and this year, it's happening in person! After a three-year hiatus, AJP Action and AMP are uniting passionate individuals from all corners of the country to champion Palestinian rights and boldly speak truth to power within the halls of Congress.

Palestine Advocacy Day 2017 at the U.S. State Department, Washington, DC

Eight years ago, American Muslims for Palestine began a remarkable project. We brought together a dedicated group of community leaders from across the nation in Washington, D.C., with a mission to advocate for Palestinian rights. This marked the birth of a program that not only involved comprehensive training but also direct meetings with congressional legislators and their staff.

Since that groundbreaking moment, Palestine Advocacy Day (PAD) has become an indispensable force in advancing Palestinian rights and has played a pivotal role in the achievements of the Palestine movement. In 2019, during our last in-person year, PAD achieved a significant milestone by becoming the most extensive advocacy initiative for Palestine in the U.S. with over 550 participants from 32 states coming together to make their voices heard.

Palestine Advocacy Day 2019 at the U.S. Capitol, Washington, DC

In 2021, our 501c4 affiliate organization AJP Action took over PAD. Since its inception, AJP Action has carried forward the legacy of PAD, hosting individuals from all 50 states to participate virtually alongside us.

This year, AJP Action and AMP are gearing up for our most monumental event to date. With the support of our dedicated community leaders and backers nationwide, we are poised to elevate PAD to new heights.


18 augustus 2023


Het Israelische leger is door en door verrot en betrokken bij

oorlogsmisdaden en handhaving van een systeem van apartheid en onderdrukking dat gelijkenis vertoont

met de politiek van nazi-Duitsland.

Aldus Amiram Levin, voormalig generaal in het Israelische leger, commandant van een elite-eenheid en 

vice-directeur van spionagedienst Mossad.

Levin reageerde op de daarover in Israël ontstane ophef met de vaststelling dat het leger weliswaar problemen heeft met de paraatheid, maar tien keer grotere problemen kent vanwege zijn rol op de door Israël bezette Palestijnse Westelijke



'Door en door verrot'

Daar functioneert het als 'partner in oorlogsmisdaden' aldus Levin. De diepe betrokkenheid bij Israels controle over de Palestijnen heeft het leger, 'door en door verrot'. Hij sloot zich aan bij eerdere opmerkingen van toenmalig vice- stafchef van het leger Yair Golan dat zich in Israël processen afspelen die gelijkenis vertonen met die in nazi-Duitsland voorafgaand aan de Holocaust. Als

voorbeeld wijst hij op de 'totale apartheid' in door Israël bezette steden als Al- Khalil (Hebron), waar straten alleen voor joden toegankelijk zijn.

We vermoorden onszelf

Levin deed een vertwijfelde oproep aan het defensie-establishment om op te staan tegen de leiders die het meesleuren in het begaan van oorlogsmisdaden. 'Ik zeg eerlijk, ik ben niet boos op de Palestijnen, maar op ons. We vermoorden onszelf van binnenuit'.

Leiders Joodse gemeenschap in VS onder vuur voor negeren onrecht tegen Palestijnen

18 augustus 2023


'Er kan geen sprake zijn van democratie voor Joden in Israël zolang Palestijnen onder een regime van apartheid Ieven.' En: 'Het

uiteindelijke doel van de juridische hervorming in Israël is om [...] alle gebieden onder Israëls controle etnisch te zuiveren van hun Palestijnse bevolking".


Met die vaststelling richt een groeiend aantal voornamelijk Joodse - academici en vooraanstaande publieke figuren zich in een open brief tot de georganiseerde Amerikaanse Joodse gemeenschap. Hun verwijt luidt dat die zich weliswaar inzet voor tai van

maatschappelijke doelen, maar Israëls bezetting en apartheid negeert.


Kans op verandering

Nu de Israëlische regering de laatste schroom heeft afgeworpen bij het najagen van haar rabiate politieke agenda is zwijgen geen optie meer, schrijven zij, benadrukkend dat de huidige situatie ook kans op verandering biedt. Zij roepen de leidende personen binnen de Joods-Amerikaanse gemeenschap op om de Israëlische protestbeweging tegen de juridische hervorming niet alleen te

steunen, maar om dat protest uit te breiden met de eis voor gelijke rechten voor Joden en Palestijnen, zowel in Israël als de bezette Palestijnse gebieden. Pijnlijk genoeg ontbreekt die eis tot dusver.


De oproep is belangrijk omdat die de discrepantie blootlegt tussen het standpunt van veel Joden en dat van de veelal zelfbenoemde 'georganiseerde Joodse gemeenschap'. Waar rechtvaardigheid en solidariteit voor veel Joden wereldwijd leidende criteria zijn, wordt binnen die gemeenschap een uitzondering gemaakt voor Palestijnen - een fenomeen dat 'Progressive Except

Palestine'(PEP) wordt genoemd. Even ernstig is dat die hypocriete houding door media en politici niet wordt (h)erkend, en zelfs wordt gepresenteerd als gangbaar Joods standpunt.


Ook in Nederland

Dat gebeurt ook in Nederland. Zo publiceerde de NOS recent een artikel waarin (voormalige) vertegenwoordigers van Nederlandse (vooral) Joodse organisaties zich uitspreken over de juridische hervorming in Israël. Dat die tot doel heeft de

etnische zuivering van de Palestijnen te voltooien blijft daarin onbenoemd, evenals het feit dat de Israëlische 'democratie' waarover de vijf geïnterviewden zich uitspreken berust op een regime van apartheid.


In het NOS-artikel ontbreekt dat perspectief volledig. Zo wordt de olifant in de kamer vermeden, precies waar de critici in hun open brief op doelen.

Wij strijden tegen landroof, bezetting en onderdrukking. Helpt u mee?

Kijktip:  Interview met Berber van der Woude

Het progressieve Belgische nieuwsplatform DeWereldMorgen interviewde Berber van der Woude, voormalig diplomaat en tegenwoordig bestuurslid van The Rights Forum. Als diplomaat in Palestina zag zij van dichtbij op welke schaal de rechten van de Palestijnen door de Israëlische bezetter geschonden worden. De onwil van de Nederlandse regering om Israël daarvoor ter verantwoording te roepen noodzaakte haar ontslag te nemen.


Tijdens het interview vertelt zij onder meer over haar beslissing om ontslag te nemen, het Nederlandse beleid ten opzichte van Israël/Palestina en de rol van de media.

Will this band play on the ruins of a Palestinian village?

The end of "unwavering support"

18 augustus 2023


As the Palestine solidarity movement builds power, public opinion in the U.S. is shifting against the Israeli government and in support of the Palestinian cause.


This recent interview with former JVP Board member Phyllis Bennis explores what it would take to turn this difference in attitude into a real change in U.S. foreign policy.



Jewish Voice for Peace

P.O. Box 589

Berkeley, CA 94701

United States

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Why sympathy for the Palestinians among Americans is shifting and at an all-time high

Hundreds holding banners and Palestinian flags gather at the Little Yemen district of Bronx and take streets to protest Israeli aggression against Palestinians, in New York City, United States on May 31, 2021. Foto: Tayfun Coskun/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images

20 augustus 2023.


• Sympathy toward the Palestinians among US  adults is at a new high of 31%, according to Gallup data.

• Over the past decade, Democrats have had an "increasing affinity" toward Palestinians.

• Social media is changing the way Americans perceive the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians.


At the juncture of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan and the major Jewish holiday of Passover, heightening tensions in the ongoing Israel-Palestine conflict turned deadly on Friday when an Italian citizen was killed, and several others were injured, after a car rammed into a group tourists in Tel Aviv. The driver, a Palestinian citizen of Israel, was shot and killed by police, Israeli authorities said.

In a separate incident, two British-Israeli women were shot and killed near the occupied West Bank by Palestinian assailants, the Associated Press reported.


The surge of violence comes after armed Israeli police raided Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem's Old City earlier this week.


The police used tear gas and fired stun grenades as young Palestinians threw firecrackers back, according to multiple reports. Militants in Gaza later fired rockets at southern Israel, which prompted an airstrike from Israel, per the Associated Press.


Widespread social media videos appeared to show Israeli authorities using the ends of their rifles to beat worshippers. At the same time, unverified footage also seemed to show police walking over prayer mats was viewed more than a million times on one Twitter account alone.


The surge of violence at Al-Aqsa Mosque, a sacred place for Jews and Muslims, is reminiscent of violent confrontations in 2021.

The broader area where the mosque is located is known to Jews as Temple Mount.


But while the cycles of violence in the long-running conflict between Israelis and Palestinians remain unchanged, the way

Americans perceive the conflict is altering.

Israeli police detain a Palestinian worshipper at the Al- Aqsa Mosque compound in the Old City of Jerusalem during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, Wednesday, April 5,2023. Foto: Mahmoud lllean/ Associated Press

Sympathy toward the Palestinians among US adults is at "a new high" of 31%, while the proportion not favoring a side is at a new low of 15%, according to a new poll by the analytics company Gallup.


There is still a 23-point gap in Americans' sympathy for Israel versus the Palestinians, but it represents Israel's slimmest advantage on this question, according to Gallup's World Affairs poll trend. It is also the first time Israel has not enjoyed a better than 2-to-l advantage over the Palestinians in Americans' sympathies, said Gallup.


Gallup interviewed a random sample of 1,008 adults in the US, conducting the poll between Feb 1-23 of this year, an update of its annual World Affairs poll.


One factor undermining Americans' unequivocal political support of Israel is Palestinians' increased use of social media on the ground, say experts, instead of only receiving information about the long-running Israel-Palestine conflict from mainstream news sources.


As Israeli politics becomes increasingly right­ wing and confrontational towards Palestinians, "instant access to that reality through social media" accelerates the trend shown in the new Gallup data, Khaled Elgindy, director of the Program on Palestine and Palestinian-Israeli Affairs at the Middle East Institute, told Insider.


The "availability of instant images and videos and stories of repression in Palestine has an impact," he added.


High-profile American celebrities like supermodels Gigi and Bella Hadid who each have tens of millions of followers on Instagram — have also been reprimanded by Israel for outspoken pro-Palestine content on their massive social media platforms. The father of the trend-leading influencer sisters was born in Palestine, so they have been increasingly vocal about the issue in recent years.


The surge in support for Palestinian rights in the US coincided with a swell of national Black Lives Matter protests in 2020 after the murder of George Floyd by police, Tariq Kenney-Shawa, a US policy fellow at Al-Shabaka, told Insider.


"With this in mind, it's important to see growing support for Palestinians as deeply intersectional and couched in wider efforts to address systemic violence and inequality at home," Kenney-Shawa said.

The "steep drop" in sympathy for Israelis among Democrats

Public opinion on the Israel-Palestine conflict has shifted even more significantly among Democrats in the US, according to Gallup.

The survey found that 49% of Democrats interviewed said their sympathies were with the Palestinians, while 38% sympathized with.


In 2016, Gallup found that only 23% of Democrats surveyed sympathized with Palestinians.

Over the past decade, Democrats in the US have had an "increasing affinity" toward the Palestinian cause, according to Gallup data. A younger demographic of millennials and Gen Z primarily drives the "steep drop” in sympathy for Israelis.


A "threshold has been crossed," as support for Palestinians now exceeds support for Israelis among rank-and-file Democrats, which is ”a very significant moment for lots of reasons," Elgindy said.


The Gallup data makes a key differentiation between Palestinians and Israelis with the Palestinian Authority and Israel. Overall, support for the state of Israel remains strong. 68% of Americans view Israel favorably. This slumps to 26% for the Palestinian Authority.


When asked about the overall opinion of Israel and the Palestinian Authority, however, a small majority of Democrats view Israel favorably which is still much lower than the 82% of Republicans who felt the same way.


The new data from the Gallup poll shows the number of those interviewed on the topic who are "ambivalent1' has decreased by more than half over the past ten years showing the increasing polarization between Republicans and Democrats echoing American political"culture wars” in recent years.


Favorable attitudes toward Israelis remain high among other political parties Republicans' views remain the same, as 78% supported Israelis. 49% of independents also supported Israelis, although sympathy toward the Palestinians for political independents is at a new high up six points to 32%, according to the poll.

Men inspect a burnt vehicle following a reported attack by Israeli settlers on the Palestinian town of Huwara in the occupied West Bank on March 28, 2023. Foto: JAAFAR ASHTIYEH/AFP via Getty Images

The staunch support of the Republican base was echoed in former President Donald Trump's friendly relations with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu.


Widespread conservative support of Israel is also partly maintained by Christian evangelicals who see the backing of the Jewish state as necessary to their faith, as well as "war on terror" rhetoric and Islamophobia.


Will US policy towards Israel ever change?

"We can celebrate this shifting narrative and growing sympathies for the Palestinian cause all we want, but if you speak to a Palestinian living under Israeli occupation in the West Bank or under a suffocating blockade in Gaza, it hasn't changed anything for them,* Kenney-Shawa said.

Israeli security forces fire tear-gas to disperse Palestinians after dashes broke out inside Al-Aqsa mosque's compound in Jerusalem's Old City on July 27, 2017 Foto: AHMAD GHARABLI/AFP via Getty Images

Democratic Majority for Israel an advocacy group that works to "strengthen support for the US-Israel alliance" said they found the Gallup survey was "flawed," however, because "sympathy is an ambiguous word with multiple meanings," in a Twitter thread last month.


The advocacy group said it was possible to be sympathetic towards the conditions Palestinians live under while still being "Pro-lsrael"ļ¼Œadding that "its no secret that anti-Israel activists are doing everything they can to roll back the party's proud pro-Israel tradition."


There is some movement among the left wing of the Democratic Party towards pro-Palestinian sentiments including during Bernie Sanders's campaign for president and members of the progressive "Squad," which includes Rashida Tlaib, the first Palestinian-American woman to serve in Congress. But it is not the predominantly-held position in the party.


"This poll should be a wake-up call for Democratic party leadership," said Beth Miller, political director of Jewish Voice for Peace

Action, told Insider in an email.


The changes in Democrat's opinions "will probably affect policy," Elgindy said. "Will it take five years? Ten years? A generation? That remains to be seen."


Read the original article on Business Insider

Israel is escalating its violence against Palestinians.

23 augustus 2023


Israel’s apartheid regime has again escalated its daily violence against Palestinians. The uptick in violence in 2023 reflects the genocidal ideology of Israel’s ultra right-wing, settler government.


Following shootings in Huwara and Hebron that left three Israelis dead, settlers and Israeli officials alike have called for revenge, with Palestinians living under Israel’s brutal military occupation once again facing collective punishment and disproportionate violence.


Israeli forces launched raids on a number of Palestinian villages. During a raid over the weekend on the Palestinian village of Beita, Israeli forces fired tear gas and rubber bullets, injuring over 112 Palestinians — and on Monday, horrifying videos emerged of Israeli forces in Beita shooting a Palestinian man in the back of the head while he attempted to reach one of the injured.


And on Tuesday, in al-Zababdeh, south of Jenin, Israeli forces shot and killed 17-year-old Othman Abu Khoruj during a raid on the city. We won’t be able to forget the heartbreaking images of Othman’s distraught father marching during the funeral of his youngest son.


As Israeli forces blocked roads and erected military barricades, preventing Palestinians from going about their daily lives, Israeli settlers attacked Palestinian homes and cars and demanded that Huwara be burned to the ground.


This rhetoric is echoed at the highest levels of the Israeli government. Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, a right-wing extremist, is calling for an expansion of illegal, Jewish-only settlements, and demanding that the Israeli military launch an offensive in the West Bank, which would undoubtedly lead to further destruction of Palestinian homes and lives.


One thing is clear: Zionism has increasingly meant the collective punishment of a people living under decades of brutal military rule. 

30 augustus 2023


Backed by hundreds of community members, Google workers protested yesterday outside Google's biggest cloud conference of the year to demand that their bosses stop doing business with Israel’s apartheid regime.


Activists from JVP-Bay Area, the Palestinian Youth Movement, and the Arab Resource and Organizing Center (AROC) chained themselves to the street and pedestrian walkway, calling on Google to drop its contract with the Israeli military and government.

Tell Google: #NoTechForApartheid

This year, Google Cloud is celebrating its first year of profitability — but Google workers and the Bay Area community made it clear yesterday that there is nothing to celebrate as long as Google is profiting off of the destruction of Palestinian lives.


Yesterday’s rally comes a month after Amazon workers and community members rallied at the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Summit in New York City, demanding an end to Project Nimbus, Google and Amazon’s billion-dollar contract to provide the Israeli military with the AI and surveillance technology it uses to oppress Palestinians.


One thing is clear: Tech workers and community activists will only ramp up their organizing against Big Tech as long as companies like Google continue to power and profit off of Israeli apartheid.

Het Israelische Hooggerechtshof

oordeelde onlangs dat de bewoners van

het Palestijnse dorp Anin slechts twee

keer per week hun land mögen

bewerken. De dorpelingen hadden via

juridische weg dagelijkse toegang geeist,

maar kregen nül op rekest.

De zaak toont eens te meer dat het

Hooggerechtshof geen recht in de ons

vertrouwde zin spreekt, maar als

witwasser van onrecht een belangrijk onderdeel is van het bezettingsregime.


Tijdens de behandeling van de zaak maakte het Israëlische leger bovendien bekend de toegang van de boeren tot hun land nog verder te gaan beperken, tot tweemaal per jaar.


Gescheiden van hun land

Anin ligt in het noordwesten van de bezette Westelijke Jordaanoever. Bij de stichting van de Staat Israël in 1948 verloor het 60 procent van zijn landbouwgrond; dat kwam aan de Israëlische kant van de internationaal erkende grens terecht.


Twintig jaar geleden bouwde Israël zijn beruchte 'Afscheidingsmuur' op het resterende land van het dorp en kwam tweederde daarvan ten westen van de muur terecht, in de zogenoemde 'zoom-zone' tussen de Groene Lijn en de muur.

Alle families in het dorp hebben land in dat gebied.


Ter hoogte van Anin kreeg de muur een poort, die tot dusver tweemaal per week door het Israëlische leger kort werd geopend. Om daarvan gebruik te maken moeten de dorpelingen ook nog eens over een vergunning beschikken, die aan allerlei voorwaarden is gebonden. Tegen deze situatie procederen de Palestijnse families al sinds 2007, zonder succes.

Een poort in de ruim zevenhonderd kilometer lange Israëlische 'Afscheidingsmuur'. Zo'n 150 Palestijnse dorpen zijn door de muur afgesneden van hun landbouwgrond. Liefst 85 procent van de muur is iIlegaal op Palestijns land gebouwd. In 2004 oordeelden het Internationaal Gerechtshof en de VN dat Israël dit deel van de muur diende af te breken. Negentien jaar later is dat nog altijd niet gebeurd. © UN OCHA


De vrees van de boeren is dat hun olijfbomen verloren gaan als de poort bij hun dorp nog maar tweemaal per jaar open is. Nu al zorgen oprukkend onkruid, incidentele natuurbranden en een kudde koeien van een Israëlische boer voor Problemen. De groenten en granen die zij eerder verbouwden, en veel meer zorg nodig hebben, gingen al verloren.


Feitelijke annexatie

De situatie in Anin Staat niet op zichzelf. Circa 150 Palestijnse dorpen zijn door de ruim zevenhonderd kilometer lange Afscheidingsmuur van hun land gescheiden.

De muur is volgens Israël om veiligheidsredenen noodzakelijk. Feit is echter dat Israël het gevaarte niet op eigen grondgebied heeft gebouwd, maar grotendeels ten oosten van de Groene Lijn, op Palestijns land. De 'zoom-zone' omvat zelfs bijna 10 procent van de Palestijnse Westelijke Jordaanoever. Het project wordt algemeen beschouwd als een poging dat land feitelijk te annexeren.


In de zone ligt een aantal illegale Israëlische 'nederzettingen', maar ook ruim dertig Palestijnse dorpen die in hun geheel gevangen zijn geraakt tussen de Groene Lijn en de muur.

De muur sneed de dorpelingen af van de Westoever-samenleving waarvan zij deel uitmaakten. Om naar hun werk, school, familie of een ziekenhuis buiten de zone te gaan zijn ook zij aangewezen op vergunningen en de poorten. Bezoek van buiten ontvangen is voor hen vrijwel onmogelijk.

Om in hun eigen huis te kunnen wonen hebben de Palestijnse dorpsbewoners een vergunning van de bezetter nodig.

Dat geldt ook voor het bouwen van een woning of schuur of de aanleg van een weg in hun dorpen. Daarvoor is een Israëlische vergunning vereist die in de praktijk zo goed als nooit wordt verstrekt. Zelfs om in hun eigen huis te kunnen wonen hebben zij een vergunning voor 'permanent verblijf' van de bezetter nodig, die regelmatig moet worden vernieuwd.

De muur is illegaal

In 2004 oordeelde het Internationaal Gerechtshof in een zogeheten Advisory Opinion (Adviesopinie) dat de muur, voorzover gebouwd op Palestijns land, illegaal is en direct moest worden afgebroken, en dat gedupeerden schadeloos moesten worden gesteld. De Algemene Vergadering van de VN nam de uitspraak integraal over in een resolutie die werd aangenomen

met 150 stemmen voor (waaronder Nederland] en zes tegen.

Israël trok zich er zoals gewoonlijk niets van aan en bouwde rustig verder, met juridische dekking van het eigen Hooggerechtshof. De internationale gemeenschap, in de adviesopinie en de VN-resolutie nadrukkelijk gewezen op de verplichting Israël tot het respecteren van het recht te bewegen, liet het - al even gebruikelijk - afweten. Israël kon zijn gang blijven gaan.

Ook politiek Den Haag liet de illegale situatie op haar beloop. In het politieke hart van de mondiale 'Hoofdstad van Vrede en Recht', op loopafstand van het Internationaal Gerechtshof, stemde de Tweede Kamer onlangs zelfs in met een nieuw verdrag met Israëls Ministerie van Defensie en de aanschaf van een raketsysteem van de Israëlische wapenproducent Eibit

Systems, beide direct betrokken bij de bouw van de muur.

31 augustus 2023


We launched a new website this week.


Our new website is designed to serve as a hub for existing movement activists, and for the countless people coming to understand and oppose Israeli apartheid. It will make it easier for people to take collective action, plug into existing networks of local organizing, and bring more people into the Palestine solidarity movement.


The new site is the outcome of months of dedicated work by our JVP National staff, and comes as we prepare to launch a new, five-year Strategic Plan that will guide the future of our work to build a movement of Jews committed to Palestinian liberation. This is an exciting time for JVP — and we’re grateful to have you with us as we work to meet this critical moment.

See our new website

Here's where to start.

Looking for a way to channel your outrage into action? We now have a dedicated space for you to take collective action online.

There are so many ways to get involved with JVP. Learn more about connecting with a JVP chapter, getting involved in on-campus organizing, or joining one of our networks.

New to JVP? Learn more about who we are and our place in the movement for Palestinian liberation.

What else is on the website?

Blog: Find JVP statements and press releases.


Campaigns: Learn about JVP’s current and past campaigns.


Coming soon: political education and holiday resources, new campaigns and ways to take action, a web store with brand new JVP merch, and much more.


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Jewish Voice for Peace
P.O. Box 589
Berkeley, CA 94701
United States


1 september 2023.


Texas' Governor, Greg Abbott, has launched what appears to be a full-on border war against migrants and refugees. Children and families who, like me, came to the U.S. to find safety and a better life for themselves and their loved ones. Instead of extending compassion for those fleeing war, climate disaster, political punishment, and more, the Texas governor has used the idea of an “invasion” of migrants to launch the multibillion-dollar “Operation Lone Star” to imprison and harm people on the border.

One tech company is aiding this war against migrants and refugees, and that’s Israeli Cobwebs Technologies — a surveillance tech company co-founded by Israeli intelligence members.

Tell Texas Governor Abbott: Stop your war on migrants and refugees at the border, and stop using Cobwebs Technologies’ Israeli apartheid tech to track and cage families.

In July, Texas troopers under Abbott were “ordered to push small children and nursing babies back into the Rio Grande” — and “told not to give water to asylum seekers even in extreme heat (3).”

This is the kind of inhumanity that Governor Abbott is pushing, and Israeli Cobwebs Technologies is supporting: Israeli Cobwebs Technologies’s tech would let that the same Texas-government track people’s movements. From our smartphones.  Without any court orderI gotta tell you, I know a little about what it’s like to be targeted and surveilled so authoritarians and white supremacists can do their worst. Palestinians, under Israeli occupation, know worse. They are among the most surveilled people in the world. If Cobwebs Technologies is being used on migrants and refugees in a so-called “invasion” on the border, it is, or most certainly will be, used to surveil all people. And activists of all backgrounds.


Don’t sleep on Cobwebs Technologies. Don’t turn away from Abbott’s war on migrants and refugees.


We also need to keep a steady eye on technology developed in Israel to track and surveil Palestinians. It’s wrong in Palestine, and it’s wrong here. If you care about migrants and refugees, if you care about Palestinians living in a state of perpetually being watched, if you care about your own right to privacy and freedom of movement, then take action!


In solidarity,

Linda, Granate, Ishraq, and the team at MPower Change


  1. Texas State Police Purchased Israeli Phone-Tracking Software for ‘Border Emergency’” Intercept, July 26, 2023.
  2. Aimed at Protests, Surveillance Contractor's New Owners Expand Spy Tech Portfolio,” Unicorn Riot, Aug. 20, 2023.
  3. Texas Trooper Blows Whistle on 'Inhumane' Orders for Border Migrants,” Newsweek, Aug. 18, 2023.

1 september 2023


Israël maakt er geen geheim van de Westelijke Jordaanoever formeel te willen annexeren, daarmee zijn from the river to the sea-project voltooiend. De Palestijnen wacht uitzichtloze voortzetting van het onrecht dat hun levens al generaties domineert. Geweld op enorme schaal is een reëel risico, en dat zal geen winnaar, maar alleen verliezers opleveren. 

Human Rights Watch: steeds meer Palestijnse kinderen slachtoffer van Israëlisch geweld

Op 28 augustus heeft Human Rights Watch (HRW) een schokkend nieuw rapport gepubliceerd over het sterk toenemende aantal Palestijnse kinderen dat (straffeloos) door Israëlische veiligheidstroepen is vermoord. Van de afgelopen vijftien jaar was 2022 het dodelijkste jaar voor Palestijnse kinderen, en in 2023 lijkt het aantal gedode Palestijnse kinderen opnieuw hoger uit te gaan vallen.

In de door HRW onderzochte gevallen schoten Israëlische militairen de kinderen direct in het bovenlichaam. Dat gebeurde zonder enige waarschuwing en met scherpe munitie. HRW constateert dat de kinderen klaarblijkelijk geen ernstige dreiging vormden voor de Israëlische troepen.

HRW roept Israël op om te stoppen met het onrechtmatige en dodelijke geweld tegen Palestijnen, roept de aanklager van het Internationaal Strafhof op het onderzoek naar oorlogsmisdaden in bezet Palestijns gebied te bespoedigen en roept de internationale gemeenschap op om voorwaarden aan Israël te stellen die moeten leiden tot beëindiging van het dodelijk geweld tegen Palestijnen (en andere schendingen van internationaal recht).

Belgische minister uit kritiek op Israëlisch geweld tegen Palestijnen, ambassadeur ontboden

Tegen de Belgische ambassadeur in Israël is op 31 augustus door het Israëlische ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken in Tel Aviv protest aangetekend. Aanleiding was een uitspraak van de Belgische minister van Ontwikkelings-samenwerking in een interview met De Morgen.

Minister Caroline Gennez sprak met een journalist van het Belgische dagblad over de noodzaak voor Belgische ngo's om zich de komende jaren meer toe te leggen op 'vergeten crisissen'. De situatie in de bezette Palestijnse gebieden is daar volgens de minister één van. Daar wordt de situatie onhoudbaar, aldus Gennez: 'Er worden hele dorpen van de kaart geveegd door de Israëli’s. De periodes van escalerend geweld zijn korter dan voorheen, maar wel frequenter en intenser. Daardoor krijgt de bevolking geen ruimte meer om op adem te komen. Sinds begin dit jaar zijn er al meer Palestijnen verwond en gedood bij geweld dan in heel het jaar 2022.'

De opmerking leidde tot protest van de Israëlische ambassadeur in België, Idit Rosenzweig Abu, die zei dat de beschuldigingen 'vals en lasterlijk' waren. Het tegendeel is waar. Uit cijfers van UN OCHA blijkt dat tot en met 21 augustus dit jaar 202 Palestijnen omkwamen door Israëlisch geweld. In 2022 waren dat er 181.

VN-Rapport De (il)legaliteit van de Israëlische bezetting

De Israëlische bezetting van de Westelijke Jordaanoever is illegaal onder het internationaal recht. Dat is de zoveelste keer dat dit, ingevolge het internationaal recht, in een VN-rapport deze week opnieuw wordt  geconstateerd. Dit rapport werd opgesteld in opdracht van het VN-Comité voor de uitoefe-ning van de onvervreemdbare rechten van het Palestijnse volk.

Uit het meer dan honderd pagina's tellende rapport blijkt dat Israël structureel talrijke normen van het internationaal recht schendt, waaronder het deporteren van de eigen bevolking naar bezet gebied, het schenden van de rechten van de bezette bevolking en het invoeren van apartheidspraktijken.

'De studie concludeert dat Israël al deze wetten op grove wijze schendt,  zei Michael Lynk, de voormalige speciale VN-rapporteur voor Palestina, tegen de commissie tijdens de presentatie van het rapport.

'Omdat de bezetting illegaal is, zouden de gevolgen de onmiddellijke, onvoorwaardelijke volledige terugtrekking van de Israëlische strijdkrachten moeten zijn, evenals de terugtrekking van de kolonisten, de intrekking van alle discriminerende wetten en de ontmanteling van het militaire administratieve regime,' aldus Lynk.

Het rapport sluit af met een oproep tot herstelbetalingen 'aan de getroffen Palestijnse individuen, bedrijven en entiteiten, voor de generationele schade die is veroorzaakt door de toe-eigening van land en eigendommen door Israël, de sloop van huizen, plundering van natuurlijke hulpbronnen, het weigeren van terugkeer en andere oorlogsmisdaden en misdaden tegen de menselijkheid' (p. 106)

Nederland levert geen geschreven bijdrage aan onderzoek Internationaal Gerechtshof

Sinds begin dit jaar loopt er een onderzoek bij het Internationaal Gerechtshof in Den Haag naar de Legal consequences arising from the policies and practices of Israel in the occupied Palestinian territory including East Jerusalem.

Inmiddels is bekend welke VN-lidstaten gebruik hebben gemaakt van hun recht om schriftelijk commentaar te leveren op de zaak - de deadline om stukken in te dienen verliep op 25 juli.

Uit een communiqué van het Gerechtshof blijk dat Nederland dit, in tegenstelling tot 55 andere landen, niet heeft gedaan. De Europese landen die wel een verklaring hebben ingediend zijn België, Frankrijk, Hongarije, Ierland, Italië, Liechtenstein, Luxemburg, Noorwegen, Spanje, Tsjechië en het Verenigd Koninkrijk. 

3 september 2023


This is Yeheli, the coordinator for Mesarvot network (Israeli network supporting Israeli youth refusers). I’m writing to give you all the latest updates about our actions. 

We have exciting news. In the past few months we have been supporting a group of Israeli youth, obligated by law to enlist in the near future, in the process of writing a refusal declaration they initiated. In the declaration they state they will refuse military service for as long as the Israeli government continues anti-democratic oppressive actions, both towards Palestinians and Jews alike. 230 youth have signed the statement to date and we officially release it today to the Israeli public. Read the full statement below and please make sure to share it with friends, family, and colleagues. 

Youth against Dictatorship, Summer 2023

As young women and men about to be conscripted into Israeli military service, we say NO to dictatorship in Israel and in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. We hereby declare that we refuse to join the military, until democracy is secured for all who live within the jurisdiction of the Israeli government. 

Despite our six months of determined struggle for a genuine democracy that has been waging in the streets almost daily, the government continues to pursue its destructive agenda. We truly fear for our own future, and for the future of all who live here. 

In view of this, we have no choice but to take extreme measures and refuse to serve in the army.  A government that destroys the judiciary is not a government that we can serve.  An army that militarily occupies another people is not an army that we can join. 

The judicial coup has already exerted an enormous price on the Israeli society and on the Palestinian people. The dictatorship that has existed for decades in the Occupied Palestinian Territories is now oozing into Israel proper and is directed against us. Violent settlers now control the entire state. These are not recent developments. Undemocratic attitudes and actions are essential to maintaining this regime of occupation and Jewish supremacy.  The only thing that has changed is that the mask is now off.

Faced with this reality, we say NO!
We know that the more youth groups will refuse service, the bigger the impact we’re going to have on the political situation in Israel. We hope to get this declaration through mainstream Israeli media channels to give more Israeli youth the courage and confidence to refuse themselves. Please share this statement with everyone you know so we can get them all the support they need to continue their important actions.

In solidarity,


3 september 2023

230 Israeli Teenagers Are Declaring their Refusal to Enlist in the Israeli Army to Protest the Dictatorship in Israel and in the Occupied terrirories 

Another Declaration




Youth against Dictatorshjp, Summer 2023 

As young women ancl men about to be conscripted into Israeli military

Service, we say NO to dictatorship in Israel and in the Occupied

Palestinian Territories. We hereby declare that we refuse to join the

military, until democracy is secured for all who live within the

Jurisdiction of the Israeli government.

Despite our six months of determined struggle for a genuine

democracy that has been waging in the streets almost daily, the

government continues to pursue its destructive agenda. We truly fear

for our own future, and for the future of all who live here.

In view of this, we have no choice but to take extreme measures and

refuse to serve in the army. A government that destroys the judiciary is

not a government that we can serve. An army that militarily occupies

another people is not an army that we can join.

The judicial coup has already exerted an enormous price on the Israeli

society and on the Palestinian people. The dictatorship that has existed

for decades in the Occupied Palestinian Territories is now oozing into

Israel proper and is directed against us. Violent settlers now control

the entire state. These are not recent developments. Undemocratic

attitudes and actions are essential to maintaining this regime of

occupation and Jewish supremacy. The only thing that has changed is

that the mask is now off.

Faced with this reality, we say NO!

11 september 2023


As we enter the Jewish New Year, a time of renewal and recommitment, we’re stepping up our fight against Israeli oppression of Palestinians.


Right now, JVP has a plan to end U.S. support for Israeli apartheid — and we’re ready to share it with the world. 

Join JVP at our mass meeting on September 27 as we launch our five-year strategy to challenge U.S. support for Israeli apartheid.

Register now

After a year of seeking out input from thousands of people — Palestinian leaders, JVP members, and movement partners — we know how we can most effectively contribute to Palestinian liberation.


But it will only be possible if we show up, and bring what we learn into practice in our communities.


This strategic plan reflects our mandate in the movement, as the largest anti-Zionist Jewish organization in the world, and lays out our key strategies over the next five years. We’re gathering more U.S. Jews than ever before, launching key campaigns to weaken the U.S.-Israeli alliance, and building power towards ending U.S. government complicity in Israeli apartheid.

We’re building to fight, and we’re fighting to win.


See you there,






Stefanie Fox
Executive Director

P.S. Join us on September 27 as we plan strategy for the next five years.


15 september 2023


This past year was one of the deadliest in recent memory for Palestinians.


As we prepare to greet  5784, stronger and more united in our liberatory mission, it’s crucial that we take this time to reflect. During these Days of Awe, we sit with both the tragedies of the past year and our hope for the year to come, as JVP puts its new strategic plan into action.


We’re devastated by the lives lost in the name of Jewish supremacy. We also renew our resolve, more determined than ever to end U.S. complicity in Israeli apartheid and build Jewish community beyond Zionism.

We’re so grateful to have you in this struggle with us. And we hope you’ll join us in this new year as we dream of the world to come.


A happy and sweet new year to you,





14 september 2023


This week, for the first time in Israel’s history, Israel’s High Court of Justice sat in its full capacity to deliberate a proposed amendment to the Basic Law: Judiciary, which seeks to cancel the court's use of the Reasonableness Clause when scrutinizing government actions. This amendment is just one of dozens of attempts by the most right-wing government in Israel’s history to weaken its legal system and gut judicial review.

Yesh Din voiced its opposition as one of 37 Israeli civil and human rights organizations, when it joined the Association for Civil Rights in Israel as amicus curiae in its petition the High Court of Justice against this amendment. The struggle for democracy in Israel is inseparable from the fight to end the Israeli occupation. While Israelis are demonstrating for democracy, Palestinians residents of the occupied territories are forbidden from protesting against the military regime which has ruled nearly every aspect of their lives for the past 56 years and violates their rights on a daily basis.

In these very challenging times, featuring some of the most extreme and rampant settler violence Yesh Din has ever documented, we continue to fight for justice for Palestinians living under Israeli occupation. So far this year, we have provided legal rights awareness training for 465 residents of the West Bank, including 106 women, we have documented 177 incidents of offenses committed against Palestinians and opened over 75 new legal cases in which we are representing Palestinian rights-holders. We continue to challenge this extreme government's annexation policies, including continuing to actively fight against Israel's plans to re-establish a settlement in Homesh, filing our third High Court petition in the case last month.

Ahead of the Jewish New Year, Yesh Din’s staff, volunteers and steering committee thank you for your support during this contentious period, and send our wishes for justice, peace and liberty.

Shana tova to you and yours!

Yesh Din

20 september 2023


Israel’s extremist Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu traveled to the United States this week, at a time when more and more U.S. Jews are speaking out against Israeli apartheid.


In some ways, Netanyahu’s trip shows how isolated Israel’s ultra right-wing government has become. At the same time, it reveals how much material support he still has — and how much more work we still need to do to end U.S. support for Israeli apartheid.


Netanyahu might have had to fly all the way to San Francisco to meet with billionaire antisemite Elon Musk, but he still had an audience with the richest man in the world. And although President Biden declined to invite Netanyahu to the White House — a clear snub — he’s still meeting with the Israeli Prime Minister on the sidelines of the U.N. General Assembly in New York.

All out in New York: Netanyahu is not welcome.

This Friday, Netanyahu will be in New York, where he’ll be attempting to defend Israel’s brutal apartheid regime before the United Nations. JVP-New York City is turning a mass protest outside of the U.N. on the day of his speech with one clear message: Jews for Palestinian freedom say Netanyahu is not welcome!

Where do we go from here?

U.S. Jews from San Francisco to New York City are speaking out for Palestine this week. You’re also going to be hearing from groups who are opposed to Netanyahu — but not yet committed to Palestinian liberation.


Our task now is leveraging the sentiment around Netanyahu to bring those criticizing Israel for the first time into the Palestine solidarity movement. As the largest anti-Zionist Jewish organization in the world, JVP has a critical role to play in doing just that!

21 september 2023


Over the past few years, we’ve worked together to make JVP the largest  anti-Zionist Jewish organization in the world.

Next week, we’re launching our strategy to challenge U.S. support for Israeli apartheid over the next five years 

Join JVP and JVPA staff, and movement leaders Dr. Angela Y. Davis, Naomi Klein, Omar Barghouti, and Aurora Levins Morales on September 27 as we kick off our plan to challenge U.S. support for Israeli apartheid.

In the last few months, the Israeli state has further escalated its daily violence against Palestinians. Jewish settlers, emboldened by Israel’s ultra-right wing government, are carrying out more attacks.


We are devastated by all that has been lost in the name of Jewish supremacy — but we are not powerless.

In order to fight most effectively, we’re bringing together more U.S. Jews than ever before, launching key campaigns to weaken the U.S.-Israeli alliance, and building power towards ending U.S. funding and support for Israel.



Stefanie Fox
Executive Director


26 september 2023.


Mensenrechtenverdedigers worden in heel Palestina bedreigd. In de afgelopen weken is Israëls onderdrukking van mensenrechtenverdedigers in Masafer Yatta toegenomen, Zij hebben onze solidariteit en steun nodig om hun moedige werk te kunnen voortzetten, en ze hebben ons gevraagd er bij onze regeringen op aan te dringen om namens hen op te komen tegen de systematische onderdrukking door de Israëlische staat.

Stuur het bericht hieronder naar het ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken om de eisen van Palestijnse landverdedigers in Masafer Yatta onder de aandacht te brengen!

Oproep aan Bruno Mars

De Amerikaanse zanger Bruno Mars wordt door Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) opgeroepen om zijn geplande optredens in Israël af te zeggen. In een open brief, ondertekend door fans, benadrukken zij het feit dat het optreden plaatsvindt op Yarkon Park, gebouwd op grond van het Palestijnse dorp Al-Shaykh Muwannis, dat etnisch werd gezuiverd.

Reactie van BDS op de anti-BDS wetgeving in het Verenigd Koninkrijk

BDS heeft inbreng geleverd in de procedure om 'anti-boycot’ wetgeving in het Verenigd Koninkrijk aan te nemen. Tijdens hoorzittingen over de wet werd geen enkele Palestijnse organisatie of vertegenwoordiger van BDS uitgenodigd of om een reactie gevraagd.

De voorgenomen wet is een anti-democratische, anti-Palestijnse poging om een vreedzame solidariteitsbeweging voor de Palestijnse rechten te onderdrukken. De wet zou overheidsinstellingen verbieden om mensenrechten of morele overtuigingen mee te laten wegen bij aanbestedingen.

Het wetsvoorstel vormt niet alleen een bedreiging voor de vrijheid van meningsuiting, het heeft ook als doel een breed scala aan campagnes met betrekking tot de wapenhandel, klimaatrechtvaardigheid, mensenrechten, internationaal recht en internationale solidariteit met onderdrukte volkeren die strijden voor gerechtigheid te onderdrukken.

In de jaren ‘80 werd er een soortgelijke poging gedaan om protest tegen de apartheid in Zuid-Afrika te verbieden. De regeringen van Schotland en Wales hebben zich al tegen de wet uitgesproken. Hoewel niet in een wet, zijn er in Nederland ook per motie door onder andere de SGP en PVV pogingen gedaan om BDS verboden te krijgen. .

BDS tegen normalisatie Israël-Saudi-Arabië

Het Palestijnse BDS Nationaal Comité (BNC) staat achter de meerderheid van de bevolking van Saudi-Arabië die de normalisatie tussen het Saudische regime en apartheid Israël veroordeelt.

De normalisatie-gesprekken, bemiddeld door de Amerikaanse regering, dienen vooral de belangen van de extreemrechtse regering van Israël op een moment dat het te maken heeft met ongekende binnenlandse protesten, groeiende internationale druk en een dreigende economische crisis. Ze dienen ook om het Saudische regime te ondersteunen ondanks de ernstige mensenrechtenschendingen.

Ook de Palestijnse bevolking veroordeelt de betrokkenheid van de Palestijnse Autoriteit bij deze normalisatiegesprekken, omdat het een excuus biedt voor een Saudisch-Israëlische overeenkomst die de rechten van het Palestijnse volk ondermijnt. De meest betrouwbare opiniepeiling in de Arabische regio heeft aangetoond dat 70% van de mensen in de Arabische Golfregio tegen diplomatieke betrekkingen met Israël is, terwijl slechts 8% deze steunt. In Saudi-Arabië is de verhouding van degenen die tegen dergelijke betrekkingen zijn tot degenen die ze steunen bijna 8 op 1.

De ‘Abraham Akkoorden hebben aangetoond dat zogenaamde ‘vredes’ overeenkomsten tussen het apartheidsregime van Israël en Arabische dictaturen voornamelijk militaire allianties zijn die Israël helpen zijn apartheidsregime te handhaven en de repressie van Arabische dictators te versterken. Israël verkoopt zijn militaire technologieën als "battle tested" en exporteert spionagesoftware, zoals NSO's Pegasus.

Civil Society Organizations United in Opposition to Israel's Admission into the Visa Waiver Program

27 september 2023


Washington, DC - September 27, 2023: Civil society organizations representing tens of thousands of Palestinian Americans, Arab Americans, Muslim Americans, and allied communities are expressing deep concern and outrage regarding the United States’ decision to admit Israel into the U.S. Visa Waiver Program (VWP) despite Israel not fully meeting the requirements outlined by the law.


Israel's admission to the Visa Waiver Program starkly contradicts the principles of the program itself. Despite being given an answer key to the program's requirements, Israel has yet to fulfill its obligations. And it has had no incentive to do so. Instead of requiring Israel to comply with the statutory requirement of reciprocity, the agreement signed between the U.S. and Israel completely flouts this principle by allowing Israel to implement different entry procedures that distinguish between U.S. citizens based on ethnicity, the IDs they hold, and various other factors. Compounding this, the U.S. government’s truncated evaluation period provided no real opportunity for assessment. To be clear, adherence to this agreement is not adherence to reciprocity.


We have no faith that Israel will fully abide by the rules and regulations set forth by the Visa Waiver Program, especially after being officially admitted. Many crucial questions about the decision's ethical implications have been raised, given Israel's long history of discriminatory actions against U.S. citizens and Palestinians in contravention of the program’s requirements and international law. These ethical concerns underscore the importance of not disregarding a country's past behavior when considering such privileges. 


We call upon the U.S. government to reconsider its decision and prioritize the reciprocity, security, and international cooperation principles underpinning the Visa Waiver Program. The admission of any country into this program must be based on precise adherence to the established criteria and a demonstrated commitment to the program's core values.


The Biden administration must remember that reciprocity cannot be negotiated or compromised. Concessions that allow Israel to pick and choose which points of entry U.S. citizens can access and implement different entry processes for some Americans not only diminish the integrity of the VWP itself but enshrine discrimination against U.S. citizens into law.


Executive Director of Americans for Justice in Palestine Action (AJP Action) & American Muslims for Palestine (AMP), Dr. Osama Abu Irshaid, said, “This announcement encapsulates the imbalance in the American-Israeli relationship. While Israel continues to violate its obligations under international law and undermine U.S. efforts to attain some kind of a peaceful settlement in the Middle East, which ironically favors Israel, successive American administrations continue to reward Israel for its bad behavior. The Biden administration is no exception in this context. Despite the administration's repeated condemnation of Jewish settlement expansionist policies in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem, Israel has never suffered political consequences. 


Israel's admission into the U.S. Visa Waiver Program (VWP) falls in the same context. It cements the conventional wisdom that Israel enjoys the right to and immunity from ignoring America’s demands and damaging its standing in the world. The prevailing view is that the U.S. always backs down in the face of Israel's arrogance. 


In the face of Israel's intransigence, the Biden administration yielded to its racism, which implemented a discriminatory two-tiered system of entry, especially for U.S. citizens residing in the West Bank and Gaza, contradicting the U.S. principles of reciprocity. This humiliating American concession makes it appear that Israel is doing the U.S. a favor by accepting to join the VWP, not vice versa.”  


Nihad Awad, Executive Director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) National, said, “It is clear that Israel is not currently in compliance with the Visa Waiver Program admission requirements, and the Biden administration must not rush to admit Israel into the program at the expense of the requirement of reciprocity for all U.S. citizens. CAIR and human rights organizations strongly urge Secretary Blinken and the Biden administration to heed the concerns raised by Palestinian and Muslim Americans and to deny Israel’s admission into the Visa Waiver Program until it can fully comply with all of the requirements and not harass and discriminate against American travelers.” 


Abed Ayoub, Executive Director of ADC National, said, “By endorsing a tiered system for U.S. citizens, our government has given its tacit approval to Israel's prejudiced policies and apartheid actions. This decision broadcasts a stark message: not all American passport holders are viewed equally. ADC does not accept that message and will be using every available option to fight it.”


Hanna Hanania, Government Affairs Committee Co-Chair and Past President of the American Federation of Ramallah, Palestine (AFRP), said, “Although we were repeatedly assured that the core principle of the U.S. VWP is ‘blue is blue’, today’s announcement says otherwise. By admitting Israel into the VWP despite its clear disregard for the program requirements of reciprocity and equal treatment, the Biden administration has compromised both the integrity of the VWP and our rights as Americans. This is unacceptable and should raise alarms not just for Palestinian Americans - but for all Americans who believe that our government should prioritize safeguarding our rights as U.S. citizens. We are disappointed, but not defeated. Now is the time for us to hold our government accountable and make it clear that we will not accept anything less than full reciprocity for all Americans, no matter their ethnicity, religion, or politics.”


Stefanie Fox, Executive Director of Jewish Voice for Peace Action, said, "The Biden administration's decision to allow Israel's entry into the Visa Waiver Program is an outrageous endorsement of the Israeli government's systematic discrimination against Palestinian Americans and a reward to the most extremist, racist government in Israel's history. Once again, the U.S. is singling out Israel for special and exceptionalized treatment at the expense of the rights of Palestinian Americans. Jewish Voice for Peace Action calls for the immediate reversal of this decision." 


Ahmad Abuznaid, Executive Director of the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights, said, "We learned from the civil rights movement the fallacy of 'separate but equal.' Today we are obligated to reject Israel's inclusion into the Visa Waiver Program because separate is never equal. Palestinian Americans' tax dollars are just as green, our passports are just as blue, and our rights are just as precious as any other American."


Salam Al-Marayati, President of MPAC, said, “Israel is not in compliance with the law as it relates to reciprocal treatment for all U.S. citizens, as evidenced by their continued targeting of Americans of Arab descent through travel bans with the absence of due process, seizure of property, harassment, interrogation, and detention at border crossings upon entry and exit. There remains no indication that any policy changes will be implemented to change this status quo. This decision will serve to embolden the Israeli government in its ongoing efforts to target American Muslims, Arab Americans, and Palestinian Americans and exploit the rules in the name of security. It also further damages our credibility as a country that values human rights and equality on the world stage.”


Sandra Tamari, Executive Director of Adalah Justice Project, said, "It is shameful that the U.S. continues to grant Israel not only unfettered impunity for violations of international law and human rights abuses, but also rewards it for its discriminatory policies. The U.S. has admitted Israel into the visa waiver program despite Israel's continued discrimination against U.S. citizens who are Palestinian. Israel's discrimination is especially egregious against Palestinian Americans with ties to Gaza, making reunification of families torn apart by Israel's siege and blockade of Gaza near impossible. Apartheid is not only Israeli policy, it is U.S. policy too.”


Jehad Abusalim, Executive Director of The Jerusalem Fund for Education and Community Development, said, “Israel's designation in the VWP is an endorsement of the actions and rhetoric of its right-wing government, especially given the ongoing challenges and brutal repression faced by Palestinians. Instead of rewards, it's essential for Israel to be held accountable for its actions and crimes.”


Adalah Justice Project (AJP)
Americans for Justice in Palestine Action (AJP Action)
American Muslims for Palestine (AMP)
Arab American Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC)
Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR)
Jewish Voice for Peace Action (JVP Action)
Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC)
The Jerusalem Fund for Education and Community Development
US Campaign for Palestinian Rights (USCPR)

Americans for Justice in Palestine Action (AJP Action), an affiliate of American Muslims for Palestine (AMP), is a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization lobbying for legislation that supports the human rights of the Palestinian people.

27 september 2023


As the fall begins, farmers across Palestine are preparing for the upcoming olive harvest season—a time when families gather in their groves to pick fresh olives and tend to trees that have been passed down for generations.


Unfortunately, the olive harvest season is often marked by increased violence against Palestinian farmers.


Israeli settlers frequently attack Palestinian farmers and threaten their livelihoods by restricting access to their own lands, confiscating crops, and uprooting olive trees that have been cultivated for thousands of years.


Since 2010, dedicated supporters like you have helped counter these threats through our long-standing partnership with the Palestine Fair Trade Association (PFTA).


Last year alone, generous donors like you helped plant 3,621 olive saplings in 40 villages across Palestine, providing 700+ farmers and their families with future sustenance, as well as a renewed sense of hope and commitment to the land.


Thank you!

Over the summer, USCPR Executive Director Ahmad Abuznaid (left) visited our friend and partner, Mohamed Ruzi (right) of the PFTA. While in Jenin, Ahmad also met Mohammed Zein Alden (middle), a participant in the PFTA’s Trees for Life program.

To make an even greater impact, the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights is preparing to launch our annual Rooting Resistance drive in just one week to plant another 4,000 olive trees in Palestine and power activism for Palestinian liberation here in the U.S.


Keep an eye out for more updates! We’ll be in touch again soon to announce the launch of our drive and share how you can sow the seeds of resistance and help plant more trees than ever before.






Development Director

28 september 2023


One day, when apartheid ends, Palestinians may demand reparations for enduring seven decades of displacement and oppression. On that day, at least one bank will be among the culpable: Citibank, the largest U.S. bank operating in Israel.

Citibank is guilty of supporting apartheid Israel.

Citibank is complicit in the oppression and denial of freedom of Palestinians.

That’s why we’re announcing a solidarity campaign with the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights, Crescendo, and Ekō to send Citibank a message.

Tell Citibank: Stop supporting Israel’s brutal apartheid! In recent months, at a time of unprecedented opportunity to delegitimize and weaken Israeli apartheid, Citibank has actively backed up Israel’s new government when similar institutions refused to do so.

When Israel’s new Finance Minister, Bezalel Smotrich, called for a Palestinian village to be “wiped out,” entities like the International Monetary Fund and the US Chamber of Commerce refused to meet with him.³ But not Citibank. Instead, they held cordial meetings with Smotrich, helping “calm the markets,” effectively whitewashing Smotrich’s pro-genocide comments mere weeks after people began transferring billions of dollars from Israel. (1)

Citibank’s functional support for Israeli apartheid is not new, or just PR — they’ve been actively invested in it.
Citibank has:

  • Actively facilitated billions in Israeli military arms funding.
  • Bragged about helping multi-national corporations “set up shop” in Israel.
  • Made huge investments in Israel’s tech sector, itself deeply associated with decades of apartheid.

Citibank is a core partner to Israel, at a time when even Israeli investment experts say they “see too many…similarities between South Africa during apartheid and present-day Israel.”

And just as Citibank was forced to stop doing business with South Africa, we can do the same with Israel and Citibank.

Do it for Palestine. Take action now.

The only way forward to freedom is through solidarity.

All of us, Palestinians and allies, are coming together to tell Citibank: We demand Reparations and Justice for Palestinians.

This petition is just the beginning. Will you join us?

Thank you for all you do.

In solidarity,

Linda, Granate, Lau, and the team at MPower Change



  1. Smotrich says his call to 'wipe out' Huwara was an 'emotional slip of the tongue',” The Times of Israel, March 14, 2023.  

29 september 2023


I'm furious. The U.S. just let Israel into the Visa Waiver Program. This means Israelis can visit the U.S. for up to 90 days without a visa. Israel still discriminates against Palestinian Americans. It´s said before: The U.S. is giving Israel a pass for international law violations and discrimination. It´s unacceptable. Our government needs to know that we won't stand for rewarding discrimination.

Think about Palestinian Americans with ties to Gaza. Israel's actions, like the Gaza blockade, tear families apart. It's heart-wrenching.

Apartheid isn't just Israel's thing; it's U.S. policy now too.

Your actions count in the fight for justice.

Tell the White House: Stop Rewarding Israel Racism

In determination and solidarity,


Sandra Tamari

Check out the amazing things we’ve been able to do so far this year!

29 september 2023


As we approach the end of the third quarter of 2023, we wanted to take a moment to share the remarkable progress we've made this year in our relentless pursuit of justice for Palestine. We're excited to report that your unwavering support has been instrumental in helping us achieve groundbreaking milestones, and we're not stopping now!


At AMP, we've been on the frontlines, fearlessly championing the Palestinian cause and advocating for truth and justice. The results have been nothing short of extraordinary, and we're thrilled to share some of these remarkable accomplishments with you in this report. Year after year, our determination to restore justice in Palestine grows stronger, and our belief in the inevitable triumph of liberation becomes unshakable. Positive changes are taking root in the U.S., as reflected in successive and credible opinion polls that show growing support for Palestinian rights. The settler-colonial project in Palestine is now widely recognized as apartheid, and its favorability is plummeting at home and on the global stage. None of this progress is happening in isolation; it's the direct result of our tireless efforts, bolstered by increased resource investment.


Over the past 17 years, American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) has consistently demonstrated its ability, thanks to supporters like you, to achieve the seemingly impossible. We're eager to maintain our credibility through our continued hard work and accomplishments, as well as through our ongoing collaboration with supporters like you. 

4 oktober 2023.


The Nakba is ongoing to this day, as the Israeli government and Jewish settlers continue to push Palestinians off their land through the constant threat of settler violence, attacks by the Israeli military, and a discriminatory legal system.

The Israeli apartheid regime oppresses Palestinians at home and supports ethnic cleansing and displacement of populations worldwide. It’s never been more clear that our liberation is bound up together, and that a world without Israeli apartheid is a safer world for all of us. 

"War sells weapons"

The Israeli arms industry makes billions of dollars each year. This article from the Electronic Intifada details the "cruel experiments" of the Israeli state, testing its weapons on the Palestinians who live in Gaza and the occupied West Bank before selling them to regimes across the world.

5 oktober 2023.


There is enormous potential when thousands of American Jews stand up together for justice — this is what we mean when we say our members are our power.

JVP and JVP Action have a plan to end U.S. complicity in Israeli apartheid.


American Jews have a critical role to play in shifting the narrative on Palestine/Israel. The Israeli state claims to speak for all Jews, even as it commits daily atrocities against Palestinians. When we grow the movement of Jews organizing toward Palestinian liberation, we undermine our opposition's narrative. 


That’s why one of the most important things we can do for Palestinian liberation is bring more Jews into the movement — and as the largest anti-Zionist Jewish organization in the world, we’re stepping up the fight.




CP Prince

Senior Membership Organizer

5 oktober 2023


This month's newsletter focuses on the village of Nabi Saleh. With its approximately 650 inhabitants, Nabi Saleh is situated about 20 km (12 mi) northwest of the city of Ramallah in the West Bank. The small town that's drawn attention for its unrelenting Friday protests sits atop a mountain with clear views of the Palestinian coast and other surrounding areas.

Despite the ’risks and constant attacks on Palestinians by occupation forces, village residents, joined by international activists and journalists, venture out in the spirit of Palestinian resistance every Friday for demonstrations to defend their main water source, which has become threatened by the nearby Halamish settlement since 2009. It is cherished in the hearts of its residents for its lush agricultural lands, forests, olive and pine trees, and water springs, and boasts beautiful archaeological and tourist sites.


By Moureen Kaki

Janna Jihad Al-Tamimi began her work in journalism and activism at the incredible age of seven years old. Most seven-year-olds are only ever troubled with spelling tests and negotiating more television time with their parents, but Tamimi was no ordinary child. As a Palestinian living under occupation in the West Bank, Tamimi's childhood has been marred by witnessing the active erasure of her home. Raised in the village of Nabi Saleh and in the context of weekly protests, she very quickly recognized the importance of raising awareness about what happens in Nabi Saleh and Palestine more broadly.

"Living under an Israeli apartheid colonial system, we are not treated like normal children around the world, even when we tried to do normal children's activities," says Tamimi. "I loved playing soccer—and still do, but when me and my friends would play in the streets, we would get shot at and harassed by Israeli soldiers. Our childhood was violated. Living through all that from the second I was born and seeing how the Israeli apartheid system is still growing on the ground, and the way they have expanded tactics to ethnically cleanse my people directly affected my life the same way every other Palestinian teenager's life is affected. The only

option left for us is to resist and we do resist. I do want to live a normal childhood, but with the occupation [forces] still on my land, there is no way I can live a normal life."

As a child, Tamimi attended the Friday demonstrations in Nabi Saleh, which has become almost a ritual for village residents. She was raised in an activist family who encouraged her and taught her that every act of resistance mattered. "I just took my mother's phone and started recording what was happening in front of me," she shares about the first time she filmed one of the protests. "After marching down the main street, the protest was getting suppressed by the Israeli occupation [forces].” A few weeks later, her mother was rummaging through her phone and found the videos that her daughter recorded and posted them to social media.

Several people had commented on her mother's posts, saying things like "We never knew this what actually happens on the ground [in Palestine]."

Comments like these fueled Tamimi to continue documenting the violence her small village was subjected to.

Ten years later at 17 years old, the scope of her work has expanded. "I continued doing my journalism to spread awareness, but now I do it on a broader level, along with international advocacy work." For Tamimi, the camera is a way to tell her truth and to show the world what Palestinians experience on a daily basis. Although she encourages people to continue to read, learn and share (with others), more about the Palestinian struggle, Tamimi believes visiting Palestine and witnessing for yourself is the only

way to truly understand what Palestinians deal with under occupation and apartheid.

"Reading about Palestine is extremely effective in the sense of raising awareness about what is happening on the ground, but coming and living and actually witnessing what is happening from the violations of rights of movement, seeing the apartheid wall, the checkpoints, the night raids and day raids and the illegal settlements everywhere, is much more effective and allows people to speak from the point of view of what they themselves experienced. It helps us spread the truth of our experiences under

occupation," Tamimi says. "So yes, I do think it's extremely important to bring international delegations from all over the world to see what is happening for themselves and to take action and raise awareness."


You can keep up with Tamimi and her work by following her on Instagram.

Israeli Violence is the Root Cause of Violence and Unrest in the Region

Washington, DC (Oct 7, 2023) - American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) and Americans for Justice in Palestine Action (AJP Action) are gravely concerned about the unfolding crisis in Gaza, precipitated by increased Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people. After what has been called the most violent and deadly year in the West Bank, with more than 250 Palestinians killed, frequent attacks on the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound, and Palestinian women being violated by Israeli soldiers in the streets, the situation has reached a fever pitch that warrants global attention.

The decades of calls from Palestinians and the international community to investigate Israel’s war crimes and crimes against humanity have gone unheeded, giving Israel carte blanche approval to maintain and intensify its oppressive regime. This has allowed Israel to escalate its settler colonization of Palestinian land with unprecedented violence, resulting in a 16-year siege on 2.1 million Palestinians in Gaza, described as the world's “largest open-air prison.” Despite international condemnations and pledges to investigate Israel for crimes against humanity and war crimes, Israel has never been held accountable for its actions. The situation in the West Bank has also reached unprecedented levels of violence, making 2023 the bloodiest year for Palestinians in two decades.

The Biden Administration's statements, focusing exclusively on Israel's right to defend itself, indicate a disconnect between rhetoric and reality. While acknowledging the extremism of the current Israeli government, the U.S. continues to provide unequivocal support, including financial, diplomatic, and military aid, thereby becoming complicit in the ongoing oppression of Palestinians. Peace talks involving Arab neighbors like Saudi Arabia serve as a mere distraction, sidelining the core issue of justice and liberation for Palestinians. Biden’s assertion of the need to “advance equal measures of security, freedom and prosperity” for Israelis and Palestinians is once again meaningless.

Rather than pushing for normalization between the Israeli apartheid regime and dictatorships in the region, AMP and AJP Action call upon the Biden Administration to facilitate an immediate ceasefire and address the root cause of violence, that is, Israel’s Apartheid regime, and specifically in Gaza, Israel’s brutal siege and blockade. Furthermore, no additional aid should be granted to Israel. For far too long, the U.S. has been a steadfast ally of Israel, providing substantial military and financial assistance to Israel despite mounting evidence of human rights abuses and violations of international law committed in the occupied territories. While ignoring the plight of Palestinians, this unwavering support undercuts the moral ground that the U.S. claims to hold in promoting “democracy” and “human rights” worldwide. The U.S. is implicated and responsible for the continued escalations in this case.

For almost four decades, Israel has been the leading beneficiary of U.S. security assistance through the Foreign Military Financing Program, or FMF. The U.S. gives Israel 3.8 billion in military aid annually to ensure its “Qualitative Military Edge” in the region. Yet, the unfolding events in Gaza prove nothing will guarantee security and stability other than restoring Palestinian rights. Unless the Biden Administration can truthfully address the root cause of what has unfolded in the last 24 hours, Israel will continue to feel emboldened to carry on its oppressive regime.

AMP and AJP Action reaffirm their commitment to a just solution that guarantees all of the inalienable rights of Palestinians. The path to such a solution must involve tangible actions, not the continuation of empty promises. Palestinians deserve the right to live and live with dignity, freedom, and justice.

Westerse medeplichtigheid aan het brute geweld van apartheid Israël vergroot het Palestijnse verzet en de internationale solidariteit

8 oktober 2023


Verklaring van het Palestijnse BDS National Committee

De BDS-beweging heeft scherpe kritiek op de regeringen van het koloniale Westen, omdat ze, wederom, hypocriet achter apartheid Israël staan en de bedrieglijke tijdlijn van het huidige ‘geweld’ kritiekloos overnemen, alsof het allemaal vanmorgen begon met de krachtige gewapende reactie van de onderdrukte Palestijnen in Gaza.

Deze scheve voorstelling van zaken dient om het initiële en voortdurende decennialange koloniale geweld van de onderdrukker te verdoezelen.

De extreemrechtse regering van Israël, de meest racistische, fundamentalistische en fanatieke ooit, heeft haar etnische zuivering, belegering, moord, opsluiting en dagelijkse vernedering van miljoenen inheemse Palestijnen in de bezette Gazastrook en de Westelijke Jordaanoever, inclusief Oost-Jeruzalem, genadeloos opgevoerd.

Ze dachten dat hun onverbloemde wreedheid de Palestijnen simpelweg zou dwingen om onderdrukking te aanvaarden als hun lot.

Dronken van macht en straffeloosheid, mogelijk gemaakt door de onvoorwaardelijke Amerikaanse en Europese collusie, financiering en bewapening, evenals van de beschamende normalisering en militaire allianties met Arabische dictaturen, met medeplichtigheid van de Palestijnse Autoriteit, geloofde het Netanyahu-regime dat het tijd was om de “ kwestie van Palestina” voor eens en voor altijd te begraven.

Het Westerse koor laat opnieuw deze essentiële context buiten beschouwing en bekritiseert andermaal de “gewelddadige aanvallen” van de Palestijnen op Israël.

Ongeacht hoe mensen over de hele wereld tegen gewapend verzet aankijken en hoe het internationale recht het reguleert, ze kunnen het alleen maar eens zijn met de Braziliaanse pedagoog Paulo Freire die zegt:

“Met de vestiging van een relatie van onderdrukking is geweld al begonnen. Nooit in de geschiedenis is geweld begonnen bij de onderdrukten. … Geweld wordt geïnitieerd door degenen die onderdrukken, exploiteren en anderen niet als personen erkennen, niet door degenen die worden onderdrukt, uitgebuit en niet erkend.”

Aangezien onderdrukking de grondoorzaak van geweld is, moeten we, om al het geweld te beëindigen – het initiële en voortdurende geweld van de onderdrukker en het reactieve verzet van de onderdrukten – actie ondernemen om een einde te maken aan de onderdrukking.

Zoals bewezen in de Zuid-Afrikaanse strijd die daar de apartheid ontmantelde, zijn het blootleggen en beëindigen van de medeplichtigheid van staten, bedrijven en instellingen aan Israëls 75 jaar oude regime van koloniaal kolonialisme en apartheid, vooral door BDS-tactieken, de meest ethische en strategische vormen van internationale solidariteit om een einde te maken aan alle onderdrukking en alle geweld.

8 oktober 2023


As the world watched the latest surge of violence in the holy land, Israeli soldiers and settlers seized on the opportunity to arrest and torture our director Issa Amro. While we bring you this news, we also invite you to participate in the 2023 Olive Harvest campaign!

Issa was detained and tortured for ten hours in an Israeli army base by soldiers and settlers in army uniform. He was beaten and kept very tightly handcuffed, blindfolded and gagged. He was kept and tortured alongside other Palestinian detainees in the army base. You can read the whole report here.

“Israel is not defending itself,” Issa Amro stated. “It’s occupation, it’s apartheid, it’s Jewish supremacy. I saw that today with the soldiers. They don’t distinguish between anybody. They see us all as their enemy. But we will never give up.”

It is the time of year for the annual olive harvest in Palestine. We invite you to support the efforts of local volunteers! Come to Hebron and work side by side with Palestinian families.

Although this tradition spans hundreds of years, this basic activity has been inhibited by the Israeli occupation. In Hebron, Palestinian families and their ancient olive trees are now surrounded by ideologically extreme Israeli settlers and soldiers who seek to take control of the land.

Every year we invite our supporters to come join local Palestinian families in the ancient tradition of the Olive Harvest. Come help families pick olives from trees that are hundreds of years old! Even if you cannot join in person, please consider supporting the campaign through a donation.

Friends of Hebron has a U.S.-registered IRS 501(c)3 charity status. Donations are tax-deductible.

During these tense times, please consider supporting our work on the ground in Hebron by donating.


With peace,

Friends of Hebron

Working for Peace and Justice

9 oktober 2023

10 oktober 2023


We must come together and collectively pressure our elected officials to take a moral stand. Take action and tell your Members of Congress to do the following: 

  • Publicly call for an immediate ceasefire to prevent further loss of life and suffering. 
  • Halt weapons shipments to Israel as long as it continues to violate its obligations under international and U.S. laws.
  • Prioritize the immediate delivery of humanitarian aid to alleviate the suffering of Palestinians in Gaza.
  • NOT to cosponsor the McCaul/Meeks resolution, which dehumanizes Palestinians by blaming innocent people for Israel’s actions and fails to express concern over Palestinian deaths. 

On Sunday, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin announced that the United States is sending The USS Gerald R. Ford accompanied by cruisers and destroyers. The United States is enhancing its air force squadrons' presence in the region. Austin added that the Biden administration “will rapidly provide” the Israeli Military with additional equipment and resources, including munitions, expected to arrive this early week.

For 75 years, Palestinians have been seeking justice from the United Nations. For 75 years, the world has been failing them. For three decades, the United States has been giving them promises about their right to live in a contiguous, sovereign state in which Palestinians live in freedom and dignity. But none of these promises were ever fulfilled. Instead, millions of Palestinians who have been displaced since 1948 are still prohibited from returning to them or visiting their homeland. The ethnic cleansing carried out by Israel is still ongoing. The brutal crimes Israel commits against Palestinians never come to an end. 

The United States has the opportunity and the moral responsibility to act swiftly and decisively. We must place as much pressure as possible on our elected officials for them to urge an end to Israel’s violent bombing campaign of Gaza and immediate removal of the blockade.  


Ayah Ziyadeh

Advocacy Director, AJP Action

JVP calls on all people of conscience to stop imminent genocide.

12 oktober 2023


The Israeli government has declared a genocidal war on the people of Gaza. As an organization that works for a future where Palestinians and Israelis and all people live in equality and freedom, we call on all people of conscience to stop imminent genocide of Palestinians.


Jewish Voice for Peace mourns deeply for the over 1,200 Israelis killed, the families destroyed, including many of our own, and fears for the lives of Israelis taken hostage. Many are still counting the dead, looking for missing loved ones, devastated by the losses.


We wholeheartedly agree with leading Palestinian rights groups: the massacres committed by Hamas against Israeli civilians are horrific war crimes. There is no justification in international law for the indiscriminate killing of civilians or the holding of civilian hostages.


And now, horrifyingly, the Israeli and American governments are weaponizing these deaths to fuel a genocidal war against Palestinians in Gaza, pledging to “open the gates of hell.” This war is a continuation of the Nakba, when in 1948, tens of thousands of Palestinians fleeing violence sought refuge in Gaza. It’s a continuation of 75 years of Israeli occupation and apartheid.


Already this week, over 1,000 Palestinians in Gaza have been killed.  The Israeli government has wrought complete and total devastation on Palestinians across Gaza, attacking hospitals, schools, mosques, marketplaces, and apartment buildings. 


As we write, the Israeli government has shut off all electricity to Gaza. Hospitals cannot save lives, the internet will collapse, people will have no phones to communicate with the outside world, and drinking water for two million people will run out. Gaza will be plunged into darkness as Israel turns its neighborhoods to rubble.  Still worse, Israel has openly stated an intention to commit mass atrocities and even genocide, with Prime Minister Netanyahu saying the Israeli response will “reverberate for generations.” 


And right now, the U.S. government is enabling the Israeli government’s atrocities, sending weapons, moving U.S. warships into proximity and sending U.S.-made munitions, and pledging blanket support and international cover for any actions taken by the Israeli government. Furthermore, the U.S. government officials are spreading racist, hateful, and incendiary rhetoric that will fuel mass atrocities and genocide.


The loss of Israeli lives is being used by our government to justify the rush to genocide, to provide moral cover for the immoral push for more weapons and more death. Palestinians are being dehumanized by our own government, by the media, by far too many U.S. Jewish institutions. Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said that Israel is “fighting human animals” and should “act accordingly,” As Jews, we know what happens when people are called animals.


We can and we must stop this. Never again means never again — for anyone.


We call on all people of conscience to stop the imminent genocide of Palestinians. We demand our government work towards de-escalation, that it immediately stop sending weapons to the Israeli military. A future of peace and safety for all, grounded in justice, freedom and equality for all, is still the only option.


Don't fuel this devastating violence.

We cannot stand by while our politicians fuel genocide in Gaza.


JVP's sibling organization, JVP Action, has developed a tool to move our members of Congress to de-escalate and prevent the further loss of Palestinian and Israeli life.

Poking holes in the mainstream media's march to war.

Amid a wave of one-sided media coverage without any context — and as our politicians beat the drums of war — many are looking to Jewish Voice for Peace for moral clarity. Check out this media roundup featuring our national staff and local organizers.

12 oktober 2023


As salaamu alaykum,

It is horrific that Palestinian and Israeli civilians are bearing the brunt of the tragedy we are witnessing.

Israel, which has one of the most powerful militaries in the world,¹ has vowed to reduce Gaza to rubble and so far they are moving steadfastly towards that goal. As of yesterday:

  • At least 1,120 people in Gaza have been killed and 5,300 injured. Hospitals and morgues are overwhelmed.
  • Israeli fighter jets have struck 450 targets in northern Gaza in 24 hours, leaving the streets unrecognizable in some places.
  • More than 300,000 people have been displaced in Gaza.²

Palestinians are being slaughtered in Gaza.

Tell Congress: Ceasefire in Gaza Now – Open a Pathway to Humanitarian Aid.

Gaza, an open-air prison, under blockade and siege for 16 years, is at a breaking point. Medical personnel and aid workers are facing huge barriers to delivering desperately needed supplies to the over two million who are trapped there. Israel has cut off lifelines of electricity, water, and food and now Gaza is out of fuel.³

We need a humanitarian corridor into Gaza to protect civilian lives.

Palestinians have the right to live in dignity and peace, the right to movement, and as refugees, the right of return.

In solidarity,

Linda, Yasmine, and the team at MPower Action


P.S. As we work with partners and allies, we’ll be sharing more actions in the upcoming days.


  1. Israel ranks among 10 most powerful countries in annual list; 4th strongest military,” The Times of Israel, Jan. 2, 2023.
  2. Israel-Hamas war live updates: Israel says fighting will intensify, Gaza’s sole power plant shuts down,” NBC News Updates, Oct. 11, 2023.
  3. Gaza 'soon without fuel, medicine and food' - Israel authorities,” BBC News, Oct. 9, 2023.

12 oktober 2023


Dear Reader,


The severity of this moment cannot be overstated. As we reel from the horror, pain and loss of the last few days, in which thousands of Palestinians and Israelis have been killed, we must now try to hold back imminent genocide — yes, genocide — against Palestinians in Gaza.

We will gather in community and channel grief and fear into collective action to do everything we can to stop the bloodshed.

As I write this, the U.S. government is beating the drums of war, rushing to send more weapons to the Israeli military to wreak utter devastation on the over 2 million Palestinians trapped in Gaza.
I have never experienced a moment as escalated as this — where every single one of us is so desperately needed to try to stave off mass atrocities.

We do not need to choose between grieving and acting. As our forebears taught us, we must mourn the dead — and now we fight like hell for the living.

With a heavy heart and total commitment,


Elena Stein

Director of Organizing Strategy

Yesh Din 
Volunteers for Human Rights

Update on the violent escalation in the West Bank

12 oktober 2023


Amidst the horrific events in the Gaza strip, the situation across the West Bank is escalating, and we cannot afford to ignore it. The severity and frequency of settler violence is intensifying with every passing day, and our staff is doing its best to document the incidents and report them to the international community. Since October 7, a total of 32 Palestinians have been killed in the West Bank  - wether by settlers or by soldiers.

Two events of particular severity occurred during the last ouple of days -
Qusrah: Yesh Din field researchers report a severe incident that began on October 11, and continued during October 12; Armed settlers raided the village and were documented shooting and throwing stones at homes. The military joined shortly, and as a result of the attack, four Palestinians were killed - seemingly by settlers. Today, the settlers proceeded to attack the funeral of the deceased, shooting live ammunition while the military and police were present. Two more Palestinians were killed during this attack – both a father and his son. It has not been determined yet whether they were killed by the settlers or the military.

The Wadi al-Seeq shepherding community is currently evacuating their women & children due to settler attacks. The threat to these already vulnerable communities in the are east of Ramallah has increased significantly since the beginning of the war on Saturday, October 7. The settlers are exploiting the diversion of attention to Gaza to deepen the violence in the areas in which the remaining of these Palestinian shepherding communities still reside, in order to displace these communities through violence. The Wadi al-Seeq community has lived in this area for more than 30 years, and they are one of the last ones left in that area since the establishment of illegal Israeli shepherding outposts 3-4 years ago, that are supported by the Israeli government. This is yet another community uprooted from their homes due to the coercive environment and terrorizing reality created by these outposts.

Yesh Din calls upon the international community to demand protection for Palestinians, who are currently paying the price for the war in Gaza with homes and lives.

The belongings of the Wadi A-Seeq community, packed up and ready to leave their home after months of brutal violence have just escalated to an unbearable intensity.


Click to follow Yesh Din's English Twitter

Yesh Din is required by law to make the following statement:

Yesh Din is mostly funded by foreign governmental entities - through grants devoted to the provision of humanitarian assistance and the promotion of human rights. A list of our donors is available on the Israeli Associations Register's website and on Yesh Din's website.

Yesh Din is proud to be funded by States that are committed to the rule of law, that believe the occupation is not an internal Israeli matter, and that support the defense of international humanitarian law and human rights.

Yesh Din 
Volunteers for Human Rights

13 oktober 2023


Yesh Din is horrified by the criminal and cruel attack on citizens of Israel. We have been exposed to a massacre of Israeli civilians living on the border with the Gaza Strip that amounts to a crime against humanity committed by Hamas. A nation fighting for its freedom is not exempt from any prohibition that humanity has adopted within the framework of the moral and legal rules governing the conduct of armed conflict. The legitimate aspiration for freedom does not justify the crime against humanity committed by Hamas in the past few days. We share the pain of the families of the victims, the kidnapped, and the wounded.

While condemning the acts of Hamas, Yesh Din expresses deep shock at the disaster unfolding in Gaza as a result of the Israeli response, which appears to violate of laws of warfare. The horrors that Hamas has perpetrated against innocent civilians do not justify committing crimes against the civilian population in Gaza. Read this op-ed by Yesh Din’s legal advisor, adv. Michael Sfard, about the crimes that are being committed as we speak both by Hamas and by the Israeli military.

In addition, Yesh Din and 25 Israeli civil society organizations published a joint statement demanding that the hostages be released, that the bombing of civilian population of Gaza stop immediately, and that humanitarian aid be allowed into Gaza:

 Quotations joint statement 25 Israeli Civil Society organisations 

Alongside these painful and difficult days in Israel and the Gaza Strip - including loss of family members of Yesh Din staff members - we remain committed to reporting the reality unfolding in the West Bank, where settler violence and acts of revenge against Palestinians run rampant in an especially sensitive time. According to Yesh Din's data, since Saturday, October 7, at least 32 Palestinians have been killed by live ammunition in the West Bank. The military blocked the entrance and exit of many villages in different areas of the West Bank, and in most major routes travel is allowed only for Israeli settlers, while obstructing Palestinian travel and freedom of movement.

In these past six days, Israeli settlers have carried out numerous attacks against Palestinians in the West Bank. The settler attacks have taken place within the villages themselves, on the roads, and in agricultural lands and have employed means of violence including shooting, injuring, setting fires, and damaging property and trees. Instead of upholding their duty to protect Palestinians, there is evidence that soldiers are allowing the violence to continue, sometimes assisting settlers while attacking Palestinians or joining in.
The situation across the West Bank is escalating, and we cannot afford to ignore it. The severity and the frequency are becoming more intense with every day that goes by, and our staff is doing its best to keep up with the incidents and report on them to the media, the international community, and anyone who will listen.

Einabus, October 9: Settlers descended from the direction of Yitzhar, set a house on fire and attacked homes with live ammunition. Two Palestinians were injured.

Yesh Din calls upon the international community to apply pressure on the Israeli government to ensure it fulfills its duty to guarantee the safety of Palestinians in the West Bank. The military must uphold its obligation according to international law to protect the lives of the local residents, including protecting them from attacks by Israeli settlers.

We are all trying to hold on to our humanity during these horrifying days - Palestinians and Israelis alike. With every loss of another life, we see our surroundings adopt more vengeful emotions. But during these days especially, we insist on morality, empathy, and humanity for all those affected. We hope you can, too.

Yesh Din Staff

13 oktober 2023


De volledig geïsoleerde Gazastrook wordt door Israël zwaar gebombardeerd, en de dodentallen lopen snel op.

In nacht van donderdag op vrijdag heeft het Israëlische leger de Verenigde Naties geïnformeerd dat de gehele Palestijnse bevolking in het noorden van de Gazastrook naar het zuiden moet evacueren, waarschijnlijk ter voorbereiding op een grondoffensief. Zo'n 1,1 miljoen mensen, meer dan de helft van de gehele bevolking van Gaza, zouden hun huizen moeten verlaten. Momenteel zijn er al 400 duizend Palestijnen op de vlucht binnen de Gazastrook.

De VN achten het onmogelijk dat de evacuatie kan plaatsvinden zonder verwoestende humanitaire gevolgen. 'Wat al een tragedie is, kan nu veranderen in rampzalige situatie,' aldus een woordvoerder van de VN.  

Het begrip dat nu in politiek Den Haag wordt uitgesproken voor overmatig Israëlisch geweld in Gaza is gevaarlijk. Daarmee wordt vrede niet dichterbij, maar nog verder buiten bereik gebracht. Die les zouden onze politici moeten hebben geleerd.



Groot Israëlisch offensief

Met zware bombardementen worden gebouwen, stadswijken en vluchtelingenkampen getroffen of volledig van de kaart geveegd. Ziekenhuizen kunnen de stroom gewonden niet aan en zullen over enkele dagen helemaal niet meer kunnen functioneren vanwege gebrek aan elektriciteit, brandstof en water. Ambulances kunnen slachtoffers niet meer bereiken als gevolg van de ravage in de straten.

Volgens het ministerie van Gezondheid in Gaza zijn bij de Israëlische bombardementen op het moment van schrijven 1.448 Palestijnen, onder wie 447 kinderen, gedood. Ook zijn 6.868 gewonden geteld. Hoe nauwkeurig die op donderdagmiddag gemelde aantallen zijn is onduidelijk. Onder de doden zijn elf medewerkers van de VN-organisatie UNRWA. 

'Gaza zal nooit meer hetzelfde zijn'

Bij de Israëlische politiek en strijdkrachten zijn alle remmen los en overheerst de roep om wraak. ‘Gaza zal nooit meer hetzelfde zijn’, aldus Herzl Halevi, stafchef van Israëlische leger.

Tegen die achtergrond spreken analisten hun vrees uit voor een ramp zonder weerga. Het afsluiten van de allereerste levensbehoeften van 2,1 miljoen burgers is een omineus teken en een ernstige schending van het internationaal recht dat collectieve straffen verbiedt. Wie die grens passeert is tot meer bereid, is de overheersende angst. 

Israël/Palestina in de Nederlandse politiek

De Nederlandse regering verklaarde vrijwel direct na de terreuraanslag van Hamas volledig achter Israël te staan. Het heeft Israël daarmee in feite carte blanche gegeven voor ongekend geweld en collectieve strafmaatregelen als vergeldingsacties tegen de Gazaanse burgerbevolking.

13 oktober 2023


The urgency of this moment can not be overstated.

I’ve been on calls all morning with people from Gaza who are saying goodbye to their loved ones.

Israel has given over 1 million people 24 hours to evacuate before an Israeli ground invasion.

This request is unbelievable, absurd, and terrifying. The UN has declared the order “impossible” without “devastating humanitarian consequences.”

One colleague broke down in tears, sharing that a coworker in Gaza was unable to evacuate because he had an elderly mother who couldn’t move in time. He said goodbye to his colleagues this morning.

People from Gaza are begging us all to do absolutely everything we can to intervene immediately. We have a small window of time to stop an impending genocide.


Keep calling every hour if you can, and send this to your friends, family, and networks to do the same.

Meanwhile, we’re hearing that congressional offices in DC are getting flooded with calls and emails pushing for more weapons, and more funding to fuel the Israeli military assault on Gaza.  Our friends are saying they’ve never seen a D.C. so extremely hostile to Palestinian life. If you’ve been following politics in this country even a little bit, you know how extreme that statement is.

Staffers who support us are urgently asking us to get more calls and emails to their offices in support of Palestinian lives so they can make a case to representatives, and prove that constituents don’t support this genocide.

We usually don’t ask you to appeal to D.C. because often it feels futile. But this moment is different.

As people in the United States, in the belly of the beast, we have a unique responsibility to pressure Congress right now with everything we’ve got. Biden has the power to demand a ceasefire. Congress has the power to demand humanitarian aid be admitted into Gaza and they can refuse to send more military funding to Israel.

Here are a few other ways to take action:

1. Get out in the streets today U.S.   Campaign for Palestinian Rights has put together this list of protests happening today, tomorrow, and over the next week.
2. Join with Jewish Voice for Peace to call representatives and take other action together online, everyday at 3pm ET/12pm PT.

3. Show public support. Ask organizations that you are a member of to issue urgent statements against the Gaza genocide. Post on your own social media. Be as loud as you can - Palestinians in Gaza need to know they have your support right now, and the Israeli state needs to know the world is watching them. [If you don't know where to start, Adalah Justice Project is currently using our social media accounts to amplify testimonies from people in Gaza. You can follow here.]

4. Write to the newspapers. Tell the editorial board they must call for an immediate cease-fire and demand they take a stand against the Israeli government's genocide of Palestinians. We need public opinion on our side to shift this quickly.

Thank you for doing everything you can right now to save lives, and stop this horrifying genocide.

With love and solidarity,

Sandra Tamari
Executive Director
Adalah Justice Project

Genocide, ethnic cleansing, and another Nakba

13 oktober 2023


This edition of the Wire comes to you with more urgency than we have ever felt. The Israeli government has declared a genocidal war on Palestinians in Gaza, a new level of crisis.

Israeli officials are openly planning to open “the gates of hell” on Gaza, referring to the 2 million Palestinians trapped inside as “human animals.” The Israeli military has launched non-stop airstrikes and bombing over Gaza. Our partners tell us of entire neighborhoods being flattened, schools and hospitals being bombed, apartment buildings being brought down.

The Israeli government has shut off all electricity to Gaza. Hospitals cannot save lives, the internet will collapse, people will have no phones to communicate with the outside world. Gaza will be plunged into darkness as Israel turns its neighborhoods to rubble. Still worse, Israel has openly stated an intention to commit mass atrocities and even genocide, with Prime Minister Netanyahu saying the Israeli response will “reverberate for generations.”  All of this with the full throated support of the U.S. 

On Friday, the Israeli military called for all civilians of Northern Gaza — over one million people, including half a million children — to relocate south within 24 hours, as it amassed tanks for an expected ground invasion. According to the UN, it is impossible to evacuate everyone with power supplies cut and food and water in the Palestinian enclave running short after Israel placed Gaza under total siege. The UN said this invasion would have “devastating humanitarian consequences.”

For 16 years Palestinians blockaded in Gaza have lived in the most densely populated place in the world. That density is set to double, if one million Palestinians are pushed from the North into the South. We shudder to think what will happen if the north is vacated: Israel could annex the territory. Another Nakba could be imminent.

This is urgent: drop everything

As Israeli politicians broadcast their intent to commit war crimes and massacres of Palestinians, we need to drop everything and raise our voices as loud as we can. Take all three actions below to tell Congress and the New York Times: to prevent a genocide in Gaza, we need a ceasefire now.

Israel orders 1.1 million Palestinians to evacuate with nowhere to go, white phosphorous confirmed

13 oktober 2023


The racist and dehumanizing propaganda about Palestinians has been debunked as myths, but the damage has been done, and the price has been paid: Palestinian blood. The situation we are witnessing now is of apocalyptic proportions. A new Nakba is not enough to describe the situation. This is a new genocide unfolding. 

We demand that President Biden and Members of Congress call for immediate de-escalation and ceasefire. This includes calling for humanitarian assistance and establishing safe zones in the Gaza Strip, safe passage of humanitarian aid and medical supplies, and resuming access to water and electricity as well as fuel for medical facilities in the Gaza Strip.


We must raise our voices with our elected officials; I urge you to take action and call on your loved ones to do the same.

As of this morning, the latest estimated number of deaths is more than 1,800 Palestinians in Gaza, including 583 children and 237 women. 1/3 of this death toll is children. Yet, very little condemnation has come from our administration and elected officials. 

Our government's silence tells us it values a relationship with the apartheid government more than it values human lives. 

The root causes of violence are clear and cannot be denied: decades of Israeli military occupation and apartheid and U.S. complicity in this systemic oppression. Our government must address this. 

Much like it has done for decades, Israel is actively committing the war crime of collective punishment and targeting civilians. They have been carpet-bombing entire neighborhoods and cities in Gaza, dropping over 6,000 bombs in only a few days. Currently, 340,000 Palestinians have been displaced in the Gaza Strip, and over 220,000 are sheltering in 92 UN schools that have been turned into shelters. 

Pending Israel’s evacuation order for the entire northern Gaza Strip, telling 1.1 million residents to evacuate south of Wadi Gaza, we are on the brink of witnessing, and as a nation, enabling mass genocide. 

The U.S. government must immediately demand a ceasefire and de-escalation; otherwise, the blood of the atrocities committed and the genocide that’s about to unfold will be in the American government's hands. 

Thank you for taking action for Palestine; we must stay consistent now more than ever. 

Take Action Here


Ayah Ziyadeh

Advocacy Director, AJP Action

Rain or Shine We’ll Be There!

13 oktober 2023


Today, Israel is causing the largest displacement of Palestinians since the Nakba. Israeli forces have announced that all Palestinians in Gaza have 24 hours to leave the north side of the strip, displacing 1.1 Million people. This comes during an ongoing attack that has killed 1,799 with one-third of those killed being children. All of this is happening with the full and clear support of the Biden Administration which refuses to even allow staff to mention de-escalation or call for a cease-fire.


That's why AMP is calling on all our supporters in the Washington, D.C. area to join us for a protest at 1 p.m. in Lafayette Square. Now more than ever, we need to stand together for the people of Gaza. Join us as we unite in solidarity with the Palestinian people and reject the one-sided approach by the Biden administration that deliberately diminishes and ignores Palestinian suffering.

We expect heavy rain and encourage everyone coming out to come prepared.

    In solidarity,

    Mohamad Habeh

    Director of Development, AMP

    BDS Nederland Noodoproep situatie Gaza 13 oktober 2023

    Samen voor Palestina: stop het geweld – stop de onderdrukking

    14 oktober 2023


    Afgelopen weekend werd de wereld opgeschrikt door de gebeurtenissen. Politici buitelen over elkaar heen om het geweld te veroordelen en om wederom hun onvoorwaardelijke steun aan Israël te betuigen.

    Maar politici die meegaan in het bedrieglijke beeld alsof het geweld afgelopen weekend begon, verdoezelen het Israëlische geweld van 75 jaar etnische zuivering, onderdrukking, militaire bezetting en apartheid.

    De oorzaak van geweld is onderdrukking. En om alle geweld te beëindigen – van de onderdrukker zowel als van de onderdrukte – MOET de onderdrukking stoppen.

    Voor vrede, veiligheid en gelijke rechten voor iedereen, moeten we het Israëlisch geweld erkennen en benoemen en moet de medeplichtigheid van het koloniale Westen aan Israëls apartheid, kolonialisme en militaire bezetting beëindigd worden, te beginnen hier in Nederland, één van Israëls trouwste bondgenoten en partners.

    “Nooit in de geschiedenis is geweld begonnen bij de onderdrukten. … Geweld wordt geïnitieerd door degenen die onderdrukken, uitbuiten en anderen niet als personen erkennen, niet door degenen die worden onderdrukt, uitgebuit en niet erkend.” (Paolo Freire)

    De extreemrechtse regering van Israël, de meest racistische, fundamentalistische en fanatieke ooit, heeft haar etnische zuivering, belegering, moord, opsluiting en dagelijkse vernedering van miljoenen Palestijnen genadeloos opgevoerd. Ze dachten dat ze met hun onverbloemde wreedheid de Palestijnen simpelweg in volledige onderwerping konden dwingen.

    Zich straffeloos en onschendbaar wetend, vanwege de onvoorwaardelijke Europese en Amerikaanse steun, financiering en bewapening, en door de beschamende normalisering met Arabische dictaturen, geloofde het Netanyahu-regime dat het tijd was om de “kwestie van Palestina” voor eens en voor altijd te begraven.

    De mensen in Gaza, voor 70% vluchtelingen uit etnisch gezuiverde en gekoloniseerde dorpen in de omgeving, hebben inmiddels niets meer te verliezen. Na 16 jaar verstikkende blokkade is het gebied sinds 2020 officieel onbewoonbaar. Al 16 jaar sluit Israël 2 miljoen Palestijnen in de Gazastrook hermetisch op, hongert ze uit, ontzegt medische zorg en ontneemt ze alle vrijheid. En jaar in jaar uit bombardeert Israël de Gazastrook met grote regelmaat. Waar waren degenen, die nu om het hardst roepen om het recht op zelfverdediging, al die jaren?

    Op zondag 15 oktober staan wij Samen voor Palestina. Voor een einde aan het geweld en de rechteloosheid, voor vrede en veiligheid.

    De actie is een initiatief van: Stichting Diensten en onderzoekcentrum Palestina (DocP), Decolonize Groningen, Rotterdam voor Gaza, Breed Platform Palestina Haarlem, Internationale Socialisten, Palestijnse Gemeenschap Nederland, Groningen for Palestine

    De actie wordt ondersteund door:
    Amsterdam Autonomous Coalition
    Activistenpartij UvA
    Stichting Groningen – Jabalya
    Vrouwen in het Zwart – Groningen
    ROSA (Radical Organization of Students in Amsterdam)
    We Promise
    Ontmoet Palestina
    DiEM25 in Nederland
    Groningen BIJ1

    15 oktober 2023


    This is one of the most pivotal moments of our lives. The Israeli government is on the brink of genocide against Palestinians. It has never been more important for Jews and all people in the US to rise up with literally everything we have — the way that many of us would have wanted others to rise up for our ancestors.

    Can you find a way to come to D.C. on Wednesday, October 18 at 12pm to show up to the halls of power as Jews against genocide?

    RSVP now

    If you are able to come to DC for longer, there will be actions taking place all week, including:

    Monday, October 16: White House, 12pm
    Wednesday, October 18: Congress, 12pm (exact location TBA)
    Further actions TBA

    In the past week, Israel has dropped more bombs on Gaza than the U.S. did in a year of war on Afghanistan. What we know from past Israeli state atrocities against Palestinians is that the bombs only stop once there is a sufficient mass outcry from the international community. It’s on us to build that outcry — as fast as we possibly can.

    What would it take to cancel your plans, take off work and come to DC? 


    In the last day, thousands of Jews in cities across the U.S. shut down Senators' offices and major thoroughfares. As we felt our collective power, it became incredibly clear: We need to converge to bring our fullest force to D.C. right now.

    See you in the streets,
    Stefanie Fox
    Executive Director



    15 oktober 2023


    De straten van Palestina zijn doordrongen van bloed, tranen en menselijk leed. Honderdduizenden kinderen in Gaza hebben 24 uur gekregen om hun huis te verlaten… of te sterven. Dit is een regelrechte oorlog tegen onschuldige kinderen. GENOEG! Laten we een onmiddellijk internationaal schild eisen om hen te beschermen voordat nog meer van hen worden aangevallen of zelfs vermoord.

    Beste vrienden,
    Dit raakt me persoonlijk. Ik heb gezien hoe mijn vrienden in Gaza in shock op zoek gaan naar hun geliefden tussen het puin en uiteindelijk levenloze lichaampjes opgraven. 

    En het gaat alleen maar erger worden.
     Israël heeft aangekondigd dat honderdduizenden kinderen in Gaza binnen 24 uur hun huizen moeten verlaten… of ten dode opgeschreven zijn.

    Sluit je aan: vorm een schild voor deze kinderen
    Invloedrijke leiders proberen te onderhandelen met Israël en Hamas, en volgens onze bronnen zal zware publieke druk van burgers overal ter wereld doorslaggevend zijn voor het lot van de kinderen in de regio.

    Dit is de belangrijkste oproep die een internationale gemeenschap als de onze momenteel kan lanceren om onschuldige mensen te redden.

    Maar onze stem moet de bommen overstemmen.

    Het is een feit: een standpunt innemen over deze kwestie vergt moed. Het wrede apartheidsregime van de Israëlische overheid is verantwoordelijk voor het bloedvergieten van de afgelopen dagen. Onze regeringen zwijgen in alle talen over de oorlogsmisdaden tegen Palestijnse kinderen die al decennialang plaatsvinden. Die aanhoudende collectieve stilte maakt hen medeplichtig.

    De families in Palestina en Israël smachten naar veiligheid voor hun kinderen. Avaaz betekent ‘stem’. Wij zijn ervan overtuigd dat stilte een dodelijke bondgenoot van onderdrukking kan zijn, en nu zijn onze stemmen belangrijker dan ooit. Help ons de wereld wakker te schudden en sluit je aan! We zullen deze oproep oorverdovend maken in belangrijke hoofdsteden en delen met invloedrijke leiders.
    Sluit je aan: vorm een schild voor deze kinderen
    Onze beweging heeft de invloed en reikwijdte om verandering mogelijk te maken en deze kinderen te helpen redden. We zitten momenteel samen met de hoofdrolspelers die onderhandelingen voeren met beide kanten -- maar zij zullen pas stappen zetten als ze worden overspoeld door een wereldwijde protestgolf die deze oproep luider maakt dan de bommen die op Gaza vallen.

    Met hoop en moed,

    Fadi, met Ine, Christoph, Alice, John, Mo en de rest van het Avaaz-team


    Meer informatie:
    • Al ruim zevenhonderd Palestijnse kinderen gedood door Israël uit wraak voor terreuraanslag Hamas (BNNVARA)
    • ‘Escalatie in Israël en Palestina is resultaat van jarenlange onderdrukking’ (Knack)
    • Meer dan 75 jaar gewapende strijd: enkele sleutelmomenten van het Palestijns-Israëlische conflict (VRT)
    In het Engels:
    • Palestinians flee northern Gaza after Israel orders 1 million to evacuate as ground attack looms (AP)
    • Israel announces 6-hour window for Gazans fleeing south, as troops gather near border (CNN)
    • What is Hamas, and what’s happening in Israel and Gaza? A really simple guide (BBC)
    • When a family dies under Israel’s bombs, part of Gaza’s history disappears (Al Jazeera)


    A Textbook Case of Genocide

    15 oktober 2023

    Israel has been explicit about what it’s carrying out in Gaza. Why isn’t the world listening?

    By Raz Segal, Jewish Currents.

    October 13, 2023

    Israel’s campaign to displace Gazans—and potentially expel them altogether is yet another chapter in the Nakba, in which an estimated 750,000 Palestinians were driven from their homes during the 1948 war that led to the creation of the State of Israel. But the assault on Gaza can also be understood in other terms: as a textbook case of genocide unfolding in front of our eyes. I say this as a scholar of genocide, who has spent many years writing about Israeli mass violence against Palestinians.


    To read the full article please click here

    Raz Segal is an associate professor of Holocaust and genocide studies at Stockton University and the endowed professor in the study of modern genocide.


    Demand President Biden not attend the Israeli Cabinet War Meeting & Call for Ceasefire Now

    16 oktober 2023


    Over 500 Palestinians were just killed in an Israeli strike on a hospital in Gaza. While we're watching Israel bring its genocidal rhetoric into action, President Biden will attend an Israeli war cabinet meeting in Jerusalem. 

    Immediate action is required. Demand our President call for a ceasefire instead of participating in Israel's genocide of Palestinians NOW.

    The Biden Administration's actions curl up in front of further US war crimes. While many leaders in Congress are calling for an immediate ceasefire, Secretary of State Antony Blinken has attended an Israeli war cabinet meeting. Now, President Biden will also do so tomorrow. This implicates the United States assume responsibility for any war crime discussed or planned during these meetings.

    Your actions have led to the introduction of a resolution in Congress calling for a ceasefire. We must continue this momentum to halt the carnage and bring justice to Palestine.

    In rage,

    Dr. Osama Abu Irshaid

    Executive Director, AJP Action

    16 oktober 2023


    As salaamu alaykum,

    We’re witnessing an active genocide in Gaza.

    Israel demanded 1.1 million Gazans in the north to immediately evacuate south. The UN says that is impossible.

    We need a ceasefire now and a humanitarian corridor for aid.

    Reps. Cori Bush, Rashida Tlaib, and André Carson, are calling for just that.

    Tell your Member of Congress to join them now.

    We need an immediate ceasefire in Gaza to stop the loss of life and to allow humanitarian aid, medical attention, food, and water.

    Over 2 million people are trapped in Gaza. Nearly half of them are children. They have no way out.

    This is nothing short of genocide committed by one of the world’s most powerful militaries with the ongoing support of our administration.

    The resolution led by Reps. Bush, Tlaib, and Carson calls for an immediate ceasefire and the entry of humanitarian assistance into Gaza.

    Members of Congress need to use their voices and power to speak out against this humanitarian catastrophe.

    But they will not if they do not hear from us.


    In solidarity,

    Linda, Yasmine, and the team at MPower Action

    Israel’s war on Gaza is a war on Palestinian civilians.

    16 oktober 2023


    On Friday, Israel ordered over one million Palestinians in northern Gaza to immediately evacuate their homes. Heeding the warning, seventy Palestinians boarded a fleeing convoy headed for southern Gaza. Minutes later, an Israeli air strike hit the civilian caravan with chilling precision, killing everyone on board.

    The scene has sent shocks of horror down the spines of residents of the tiny, heavily blockaded sliver of land known as the world’s largest refugee camp, who find themselves trapped in a death pit with no hope of escape. Israel has bombarded locations in the south of Gaza, where it ordered civilians to relocate, including in Deir al-Balah, Khan Yunis, and Rafah.

    On Sunday, Gaza’s two million residents suffered the deadliest day of the war, with over three hundred Palestinians killed, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health. So far, Israeli air strikes in Gaza have killed a staggering 2,800 Palestinians, including at least 800 children, and wounded nearly 11,000 others. The vast majority have been civilians. Israel admits it’s killed just six senior Hamas leaders, yet the bodies of dead children are strewn in the streets and under the rubble.

    The Israeli army has even issued evacuation warnings to hospitals overcrowded with wounded civilians, including the Kuwaiti Hospital in the center of Rafah. Human rights organizations have called Israel’s relocation orders a forcible transfer of population that amounts to a war crime.

    Here’s the latest...

    The US response to 9/11 killed millions, destabilized an entire region, and led to more American deaths than the original attacks. Israel is rushing down the same path.


    Writing with Israel’s invasion of Gaza looming, Jeremy Corbyn fiercely criticizes the politicians in the West backing Israel’s heinous assault, which has already killed more than 2,000 Palestinians, and calls for an immediate cease-fire.

    All eyes on Gaza. We can’t look away now.

    16 oktober 2023


    For the past week, the Israeli military has been making good on its promise to “open the gates of hell” on the two million Palestinians trapped under Israeli siege in Gaza. This horrific violence has killed over 3,000 Palestinians — including over 1,030 Gazan children.

    Much of the U.S. government is in full support of this indefensible violence. So it’s breaking out the full post-9/11 playbook of repression, surveillance, media disinformation, and racist rhetoric in order to silence and intimidate anyone who stands against Israel’s attempt at genocide in Gaza.


    Like in 2001, the U.S. war machine is in overdrive, and the U.S. mainstream media is once again uncritically beating the drums of war. But history does not have to repeat itself — people around the world are fighting to intervene. From Amman to Dublin, from Karachi to Washington, D.C., hundreds of thousands of people are taking to the streets to demand an end to Israeli genocide in Gaza.


    And in the U.S. Congress, thirteen representatives just announced a resolution urging the Biden Administration to call for an immediate ceasefire and to send humanitarian aid and assistance to Gaza, and to save as many lives as possible. They need our support.


    Just as millions of people marched to resist the Iraq War, we must raise hell now. We must call on our politicians to support the call for an immediate ceasefire and an end to genocide. We must take to the streets. We must, always, demand an end to Israeli occupation and apartheid. All eyes on Gaza. We can’t look away now. 

    Take to the streets.

    This is one of the most pivotal moments of our lives. So we’re marching on the halls of power as Jews demanding an end to the U.S.-supported genocide of Palestinians. Join us in the streets on Wednesday, October 18.