31 augustus 2024
Today's headlines
Demystifying how the Hamas leadership works
Media sources have misunderstood how the leadership of Hamas operates, drawing simplistic binaries between the "moderate" Ismail Haniyeh and the "extremist" Yahya Sinwar. In reality, Hamas decision-making is far more institutionalized.
The new status quo after Israel’s assault on the northern West Bank
Israel's old policy of containing armed resistance in the West Bank is over. Palestinians are now wondering whether the war on Gaza has expanded to the West Bank.
Standing for Justice: Why we raised a “Stop Arming Israel” banner on Day 1 of the DNC Convention
We were physically attacked by fellow delegates at the Democratic National Convention for raising a banner that said, “Stop Arming Israel.” We will not apologize, and we will not back down. The Democratic Party must choose: justice or genocide.
Harris says she won’t stop Biden’s policy of sending weapons to Israel
In an interview with CNN, Harris said she supports a ceasefire deal but made it clear that she would not stop sending Israel weapons if elected.
30 augustus 2024
Opnieuw zijn de nu al maanden zich voortslepende nep-‘onderhandelingen’ over zogenaamd-een-staakt-het-vuren in Gaza, zogenaamd ‘mislukt’. De bedoeling van deze circusvertoning, met een almaar doorlopende voorstelling is, onder de uitgekookte regie van de Amerikanen en Israëli´s, steeds weer om de wereldopinie totaal, en tegelijk ook nog eens op een gigaschaal, te misleiden. Het beeld dat daarbij, door Amerikanen en Israëli´s gezamenlijk, aan de buitenwereld wordt vertoond is, kort en goed, steeds niets anders dan: “Kijk eens naar ons, hoe hard wij ons inspannen om een staakt-het-vuren tot stand te brengen!”, direct gekoppeld aan:”Maar dat verdomde Hamas, dat werkt zo´n ceasefire steeds weer tegen!” Kortom: “Wij, Israëli´s en Amerikanen zijn de goeien, en de Palestijnen zijn de slechten” Deze boodschap van: “Wij, de goeien, doen voortdurend ons best en het is Hamas dat hier de zaak steeds maar weer frustreert”, wordt daarbij keer op keer unisono door de Westerse mainstream media, alsook door de Westerse mainstream politici, voortdurend rondgebazuind. En altijd is het daarbij aldus zo, dat uiteindelijk Hamas de schuld in de schoenen geschoven krijgt.
Veel onduidelijkheid
Maar hoe kan het bijvoorbeeld dat de Amerikanen zich telkens zo positief uitlaten over de onderhandelingen? Welke eisen stelt Netanyahu, en waarom zijn die onacceptabel voor de Palestijnen? En waarom heeft een eerder Amerikaans voorstel voor een staakt-het-vuren het, ondanks steun van Hamas, nooit gehaald?
Gezocht voor oorlogsmisdaden: Benjamin Netanyahu aka ‘De slager van Gaza’. Bord tijdens een demonstratie in de Schotse stad Glasgow op 1 juni 2024. [c] Alamy / Gerard Ferry
Uitgebreide analyse
In een nieuwe, uitgebreide analyse op onze website formuleren wij heldere antwoorden op deze en andere vragen. Wij gaan onder meer in op Netanyahu's persoonlijke belangen, hoe er wordt omgesprongen met het lot van de gegijzelden, het risico op escalatie in de regio en waarom de oplossing primair in de handen van de Verenigde Staten ligt.
Onze conclusie? Voor Netanyahu is escalatie de enige weg voorwaarts, en zijn extremistische navigators zien een kans die zij vermoedelijk nooit meer zullen krijgen. Zolang niemand hen tegenhoudt, gaat dit gezelschap gewoon zijn gang. Dit in de geruststellende wetenschap dat de VS te hulp schieten als het écht misgaat.
Lees hier onze hele analyse over de onderhandelingen over een staakt-het-vuren.
Wij strijden tegen oorlogsmisdaden, annexatie, bezetting en onderdrukking. Helpt u mee?
Ja, ik help mee
Media | Nederlandse journalisten eisen sancties tegen Israël
Zestig journalistieke organisaties roept de EU op tot bescherming van journalisten en de persvrijheid in Gaza, op de Westoever en in Israël. Volgens hen tracht Israël een ‘informatievacuüm’ te creëren, dat het opvult met eigen propaganda en desinformatie.
De oproep staat in een brief die de European Federation of Journalists deze week namens de organisaties aan de Europese Commissie stuurde. De organisaties dringen aan op sancties tegen Israël, waaronder opzegging van het EU-Israël Associatieverdrag. De Nederlandse Vereniging van Journalisten (NVJ) heeft zich bij de oproep aangesloten.
Aanleiding tot de oproep is het ‘op ongekende schaal vermoorden van journalisten, en andere schendingen van de mediavrijheid, in strijd met Israëls verplichtingen op het gebied van mensenrechten en internationaal humanitair recht’. Sinds de aanval van Hamas op 7 oktober 2023 heeft de Israëlische regering ‘ongekende stappen gezet om de mediavrijheid in te perken, resulterend in een regime van censuur’, schrijven de organisaties.
Lees verder >
Grote Israëlische aanvallen op vluchtelingenkampen op de Westoever
Het Israëlische leger heeft deze week grootschalige aanvallen uitgevoerd op drie Palestijnse vluchtelingenkampen op de bezette Westelijke Jordaanoever. Daarbij zijn tenminste 18 Palestijnen omgekomen.
De operatie, waarbij duizenden militairen betrokken waren, is de grootste Israëlische aanval op de Westoever in jaren, en moet gezien worden als een enorme escalatie van Israëls geweld tegen de Palestijnse bevolking.
De Palestijnse advocaat Diana Buttu beschrijft de aanvallen als een volgende poging 'om zoveel mogelijk Palestijnen te verdrijven'. Dat is waarom de aanvallen volgens Buttu onder andere worden gecombineerd met de sabotage van medische infrastructuur en het afsluiten van water en elektriciteit. 'Het is geen verrassing dat dit gebeurt, omdat Israël er ook mee wegkomt in de Gazastrook,' aldus Buttu.
Met andere woorden, de aanvallen moeten niet gezien worden als onderdeel van de strijd tegen Hamas of als reactie op '7 oktober', maar zijn juist een uiting van Israëls etnische zuivering van Gaza en van de Westbank, alsmede van een on-voor-stel-ba-re niet aflatende volkerenmoord van Israël op de Palestijnen, die iedere vezel van de menselijke beschaving tart..
Agenda | Zitting F-35-zaak & boekbespreking Palestijnse literatuur
4 september 2024 | Boekbespreking Geest komt op van Isabella Hammad
Online boekbespreking van het boek Geest komt op van de Palestijnse auteur Isabella Hammad, georganiseerd door Podium voor Palestina. Aanmelden kan via deze link.
6 september 2024 | Zitting bij de Hoge Raad over de F-35-zaak
Op vrijdag 6 september 2024 behandelt de Hoge Raad de cassatie van de Staat tegen het vonnis van het gerechtshof Den Haag van 12 februari 2024. Het hof beval de Staat in deze mede door The Rights Forum aangespannen zaak om iedere uitvoer en doorvoer van F-35 onderdelen met eindbestemming Israël te (doen) staken.
De zitting is publiek toegankelijk en zal online te volgen zijn via een livestream in het Nederlands en Engels. Zodra de link voor de livestream gepubliceerd is zal die op deze pagina te vinden zijn. We zullen de link naar de livestream ook in onze agenda opnemen.
6 oktober 2024 | Openbare voorlezing van Een tuin voor verloren benen van de Palestijnse schrijver Mahmoud Jouda
Stichting Gutmensch organiseert op 6 oktober een integrale voorlezing van Een tuin voor verloren benen van Mahmoud Jauda. Jouda vertelt in zijn roman over de ‘Mars van de terugkeer’, waarbij in 2018 en 2019 Palestijnen elke week bij het grenshek van Gaza protesteerden tegen de Israëlische bezetting. Israël reageerde met kogels. Scherpschutters mikten op hoofden, benen en knieën van demonstranten. Velen raakten hun ledematen kwijt. Jouda deelt de verhalen van de getroffenen en geeft hen een gezicht.
Wanneer: 6 oktober 2024 van 11.00 – 17.00 uur (schatting)
Waar: Het Spui, Amsterdam
Klik hier om onze volledige agenda te bekijken voor meer evenementen rondom Israël/Palestina in Nederland.
30 augustus 2024
Today's headlines
‘I think we’ve reached a tipping point’: James Zogby on Uncommitted and the DNC
James Zogby speaks to Mondoweiss about the DNC's snub of the Uncommitted movement, and what it will take for Washington to shift on Palestine.
‘Israeli Foreign Minister calls West Bank invasion ‘a war in every sense’
Mondoweiss Palestine Bureau
The Israeli army’s large-scale assault on the northern West Bank has entered its second day. During a battle in Nur Shams refugee camp, the Israeli army killed wanted resistance fighter Muhammad Jaber “Abu Shuja’,” leader of the Tulkarem Brigade.
30 augustus 2024
Humanitarian Situation Update #211
Gaza Strip
A vehicle of the World Food Programme shot at while approaching an Israeli checkpoint after escorting aid trucks in Gaza. Photo by WFP
Key Highlights
- Attacks hitting humanitarian personnel and missions are further limiting the delivery of life-saving aid.
- In August, the number of humanitarian missions and movements within Gaza that have been denied access by Israeli authorities has almost doubled.
- For the first time since the beginning of hostilities, the Israeli military announced that residents, displaced people and humanitarian organizations could return to certain evacuated areas.
Humanitarian Developments
- Israeli bombardment from the air and land continues to be reported across much of the Gaza Strip, resulting in further civilian casualties, displacement, and destruction of houses and other civilian infrastructure. Ground incursions, particularly in Beit Hanoun, southwest Gaza city, eastern Khan Younis and Deir al Balah and east as well as south Rafah, with heavy fighting, also continue to be reported. Rocket fire was reportedly fired from within Gaza.
- Between the afternoons of 26 and 29 August, according to the Ministry of Health (MoH) in Gaza, 167 Palestinians were killed and 321 were injured. Between 7 October 2023 and 29 August 2024, at least 40,602 Palestinians were killed and 93,855 were injured, according to MoH in Gaza.
- The following are some of the deadly incidents reported between 25 and 29 August:
- On 25 August, five Palestinians, including three children and one woman, were reportedly killed and 15 others injured when a house was hit near Patient’s Friends Society Medical Centre, west of Gaza city.
- On 26 August, five Palestinians including a girl and a woman, were reportedly killed and others injured when an apartment, hosting internally displaced people (IDPs), was hit in Al Yarmouk Street, central Gaza city.
- On 26 August, five Palestinians, including four children, were reportedly killed when an apartment was hit in At Tuffah neighbourhood, east Gaza city.
- On 26 August, seven Palestinians were reportedly killed on the beach of Gaza city.
- On 26 August, seven Palestinians, including a woman, two boys and a girl, were reportedly killed and others injured when an apartment was hit in central Al Maghazi, in Deir al Balah.
- On 26 August, five Palestinians, including a journalist, were reportedly killed and others injured when a car was hit in in Al Mawasi, Khan Younis.
- On 27 August, six Palestinians, including two girls and a boy, were reportedly killed and seven others, including children, were injured in Batan as Sameen area in western Khan Younis.
- On 28 August, nine Palestinians, including two children and a person with disability, were reportedly killed and others injured when they were hit at the entrance of Al Manfalouti governmental school, designated as an IDP shelter, on Salah ad Deen Road in eastern Deir al Balah.
- On 29 August, eight Palestinians, including two children and three women, were reportedly killed and others injured when a residential building was hit near Al Amal Hotel, west Gaza city.
- Between the afternoons of 26 and 30 August, at least one Israeli soldier was reportedly killed in Gaza, according to the Israeli military. Between 7 October 2023 and 30 August 2024, according to the Israeli military and official Israeli sources cited in the media, more than 1,539 Israelis and foreign nationals were killed, the majority on 7 October and its immediate aftermath. The figure includes 339 soldiers killed in Gaza or along the border in Israel since the beginning of the ground operation. In addition, 2,263 Israeli soldiers were reported injured since the beginning of the ground operation. As of 30 August, it is estimated that 107 Israelis and foreign nationals remain captive in Gaza, including hostages who have been declared dead and whose remains are withheld in Gaza. On 27 August, one Israeli hostage and the body of an Israeli soldier presumed to have been killed on 7 October were returned to Israel.
- Following the partial resumption of operations at the European Gaza Hospital in Khan Younis on 25 August, 17 out of Gaza’s 36 hospitals are now functional – all of them partially; three in North Gaza, seven in Gaza, four in Khan Younis and three in Deir al Balah. While the Al Aqsa Hospital in Deir al Balah remains open, almost all patients and the hundreds of IDPs seeking sanctuary there fled, after an evacuation order was issued on 25 August, to areas nearby and hostilities intensified. In response, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) and the MoH expedited the previously planned opening of a field hospital elsewhere in Deir al Balah. MSF states that it was “left with no choice” but to prematurely open the facility, delayed thus far due to difficulties bringing supplies into Gaza, and that the facility is only partially functional and now operating under pressure amid dire shortages of supplies and resources. Nine out of 14 field hospitals are operational in Gaza, five of them only partially, while only 44 per cent of primary health-care centres (58 out of 132) and medical points (126 out of 285) continue to provide minimal services. On 27 August, the NGO Emergency announced that “after several months of waiting to obtain humanitarian permits,” it had managed to enter Gaza and was endeavoring to open a clinic that would provide basic medical and surgical care, outpatient reproductive health services and post-operative follow-up care, among other services.
- For the first time since the beginning of hostilities, the Israeli military announced on 29 and 30 August that residents and IDPs could return to certain in southern of Deir al Balah and west of Khan Younis, which had previously been subject to evacuation orders. These areas had seen many residents displaced following evacuation orders issued on 16, 21 and 25 August. UN and humanitarian partners are preparing to return and continue their missions, as these areas included service facilities, water wells and more. More than 86 per cent of the Gaza Strip’s space remains affected by over 40 unreversed evacuation orders issued since 1 January 2024. Hundreds of thousands of displaced families continue to be forced to move into an area of around 47 square kilometres (approximately 13 per cent of Gaza’s total land area, as of 30 August), designated by the Israeli military in Al Mawasi, which has become overcrowded and lacks essential infrastructure and services.
- Briefing the UN Security Council on 29 August, the Acting Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, Joyce Msuya, stated: “The situation in Gaza is beyond desperate… Civilians are hungry. They are thirsty. They are sick. They are homeless. They have been pushed beyond the limits of endurance – beyond what any human being should bear,” Msuya highlighted the struggle that people are facing to find shelter and other essentials while being forced into a small area of the Strip. Severe overcrowding, coupled with the lack of clean water, sanitation facilities and basic hygiene items like soap, are taking a heavy toll on children, with skin infections continuing to increase among them. As of 30 June, WHO had already recorded 103,385 cases of scabies and lice, 65,368 cases of skin rashes and 11,214 cases of chickenpox in the Strip. With MSF support, the Palestinian Agricultural Development Association (PARC) has been providing emergency latrines, solar water pumps and basic health care to some of the displaced people arriving in the Al Mawasi area of Khan Younis. “Every day, we see between 300 to 400 people at the medical clinic, of which 200 cases are related to skin conditions,” explained PARC pediatrician Dr. Youssef Salaf Al-Farra, underscoring that children are the most affected by highly contagious skin conditions. MSF claims that, for three months, it has been trying to import 4,000 hygiene kits, comprising items such as soap, toothbrushes, shampoo and laundry power, to improve living conditions in Khan Younis, but the importation has not been allowed by Israeli authorities.
- The number of unaccompanied and separated children in Gaza has likely increased to 3-5 per cent of the overall displaced population according to a recent assessment by International Rescue Committee (IRC). Doctors reported to the IRC that children without surviving family members are being found in hospitals, essentially living there alone due to the lack of alternative care arrangements. IRC indicated that, since October, 41 per cent of families in Gaza were caring for children who were not their own, and a UN survey in April 2024 estimates that this rate is more than eight times higher than in other emergency situations, where the figures range between three and five per cent. Despite the care provided by community members, the grave conditions and the lack of resources are heightening fears of child neglect, particularly amid recent displacements, as families may be forced to prioritize their own children over others, due to limited space and resources. IRC concluded that “children who are abandoned or separated from their families, as well as orphans, face particularly high risks of child labour, exploitation, neglect and mental health issues. Their access to critical resources for survival is also severely reduced.” To tackle family separation, UNICEF is distributing 450,000 identity bracelets to children, including the child’s name, date of birth, and the phone number of a family member.
- Attacks on humanitarian personnel and missions are increasing the risk of limiting access and delivering life-saving aid. The World Food Programme (WFP) announced that, while operations across Gaza continue, it has had to temporarily suspended staff movements following an attack on one of its convoys on 28 August. The UN Under-Secretary-General for Safety and Security Gilles Michaud highlighted that humanitarians, including UN personnel, are operating under extreme risk, with the ongoing crisis being the deadliest on record for the UN. This attack underscores the rapidly shrinking humanitarian space in Gaza, said WFP Executive Director Cindy McCain, stating that “this is totally unacceptable and the latest in a series of unnecessary security incidents that have endangered the lives of WFP’s team in Gaza... The current deconfliction system is failing and this cannot go on any longer...”
- In August, the number of humanitarian missions and movements within Gaza that have been denied access by Israeli authorities has doubled in the north (68 vs. 30) and almost doubled in the south (99 vs 53), compared with July. Between 1 and 29 August, out of the 199 planned humanitarian missions coordinated with the Israeli authorities for northern Gaza, 74 (37 per cent) were facilitated, 68 (34 per cent) were denied access, 42 (21 per cent) were impeded (including missions that succeeded), and 15 (8 per cent) were cancelled due to logistical, operational, or security issues. In southern Gaza, out of 372 coordinated humanitarian movements, 173 (46 per cent) were facilitated, 99 (27 per cent) were denied access, 52 (14 per cent) were impeded, and 48 (13 per cent) were cancelled.
- The forced evacuation of WFP’s main operating hub in Deir al Balah, has drastically reduced its capacity to provide critical food assistance as the Programme also lost access to its last operational warehouse in the governorate and had to evacuate five community kitchens, which were crucial for feeding displaced families. Recent mass evacuation orders issued by the Israeli military have significantly intensified these threats, causing severe disruptions in the delivery of life-saving aid and drastically reducing the availability of safe spaces for aid workers. The UN Under-Secretary-General for Safety and Security Gilles Michaud noted that over 200 UN personnel were forced to evacuate from Deir al Balah, a key humanitarian hub, further straining the already overstretched operations. The dire security situation has caused significant setbacks, particularly in health and food security with the planned polio vaccination campaign, which requires a large number of staff to enter Gaza, continues to face severe delays due to the heightened security risks as highlighted by Michaud. Staff may be able to return and continue their work in areas previously evacuated but announced safe to return by Israeli authorities. Michaud and McCain have both called on all parties to respect international humanitarian law and ensure the safety of humanitarian workers.
- Food delivery is severely hampered by ongoing fighting and damaged roads, and limited crossing points. The WFP reports that Palestinians are confined to small areas with inadequate sanitation and health care, frequently displaced by evacuation orders that disrupt vital aid services, including WFP-supported food distributions and community kitchens. In the past two months, WFP has managed to bring in only half of the 24,000 metric tonnes of food aid required to hit its targets. Due to dwindling supplies and decreased aid inflows, it has been forced to reduce the contents of food parcels distributed. WFP also emphasizes the urgent need for road repairs, warning that war-damaged roads, already difficult to navigate, are expected to become impassable with forthcoming rain and flooding. In a positive development, WFP reports that the community kitchens it supports in northern Gaza have begun providing hot meals with fresh vegetables, marking the first delivery of such produce which aims at supplementing emergency food rations and preventing malnutrition.
- As of 29 August, Member States have disbursed about US$1.63 billion out of $3.42 billion (48 per cent) requested to meet the most critical needs of 2.3 million* people in Gaza and 800,000 people in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, between January and December 2024. For funding analysis, please see the Flash Appeal Financial Tracking dashboard. (*2.3 million reflects the projected population of the Gaza Strip upon issuance of the Flash Appeal in April 2024. As of July 2024, the UN estimates that about 2.1 million people remain in the Gaza Strip, and this updated number is now used for programmatic purposes.)
- During July 2024, the occupied Palestinian territory Humanitarian Fund (oPt HF) managed a total of 98 ongoing projects, totalling $81.4 million. These projects aimed to address urgent needs in the Gaza Strip (89 per cent) and the West Bank (11 per cent). The projects were strategically focused on education, food security, health, protection, emergency shelter and non-food items, water, sanitation, and hygiene, coordination and support services, multi-purpose cash assistance and nutrition. Of these projects, 55 projects are being implemented by international non-governmental organizations (INGOs), 31 by national NGOs and 12 by UN agencies. Notably, 32 out of the 67 projects implemented by INGOs or the UN are being implemented in collaboration with national NGOs. Since 7 October, the oPt HF has mobilized over $112 million from Member States and private donors to support urgent humanitarian and life-saving programmes across the Occupied Palestinian Territory. Of the total funding, 89 per cent has been allocated to projects in Gaza. A summary of the oPt HF activities and challenges in July 2024 is available through this link and the 2023 Annual Report of the oPt HF can be accessed here. Private donations are collected directly through the oPt HF. For an overall picture of the OCHA-managed pooled funds response since October 2023, please see link.
30 augustus 2024
In the last 3 days, Israel has launched large-scale military assaults across the illegally occupied West Bank, which includes East Jerusalem, its most violent since 2002. The main target is Palestinian refugee camps, particularly in the northern cities of Jenin, Tulkarm and Tubas.
Israel’s occupation forces have killed at least 20 Palestinians since the massive military assault began in the early hours of Wednesday morning. Repeating on a smaller scale some of the most ruthless tactics employed in its genocide against 2.3 million Palestinians in the occupied and besieged Gaza Strip, Israel has blockaded all hospitals in Jenin and Tulkarm.
In May, the UN warned that “Israeli forces [are] bringing war to the West Bank.” On Wednesday, Israel Katz, Foreign Minister in Israel’s genocidal government, called for a Gaza-esque war in the West Bank and for Israel to issue evacuation orders for Palestinians, aka genocidal ethnic cleansing.
The BDS movement calls for maximizing grassroots and civil society pressure on all states, the United Nations, and regional bodies:
- Impose a comprehensive military embargo on Israel, including the export, import and transfer of weapons, military equipment, and dual use items, as well as military training, joint research, investments, etc.).
- Impose lawful targeted sanctions against Israel including diplomatic, economic, financial, academic, cultural, and sports.
- End all other forms of complicity in Israel’s illegal military occupation, its system of apartheid, and its ever more brutal Gaza genocide.
- Re-activate the UN Special Committee against Apartheid to help dismantle Israel’s regime of apartheid and hold those responsible accountable.
- Suspend Israel from the UN, just as was done with apartheid South Africa.
- Suspend Israel from the Olympics, FIFA, and all such international and regional fora.
Channel your rage, frustration, and grief into effective, strategic action and build pressure now!
In solidarity,
The Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC)
30 augustus 2024
Kinderen in Deir al-Balah, Gaza willen naar school blijven gaan
In Nederland zijn de scholen weer begonnen! Dat klinkt vanzelfsprekend, maar in Gaza is geen enkel kind nu een leerling. Bombardementen, luchtaanvallen en beschietingen zorgen ervoor dat kinderen niet naar school gaan
“Vandaag is er weer een school getroffen, weer een plek waar Palestijnen veiligheid en onderdak zochten. Ik ben nu hier en ik kan u vertellen dat er geen veilige plek is in Gaza.” zei Deepmala Mahla, CARE's Hoofd Humanitaire Actie.
Scholen zouden een veilige haven moeten zijn voor ieder kind wereldwijd, zo ook in Gaza. In plaats daarvan worden ze gebombardeerd. Dit mogen we niet accepteren.
30 augustus 2024
Three weeks ago, after Cori Bush’s stinging defeat, we wrote about the need for us to remember that we are in a marathon, not a sprint. That we must model sumud—perseverance—and asked you all to let the USCPR team know if you were with us for the long haul.
Since that message went out across email, text, our website, and Instagram, we have been overwhelmed by the positive response.
We wanted to follow up about our plans for how to put that generosity toward our strategic plan, and toward a free Palestine.
We want to offer our reflection on Democratic nominee Kamala Harris’s statement at the DNC last week, where she doubled down on arming Israel as it’s committing genocide, and then in the next breath dared to speak of:
This comes after 10 months of action to embolden Israel and their genocide against my people. By sending tens of billions worth of bombs and military funding, the U.S. and this administration have done the heaviest damage to Palestinians’ right to freedom and self-determination. We can no longer accept lip service. You cannot continue to arm Israel while telling us that you are working for a ceasefire. Adding an accelerant is used to speed up or intensify a fire, sending more bombs to Israel can only be understood as an intention to speed up or intensify the genocide of the Palestinian people.
We need to increase our movement’s organizing and political muscle to the point where no one can ignore our demands, especially in the wake of more horrific massacres in Gaza and the largest Israeli military invasion of the West Bank since 2002.
A permanent ceasefire is only possible if our government stops fueling genocide and sending bombs. Toward that end, our number one policy objective and organizing northstar is to #StopArmingIsrael—with an immediate arms embargo, and then ending U.S. military funding to Israel once and for all.
We want to be honest with you: We wanted this to happen yesterday. We’ve been advocating for this for years. We may not win this year, or even next, but we will keep fighting until we do.
After we #StopArmingIsrael, the work of truly liberating Palestine can begin. That means an end to the apartheid & occupation. An end to settler colonialism. The return of Palestinian refugees and an end to all human rights abuses Israel perpetuates against Palestinians every day.
I know that may seem like a near-impossible objective right now, but it must remain our northstar while Palestinians are suffering at the hands of a Zionist, genocidal state.
So to make the impossible within reach, we have two core strategies to our work:
1. Coalition building: We work in deep partnership with allies across movements and struggles to wield collective power, work off the same game plan, and share information. We plan to double down on this type of work, and create a coalition to rival and ultimately beat the power that AIPAC and similar anti-Palestinian groups represent.
2. Grassroots organizing: Working with all of you, and the millions of people across the country who will never stop fighting for a free Palestine, we plan to continue taking our demands directly to the streets, to city councils, state houses, Congress, the White House, and other campaign targets such as corporations complicit in the oppression of the Palestinian people.
Our coalition has already seen impressive movement, shifting U.S. public opinion to the point where the majority of Democratic voters recognize Israel is committing genocide and support an arms embargo to stop it.
On the grassroots organizing side, don’t expect us to let up anytime soon. Our calls and emails fully changed the dynamics in Congress, despite the lack of policy shift. They laid the groundwork and drove a wedge in the Democratic Party. We commit to always being transparent with you about our tactics and approach, the why of our emails and communications, and how we believe they ultimately lead us toward a free Palestine.
Onward to liberation,
29 augustus 2024
Daily Video: Gaza
Recent daily videos have looked at…
- Israel tortures Gaza medical workers.
29 augustus 2024
Earlier this summer, conservative lawmakers published a letter to Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen that singled out Adalah Justice Project and other organizations who have publicly called for a ceasefire. Their call for an investigation was a blatant attempt to threaten us into silence and drain our resources in legal fees.
Since then, we’ve seen hit-pieces in right-wing media and a bill passed in the House, all targeting organizations like ours who are advocating for Palestinians.
We will fight back!
For a free Palestine,
Sandra Tamari
29 augustus 2024
Today's headlines
‘We won’t leave our people’: the medical workers refusing to evacuate central Gaza’s last functioning hospital
Medical staff at al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital are refusing to abandon their patients after an Israeli army evacuation order. “If we leave our positions, we will fail ourselves and our society,” a doctor at the hospital told Mondoweiss.
The main suspect in the Sde Teiman gang rape case is now a media star in Israel
Soldier Meir Ben-Shitrit has revealed himself as the main suspect in the infamous gang rape of Palestinians at the Sde Teiman detention facility. Rather than making him an outcast, his story has turned him into Israel's latest media darling.
Israel launches large-scale military invasion in the northern West Bank
The Israeli army claims that its operation in the northern West Bank cities of Jenin, Tulkarem, and Tubas is the largest since Operation Defensive Shield in 2002.
Israel's Largest Military Incursion in the West Bank Since 2002 Demands Immediate Accountability
28 augustus 2024
American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) is outraged by Israel’s military invasion and raids across the occupied West Bank, particularly the brutal and illegal siege of Jenin. This is the largest-scale military incursion in the West Bank since 2002, and it comes amid a broader campaign of violence. On top of the tens of thousands of Palestinians murdered in Gaza, Israeli occupation forces and settlers have killed over 650 Palestinians in the West Bank since October 2023. These actions, which include blocking roads to and sieging hospitals, and surrounding medical facilities, and indiscriminately killing Palestinians, are egregious violations of international law and human rights.
These attacks are a stark reminder of the systematic violence and terror that Israel continues to inflict on Palestinians with impunity. The deliberate targeting of civilians, medical facilities, and vital infrastructure by the Israeli military is nothing short of a war crime.
Israel’s claim of "counter-terrorism" is a thinly veiled justification for its ongoing campaign of ethnic cleansing against the Palestinian people. The use of drones, helicopter gunships, and ground forces in densely populated areas under the guise of security operations only serves to further oppress and terrorize the Palestinian population.
We vehemently reject Israel's narrative that these operations are necessary to thwart so-called "terrorist infrastructures." The reality is that Israel’s actions are part of a broader strategy to further entrench its illegal occupation and dispossess Palestinians of their land and rights.
We call on the Biden administration and Congress to hold Israel accountable for its actions and immediately end the military aid that enables these atrocities. The siege on Jenin, the killings in Tubas, and the ongoing airstrikes in Gaza are not isolated incidents; they are part of a systemic campaign of genocide against the Palestinian people. This is yet another compelling reason why an arms embargo on Israel is crucial. The United States must stop fueling Israel’s human rights violations and war crimes and immediately shift its failed approach to prevent further bloodshed and oppression.
We stand in solidarity with the people of Palestine and will continue to advocate for justice, freedom, and an end to the occupation. The world must recognize and act against the grave injustices being perpetrated by Israel in the name of security. The Palestinian people deserve to live in peace and dignity, free from the terror imposed by the Israeli occupation.
In solidarity,
American Muslims for Palestine
28 augustus 2024
This September 22nd through 24th you’ll have the opportunity to meet your Congress Members face to face and demand that they vote to stop the genocide in Gaza.
Palestine needs your voice now more than ever. Congress has the power to end the genocide with a single vote, but many representatives hear only from the Israel lobby. This is our chance to shift their thinking, challenge their narratives, and make sure they understand that most Americans do not reflect the Zionist lobby.
We know it won’t be easy, but it’s essential. Millions of Palestinians are relying on us to keep pushing, to never give up, and to use every tool at our disposal to end Israel’s horrific occupation of Palestine. Though the path is difficult and often disheartening, we cannot afford to lose hope or slow down. Lives depend on our persistence and dedication.
We are making progress. More Americans are recognizing the truth—that Palestinians are victims of a brutal regime. We’ve seen more mobilization against the Zionist lobby than ever before. The fact that they’re pouring hundreds of millions into this election cycle to undermine pro-Palestinian candidates shows just how powerful our movement is—and how much they fear our collective voice.
In solidarity,Ayah Ziyadeh, AJP Action
28 augustus 2024
A brief guide to Israel's cultural genocide.
Since its genocide against Palestinians in Gaza began, the Israeli military has destroyed hundreds of historical and religious sites and centers of culture and learning like libraries, archives, and museums.
Here’s a brief guide to Israel’s cultural genocide in Gaza:
- Great Omari Mosque: Gaza’s oldest mosque and the second-oldest mosque in all of Palestine, the Great Omari Mosque dates back 1,400 years. It was destroyed in an Israeli airstrike in December. In an instant, a place representing centuries of history — and housing dozens of rare books and priceless manuscripts — was reduced to rubble.
- Church of Saint Porphyrius: Considered to be one of the oldest churches in the world... 
Stop $20b in weapons to Israel.
Together, we’ve already sent over 10,000 messages to our Senators demanding that they oppose $20b in additional military funding to Israel.
Right now, it’s critical we keep up the pressure to block this weapons sale.
In this interview, Maya Wind discusses her book Towers of Ivory and Steel: How Israeli Universities Deny Palestinian Freedom.
In it, she argues that Israeli universities have played a central role in Israeli settler colonialism – from being built on the ruins of ethnically-cleansed Palestinian towns and villages, to serving as initial settler outposts, to providing material support to the Israeli military.
28 augustus 2024
Humanitarian Situation Update #210
West Bank
Demolition in Kharbatha al Misbal (Ramallah), 22 August 2024. Photo by the affected family
Key Highlights
- Some 13 Palestinians, including four children, were killed between 20 and 26 August. Eight of these were killed in Israeli airstrikes.
- Some 136 Palestinians have been killed and 41 injured in Israeli airstrikes since October 2023, 135 of them occurring in the northern governorates.
- By contrast, between 2020 and October 2023, six Palestinians were killed in airstrikes, all in 2023.
Latest Developments (after August 26)
- On 28 August, initial reports of wide-scale Israeli operations involving helicopters, drones, and ground forces in Jenin, Tulkarm and Tubas governorates are reported. At least ten Palestinians, have been killed, seven of which were in airstrikes, and 11 others injured.
Humanitarian Developments (20-26 August)
- During the reporting period, Israeli forces killed 13 Palestinians, including four children. Eight out of the 13 killed were in airstrikes. Israeli forces and settlers have injured 47 Palestinians, including 9 children. On 25 August, a Palestinian man succumbed to wounds sustained from live ammunition during an Israeli operation on 23 July in Izbat al Jarrad village, Tulkarm. The injured man was initially arrested and taken to an Israeli hospital where he was later pronounced dead.
- On 22 August, an Israeli forces’ airstrike killed three Palestinians, during a 16-hour operation in Tulkarm Refugee Camp. According to the family of one of the Palestinians killed, he was in his kitchen preparing milk for his child and was not aware of the attack. The operation involved exchanges of fire between Israeli forces and armed Palestinians, who also used explosive devices. Military bulldozers caused considerable damage to infrastructure, residential buildings, and livelihood structures. Consequently, at least 21 households comprising 85 people, including 21 children, have been displaced as their homes have become uninhabitable. During an on-site assessment by UNRWA, sewage floods were observed in different road sections and at least 35 sewer holes and at least 50 house water connections were damaged.
- On 25 August, Israeli forces shot and killed two Palestinians, including one child, near the entrance of the Salfit governorate. According to the Israeli military, a vehicle drove against the flow of traffic attempting to run over soldiers. One soldier was injured in the incident.
- On 25 August, Israeli forces shot and injured two Palestinians in the village of Tarqumiya, west of Hebron city. The Palestinians were workers attempting to enter Israel through a hole in the Separation Barrier and were stopped by Israeli forces. The soldiers ordered them to lay down on the ground then shot them in the legs. As a result, one of the Palestinians had his leg amputated.
- On 25 August, Israeli forces shot and killed a 16-year-old Palestinian boy near Al Jalama checkpoint, north of Jenin city. According to local sources, armed clashes occurred at the checkpoint when Palestinians opened fire from within a car towards the checkpoint and Israeli forces responded by firing live ammunition, which hit a Palestinian inside the vehicle. In addition, two houses that were 50 meters away from the area were struck with live ammunition, one of which was damaged by a gas cylinder that exploded.
- On 26 August 2024, Israeli forces shot and killed a Palestinian man near Khirbet al Majaz in the Israeli-designated “Firing Zone 918 area” of Masafer Yata. The man, a Palestinian labourer, attempted to cross into Israel along with other workers. Israeli forces patrolling the area opened fire at the group, hitting the man in the head. He was transferred to a hospital, where he was later pronounced dead.
- On 26 August, Israeli airstrikes killed five Palestinians, including two children, in Nur Shams Refugee Camp, Tulkarm governorate. Israeli drones launched missiles at a group of Palestinians gathered on the street in Al Manshiya neighborhood, killing five Palestinians on the spot. According to the Israeli military, among the five Palestinians killed were Palestinians that had planned attacks against Israeli forces.
- Between 7 October 2023 and 26 August 2024, 622 Palestinians were killed in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, in addition to two who died of wounds sustained prior to 7 October. Among them, 136 Palestinians have been killed and 41 injured in 49 airstrikes, with 135 of the fatalities occurring in the northern governorates (60 Tulkarm, 51 Jenin, 13 Nablus and four in Tubas). In comparison, between 2020 and October 2023, six Palestinians were killed in airstrikes, all in 2023. Of the total 622 Palestinian killed in West Bank since 7 October, 602 Palestinians were killed by Israeli forces, 11 by Israeli settlers, and 7 where it remains unknown whether the perpetrators were Israeli forces or settlers. During the same period, 15 Israelis, including 9 members of Israeli forces and 5 settlers, were killed by Palestinians in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. In Israel, attacks by Palestinians from the West Bank resulted in the killing of 10 Israelis and seven Palestinian perpetrators.
- During the reporting period, Israeli settlers perpetrated 31 attacks against Palestinians, resulting in 1 fatality and 11 injuries, and damage to property. Palestinians perpetrated one attack against settlers in this period, with no injuries reported. Between 7 October 2023 and 26 August 2024, OCHA recorded about 1,270 attacks by Israeli settlers against Palestinians, of which over 120 led to Palestinian fatalities and injuries, about 1,030 led to damage to Palestinian property, and over 130 led to both casualties and property damage.
- On 20 August, Israeli settlers believed to be from Rosh Ha’Ayin settlement set fire to and burned an agricultural structure in the village of Az Zawiya, west of Salfit. According to the municipality and the affected farmer, a group of Israeli settlers burned a large agricultural room; destroying equipment, water tanks, crops and twenty-five chickens. Two days prior to this attack, Israeli settlers wrote threatening messages on the structure.
- On 23 August, Israeli forces physically assaulted and injured two Palestinian men near the Al 'Auja in Jericho governorate. According to local community sources, a group of armed Israeli settlers, accompanied by Israeli forces, attacked two Palestinians who were picnicking in the area. The Israeli settlers fired live ammunition at the men's vehicle, damaging the tires, and stole the license plate. Israeli forces then arrested the two men and detained them at a military base in Jericho where they were physically assaulted and injured before being transported to Jericho Hospital for medical treatment.
- On 25 August, Israeli settlers injured four Palestinians and displaced two Palestinian families, comprising 19 members including five children from Al Buwieb village, Hebron governorate. An armed Israeli settler and his sheep entered the community and attempted to steal livestock from two Palestinian families. The men of the families stopped the settler and forced him out of the area, after which he returned with a group of ten armed settlers who attacked the families with stones, sticks, and knives. Other Palestinians arrived and threw stones at the settlers. Three Israeli settlers were injured from Palestinian stone throwing. The incident occurred in the presence of Israeli forces, who detained members of the Palestinian families who were under attack. While they were detained, the settlers stole farming material, an electric generator, a fridge used to store milk products, and the families’ belongings. The two families were part of a group of four families who had previously been displaced from Al Buwieb and relocated to Masafer Bani Na’im after 7 October 2023. They returned three months ago but have now been displaced for a second time.
- On 26 August 2024, Israeli settlers in military reservist unit, shot and killed a Palestinian man with East-Jerusalem residency and injured three others in Wadi Rahhal, near Bethlehem. According to Israeli media, an initial investigation by the Israeli military claims that the settler unit acted against military protocols and left their designated area to attack this community. Allegedly, they were responding to incidents of stone throwing between settlers and Palestinians in the area. The injured Palestinians were taken to the hospital for treatment.
- During the reporting period, at least two Palestinian households comprising at least 19 people, including five children, were displaced due to Israeli settler violence and harassment, and the takeover of Palestinian property. Since 7 October 2023, 261 Palestinians households comprising 1,566 people, including 758 children, have been displaced in the context of incidents related to Israeli settlers.
- Between 20 and 26 August, Israeli authorities and military demolished or forced the demolition of 30 Palestinian-owned structures in Area C and East Jerusalem (17 structures) as well as in areas A and B (13 structures) of the West Bank. Of the total 30 structures, some 17 structures were destroyed during an Israeli forces’ operation, and the remaining 13 were demolished due to the lack of Israeli-issued building permits, which are almost impossible to obtain. As a result, 111 Palestinians, including 34 children, were displaced and another 35, including 9 children, were otherwise affected.
- On 20 August, Israeli Civil Administration along with Israeli forces demolished two inhabited residential building and a water cistern in Khirbet ad Deir in Tuqu', Bethlehem governorate. The incident took place in Area C for lacking an Israeli-issued building permit. As a result, two families comprising 11 people, including 6 children, were displaced. Most of belongings of the displaced families were lost under the rubble. The case was pending in court and was rejected this year.
- On 22 August, Israeli Civil Administration along with Israeli forces demolished a residential house in Kharbatha Al Misbah, Ramallah. As a result, two households of seven Palestinian, including three children, were displaced. The destroyed structure included a basement with a water cistern and most of the personal belongings were buried under the rubbles. According to the affected families, the first Israeli demolition order was issued against the house in 2021, the family directly appointed a lawyer to follow up the case and started the permit process and all documents were submitted to the Israeli Civil Administration, however it did not prevent the demolition from proceeding.
- Between 7 October 2023 and 26 August 2024, Israeli authorities demolished, confiscated, or forced the demolition of 1,446 Palestinian structures across the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, displacing more than 3,300 Palestinians, including about 1,430 children, which is more than double the number when compared with the same period before 7 October, where 1,339 Palestinians were displaced, including 626 children. The demolitions after 7 October include over 500 inhabited structures, more than 300 agricultural structures, more than 100 water, sanitation and hygiene structures, and 200 livelihood structures. Some 28 incidents of demolitions and destruction of infrastructure, mostly in Tulkarm and Jenin, account for the majority of those affected.
- As of 28 August, Member States have disbursed about US$1.6 billion out of $3.42 billion (47 per cent) requested to meet the most critical needs of 2.3 million* people in Gaza and 800,000 people in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, between January and December 2024. For funding analysis, please see the Flash Appeal Financial Tracking dashboard. (*2.3 million reflects the projected population of the Gaza Strip upon issuance of the Flash Appeal in April 2024. As of July 2024, the UN estimates that about 2.1 million people remain in the Gaza Strip, and this updated number is now used for programmatic purposes.)
- During July 2024, the occupied Palestinian territory Humanitarian Fund (oPt HF) managed a total of 98 ongoing projects, totalling $81.4 million. These projects aimed to address urgent needs in the Gaza Strip (89 per cent) and the West Bank (11 per cent). The projects were strategically focused on education, food security, health, protection, emergency shelter and non-food items (NFI), water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH), coordination and support services, multi-purpose cash assistance and nutrition. Of these projects, 55 projects are being implemented by international non-governmental organizations (INGOs), 31 by national NGOs and 12 by UN agencies. Notably, 32 out of the 67 projects implemented by INGOs or the UN are being implemented in collaboration with national NGOs. Since 7 October, the oPt HF has mobilized over $112 million from Member States and private donors to support urgent humanitarian and life-saving programmes across the OPT. Of total funding, 89 per cent has been allocated to projects in Gaza. A summary of the oPt HF activities and challenges in July 2024 is available through this link and the 2023 Annual Report of the oPt HF can be accessed here. Private donations are collected directly through the oPt HF.
28 augustus 2024
As Israel and Hezbollah exchanged heavy fire last weekend, all eyes were on one man: the Lebanese group’s leader Hassan Nasrallah. This week, we break down what Nasrallah said about the escalation in tensions and what that portends for the region.
Five key takeaways from Nasrallah's speech after Hezbollah-Israel attacks
Hezbollah said it had targeted Israeli military and intelligence sites in response to the killing of military commander Fuad Shukr in July, and signalled that it wasn’t looking to escalate further. Israel denied suffering any significant damage.
The Take: At Birzeit University, the fight for education under occupation
In the West Bank, more than 141 Palestinian university students were arrested between October 2023 and May 2024.
28 augustus 2024
Today's headlines
Justice delayed, not yet denied: an update on the ICC arrest warrants for Benjamin Netanyahu and Yoav Gallant
ICC Chief Prosecutor Karim Khan's request for arrest warrants against Benjamin Netanyahu and Yoav Gallant has been mired in attempts to shield Israel from accountability since May, but this soon could change.
Biden gives arms shipment proponent top Israel policy role
Joe Biden has tapped Mira Resnick, an official who has helped facilitate weapons shipments to Israel, as the State Department’s point person for the country.
27 augustus 2024
De vakantieperiode is voorbij en hopelijk zijn we allemaal
opgeladen om de strijd en het leven beter aan te kunnen. We hebben dan ook een campagne-aankondiging voor jullie.
Deze nieuwsbrief bevat artikelen over het feit dat de westerse wereld met vuur speelt in het Midden-Oosten door Israël zijn gang te laten gaan. De uitspraak van het Internationaal Gerechtshof op 19 juli is heel belangrijk en kan ons volgens Craig Mokhiber (oud-medewerker UNHRC) helpen in de BDS-strijd
We zijn nog steeds op zoek naar social media specialisten. Wil jij je voor een paar uurtjes per week committeren aan het verspreiden van ons nieuws via Instagram, Twitter/X, neem dan snel contact met ons op via
Een strijdbare groet van het docP team; blijf BDS-en!
EU wakkert inferno Midden-Oosten aan
Europese leiders wakkeren de vlammen van een inferno in het Midden-Oosten aan met hun opzettelijke blindheid voor de wreedheden van Israël in Gaza. Hun weigering om Netanyahu ter verantwoording te roepen zou het conflict scherp kunnen laten escaleren. I
BDS is een plicht, zegt Internationaal Gerechtshof
De gezaghebbende uitspraak van het Internationaal Gerechtshof over de Israëlische bezetting maakt duidelijk dat boycots, desinvesteringen en sancties tegen de Israëlische bezetting, kolonisatie en apartheid niet alleen een morele verplichting zijn, maar ook een wettelijke verplichting. Door Craig Mokhiber, expert op het gebied van het internationaal humanitair recht, wordt dit in Mondoweiss van 13 augustus 2024 nog eens duidelijk uiteengezet.
In zijn historische uitspraak heeft het Internationaal Gerechtshof geoordeeld dat de Israelische bezetting van de Westelijke Jordaanoever, Oost-Jeruzalem en Gaza volkomen onwettig is, dat Israël apartheid en rassenscheiding beoefent. En dat alle Staten van de Verenigde Naties in de wereld dientengevolge dus de plicht hebben hieraan een einde te maken, onder andere door alle economische, handels- en investerings verplichtingen met Israël in de Palestijnse gebieden af te snijden. Met andere woorden: volgens het internationale recht zijn alle landen in de wereld verplicht om deel te nemen aan een economische boycot van de activiteiten van Israël en afstand te nemen van alle bestaande economische betrekkingen in de bezette gebieden.
BDS Overwinning: Activisten dwingen verzekeraar AXA tot vertrek uit Israël
21 augustus 2024, Bezet Palestina Onder dwang van BDS campagnes door activisten wereldwijd heeft AXA zijn investeringen in Israelische banken opgegeven Bij een grote BDS-overwinning voor mensenrechtenactivisten tegen financiële instellingen die medeplichtig zijn aan Israëls 76 jaar oude regime van vestigingskolonialisme, apartheid en nu genocide, werd de Franse multinationale verzekeraar AXA gedwongen zijn investeringen in investeringen in Isaël te stoppen.
7 september actiebijeenkomst
BDS toen en nu; Boycot Israelisch fruit
In de aanloop naar een nieuwe boycot-campagne gericht op supermarkten organiseert Sit-in 4 Palestine in samenwerking met BDS Nederland een bijeenkomst over de geschiedenis en heden van boycot als actiemiddel.
We kijken met Corrie Roeper die actief was bij het Komitee Zuidelijk Afrika naar de strijd tegen apartheid in Zuid-Afrika en we kijken welke acties we kunnen ondernemen om de medeplichtigheid van supermarkten te kunnen stoppen.
27 augustus 2024
Palestinians displaced by the Israeli air and ground offensive walk next to sewage flowing into the streets of the southern town of Khan Younis in Gaza, July 4, 2024. © 2024 Jehad Alshrafi/AP Photo
Polio in Gaza
Polio in Gaza: Israeli military attacks on healthcare infrastructure and water supplies and ongoing aid obstruction are contributing to a potentially catastrophic polio outbreak in Gaza. The spread of the polio virus poses significant risk for the hundreds of thousands of children in Gaza.
26 augustus 2024
Today's headlines
Hezbollah retaliated against Israel for assassinating its top commander
Hezbollah launched its retaliatory attacks against Israel for the assassination of its senior commander, Fouad Shukr, targeting several military bases and Israel's cyber warfare Unit 8200.
Ceasefire negotiations as a weapon of war
Our hope for a ceasefire has been weaponized against us. Every time politicians issue statements, mediators shuttle between capitals, headlines promise a breakthrough, and then it all falls apart. And every time, my hope breaks me.
26 augustus 2024
Humanitarian Situation Update #209
Gaza Strip
Displaced people in the Gaza Strip. Photo by WHO
Key Highlights
- Between 19 and 24 August, five new evacuation orders have been issued by the Israeli military – the largest number of orders in a single week since the start of the crisis. A total of 16 orders have been in issued in August so far.
- Since the escalation of hostilities, only about 11 per cent of the Gaza strip has not been placed under evacuation orders.
- At least 50,000 children born in the past ten months of hostilities are highly unlikely to have received any immunizations, including polio vaccine, due to the collapsed health system, warn aid organizations and medical professionals.
Humanitarian Developments
- Israeli bombardment from the air, land, and sea continues to be reported across much of the Gaza Strip, resulting in further civilian casualties, displacement, and destruction of houses and other civilian infrastructure. Ground incursions, particularly in Beit Hanoun, southwest Gaza city, eastern area of Khan Younis and Deir al Balah and east and south Rafah, with heavy fighting also continue to be reported.
- Between the afternoons of 23 and 26 August, according to the Ministry of Health (MoH) in Gaza, 170 Palestinians were killed and 390 were injured. Between 7 October 2023 and 26 August 2024, at least 40,435 Palestinians were killed and 93,534 were injured, according to MoH in Gaza.
- The following are some of the deadly incidents reported between 22 and 25 August:
- On 22 August, five Palestinians were reportedly killed and others injured when a house was hit in the vicinity of Bani Suheila square, east of Khan Younis.
- On 23 August, five Palestinians were reportedly killed when a vehicle was hit southeast of Khan Younis.
- On 23 August, four Palestinians were reportedly killed and others injured when a house was hit in northwestern An Nuseirat Refugee Camp, Deir al Balah.
- On 24 August, four Palestinians were reportedly killed and others injured when a house was hit in Maan area, east of Khan Younis.
- On 24 August, 11 Palestinians, including women and children, were reportedly killed and 30 others injured when a house was hit in Al Amal neighborhood, west of Khan Younis.
- On 24 August, at about 12:10, eight Palestinian men were reportedly killed when a vehicle (tuk-tuk) was hit in northwestern Rafah.
- On 25 August, eight Palestinians were reportedly killed and others injured when a house was hit south of Deir al Balah.
- Between the afternoons of 23 and 26 August, six Israeli soldiers were reportedly killed in Gaza, according to the Israeli military. Between 7 October 2023 and 26 August 2024, according to the Israeli military and official Israeli sources cited in the media, more than 1,538 Israelis and foreign nationals were killed, the majority on 7 October and its immediate aftermath. The figure includes 338 soldiers killed in Gaza or along the border in Israel since the beginning of the ground operation. In addition, 2,254 Israeli soldiers were reported injured since the beginning of the ground operation. As of 26 August, it is estimated that 109 Israelis and foreign nationals remain captive in Gaza, including hostages who have been declared dead and whose remains are withheld in Gaza.
- New Israeli-issued evacuation orders are announced almost daily, further worsening the humanitarian crisis affecting hundreds of thousands of people. Between 23 and 25 August, the Israeli military issued three new evacuation orders affecting over 19 neighborhoods in Northen Gaza and in Deir al Balah. Initial mapping indicates that over 8,000 people were staying in the areas designated for evacuation, many in 13 internally displaced person (IDP) sites. The Israeli military issued a total of 16 evacuation orders in August, impacting approximately 12 per cent of Gaza’s population (258,000 people). The new orders in Deir al Balah have displaced humanitarian staff from various UN agencies, NGOs, and service providers, along with their families, severely hindering their ability to deliver essential support and services. Specifically, the order issued on 25 August impacted 15 UN and NGO premises, as well as four UN warehouses.
- As of 25 August, up to 88.5 per cent of the Gaza Strip has been placed under evacuation orders since 7 October 2023. The population is increasingly forced to concentrate within the Israeli-designated zone in Al Mawasi, which spans to only about 41 square kilometre or roughly 11 per cent of Gaza’s total area. The area is lacking critical infrastructure and basic services, while aid provision is limited due to access and security issues. The severe overcrowding, with a density of 30,000 to 34,000 individuals per square kilometer has exacerbated the dire shortage of essential resources such as water, sanitation and hygiene supplies, health services, protection and shelter.
- Evacuation orders and hostilities in close proximity to hospitals and medical points continue to place these vital facilities at risk of becoming non-functional due to insecurity and lack of safe access for patients, ambulances, and health partners to resupply them. On 26 August, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) reported that many people had chosen to flee from the Al Aqsa Hospital, prompted by the close proximity to the latest area designated for evacuation in Deir al Balah and an explosion that occurred 250 metres from the hospital. Citing the Ministry of Health, MSF added that, from around 650 patients, only 100 now remain in the hospital.
- Delivering fuel and medical supplies to health facilities is extremely challenging in the context of repeated evacuation orders. On 21 August, both the Kamal Adwan and Indonesian hospitals in northern Gaza renewed appeals for the urgent provision of diesel to keep electricity generators functional. Meanwhile, attacks on healthcare also continue to be reported. On 24 August, the Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) informed that the second floor of the PRCS Al Amal Hospital’s Rehabilitation Department in Khan Younis had been struck by Israeli drones but no staff or patients were injured. As of 20 August, WHO had recorded 505 health attacks in the Strip, which had resulted in 752 people killed, 982 injured, and 32 hospitals and 63 ambulances damaged.
- Humanitarian interventions are increasingly difficult to implement under recent evacuation orders. According to the Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Cluster, recent evacuation orders in Deir al Balah have compromised 15 out of 18 water wells; reducing the total water production capacity in the area by 80 per cent (from 13,000 cubic metres a day to 2,500). An urgent mitigation measure is currently underway to address the situation by redirecting water from the Southern Gaza Desalination Plant to Deir al Balah. This adjustment will provide Deir al Balah with 1,500 cubic metres of water per day. In parallel, UNFPA reports that the disruption has led to the closure of four UNFPA-supported maternal health service delivery points in the middle area and Khan Younis governorates, which previously served thousands of women. Additionally, multiple safe spaces set up by humanitarians for women and girls have been forced to shut down, cutting off critical support for those at risk of gender-based violence.
- On 23 August, the World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, expressed grave concern about the first confirmed case of polio in Gaza in 25 years, adding that the 10-month-old unvaccinated child who had contracted the virus had developed paralysis in the lower left leg. On 25 August, UNICEF announced that 1.2 million doses of Polio Vaccine Type 2 (nOPV2) were being brought to Gaza to immunize over 640,000 children jointly with WHO and UNRWA. Meanwhile, as part of ongoing preparations to implement the two-round vaccination campaign set to begin in September, WHO has conducted a training of trainers for 35 vaccinators, with further cascading training ongoing for 280 team supervisors from the Ministry of Health in Gaza, UNRWA and other health partners. The International Rescue Committee (IRC) underscored that “vaccinations are only one part of the response” and concurrent efforts to scale up access to safe, clean and treated water are necessary to prevent further disease outbreaks, including cholera, urging the lifting of all restrictions on the entry of chlorination supplies and fuel to run water systems, solar panels and electricity generators. In a joint appeal for an urgent ceasefire, 20 aid agencies and 20 medical professionals explained that at least 50,000 children born in the past ten months of conflict are “highly unlikely to have received any immunizations due to the collapsed health system”, while regular vaccination schedules for older children are likely to have been disrupted by displacement and violence. “Now polio is confirmed, the response needs to be measured in hours, not weeks,” indicated the Save the Children’s Regional Director for the Middle East, Jeremy Stoner.
- Despite all constraints and challenges faced, health partners are doing their utmost to support the health system. In a positive development, on 25 August, the Ministry of Health announced the resumption of partial health services at the European Gaza Hospital in Khan Younis, 50 days after the facility had become out of service following the evacuation orders of 1 July. Humanitarian actors have provided hospitals in northern and southern Gaza with anaesthesia, analgesic drugs and other medical supplies to cover the needs of about 44,500 patients. A total of 200 Intensive Care Unit (ICU) beds have also been delivered to Gaza in an effort to support the expansion of bed capacity in at least five facilities. Moreover, more than $400,000 worth of infection prevention and control supplies have been delivered to five hospitals, with plans to reach two others.
- Many shop owners who operated formals shops are now selling their commodities within informal markets on the streets, according to a survey by WFP. Between 1 June and 10 August, WFP collected responses from a diverse array of formal retail establishments and street-level vendors and found that respondents listed damaged shops (86 per cent), safety and security (31 per cent) and inability to replenish stocks (25 per cent) as the main reasons for the transition of formal shops to informal street vendors. In addition to losing commercial infrastructure, the shortage of basic commodities and high prices are impacting the markets across the Gaza Strip especially in the northern governorates, which include commodities like cooking gas which has increased by over 500 per cent, and diesel prices have increased by over 1,000 per cent, compared to pre-October 2023 prices. The limited availability of detergents and the high prices of basic hygiene products and chlorine are particularly concerning given the widespread prevalence of skin conditions among the population.
26 augustus 2024
Israel Tortures Healthcare Workers
“Every minute we were beaten. I mean all over the body, on sensitive areas between the legs, the chest, the back. We were kicked all over the body and the face. They used the front of their boots which had a metal tip, then their weapons. They had lighters: one soldier tried to burn me but burned the person next to me. I told them I’m a doctor, but they didn’t care.”
These harrowing words from Eyad Abed, a 50-year-old surgeon detained by the Israeli military while working at a hospital in Gaza, is just one of the testimonies in a new HRW report documenting Israel’s abuses against healthcare workers in Gaza since October.
They all follow a pattern.
First – as the released doctors, nurses and paramedics describe – they were swept up in mass detentions, most often at work following Israeli sieges of hospitals or during hospital evacuations they said had been coordinated with the Israeli military.
Once in Israeli custody, mistreatment began immediately. Healthcare workers reported being forced to strip publicly at once and remain kneeling for long periods, outside and exposed to the elements.
Second, they were removed from Gaza to detention facilities in Israel and the occupied West Bank. There, they recount, they were beaten, blindfolded, and handcuffed for weeks on end. Israeli interrogators tried to force them to confess to being members of Hamas, using various threats, like endless detention, rape, and the killing of their families back in Gaza.
Former detainees describe how their mistreatment in Israeli custody also included being held in appalling conditions, deprived of adequate food and water, and denied medical care.
And again, these were all healthcare workers, none of whom was ever informed of the reason for their detention or charged with an offense.
The accounts of released detainees in the new HRW report are consistent with other independent reports, including by the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees, other rights groups, and the Israeli news media.
Israeli authorities have not allowed independent humanitarian agencies, like the Red Cross, access to Palestinian detainees since the start of hostilities. Israel’s allies need to press the Israeli government to urgently allow independent monitoring of detention facilities.
Mounting reports of serious abuses need to be investigated and the perpetrators brought to justice. Over the years, however, Israeli authorities have repeatedly failed to provide credible accountability for torture and other abuses against Palestinian detainees.
Justice will have to come from elsewhere.
The International Criminal Court (ICC) is currently considering applications for arrest warrants against senior Israeli officials for grave international crimes. The ICC should ensure its investigation includes abuses against Palestinian detainees.
26 augustus 2024
FIFA wants to keep its vote on banning Israel quiet.
Let’s make some noise.
FIFA wants to ignore Israel’s livestreamed Gaza genocide and the tens of thousands of Palestinians it has murdered in the past months, including hundreds of athletes, coaches, referees, and club owners.
FIFA wants to ignore that Israel has damaged or destroyed all sports infrastructure in Gaza, some after using them as detention and torture camps.
FIFA wants to ignore Israel’s football teams in Israeli settlements on occupied Palestinian land despite the recent ICJ ruling reconfirming they are illegal, in fact a war crime.
FIFA to ignore that Israel is an apartheid state that must be banned, just as apartheid South Africa was in 1961.
FIFA wants to ignore rampant racism and dehumanization in Israeli sports, including the banner at a recent Israeli match saying the lives of Jewish-Israeli children are worth more than those of Palestinian children, not to mention Israeli football fans’ favorite anthem, “Death to the Arabs!”
FIFA wants to ignore Israel’s recent violent attack on the headquarters of the Palestinian Football Association in Jerusalem.
FIFA wants to ignore calls from the 47-member Asian Football Confederation and more than 500,000 signatories, to ban Israel.
By the end of this month, FIFA will vote on banning Israel.
Let’s make sure FIFA can’t ignore Israel’s genocide and sporticide against Palestinians.
Tell FIFA: We won’t stop calling to ban apartheid Israel from football!
The global calls to ban Israel from sports have kept the spotlight on its attacks on Palestinian life, rights, liberty and sports.
We have no illusions on the lengths that Western dominated FIFA, and its corrupt president Gianni Infantino, will go to in order to shield Israel from accountability, even as it carries out a livestreamed genocide and escalate its 76-year-old regime of settler-colonial apartheid.
Instead, we have every faith in people power. We call for continued peaceful disruption of ALL Israeli participation in regional and international sports, including the upcoming Nations League matches against Italy, France and Belgium.
When governments and institutions fail to uphold justice and stop Israel's #GazaGenocide, people of conscience must shoulder the moral responsibility to isolate apartheid Israel, just as apartheid South Africa was isolated.
In solidarity,
The Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel
24 augustus 2024
At the DNC this week, Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris hypocritically declared, “Never let anyone tell you who you are. You show them who you are.”
Let’s be clear: Kamala Harris is showing us who she is. Actions speak louder than words. Her hollow rhetoric means nothing without real policy change.
It is Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, at the helm of this current administration, who continue sending the bombs and billions in military funding to Israel, which turns around and uses it to murder Palestinians every day.
Both political parties have blood on their hands for approving weapons and manufacturing consent for genocide. We must keep organizing as long as the U.S. keeps arming Israel. Read the latest updates below.
Your Activist Scoop
- Recently At the Democratic National Convention, Democratic nominee Kamala Harris doubled down on supplying Israel with weapons for genocide. Her words about “freedom” and “self-determination” for the Palestinian people rang hollow while the administration she’s part of keeps arming Israel.
- In real time, scenes of horrific massacres in Gaza stood in stark contrast next to celebratory balloons and music at the DNC. Israel slaughtered about 200 Palestinians and wounded a many times larger! And in Gaza Israël displaced hundreds of thousands more Palestinians with U.S. weapons, tax dollars, and backing.
- At a press conference, USCPR Action Policy Manager Mohammed Khader reflected on the parallels from the 1964 DNC to this week’s. As he said, Democratic officials have the power to end this genocide by choosing to #StopArmingIsrael, but instead fuel this bloodshed and alienate their base.
- With your support, USCPR joined over 200 organizations and tens of thousands of protesters in Chicago this week to march on the DNC. The protests pressured the Democratic Party to listen to the people’s demands, especially ending U.S. military funding and all types of assistance to Israel.
- Keep pressuring Kamala Harris’s campaign and the Biden-Harris administration until she does the one thing we’re demanding, the one thing the U.S. has massive leverage over: Stop sending deadly and destructive weapons to Israel.
- If the U.S. had refused to arm Israel in 2024, at least $17.9 billion in military funding would provide enough to house 2.13 million families, ending homelessness three times over.
From the streets outside the DNC to Capitol Hill, USCPR Action will never stop fighting for a free Palestine. Thank you for being with us,
Onward to liberation,
24 augustus 2024
Today's headlines
Inside the Ne’eman Foundation, the Israeli military and settler funder that had its charity status stripped in Canada
The Ne’eman Foundation, which recently had its charitable status revoked in Canada, is deeply entwined with settler violence in the occupied Palestinian territory and represents the Judeo-fascist edge of the Canada-to-Israel charity pipeline.
Understanding Netanyahu’s endgame in the war on Gaza
The real reason Netanyahu refuses to end the genocidal war on Gaza is because his short-term political interests have perfectly lined up with Zionism's long-term goal — the ethnic cleansing of Palestine.
24 augustus 2024
VP Harris’s Empty Rhetoric at the DNC: A Missed Chance for Real Change
[WASHINGTON D.C., August 23, 2024] - Americans for Justice in Palestine Action (AJP Action) is deeply disappointed in Vice President Kamala Harris’ remarks at the Democratic National Convention last night. Throughout her speech, she dedicated her time to uplifting false and debunked accusations, using the passive voice to describe the genocide Palestinians are facing through her Administration’s supplied arms, promising to “always stand up for Israel's right to defend itself” the common trope for allowing Israel carte blanche to commit violence against Palestinians and it’s regional neighbors. Simply put, Vice President Harris failed to diverge from the same genocidal positions as President Biden.
In her speech, Vice President Harris reiterated her call for a ceasefire; however, ten months into an active genocide—where much of the devastation has already occurred—her administration's continued support for the Israeli regime with financial and military aid shows a disturbing lack of seriousness in achieving a ceasefire and stopping the ongoing slaughter of Palestinians. Her statement, devoid of any real substance or political strategy, is nothing new—many U.S. politicians have been calling for a ceasefire all year without taking proactive steps to back up their words.
What we heard last night was not a genuine call for peace, but rather an attempt to appease Israel and the zionist lobby in the United States. By failing to address the urgent need for a substantive change in U.S. policy towards Palestine, Vice President Harris’s remarks only further emboldened the Israeli regime to continue its ethnic cleansing and occupation of Palestinians. There is no accountability being put into place—only a deepening of U.S. complicity in the ongoing atrocities.
The Palestinian, Arab, and Muslim American communities represent a significant and growing voting bloc, and they will not be swayed by words alone. We urge the Vice President and the Democratic Party to take concrete steps toward ending the occupation, halting military aid that fuels the occupation, and supporting the rights of Palestinians to live in dignity and freedom.
The next two months will be critical in determining whether Vice President Harris and the Democratic Party truly care about earning the support of our communities. AJP Action will continue to advocate for the policies that our communities need and deserve, and we will be watching closely to see if our leaders are willing to rise to this critical moment.
In solidarity,
AJP Action
23 augustus 2024
Humanitarian Situation Update #208
Gaza Strip
Displaced people in the Gaza Strip. Photo by UNRWA
Key Highlights
- Three orders issued by the Israeli authorities in just two days affect 146 displacement sites, with those affected by such orders so far in August reaching as many as 250,000.
- The amount of humanitarian food assistance that entered southern Gaza in July was one of the lowest since October 2023, when a full siege was imposed.
- In July, the number of children diagnosed with acute malnutrition in northern Gaza was four times higher than in May, whereas in the south it more than doubled. Only one per cent of children in northern Gaza and six per cent in the south were able to receive the recommended dietary diversity.
Humanitarian Developments
- Israeli forces bombardment from the air, land, and sea continues to be reported across much of the Gaza Strip, resulting in further civilian casualties, displacement, and destruction of houses and other civilian infrastructure. Ground incursions, particularly in eastern area of Khan Younis and Deir al Balah, and heavy fighting also continue to be reported.
- Between the afternoons of 19 and 22 August, according to the Ministry of Health (MoH) in Gaza, 126 Palestinians were killed and 401 were injured. Between 7 October 2023 and 22 August 2024, at least 40,265 Palestinians were killed and 93,144 were injured, according to MoH in Gaza. Casualty figures covering until the afternoon of 23 August are not available as of the time of reporting.
- The following are among other deadly incidents reported between 19 and 22 August:
- On 19 August, at about 18:00, nine Palestinians were reportedly killed and others injured in Ash Shati' Refugee Camp, western Gaza city.
- On 20 August, at about 0:35, five Palestinians, including at least three women and a child, were reportedly killed and others injured when a house was hit in Al Bureij Refugee camp in Deir al Balah.
- On 20 August, at about 11:30, 12 Palestinians were reportedly killed, and others injured, when the Mostafa Hafez governmental school, sheltering internally displaced people (IDPs), was hit in Al Rimal neighbourhood, western Gaza city.
- On 20 August, at about 17:15, at least nine Palestinians, including children and women, were reportedly killed and at least 14 others were injured in the central market of Al Baraka area, eastern Deir al Balah.
- On 21 August, in two separate incidents, five Palestinian fishers were reportedly shot and killed and another one injured when they were on the coast of Deir al Balah and in Ash Shakoush neighbourhood of northwestern Rafah.
- On 21 August, at about 16:10, seven Palestinians, including five women and two children, were reportedly killed when an IDP tent was hit in Az Zanna area, east of Khan Younis.
- On 22 August, at 3:45, six Palestinians, including a journalist, his wife and their three children, were reportedly killed when a house was hit in Al Battanyah area of Al Maghazi Refugee Camp in Deir al Balah.
- On 22 August, at about 0:15, 11 Palestinians including one baby and other children, were reportedly killed and others injured when a residential building was hit in Beit Lahiya, North Gaza.
- Between the afternoons of 19 and 23 August, three Israeli soldiers were reportedly killed in Gaza, according to the Israeli military. Between 7 October 2023 and 23 August 2024, according to the Israeli military and official Israeli sources cited in the media, more than 1,532 Israelis and foreign nationals were killed, the majority on 7 October and its immediate aftermath and including 332 soldiers killed in Gaza or along the border in Israel since the beginning of the ground operation. In addition, 2,232 Israeli soldiers were reported injured since the beginning of the ground operation. As of 23 August, it is estimated that 109 Israelis and foreign nationals remain captive in Gaza, including hostages who have been declared dead and whose remains are withheld in Gaza.
- On 21 and 22 August, the Israeli military issued three evacuation orders impacting 15 neighborhoods in Deir al Balah and Khan Younis, bringing the total number of evacuation orders issued in August to 13. Initial mapping shows that over 28,500 people were residing in the areas designated for evacuation on these dates, many of them in 146 IDP sites, including 11 formal collective centers and 135 informal sites. As of 21 August, the evacuation orders issued this month have affected approximately 250,000 people across Gaza. The new orders also forced the displacement of humanitarian staff from several UN agencies, NGOs, and service providers, along with their families, disrupting their ability to provide essential support and services to those in need. The Education Cluster reported that 31 temporary learning spaces in Deir al Balah and Khan Younis have been forced to close due to the orders issued between June and August, resulting in the loss of educational opportunities for 3,979 students. On 22 August, Muhannad Hadi, the Humanitarian Coordinator for the Occupied Palestinian Territory, issued a statement saying, “Civilians are exhausted and terrified, fleeing from one devastated place to another, with no end in sight. This cannot continue. He further emphasized that, “If evacuation orders are meant to protect civilians, the reality is that they are achieving the exact opposite.”
- The amount of humanitarian food assistance that entered southern Gaza in July was one the lowest recorded since October 2023. The Food Security Sector (FSS) has warned that ongoing intense fighting, damaged roads, a breakdown of law and order, and access challenges along the main humanitarian route between the Kerem Shalom Crossing and Khan Younis and Deir al Balah have led to critical food shortages. As a result, more than one million people in southern and central Gaza may not receive food rations for August. Repeated evacuation orders and population displacement, coupled with dire shortages of cooking gas, have significantly disrupted the operation of kitchens and bakeries. At least 50 kitchens have been forced to either suspend cooked meal provision or relocate due to repeated evacuation orders and since early July only 13 out of 19 bakeries supported by humanitarian partners are presently operational in the Strip – one in Khan Younis (which reopened on 21 August after having been closed since January), six in Deir al Balah, four in Gaza city and two in Jabalya. In northern Gaza, food insecurity and malnutrition are even more alarming as no commercial supplies are known to have reached the area for more than three consecutive months, according to the Food Security Sector. This has resulted in a lack of protein sources on the local market, with only a few types of locally grown vegetables available at exorbitant prices.
- Children are paying the heaviest price, with the combination of a poor diet, decimation of basic healthcare services and abysmal water, sanitation and hygiene conditions continuing to increase their malnourishment and vulnerability to diseases, highlights the Nutrition Cluster. An assessment conducted by UNICEF in July revealed that only one per cent of children in northern Gaza, and six per cent in the south, received the recommended dietary diversity, with meat, fruits and vegetables, dairy products and eggs being among the almost inaccessible foods.
- The number of children diagnosed with acute malnutrition through mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC) screenings increased by over 300 per cent in the north in July, compared with May, and by 156 per cent in the south. In total of 14,750 children aged 6-59 months diagnosed with acute malnutrition out of 239,580 children who have been screened since January 2024. According to the Nutrition Cluster, between nine and ten per cent of pregnant and breastfeeding women (PBW) screened in June and July were found to be acutely malnourished; hampering their ability to breastfeed, amid rising numbers of preterm and low birth weight infants. The Nutrition and Food Security clusters warn that if physical road access, health service provision, water, sanitation, hygiene and shelter conditions are further compromised, there is a high risk of food insecurity and malnutrition worsening beyond the already alarming rates currently observed across the Strip.
- According to the WASH Cluster, about half of the core Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) activities have been impeded by import and access restrictions on humanitarian aid. This includes long-standing restrictions on the entry of chlorine needed for disinfecting drinking water and the delayed extension of a dedicated power line to supply electricity to the Southern Gaza seawater desalination plant. Storage and transport challenges, particularly related to fuel, are hindering the distribution of supplies, leading to critical delays that directly affect the health and sanitation of vulnerable populations. Furthermore, a survey conducted by the Cluster reveals that the Gaza market is severely depleted, lacking essential WASH items, suffering from hyperinflation, and burdened by cash liquidity issues. As a result, WASH actors to rely on substandard materials, compromising the quality and effectiveness of their interventions.
- In July, humanitarian access in Gaza was severely disrupted due to intense military activities, the closure of crossings, and volatile security conditions. These challenges were compounded by unexploded ordnance, robbery, damaged and congested roads, inconsistent movement notification and coordination procedures, and complex inconsistent checkpoint operations. Although the number of humanitarian missions coordinated by Israeli authorities increased from 414 in June to 543 in July, the percentage of movements denied by Israeli authorities doubled from seven per cent to 15 per cent; significantly impacting humanitarian access and the timely execution of life-saving interventions across Gaza.
- The proportion of facilitated movements decreased from 64 per cent in June to 58 per cent in July, with access impediments affecting 12 per cent of movements in the south and over 27 per cent in the north (which include missions that were successfully completed). Humanitarian movements between northern and southern Gaza must pass through a holding point while waiting for Israeli forces’ approval to grant access with only one of the two checkpoints operational at a time. Aid convoys often face long delays at these holding points, exposing staff to risks such as active fighting and robbery. In July, two UN humanitarian convoys were struck by live ammunition at the holding points, causing damage to their vehicles.
- Between 1 and 22 August, 147 planned humanitarian assistance missions coordinated with the Israeli authorities to northern Gaza. Of these, 64 (43 per cent) were facilitated, while 28 (19 per cent) were impeded, 46 (31 per cent) were denied access, and 9 (6 per cent) were cancelled due to logistical, operational, or security reasons. In southern Gaza, out of 278 coordinated humanitarian assistance movements, 134 (48 per cent) were facilitated by the Israeli authorities, 37 (13 per cent) were impeded, 79 (28 per cent) were denied, and 28 (10 per cent) were cancelled.
- As of 23 August, Member States have disbursed about US$1.62 billion out of $3.42 billion (48 per cent) requested to meet the most critical needs of 2.3 million* people in Gaza and 800,000 people in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, between January and December 2024. For funding analysis, please see the Flash Appeal Financial Tracking dashboard. (*2.3 million reflects the projected population of the Gaza Strip upon issuance of the Flash Appeal in April 2024. As of July 2024, the UN estimates that about 2.1 million people remain in the Gaza Strip, and this updated number is now used for programmatic purposes.)
- During July 2024, the occupied Palestinian territory Humanitarian Fund (oPt HF) managed 98 ongoing projects, totalling $81.4 million. These projects were aimed at addressing urgent needs in the Gaza Strip (89 per cent) and the West Bank (11 per cent). The projects were strategically focused on sectors such as education, food security, health, protection, emergency shelter and non-food items, water, sanitation, and hygiene, coordination and support services, multi-purpose cash assistance and nutrition. Of these, 55 projects are being implemented by international non-governmental organizations (INGOs), 31 by national NGOs and 12 by UN agencies. Notably, 32 out of the 67 projects implemented by INGOs or the UN are being implemented in collaboration with national NGOs. Since 7 October, the oPt HF has mobilized over $112 million from Member States and private donors to support urgent humanitarian and life-saving programmes across the Occupied Palestinian Territory. Of the total funding, 89 per cent has been allocated to projects in Gaza. A summary of the oPt HF activities and challenges in July 2024 are available through this link and the 2023 Annual Report of the oPt HF can be accessed here. Private donations are collected directly through the oPt HF. For an overall picture of the OCHA-managed pooled funds response since October 2023, please see link.
23 augustus 2024
Today's headlines
Message from the DNC: The Democrats do not care about Palestinians
The Democratic National Convention did not go well for supporters of Palestinian rights where Democrats were largely successful in burying their deep complicity in the Gaza genocide.
‘Operation al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 321: Ceasefire negotiations set to continue in Cairo despite low expectations
Israel continues to bomb several school shelters across Gaza, killing dozens of displaced civilians. Meanwhile, Israel’s internal security chief said settler violence “threatens Israel’s security.”
Israeli army invades ‘most crowded displacement camp in history,’ bombs Palestinians in shelters
Over the past week, the Israeli army has ordered a million civilians to evacuate central Gaza, and has bombed two schools sheltering displaced people in Gaza City mere minutes after issuing warnings.
In a press release last Sunday, the Deir al-Balah municipality said that the waves of evacuation reaching Deir al-Balah were causing an unprecedented number of displaced people to cram into a tiny zone.
According to the statement, Deir al-Balah´s total area is 42 square kilometers, and almost a million displaced people are now distributed across 200 diplaced centres there. This makes Deir al-Balah the most crowded displacement camp in history, the municipality said.
On Tuesday the Israeli army bombed the local market in Deir al-Balah, killing 19 civilians.
23 augustus 2024
Op 29 januari 2024 propten de 6-jarige Hind Rajab, haar oom, tante en vier neefjes en nichtjes zich in Gaza-stad in een Kia Picanto. Hun doel was het Israëlische geweld te ontlopen dat een groot deel van hun stad had veranderd in een puinhoop. Daarmee gaven zij gehoor aan een Israëlische oproep het gebied te verlaten.
Lang duurde de tocht niet. Direct na vertrek werden zij door een Israëlische tank onder vuur genomen. Met twee salvo's van een machinegeweer vermoorde het Israëlische leger alle inzittenden van de auto, op Hind na. Toen Palestijnse hulpverleners uren later toestemming van het Israëlische leger kregen om Hind te redden, werden ook zij bij aankomst gedood.
Pas twaalf dagen later trokken de Israëlische troepen zich terug en konden hulpverleners het gebied bereiken. In de Kia werd het stoffelijk overschot van Hind en haar zes familieleden aangetroffen. Van de ambulance en hun inzittenden was vrijwel niets over.
De zesjarige Hind Rajab werd, samen met haar familie, vermoord door het Israëlische leger terwijl zij op de vlucht was. Links op de foto zijn de resten te zien van de ambulance die haar te hulp kwam, maar werd vernietigd door een Israëlische tankgranaat. © Palestijnse Rode Halve Maan
Uit forensisch onderzoek door het gerenommeerde Forensic Architecture bleek de Kia doorzeefd met 335 kogels. De Israëlische tank die ze afvuurde bevond zich op 13 tot maximaal 23 meter afstand. De onderzoekers concluderen dat de schutter moet hebben geweten dat hij burgers en kinderen beschoot. De ambulance bleek – ondanks zijn felle zwaailicht en aangekondigde komst – van dichtbij te zijn beschoten met een tankgranaat.
Ruim een half jaar later zijn de verantwoordelijken voor de slachting nog niet opgespoord, laat staan in staat van beschuldiging gesteld. Sterker, Israël werkt structureel internationaal onderzoek van onder meer de VN tegen.
De moord op Hind, haar familie en de hulpverleners is het nieuwste voorbeeld van Israëlische straffeloosheid. Eerder beschreven we onder meer de executies van Shireen Abu Akleh, Ammar Miflih, Amjad Abu Alia, Ahmad Erekat, Iyad al-Halaq en vele anderen. Alle bleven onbestraft. Zo kon Israël tussen eind september 2000 en 11 maart 2020 tienduizend Palestijnen doden zonder dat er een haan naar kraaide.
Ook de Nederlandse regering bleef stil. Israëls misdaden worden in Den Haag zonder uitzondering gedoogd. Liever wachten onze bewindspersonen op de altijd door Israël beloofde interne onderzoeken, die er in de praktijk nooit komen. Ziedaar de impliciete uitnodiging aan Israël om te blijven moorden.
Lees hier het hele artikel over de moord op Hind Rajab en de Israëlische straffeloosheid.
Marteling | NOS bericht over misdaden tegen Palestijnen in Israëlisch detentiekamp
In navolging van internationale media publiceerde de NOS deze week een schokkende reportage over het Israëlische detentiekamp Sde Teiman. Daar worden sinds het begin van de oorlog in Gaza talloze Palestijnen in kooien opgesloten, gemarteld, vernederd en seksueel misbruikt. Tientallen van hen zijn omgekomen.
De Palestijnse gevangenen worden er door Israël van beschuldigd lid van Hamas te zijn, maar veel van hen zijn opgepakt zonder te weten waarom. Ze zitten vast zonder vorm van proces.
Verschillende Israëlische en internationale mensenrechtenorganisaties luidden de afgelopen tijd de noodklok over de mensonterende situatie in het kamp en in andere Israëlische detentiecentra. Zij wijzen op de talrijke schendingen van het internationaal recht die er, met steun van een deel van de Israëlische politiek, kunnen plaatsvinden.
Hamas verklaarde deze week vast te houden aan het Amerikaanse voorstel voor een staakt-het-vuren van begin juli, toentertijd aangekondigd door president Biden. Bronnen binnen de organisatie geven aan niet in te zullen gaan op het nieuwe plan, omdat het afwijkt van wat er eerder was afgesproken en omdat de aanvullende eisen van Netanyahu over de corridors onacceptabel zijn.
22 augustus 2024
The Democratic Party's Silencing of Palestinian Voices Was a Critical Misstep and Missed Opportunity
[WASHINGTON D.C., August 22, 2024] - The Democratic Party’s decision to deny a Palestinian speaker the platform at the DNC in Chicago—a city with the largest population of Palestinian-Americans—while opting to adopt a one-sided approach by granting stage time to an Israeli American family of a hostage, sends a deeply troubling message: the lives and voices of Palestinians are not as valuable as those of Israelis. This choice reflects an alignment with the Biden administration’s belief that Israeli lives are more valued than Palestinian lives, rather than treating them as equal. This dehumanization of Palestinians is outright wrong and reflects the Harris-Walz campaign's unwillingness to depart from the failed and immoral approach of the Biden administration, of which Vice President Harris has been a part over the past ten months.
This decision is not just a moral failing; it is a severe political miscalculation that deepens the divisions within the Democratic Party at a time of already heightened polarization. It’s a massive error that signals the Democratic Party is comfortable erasing Palestinian voices.
This exclusion represents a missed opportunity to garner support within the Palestinian and pro-Palestinian community and to help regain trust from a significant voting population. There is an evergrowing voting bloc—Arabs, Muslims, and pro-Palestinian Americans—who have indicated that they are open to supporting the Democratic nominee since Vice President Harris launched her campaign. However, this support hinges on the expectation of substantive change in U.S. policy toward Palestine and Israel. By ignoring our demands and sidelining our voices at this critical juncture, the Democratic Party is effectively sending the message that our support, concerns, and lives are not valued.
The Democratic Party must understand that true leadership and moral clarity go beyond empty rhetoric. They require real, substantive change that acknowledges and respects the dignity and humanity of ALL people, including Palestinians. Continuing to ignore our voices and perpetuate these double standards will only alienate a crucial constituency, one that is essential to securing a just and equitable future for all Americans. The time for meaningful action is now; anything less is unacceptable.
AJP Action demands that the Democratic National Committee reverse this decision immediately and provide a platform for a Palestinian speaker. It is imperative that the DNC demonstrate true leadership by acknowledging the dignity and humanity of all people, including Palestinians, and address this injustice without delay.
In solidarity,
AJP Action
Americans for Justice in Palestine Action (AJP Action) is a nonprofit organization advocating for legislation supporting the human rights of the Palestinian people and endorsing candidates for office who support those rights.
22 augustus 2024
Humanitarian Access Snapshot - Gaza Strip
July 2024
General overview
In July there were 543 coordinated humanitarian movements in Gaza, which were initiated under the Humanitarian Notification System. This is up from 414 in June. While only 7 per cent of movements in June were denied, this rose to 15 per cent in July, significantly impacting humanitarian access and operations. The number of facilitated movements decreased from 64 per cent in June to 58 per cent in July. In the south, 12 per cent of movements were impeded, whereas in the north, this figure was more than doubled to 27 per cent.
Movement impediments inside Gaza
For humanitarian movements to pass between the north and the south they must first proceed to a holding point (HP) and wait for permission from Israeli authorities to approach a checkpoint (CP). There have been numerous incidents associated with this process. Firstly, only one CP is open at any given time; meaning there are bottlenecks in movement as all humanitarian missions must move through the same CP, which is insufficient to the size of humanitarian requirements. Secondly, convoys are often forced to wait at holding points for long periods of time, exposing them to risks, including active fighting and interception by looters. In July, two UN humanitarian movements were impacted by live ammunition, resulting in damage to the vehicles.
Displacement of population
July saw six successive evacuation orders issued by the Israeli army. As a result of this, the area of Gaza covered by evacuation orders rose to 84 per cent. This also greatly reduces the area in which humanitarian aid can be delivered without needing to coordinate movements due to hostilities. In total, 120sqkm of the Gaza strip was covered by evacuation orders in July, approximately one third of the total mass of the area, and impacting the approximately 170,000 people, many of them displaced, who have been residing in those areas.
This has drastically impacted affected communities’ ability to access vital services. For example, in July alone, evacuation orders made an additional 10 hospitals, 16 primary health centers and 4 medical points inaccessible to people who desperately need these services.
22 augustus 2024
Soldiers’ testimonies we received and were published by Haaretz last week as part of the jaw-dropping investigation substantiate previous reports regarding the IDF's use of Palestinians civilians as human shields. This practice can’t be reduced to a few isolated incidents, nor is it about a commander acting on a whim. The testimonies make it clear that it’s both systemic and systematic to how the IDF is fighting in Gaza.
This latest variation on the use of human shields has been happening since the first month of the ground invasion, in different parts of the Gaza Strip, and is being carried out by a wide variety of units.
Many displaced Palestinians were coerced into performing this horrific task. Some were taken from the humanitarian corridor to IDF units around the Strip with the sole purpose of having their lives risked in order to protect the soldiers.
Most of them were adult men, but as one soldier testified, "There were times when really old people were made to go into houses." Another soldier said that in a different case they even sent a 16-year-old teen. They were told: “They are Gazans, use them as human shields.”
They are sent into potentially booby-trapped houses or tunnels, usually dressed in IDF uniforms, handcuffed, and sometimes with a camera attached to them. "They simply sent him in and he mapped it out for the commanders, with the brigade commander watching on the outside."
“In the end a 16-year-old kid is sitting there handcuffed inside the house with his eyes covered," a soldier explained. "The soldiers needed to help him go to the bathroom or feed him. It wasn't an incident that begins and ends with his entering the houses and tunnels. Some soldiers were told, "Our lives are more important than their lives." The dehumanization needed to justify such a policy is astonishing.
The speed with which the most horrifying acts become routine – from the moment we as a society tell ourselves that "there are no innocents in Gaza" is frightening. These kinds of slogans, especially since October 7th, create a reality in which civilians pay the highest price.
Those who’ve heard the testimonies of IDF soldiers or Palestinians from previous rounds in Gaza or from decades of corrupting occupation know that this moral deterioration and dehumanization did not begin in recent months, but it certainly has accelerated.
According to a source who spoke to Haaretz, the IDF's Chief of Staff knew this was taking place. Just like the use of torture in Sde Teiman: everyone knew, from those who initiated it, to those who stayed silent and let it happen – from the top brass to the rank and file.
And just like in the case of tortured Palestinian detainees, Palestinians’ testimonies on the use of human shields have been out there for a long time. Al Jazeera even published footage. And yet it was easy for many, especially in Israel, to brush them aside and cast doubt.
"They know that it's not a one-time incident of a young and stupid company commander who decides on his own to take somebody" explained one of the soldiers. The use of human shields has become an integral part of how the IDF fights in Gaza.
Much like the use of Palestinians as human shields in Gaza, the use of torture in the makeshift detention facility in Sde Teiman is not a story of a few soldiers who went rogue. This is a story about systematic and institutionalized abuse.
Haaretz recently published testimonies of eight soldiers and medical personnel who served there throughout the past months. The reality described by the soldiers who were interviewed - some of them our testifiers - could have stopped before some of them were even sent to serve there. It continued because what was happening there, including the death of dozens of detainees, was met with public silence in Israel even after stories began to come out.
The soldiers who chose to speak up did so because they know silence breeds consent. Now when more and more are coming forward to share their testimonies, we should all stop and listen to what they have to say.
We recently published our joint annual report on the state of the occupation together with twenty-one fellow Israeli human rights and civil society organizations. The report aims to present the overall picture of different elements of the occupation and of Israel’s policy, according to the areas of expertise of the signatory organisations. Although the report surveys the main trends of the past year, many of the trends raised here are not the product of the last year, but of fifty-seven years of occupation.
We present here a comprehensive picture of the consequences of the occupation in four geographical parts: the humanitarian disaster in the Gaza Strip and the suspected war crimes committed by Israel; the deepening of the annexation and the acceleration of dispossession in the West Bank; the increased Israelisation efforts and displacement of the Palestinian population in East Jerusalem; and the accelerated erosion of democratic space in Israel.
22 augustus 2024
Readers’ Recommendations
The War in Gaza Is Making Thousands of Orphans (NYT)
22 augustus 2024
Today's headlines
BDS win: AXA divests from Israeli banks and Elbit Systems
In a resounding victory for the BDS movement, Palestine activists have forced French multinational insurance company AXA to divest from all major Israeli banks and the weapons manufacturer Elbit Systems.
Protesting the DNC: ‘The same Democrats saying they want to cease fire are voting to send military aid to Israel’
Lara Haddadin, a leader of the DNC protests in Chicago, says if Democrats wanted a ceasefire, they would end military aid to Israel: "We are committed to protesting the genocidal state of Israel beyond the DNC and holding both parties accountable."
Netanyahu’s latest strategy to avoid a ceasefire, explained
Hamas isn't blocking a ceasefire in Gaza, Israel is. Netanyahu has systematically sabotaged negotiations at every turn. Israel's current demands for military control over Gaza ensure they will fail.
21 augustus 2024
Gaza Humanitarian Response Update
UNRWA Team providing assistance to displaced families in Al- Tabi’een school in Gaza city. Photo: UNRWA
- During the reporting period, 35 Health Cluster partners reached 337,000 people across the Gaza Strip. As of 18 August, there were 16 Emergency Medical Teams (EMTs) supporting the local healthcare workforce, including two in northern Gaza.
- On 9 August, Health Cluster partners deployed two EMTs to the Al Ahli and Public Aid hospitals, delivered 24,000 litres of fuel and assessed progress in the rehabilitation of the emergency department and operation theatre at the Al Shifa Hospital.
- On 11 August, Health Cluster Partners delivered Infection Prevention and Control (IPC)/Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) supplies to the Kamal Adwan and Al Ahli hospitals and facilitated the medical evacuation of six pediatric cancer patients from northern to southern Gaza.
- Following the detection of Vaccine-Derived Poliovirus (VDPV) Type 2 in environmental samples collected from Deir al Balah and Khan Younis, and the reported first active case of polio in the Gaza Strip by the Ministry of Health, the Polio Technical Committee (comprised of WHO, UNICEF, UNRWA and the Health Cluster) has finalized a Polio Response Plan and Response Plan. The first round of the polio vaccination campaign is set to begin on 31 August.
- The National Emergency Medical Team, comprising Ministry of Health staff from the National EMT Roster, was activated at the Al Shifa Hospital. This initiative will support emergency care case management at the facility.
- The multiple evacuation orders issued by the Israeli forces in Khan Younis and Deir al Balah between 8 and 17 August have resulted in the loss of essential health services; impacting 17 health facilities in total, including five primary healthcare centers and nine medical points. The distance of these orders is one kilometer or less from four key hospitals: Nasser Medical Complex, Al-Amal and Kuwaiti Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) hospitals, and Al Aqsa Hospital; hindering people’s access to healthcare.
- The success of the upcoming polio vaccination campaign relies upon commitment by the parties involved in hostilities to guarantee a humanitarian pause for at least seven days during each round of the campaign. Without this, insecurity will prevent the campaign from being fully implemented and the risk of poliovirus spreading across the Strip and beyond remains high.
- The lack of a reliable medical evacuation mechanism to transfer critically ill and injured patients outside of Gaza remains a major challenge.
- Partners continue to conduct Mid-Upper Arm Circumference (MUAC) screenings in shelters and healthcare facilities across the Gaza Strip. Since mid-January, 239,580 children aged 6-59 months have been screened for malnutrition. Of all screened children, 14,750 were diagnosed with acute malnutrition, of whom 11,462 with Moderate Acute Malnutrition (MAM) and 3,288 with Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM), including 138 suffering from SAM with medical complications. Cases identified have been receiving treatment in four Stabilization Centres and 102 Outpatient Programme sites supported by WHO, UNICEF and their partners.
- Partners have endeavored to expand the screening of pregnant and breastfeeding women (PBW). Some 27,617 PBW have been screened since January, and 1,801 PBW have been enrolled for treatment. Between 9 and 10 per cent of PBW screened in the months of June and July were found to be acutely malnourished (MUAC below 23 centimeters).
- Between 3 and 16 August, 26,825 children under the age of five and 12,728 PBW received a 30 day-allocation of Lipid-based Nutrient Supplements (LNS-MQ) in Khan Younis, Deir al Balah and Rafah, under the WFP Supplementary Feeding Programme. Along with LNS-MQ distribution, 19,045 mothers and caregivers were sensitized on Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) practices.
- Repeated displacement, insecurity and access constraints continue to hamper the early detection of children and women requiring nutrition services and the scale-up of operational presence to provide needed support. While tents have been set up to conduct malnutrition screenings and provide services, the lack of privacy renders breastfeeding counselling challenging.
- Repeated displacement, including among children diagnosed with malnutrition, has made it difficult for partners to monitor and follow up on malnutrition cases and for families to carry supplies for malnutrition prevention and treatment.
- Insecurity, access constraints, and limited infrastructure hinder the delivery and storage of nutrition supplies like LNS-MQ, Ready-to-Use Therapeutic Food (RUTF), and Ready-to-Use Infant Formula (RUIF).
Food Security
- As of 19 August, 12 out of 18 bakeries supported by humanitarian partners were operational in the Gaza Strip - six in Deir al Balah, four in Gaza city and two in Jabalya. One bakery in Deir al Balah ceased operations on 10 August due to shortages of cooking gas, while the five bakeries in Rafah remain closed due to ongoing hostilities. One more bakery in Khan Younis is expected to commence operations soon to respond to the increasing needs in the governorate.
- In response to repeated forced displacement caused by evacuation orders issued by the Israeli forces, a one-time distribution of ready-to-eat food parcels was made available to newly displaced people. Following the attack on the Al- Tabi’een school in Gaza city on 10 August, partners immediately mobilized, providing pastries, cooked meals and food parcels to affected populations.
- To improve people’s access to bread, 50 per cent of bread production at all 12 active bakeries is currently being purchased by partners to be distributed for free along with cooked meals, while the other 50 per cent is sold at a reduced NIS 3 (US$0.8) per two kilograms of bread.
- As of mid-August, about 500,000 cooked meals prepared in 160 kitchens were provided daily to families across the Strip. This represents a 30 per cent decrease compared with up to 700,000 meals provided at 200 kitchens in early July. This is attributed to the present scale of hostilities, lack of food supplies and cooking fuel due to the limited entry of humanitarian aid.
- During the reporting period, more than 2,400 veterinary kits were distributed to livestock-keeping households in southern and central Gaza to improve animal health and preserve herding livelihoods. This was the first time such kits entered the Strip since October 2023.
- Since early August, Food Security Sector partners and the Education Cluster have started providing school snacks, such as high-energy biscuits or date bars, in various learning spaces. This aims to support the resumption of education activities across the Strip and encourage children’s active participation.
- As of mid-August, more than 30 kitchens were forced to suspend their work or relocate due to the multiple evacuation orders issued in Khan Younis and Deir al Balah. FSS partners’ personnel have also been displaced, further contributing to the disruption in food delivery.
- Partners lack sufficient food stocks to meet requirements for August. Insecurity, damaged roads, the breakdown of law and order, and access limitations have worsened along the main humanitarian route between the Kerem Shalom Crossing and Khan Younis and Deir al Balah. This has resulted in critical shortages of aid commodities to sustain operations, increasing the risk of spoilage and infestation of stranded food supplies due to high temperatures.
- The passage of fuel and other humanitarian supplies between southern/central Gaza and the north and via all crossings remains impeded. Ensuring continuous fuel supply to all bakeries and other essential services remains the utmost priority for FSS partners.
- It is anticipated that the energy crisis will further worsen in upcoming months as winter and the rainy season approach. Protracted shortages of cooking energy continue to force displaced families to cook by burning wood from waste, which hinders proper food preparation and nutrition intake, exacerbates health and protection risks, and causes environmental hazards.
- The lack of entry of commercial supplies into northern Gaza for more than three months has resulted in a near total absence of protein sources such as meat and poultry, with only a few types of locally produced vegetables available at unaffordable prices. Although humanitarian partners were able to transport a few trucks of fresh produce to the north, commodities were subject to high rates of spoilage and were insufficient to meet the vast scale of needs.
- As most of the food rations provided contain gluten, there is a significant gap in supporting hundreds of people with Celiac Disease, Phenylketonuria and other medical conditions requiring special diets, with appropriate food rations.
- The shortage of animal feed and essential veterinary materials in the Strip impacts animal health and welfare and prevents livestock holders from providing decent care to them. It hinders local production of fresh nutritious food like meat and dairy products, which are key to a healthy and nutritious diet, especially for children.
- The lack of entry of seeds, fertilizers and other livestock and crop production inputs is a key obstacle hampering the restoration of local food production in Gaza. There is an urgent need to strengthen advocacy for, and implementation of, a dual-track approach to food assistance and emergency livelihood interventions. Agricultural activities, including small-scale gardening that is critical to enhance dietary diversity, remain largely suspended. The implications of missing the upcoming agricultural season will likely devastate people’s livelihoods.
- A multi-sectoral integrated response is essential to address food insecurity, particularly during the upcoming winter season. The winterization needs of other clusters, including Shelter, WASH, Health and Logistics, must be urgently addressed to improve the food security response. If physical road access, healthcare provision, as well as energy, water, sanitation, hygiene and shelter conditions are further compromised, there is a high risk that the food insecurity and malnutrition situation will worsen beyond the already alarming rates observed across the Strip.
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
- Between 5 and 18 August, the Coastal Municipal Water Utility/Palestinian Water Authority (CMWU/PWA) reported that the average water supply for safe drinking and domestic purposes was approximately 95,000 cubic metres per day across the Gaza Strip, or just about a quarter of water supply provided prior to October 2023. This includes 42,500 cubic metres of water produced by water wells (municipal, UNRWA, private).
- During the reporting period, WASH Cluster partners received about 20,000 litres of fuel per day, which represents only 28 per cent of the minimum daily threshold of 70,000 litres required to meet critical needs and ensure the public health objectives of the WASH sector.
- A total of 20 Cluster partners implemented a WASH assessment entailing both household-level evaluations and Key Informant Interviews across IDP sites, including UNRWA shelters, non-UNRWA collective centers and informal settlements. The assessment is expected to be completed by early September.
- Water trucking operations are now a significant means of distributing water across the Gaza Strip, with many people relying on direct collection from trucks or from communal distribution points. Twenty-two partners are distributing over 7,000 cubic metres of water daily to 775 registered locations.
- The Cluster is finalizing a WASH Winterization Preparedness and Response Plan to mitigate risks of stormwater flooding. In 2023, the Cluster identified about 180 high-risk locations prone to flooding in Gaza, but this number is expected to be significantly higher due to the extensive destruction. Partners have prioritized a list of supplies, materials and equipment needed to prepare for an effective flood response, including mobile pumps, jetting and vacuum trucks, personal protective equipment (PPE) and hoses.
- The evacuation orders issued during the reporting period have significantly hindered the ability of Cluster partners to provide services. The order on 16 August alone disrupted operational access to 12 groundwater wells, three reservoirs, one sewage pumping station and one temporary solid waste dump site. In Deir al Balah, the loss of water production is estimated at 70 per cent (9,000 cubic metres a day). While the water procured through the Mekerot Bani Suhaila pipeline might still be available, partners have lost access to the control valves for the network and are thus unable to manage the flow of water, with further assessments currently underway.
- Since January, no chlorine has entered Gaza to treat drinking water with the current reserves projected to last one month. This is deeply alarming given the reported outbreaks of hepatitis A and polio. The need for chlorine is even more urgent in the winter, as waterborne diseases are likely to increase, placing the lives of thousands at risk, especially children. The situation is further complicated by the need to double the chlorine dosing (12 per cent presently, compared to 6 per cent before October). This is due to the degradation of chlorine solution concentration caused by prolonged storage and rising temperatures.
- The stormwater drainage network in Gaza is combined with the sewage network in a number of areas. In heavily destroyed areas, where an estimated 68 per cent of the infrastructure is damaged, there is already clogging and flooding, with raw sewage pooling in streets and IDP sites. This situation poses a dual risk during the rainy season: potential flooding and the contamination of water sources and contact with the population.
- Acute shortage of critical hygiene products, including handwashing soap, laundry powder/liquid, shampoo, and disinfection solutions continue to exacerbate the spread of diseases. Even when these products are available in the market, people cannot afford them.
Shelter and Non-Food Items (NFI)
- Between 5 and 18 August, despite the Israeli-issued evacuation orders and minimal resources, Shelter Cluster partners provided family tents to 499 families who were displaced within Khan Younis or from parts of Deir al Balah to other locations.
- In northern Gaza, partners provided 600 tents to IDP families attempting to return to their damaged homes.
- The Shelter Cluster continues to track the needs of new IDPs in the Deir al Balah and Khan Younis governorates and provide shelter support, including tents, Non-food items (NFI)s and sealing off kits.
- The severe lack of shelter materials and NFIs, which is particularly acute in central and southern Gaza, continues to hamper the Cluster’s ability to implement a meaningful response, mainly due to movement and logistical impediments, the breakdown of law and order, and the risk of looting. The inability to use the Kerem Shalom Crossing to bring humanitarian items into Gaza is a key obstacle.
- Restrictions imposed by the Israeli authorities on the transport of shelter materials between northern and southern Gaza means that partners cannot cover needs as they develop. 
- Recurrent displacement and access impediments continue to hinder the ability of Cluster partners to carry out assessments and acquire a comprehensive understanding of needs.
- Protection Cluster partners continue to identify and respond to the exponentially increasing protection risks and needs of displaced people across the Strip. For instance, in Khan Younis and Deir al Balah, UNRWA Protection teams have been conducting visits to shelters and IDP sites, undertaking focus group discussions and key informant interviews with IDPs, monitoring aid distribution, and ensuring follow up on previously identified vulnerable cases. They also continue to provide Explosive Ordnance Risk Education (EORE) and Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) awareness sessions.
- The Gender-Based Violence (GBV) and Child Protection (CP) Sub-Clusters held a first workshop with national partners focused on child protection, GBV and prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse. The workshop resulted in the production of a draft Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) on Prevention and Protection of Child Survivors.
- The GBV Sub-Cluster has also updated the content of the Dignity Kits to include winter-specific items and messages and guidelines on the safe identification and referral of GBV cases were further disseminated to Protection and other humanitarian partners during the reporting period.
- In-person EORE sessions continue to be delivered, with a focus on displacement areas in Nuseirat, Deir al Balah, Khan Younis and Gaza. Digital campaigns using SMS, radio and social media also continue, as well as awareness-raising sessions for humanitarians and the distribution of materials, and Training of Trainer (ToT) sessions for local partners.
- Insecurity, the disruption of aid flows, the breakdown of law and order, and the denial of entry of critical items continue to hinder the Protection response. Denied items include mine action supplies, sanitary pads, dignity and Menstrual Hygiene Management Kits (MHM) for women and girls, recreational materials for children, as well as assistive devices for persons with disabilities.
- Shortage of tents affects the ability to expand group-based psycho-social support and provide safe spaces or temporary accommodation for unaccompanied children. The limited availability of supplies on the local market, including MHM and dignity kits has disproportionate impact on women and girls at risk of GBV and increases their vulnerability to diseases and violence.
- Widespread blackouts, poor connectivity and access to communications services, fuel shortages and damage to key infrastructure continue to curtail mobility. Repeated evacuations, ensuing displacements and limited access to areas affected by hostilities, including in northern Gaza, continue to constrain community outreach, referral pathways, and protection activities.
- About 44 per cent of service providers were forced to close service delivery points and could not relocate due to evacuation orders and continuous population displacement. These have heightened the risk of GBV and the need for gender-responsive interventions, as they disproportionately impact women, girls under the age of 17, the elderly, and PBW.
- The indirect impact of the evacuations is the increasing cost of service delivery as transportation is becoming more costly and communication with beneficiaries is increasingly challenging. Frontline workers, who are also being displaced, are working in an increasingly shrinking space, struggling to trace beneficiaries, ensure continued support, and cope with the rising demand for services.
- Cash shortages are hindering the use of Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) by some recipients, negatively impacting living conditions, increasing the risk of exposure to violence or exploitation for women and girls, and hindering the ability of partners to pay local service providers and staff salaries.
- The closure of the Rafah Crossing continues to impede the entry/exit of international aid workers.
- Lack of funding continues to limit the deployment of additional EOD experts and Explosive Ordnance Risk Education and Conflict Preparedness and Protection (EORE-CPP) teams to meet the soaring needs. Administrative hurdles, such as registration of organizational entities and delayed provision of visas, continue to prevent the scale up of mine action work.
- Education Cluster members provided at least 5,500 school-aged children (43 per cent boys and 57 per cent girls) with access to learning activities in at least five newly established Temporary Learning Spaces (TLSs) in Asdaa Refugee Camp, in Khan Younis, and Al-Mashallah neighbourhood, in Deir al Balah. These children also received some minimal learning materials salvaged from the remainder of supplies that partners could locally mobilize. In addition, 100 parents and caregivers participated in awareness-raising sessions on the main principles of social-emotional learning. These sessions aimed at helping parents develop skills to support their children with learning at home (source: Education Cluster 5W dashboard).
- Following the launch of the UNRWA “Back to Leaning” programme on 1 August, 39 UNRWA schools serving as shelters for displaced populations are providing learning activities (23 in Deir al Balah and 16 in Khan Younis), reaching over 14,000 school-aged children and 464 teachers. Fifty-five more schools/shelters are scheduled to commence learning activities in Gaza city and North Gaza governorates. UNMAS is supporting UNRWA in ensuring safe access to schools in these governorates ahead of the activities.
- Ongoing displacement due to continuous evacuation orders is severely impacting response efforts. Between 10 and 17 August, five UNRWA shelters and two non-UNRWA shelters have been forced to evacuate; disrupting several newly established TLSs. This ongoing crisis is exacerbating strained resources and impeding the expansion of educational activities. Safety concerns and the arrival of newly displaced people to shelter in classrooms designated for educational use are further complicating the situation. Additionally, since the resumption of learning activities in UNRWA shelters, there have been at least 13 recorded attacks on schools. Although these incidents have not directly affected UNRWA shelters, they are hindering the resumption of educational activities in schools.
- Continued restrictions on the entry of education supplies, which are labelled as non-humanitarian items, have significantly limited the implementation of learning activities. Schools have lost their teaching and learning materials, and students have been unable to receive any supplies, making it difficult for teachers to effectively engage students. Additionally, there are no available supplies in the local market. The Cluster continues to urge all relevant stakeholders to intensify advocacy efforts to lift the restrictions on education supplies, both through humanitarian aid and the private sector.
Emergency Telecommunications (ETC)
- During the reporting period, the ETC procured critical telecommunications and IT equipment, including Very High Frequency (VHF) radios and solar-powered solutions, from a local vendor in Ramallah and prepositioned them in Jerusalem. The equipment is intended to strengthen the Gaza Security Operations Centre (SOC) and will be used to set up new VHF repeaters in Gaza. The equipment will be transported into Gaza once approval from the Israeli authorities is obtained.
- One of the four solar-powered solution kits delivered by the ETC to Gaza on 24 July is being delivered to UNRWA to facilitate humanitarian operations by UN agencies in Khan Younis. Recently, the ETC delivered a kit to the United Nations Department of Safety and Security (UNDSS) to provide uninterrupted power supply to the Gaza SOC, ensuring 24/7 operations.
- The ETC Cluster continues to advocate for the need to import more telecommunications equipment into Gaza to set up common communications services. For more information on ETC activities, please visit: Conflict | Emergency Telecommunications Cluster (ETC) (
- Increased restrictions on the movement of commodities, damaged infrastructure and lack of fuel and spare parts, local Mobile Network Operators and Internet Service Providers in the Gaza Strip are experiencing network outages and are unable to conduct the necessary repairs. Current conditions make it difficult to maintain the functionality of the remaining network and have resulted in the loss of connectivity in Rafah.
- The availability of telecommunications equipment is severely limited, hampering the delivery of ETC services. A significant amount of equipment has been damaged or destroyed, and the import of new equipment is lengthy and challenging. Only 20 satellite phones, 30 VHF digital radios, four VHF repeaters and four solar power solutions have been coordinated for importation into Gaza with Israeli authorities since 7 October 2023.
- Increasing insecurity, displacement, and relocation of staff from Rafah to Deir al Balah have rendered it difficult to deploy shared ETC communications services or provide face-to-face technical support for humanitarian responders.
- The lack of funding has limited the ETC Cluster’s capacity to address immediate communications needs for humanitarian responders in Gaza. Thus far, less than 32 per cent of funding requested by the Cluster (US$1.8 million) under the updated OPT Flash Appeal has been received.
21 augustus 2024
Amid swarms of militarized cops and secret service, about 15,000 unintimidated protesters marched on the Democratic National Convention on Monday to bring the people’s demands to the door of the Democratic Party.
One thing was clear: A mass movement for our collective liberation is rising. For a free Palestine, for stopping police crimes, for immigrant rights and legalization, and for LGBTQIA+ and reproductive rights—all among the demands behind the March on the DNC.
USCPR is proud to be part of that coalition, which is led by local organizers in USPCN and the Chicago Alliance Against Racial & Political Repression.
At the march, we handed out protest signs with messages like “Fund Care Not Killing,” “No Pride in Apartheid,” and “Stop Arming Israel and Fund Our Communities,” which protesters held high.
We know all too well that the unity of our mass movement presents a threat to white supremacy, Zionism, and U.S. empire.
That’s why we’re seeing attempts to sow division between our communities, from counterinsurgency efforts targeting Black-Palestinian solidarity to pinkwashing narratives targeting queer solidarity with Palestine.
But the reality is, the mass movement I was part of at Monday’s march is a strong and vibrant community. We defy the dehumanizing stereotypes and attempts to divide us, by our very existence and by the relationships we’ve built with one another.
Together, we can become an unstoppable force to fund care, not killing.
In 2024 alone, the Biden-Harris administration has sent at least $17.9 billion in U.S. military funding to Israel. Based on our Not My Tax Dollars map methodology, that $17.9 billion could instead fund any of the following per year:
- 2.13 million households with public housing, enough to end homelessness three times over
- 6.23 million children receiving free or low-cost healthcare through Medicaid, more than enough to cover all 4 million uninsured children in the U.S.
- Over 50 million households with solar electricity produced, enough for 38% of households in the U.S.
Clearly, our government has the money to fund what our communities really need. Tell your family, tell your friends, tell your neighbors, and then bring them along in the fight for our collective liberation.
Onward to liberation,
21 augustus 2024
VP Harris Has a Unique Opportunity to Challenge the Status Quo and End Israel’s Genocide in Gaza—We Urged Her to Act
Ahead of her anticipated speech at the Democratic National Convention this week, we took the initiative and acted by sending a detailed letter to Vice President Kamala Harris, following her historic nomination as the Democratic presidential candidate.
In our letter, we highlighted the widespread criticism of President Biden’s failed and complicit approach towards Israel, which has supported the ongoing ethnic cleansing and genocide against Palestinians in Gaza. Citing data from the Lancet medical journal, we pointed out that an estimated 186,000 Palestinians have been killed as part of this genocidal campaign. We also noted that more than 700,000 voters have sent delegates to the Democratic National Convention to oppose the current administration’s policies on Israel.
Additionally, we urged Vice President Harris to take this opportunity to unify the Democratic Party by listening to the demands of her constituents and implementing meaningful policy changes. We encouraged her to speak out against Israel’s extremely criminal actions and to recognize the intolerable failures of the Biden-Harris administration’s current approach. We also provided her with a comprehensive list of specific policy recommendations, which include:
- An unconditional, permanent ceasefire.
- Accountability for the perpetrators of the genocide.
- An arms embargo.
- A commitment to ending the Israeli occupation of Palestine and upholding the right of return for Palestinians.
In addition to these specific recommendations regarding Palestine/Israel, we also urged her to apply the following changes to U.S. domestic policy:
Condition and halt weapons aid and transfers to all countries involved in war crimes Oppose the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition in all federal agencies and legislation, protecting free speech and legitimate criticism of Israel. Pursue the arrest of Netanyahu and respect the decisions of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and the International Criminal Court (ICC). End the conflict in Yemen by conditioning arms sales to Saudi Arabia Protect university protests and the rights of students.
We believe Vice President Harris has a unique opportunity to put an end to this ongoing tragedy and save countless lives. As her campaign progresses, we will continue to press for these critical changes and keep you informed of any developments.
In solidarity,Dr. Osama Abu IrshaidExecutive Director, AJP Action
21 augustus 2024
Humanitarian Situation Update #207
West Bank
Properties set on fire by Israeli settlers in Jit (Qalqiliya), where one Palestinian was killed by gunfire. Photo by OCHA
Key Highlights
- So far in August, Israeli airstrikes in the West Bank killed at least one Palestinian every day, on average. Since 7 October, 128 Palestinians, including 26 children, have been killed in airstrikes in the West Bank.
- Overall, since 7 October, more than 600 Palestinians have been killed in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem.
- In just one week, 13-19 August, 45 Palestinians, including 28 children were displaced due to Israeli settler violence and harassment, and the takeover of Palestinian property.
Humanitarian Developments(13-19 August)
- During the reporting period, Israeli forces killed 12 Palestinians, including two children, and an Israeli settler shot and killed one other Palestinian. Eight out of the 12 Palestinians were killed in airstrikes. On average, Israeli airstrikes have killed more than one Palestinian a day so far in August, and a total of 128, including at least 26 children, since 7 October 2023. Israeli forces and settlers have injured 61 Palestinians, including 10 children, during the reporting period. In Israel, a Palestinian was killed while attempting to use an explosive in Tel Aviv, Israel. One Israeli civilian was injured.
- On 13 August, Israeli forces shot and killed a 16-year-old Palestinian boy in Anata, Jerusalem. According to community sources, the child was shot by a sniper from the Pisgat Ze’ev settlement while he was inside his family's carwash facility. The family transported him to a medical centre in Anata, and he was subsequently transferred to a hospital, where he was pronounced dead, after which Israeli forces withheld his body. According to Israeli media citing Israeli forces, an Israeli soldier sniper shot the boy after he allegedly tried to throw Molotov cocktails near the wall surrounding Anata with other Palestinians.
- On 13 August, Israeli forces shot and killed a Palestinian man and injured nine others during a punitive demolition of two residencies with explosives in Al Tira and Em al Sharait neighbourhoods of Ramallah. The residences belonged to the family of two Palestinians who were detained and accused of being involved in a shooting incident on Road 60 in Ramallah on 7 January, killing two Palestinians, including one with Israeli citizenship. To carry out the demolitions, hundreds of Israeli soldiers and tens of military vehicles entered the city, during which Palestinians threw stones at the Israeli forces and the latter shot live ammunition, sound bombs, and tear gas canisters at the Palestinians. One Palestinian was shot in the back with live ammunition and died, three others were injured with live ammunition, one with rubber-coated metal bullets, one was run over by an Israeli military vehicle, one was physically assaulted, and three Palestinians, including a child, were treated for tear gas inhalation. One Palestinian was injured from a stone thrown by another Palestinian. As a result of the demolition, seven Palestinians were displaced, including two elderly women. During the demolition, 16 other residences were damaged, and 12 households comprising 49 people, including four children, were forced to temporarily evacuate their homes at midnight.
- On 14 August, an Israeli drone strike killed four Palestinians (aged 17-19 years), including one child, during an operation in Tammun town, Tubas Governorate. The Israeli forces then took and withheld the bodies of the four Palestinians. During the attack, two other Palestinians were injured, including one child. According to the Israeli military, their forces killed four armed Palestinians, after which they confiscated weapons from the scene. Furthermore, two Israeli soldiers were injured when their vehicle drove over an explosive device planted by Palestinians.
- On 14 August, an Israeli airstrike killed two Palestinians and injured seven others, including one girl, during an operation in Balata Refugee Camp, east of Nablus. During this operation, an exchange of fire occurred between Palestinians and Israeli forces in the Camp. An airstrike hit two armed Palestinians inside the camp, killing them and injuring seven other Palestinians. The Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) transported five of those injured to a nearby hospital, while two others, a woman, and her daughter, were treated on the ground. According to UNRWA, the airstrike damaged the doors and windows of at least five residencies in the camp.
- On 14 August, Israeli forces shot and killed a Palestinian man during a four-hour operation in Tubas city. Israeli forces encircled a two-storey house, forcing the family to evacuate and demanding that a man inside turn himself in. According to local sources, the Palestinian man remained inside the house; exchanges of fire were heard and at least two shoulder-fired explosive projectiles were launched at the house during the operation. As a result, the building was severely damaged and 10 people were displaced, including six children. Israeli forces withheld the man's body after his death. Additionally, the Tubas municipality stated that, while the house was encircled, Israeli forces struck a car with a drone with no reported casualties.
- On 17 August, Israeli forces killed two Palestinian men in an airstrike in Jenin city. According to the Israeli military, they struck a vehicle with two Palestinians inside who they claim were responsible for the killing of an Israeli civilian on 11 August. PRCS reported that they transported the two fatalities and another man who was injured from shrapnel while working in his shop.
- On 19 August, Israeli forces shot and killed a Palestinian man, and injured one 16-year-old Palestinian child, during an operation in the town of Dura, south of Hebron. During the operation, Palestinians threw stones at Israeli forces, who fired live ammunition at the Palestinians.
- Between 7 October 2023 and 19 August 2024, 607 Palestinians were killed in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, in addition to two who died of wounds sustained prior to 7 October. These include 589 killed by Israeli forces, eleven by Israeli settlers, and seven where it remains unknown whether the perpetrators were Israeli forces or settlers. During the same period, 15 Israelis, including nine members of Israeli forces and five settlers, were killed by Palestinians in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. In Israel, attacks by Palestinians from the West Bank resulted in the killing of ten Israelis and seven Palestinian perpetrators.
- During the reporting period, Israeli settlers perpetrated 27 attacks against Palestinians, resulting in one fatality and seven injuries, and damage to property. Palestinians perpetrated three attacks against settlers in this period, resulting in the injury of one Israeli settler. Between 7 October 2023 and 19 August 2024, OCHA recorded about 1,270 attacks by Israeli settlers against Palestinians, of which about 120 led to Palestinian fatalities and injuries, about 1,020 led to damage to Palestinian property, and about 130 led to both casualties and property damage. The following are some of the key incidents documented by OCHA during the reporting period:
- On 13 August, thousands of Israeli settlers, Israeli civilians, and several Israeli ministers under the protection of Israeli forces marched through the Old City of Jerusalem and entered the Al Aqsa compound and its gates for the commemoration of the Jewish holiday of Tish’a B’Av. Marchers harassed, assaulted, and destroyed Palestinian property while chanting racist slogans. According to local sources, groups of marchers assaulted Palestinian worshippers, including a man and his wife, as they were leaving the Al Aqsa Mosque after dawn prayers while Israeli forces stood by. Additionally, they sprayed Palestinian shop owners with pepper spray and ransacked the goods of several shops. Furthermore, they punctured the tyres of at least three Palestinian-owned motorcycles parked near homes. In conjunction with these attacks, Israeli forces restricted the movement of Palestinians inside the city, including around Al Aqsa Mosque. One Palestinian was physically assaulted and arrested by Israeli forces during the march.
- On 15 August, an Israeli settler shot and killed a Palestinian man in Jit village, east of Qalqiliya city. Over 100 settlers, many of whom were armed with guns, Molotov cocktails, sticks, and stones, believed to be from the nearby Gilad Farm settlement, threw flammable materials and stones at Palestinian property in the village. As a result, one uninhabited house, three yards, and four vehicles were completely burned. The Palestinian residents attempted to repel the attackers by throwing stones and the latter opened fire, killing one Palestinian. During the attack, Israeli forces erected a flying checkpoint at the entrance of the village. According to Israeli media, an initial investigation by Israeli forces concludes that the soldiers present did not take enough action to prevent the settler attack. Local sources reported that Israeli forces intervened after about 50 minutes by firing bullets in the air and managed to disperse the settlers within 10 minutes. PRCS treated three Palestinian injuries on-site, including one woman who suffered from smoke inhalation due to her house being set on fire.
- On 16 August, armed Israeli settlers and Israeli forces physically assaulted and injured two Palestinian shepherds in Kafr ad Dik town, west of Salfit city. According to the mayor and the affected men, Palestinian shepherds were herding in their lands when armed Israeli settlers believed to be from an outpost near Pdu'el settlement, arrived and threatened to kill them if they stayed. Five Palestinian shepherds were arrested, and two Palestinian men were injured while under Israeli forces custody. Medical sources reported that one of the injured men, an 18-year-old, had a fracture in his knee, while another man was hit on the head. One of the affected men reported that Israeli forces covered their eyes, handcuffed them, and physically assaulted them for two days. Medical personnel report that five other Palestinians were assaulted but did not require hospitalization.
- On 16 August, Israeli settlers physically assaulted and injured a Palestinian man in Batn al Hawa area in Silwan neighbourhood of East Jerusalem. The man’s family had been evicted from their home the previous day. According to local sources, Israeli settlers raided the area and threw debris and rubbish at a Palestinian house. When the owner attempted to stop them, one of the settlers pointed a gun at the Palestinian man, sprayed pepper gas at him, physically assaulted him and pushed him off a high embankment.
- During the reporting period, at least nine Palestinian households comprising at least 45 people, including 28 children, were displaced due to Israeli settler violence and harassment, and the takeover of Palestinian property. Since 7 October 2023, 259 Palestinians households comprising 1,547 people, including 753 children, have been displaced in the context of incidents related to Israeli settlers.
- On 15 August, a group of armed Israelis associated with Ateret Cohanim settler organization, under the protection of Israeli forces, forcibly evicted four households, comprising 18 people, including 11 children, and displaced them from their three-story building in Batn al Hawa neighbourhood of Silwan. The building contained four apartments belonging to a Palestinian family that had been living there for decades. Israeli forces closed all entrances to the neighbourhood as the Israeli settlers took over the building. The District Court of Jerusalem ruled in favour of the settlers in 2022, after many years of legal proceedings. On 11 April 2024, the Israeli Supreme Court rejected an appeal filed by the family against the eviction. Palestinians gathered to protest but were dispersed by Israeli forces who fired sound grenades and teargas canisters. Since 2004, Ateret Cohanim has filed dozens of eviction cases against some 87 Palestinian families living in Batn Al Hawa area of Silwan, placing about 400 people at risk of displacement.
- On 16 August 2024, Israeli settlers harassed and displaced at least five Palestinian households comprising 27 people, including 17 children, from the Bedouin community of Ein al Hilwa – Um al Jmal, in Tubas Governorate. Additional families from the community have indicated their intention to leave, due to persistent harassment from settlers at a settlement outpost, established, 500 meters from the community, on 11 August 2024. The families have been subjected to ongoing intimidation, with armed settlers trespassing daily into the community, harassing residents, and grazing their livestock close to and within the community. Furthermore, settlers have prevented Palestinians from accessing the grazing areas around the community. On 15 August, settlers intimidated the community members and attempted to steal their livestock. Community members also reported being unable to bring water to the community, as they fear Israeli forces would confiscate their water tanks.
- Between 13 and 19 August, Israeli authorities demolished or forced the demolition of 34 Palestinian-owned structures. Two of the structures were punitively demolished, another structure was destroyed during an Israeli forces’ operation, and the remaining 31 were targeted due to the lack of Israeli-issued building permits, which are almost impossible to obtain. A total of 31 of the demolished structures were in Area C and East Jerusalem and three were in Area A. As a result, 54 Palestinians, including 26 children, were displaced and about 163, including 72 children, were otherwise affected.
- On 14 August, the Israeli Civil Administration accompanied by Israeli forces, demolished 15 Palestinian-owned structures, citing lack of Israeli-issued building permits in At Tur. As a result of the demolition, two households, consisting of nine people, including five children, were displaced. Additionally, eight households, comprising 44 people, including 21 children, were otherwise affected by the demolitions. All belongings and equipment within the demolished structures were destroyed during the demolition.
- On 14 August, the Israeli Civil Administration along with Israeli forces demolished two inhabited residential caravans and two tents, citing lack of building permits, in Umm al Kheir community, Area C of the Hebron governorate. As a result, two households comprising 11 people, including four children, were displaced while another family comprising seven people, including four children, were otherwise affected. The tents and the two residential caravans were provided as a response to previous demolitions, including one that took place on 26 June. No written orders are known to have been delivered by the Israeli Civil Administration prior to the demolition.
- On 19 August, the Israeli Civil Administration along with Israeli forces demolished one under-construction, livelihood-related, four-storey building for lacking an Israeli-issued building permit in Area C of Ar Ram, Jerusalem. As a result, five households comprising 26 people, including 17 children, were affected. The building was intended to be used for a family business. According to the family, they received a stop-work order in March 2024, appointed a private lawyer who submitted two appeals at Israeli courts, including one at the Israeli Supreme Court, but all were rejected. The family received no further final demolition order prior to the demolition, and the demolition happened without any notice.
- Between 7 October 2023 and 19 August 2024, Israeli authorities demolished, confiscated, or forced the demolition of 1,416 Palestinian structures across the West Bank, displacing more than 3,200 Palestinians, including about 1,400 children, which is more than double compared with the same period before 7 October, where 1,299 Palestinians were displaced, including 606 children. The demolitions after 7 October include over 500 inhabited structures, more than 300 agricultural structures, more than 100 water, sanitation and hygiene structures, and 200 livelihood structures. Some 28 incidents of demolitions and destruction of infrastructure, mostly in Tulkarm and Jenin, account for the majority of those affected.
21 augustus 2024
Palestine Convention 2024: Gaza Outlasting Genocide
This year's Palestine Convention entitled "Gaza: Outlasting Genocide," will act as a testament to the steadfastness of the Palestinians in Gaza, and their determination to live in the midst of death and destruction. The convention will demonstrate our commitment as American citizens to amplify their voices and plight, and our determination to end the U.S.'s complicity in this genocide.
Outlasting Genocide is a theme centering Gaza and its people. While we may feel exhausted and overwhelmed with our activism in the United States, our struggle to achieve Palestinian rights has never wavered; in fact, it has strengthened.
To witness the first live-streamed genocide in the history of the world in a country that is directly complicit in the crimes committed has inspired a new generation of activists that will work tirelessly to correct the system from within and help expedite the Palestinian quest for freedom, justice, and equality.
Through our advocacy work, educational programs, and grassroots campaigns here in the United States, we are gaining momentum and the tide is shifting in support of Palestinian human rights. While Palestinians in Gaza outlast the genocide perpetrated against them with US tax dollars and weapons, we must and will outlast the backlash against our work for justice and liberation in Palestine.
In solidarity,
American Muslims for Palestine
21 augustus 2024
The Take: Why a Gaza ‘ceasefire’ is not enough at Chicago’s DNC
The war on Gaza has killed 41,000 people. The US and allies seek a ceasefire amid regional tensions but doubts remain.
21 augustus 2024
Today's headlines
Nightmare at Sde Teiman: the untold story of Ibrahim Salem
Ibrahim Salem was detained by Israeli forces in Gaza and held for 8 months, including 52 days at the now infamous Sde Teiman torture facility. Salem recounts the torture he endured, including physical abuse, starvation, and electrocution.
The Shift: The DNC hits Chicago amid protest over Gaza
The Democratic National Convention has hit Chicago amid Israel's unrelenting genocide on Gaza, and protests are raging outside the convention as activists demand the Biden-Harris administration end its military support for Israel.
21 augustus 2024
We did it.
We forced the French multinational insurer AXA to sell its investments in all major Israeli banks and Elbit Systems, Israel’s largest weapons manufacturer.
This is a major BDS win for Palestinian rights activists, and a win for grassroots and civil society pressure to end the shameful complicity of large financial corporations like AXA in Israel’s 76-year-old regime of settler colonialism, apartheid and genocide.
As Israel’s live streamed genocide against 2.3 million Palestinians in Gaza continues, it is hard to celebrate anything other than an end to the genocide and the beginning of justice. But this win over AXA gives hope and affirms our determination to prevail in many more struggles for accountability in the pursuit of freedom, justice and equality.
AXA is not off the hook, though. Amidst Israel’s live streamed genocide in Gaza against 2.3 million Palestinians, the coalition will continue to monitor AXA’s investments to make sure it is not complicit in the ongoing genocide.
Watch this space!
In solidarity
20 augustus 2024
Israel/Yemen: New analysis concludes Israeli airstrikes on Yemen’s Hodeidah port on July 20 were an apparently unlawful indiscriminate or disproportionate attack on civilians that could have a long-term impact on millions of Yemenis who rely on the port for food and humanitarian aid. In short, it’s a possible war crime. The Israeli strikes came a day after a Houthi drone strike on a Tel Aviv residential neighborhood, which also may amount to a war crime..
20 augustus 2024
Today's headlines
65% of Israeli Jews oppose criminal prosecution for soldiers suspected of raping Palestinian detainees
A shocking new poll shows that almost two out of three Jewish Israelis oppose criminal prosecution for soldiers suspected of gang-raping Palestinian detainees at the Sde Teiman torture facility.
Gazans given new evacuation orders as Netanyahu insists on additional ceasefire conditions
Qassam Muaddi
Antony Blinken arrives in the region to push for a ceasefire. Meanwhile, Israeli settlers commit a new pogrom east of Qalqilya as Israeli forces ramp up raids on Jenin and Nablus.
20 augustus 2024
AJP Action Urges President Biden—No More Weapons, No More Impunity, No More Support For Israel
[WASHINGTON D.C., August 19, 2024] - As the U.S.-supported genocide in Gaza nears its one-year mark, it has become increasingly clear that the current approach of the Biden Administration cannot secure a true and lasting ceasefire. Despite repeated announcements of ceasefire agreements by President Biden and Secretary of State Blinken in the past, these efforts have consistently been sabotaged by Prime Minister Netanyahu, who has exploited each occasion to undermine the standing of the United States on the global stage, increase its complicity in Israel’s genocide, and undo any chances at peace. Meanwhile, after each and every embarrassment, the Biden Administration has approved more weapons and more aid to Israel.
Today, despite Secretary Blinken’s announcement that Israel has agreed to a new ceasefire and a hostage release proposal in Gaza, there is still no guarantee that the ceasefire will be accepted by the extremist right-wing Israeli government or even last. Moreover, there continues to remain a significant lack of accountability and transparency in the Netanyahu administration’s actions. The pattern is clear: announce a ceasefire, then watch it crumble under the weight of Israeli resistance led by Prime Minister Netanyahu, then give more weapons to continue their genocide.
Americans for Justice in Palestine Action (AJP Action) and a large percentage of Americans demand an immediate shift in U.S. foreign policy: no more military aid, no more diplomatic impunity, no more appeasement, and no more unilateral support for Israel’s actions. The President cannot change Netanyahu's behavior by continuing to give him what he wants after scuttling the ceasefires Blinken and Biden claim to have secured. We urge President Biden to recognize that lasting peace cannot be achieved through repeated failures and unenforced agreements. We call on Biden to salvage what is left of his presidential legacy and do whatever it takes to correct course and end this genocide of Palestinians that will define him forever. It’s time for President Biden and Secretary Blinken to truthfully adopt an approach that prioritizes human rights and justice for all.
In solidarity,
AJP Action
19 augustus 2024
Today's headlines
Why the Israeli ‘peace camp’ disappeared
It is primarily in the hands of Israelis to reject their settler colonial occupation, their apartheid laws, and their current government and nationalist parties. The alternative means the loss of their humanity.
Even during the Second Intifada and subsequent years on Gaza, there were pockets of Israeli society that actively protested, called for a more human approach and a two-state solution.
But in recent years, when it comes to Israel’s treatment of Palestinians, this tradition of dissent has waned and, during the war on Gaza now, has all but disappeared. Why? It is the political shift. Over the past two decades, to the right. The political landscape has been increasely dominated by right-wing, nationalist, and fascist parties.
Statewide ‘Students for Justice in Palestine’ coalition unites Arizona campuses in face of legislative repression
In response to attacks on pro-Palestinian activism from the Arizona State Legislature and Board of Regents, Students for Justice in Palestine chapters across the state have formed a united front to challenge our universities' complicity in genocide.
19 augustus 2024
Humanitarian Situation Update #206
Gaza Strip
Displaced Palestinians shelter in Al Mawasi area, Gaza Strip, amid ongoing hostilities. Photo: Themba Linden/OCHA
Key Highlights
- A 10-month-old baby is the first confirmed case of active poliomyelitis, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health.
- Some 13,500 internally displaced people across 18 sites have been affected by the latest Israeli military evacuation order issued on 17 August. Around 213,000 Palestinians have been affected by nine evacuation orders since the beginning of August. In total, 314 square kilometres (86 per cent) of the Gaza Strip have come under evacuation orders since 7 October.
- Fuel shortages force hospitals to postpone critical surgeries and threaten to halt ambulances, particularly in northern Gaza.
- On 19 August, World Humanitarian Day was observed, an occasion to reflect on the 289 aid workers killed in Gaza since 7 October 2023.
Humanitarian Developments
- Israeli bombardment from the air, land, and sea continues to be reported across much of the Gaza Strip, resulting in further civilian casualties, displacement, and destruction of houses and other civilian infrastructure. Ground incursions, particularly in eastern area of Khan Younis and Deir al Balah, and heavy fighting also continue to be reported. Rocket fire by Palestinian armed groups toward Israel was also reported.
- Between the afternoons of 15 and 19 August, according to the Ministry of Health (MoH) in Gaza, 134 Palestinians were killed and 342 were injured. Between 7 October 2023 and 19 August 2024, at least 40,319 Palestinians were killed and 92,743 were injured, according to MoH in Gaza.
- The following are some of the deadly incidents reported between 15 and 18 August:
- On 15 August, at about 19:10, seven Palestinians, including at least one woman, were reportedly killed and others injured when an apartment was hit in Al Mtein residential building, near At Tawba Mosque in Jabalya Refugee Camp, in North Gaza.
- On 16 August, at about 12:25, seven Palestinians, including one woman and three girls, were reportedly killed and others injured when an internally displaced people’s (IDP) tent was hit in Al Mawasi, west of Khan Younis.
- On 16 August, at about 2:00, at least five Palestinians were reportedly killed and eight others injured when a residential building was hit in Ad Daraj area, in Gaza city.
- On 16 August, at about 12:20, eight Palestinians were reportedly killed and others injured when people were attempting to obtain aid and were hit in eastern Rafah.
- On 16 August, at about 12:25, seven Palestinians, including one woman and three girls, were reportedly killed and others injured when an internally displaced people’s (IDP) tent was hit in Al Mawasi, west of Khan Younis.
- On 17 August, at about 00:50, at least 15 Palestinians, including five women, and nine children, were reportedly killed and others injured when IDPs were hit at Az Zawayda entrance on Salah Ad Deen Road, in Deir al Balah.
- On 18 August, at about 7:05, seven Palestinians, including a mother and her six children, were reportedly killed when an apartment was hit on Al Mazraa Street in Deir al Balah.
- On 17 August, at about 10:15, seven Palestinians, including three women, were reportedly killed when a house was hit in west of An Nuseirat Refugee Camp, in Deir al Balah.
- Between the afternoons of 16 and 19 August, two Israeli soldiers were reportedly killed in Gaza, according to the Israeli military. Between 7 October 2023 and 19 August 2024, according to the Israeli military and official Israeli sources cited in the media, more than 1,532 Israelis and foreign nationals were killed, the majority on 7 October and its immediate aftermath and including 332 soldiers killed in Gaza or along the border in Israel since the beginning of the ground operation. In addition, 2,219 Israeli soldiers were reported injured since the beginning of the ground operation. As of 19 August, it is estimated that 115 Israelis and foreign nationals remain captive in Gaza, including hostages who have been declared dead and whose remains are in Gaza.
- 19 August marks World Humanitarian Day which recognises aid workers worldwide and mobilizes people from around the world to advocate for the broader humanitarian cause. Year 2023 was the deadliest year on record globally for humanitarians, and 2024 could be even worse, with 172 aid workers killed as of August. More than half of the 2023 deaths worldwide were recorded in Gaza between October and December – the first three months of the hostilities. The majority of these deaths occurred during airstrikes. In just 11 months, 289 aid workers in Gaza – the majority of them staff members of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) – have been killed, some while on duty.
- On 16 August, the Palestinian Minister of Health, Majed Abu Ramadan, announced the first confirmed active case of poliomyelitis in the Gaza Strip. The case concerns a 10-month-old baby from Deir al Balah, who was unable to be vaccinated due to the ongoing hostilities. The UN Secretary-General António Guterres stressed that “hundreds of thousands of children in Gaza [are] at risk” and that the UN stands ready to launch “a vital polio vaccine campaign” for more than 640,000 children under the age of 10. The World Health Organization (WHO) has approved the release of 1.6 million doses of vaccine, UNICEF is coordinating their delivery along with cold storage units, and UNRWA’s medical teams will administer the vaccines once they arrive in Gaza. Secretary-General Guterres underscored that for the campaign to be successful, transport of vaccines and required equipment would need to be facilitated as well as the entry of polio experts into Gaza, adequate fuel, increased flow of cash, reliable communications, and ensuring the safety of both health workers and people reaching health facilities. While the “ultimate vaccine for polio is peace and an immediate humanitarian ceasefire,” at the very minimum, a “polio pause is a must.” UNICEF’s Executive Director, Catherine Russel warned in a separate statement that “we cannot allow polio to spread in Gaza and threaten not just Gazans, but all children in the region” and that the re-emergence of the virus in the Strip after a quarter century is “another sobering reminder of how chaotic, desperate and dangerous the situation has become”.
- Severe shortages of fuel and medical supplies continue to disrupt the functionality of remaining hospitals and primary healthcare centres, particularly in northern Gaza. On 19 August, the Director of the Al Awda Hospital, Dr. Mohamed Saleh, announced that all surgery operations had been postponed at the facility as he appealed for the urgent delivery of fuel to avert the further loss of lives. Conditions are equally critical at the Kamal Adwan Hospital, where fuel and medical supply shortages are reportedly threatening to cease operations. WHO and its partners are working to get fuel to these facilities. On 18 August, the Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) also warned that its ambulances, emergency medical clinics and relief services are at risk of being halted in northern Gaza due to the lack of fuel, with its teams already operating at minimum capacity and only two out of eight ambulances presently functioning.
- On 17 August, the Israeli military issued an evacuation order affecting multiple neighbourhoods in Deir al Balah, including the entire Al Maghazi Refugee Camp. Before 7 October, approximately 33,000 people lived in the affected areas. Initial mapping indicates that the order affected seven neighbourhoods that where some 13,500 people resided across 18 IDP sites. These included seven makeshift sites, three UNRWA collective centres, one non-UNRWA collective centre, and seven scattered sites. Additionally, the evacuation order affected 14 WASH facilities, five schools, and 10 health facilities, including two primary health care centres (PHCs) and five operational medical points. The ongoing hostilities, constant evacuation orders and severe shortages of essential supplies are significantly worsening the challenges faced by displaced families and making it increasingly difficult for them to access basic services at their arrival sites.
- Since the beginning of August, the Israeli military has issued nine evacuation orders that are affecting an estimated 213,000 people across Khan Younis, Deir al Balah, and to a lesser extent, northern Gaza. Since the escalation of hostilities, 314 square kilometres of the Gaza strip (86 per cent) have been placed under evacuation orders. The population is increasingly concentrated within the Israeli-designated zone in Al Mawasi, which continues to shrink and the density in this area has surged to an estimated 30,000 to 34,000 people per square kilometre compared to an estimated 1,200 people per square kilometre before October 2023. The area has decreased from 50.28 square kilometre on 22 July to 41.05 kilometre or just 11 per cent of the Gaza Strip. This reduction in space, combined with overcrowding, heightened insecurity, inadequate and overstretched infrastructure, ongoing hostilities, and limited services is exacerbating the dire humanitarian situation for the hundreds of thousands of people forced to live inside it.
- Lack of fuel, denial of access and destroyed rescue equipment by Israeli forces, are a major challenge for the Palestinian Civil Defence (PCD) to coordinate a response to the needs of people in Gaza. On 18 August, the PCD reported that it had received 87,000 appeals of which 72,000 were responded to despite these challenges, however they were unable to respond to the remaining 15,000. Additionally, since the escalation of hostilities 82 PCD staff were killed and more than 270 were injured, including members on duty. PCD facilities have been directly hit and 38 vehicles were destroyed, severely impacting their ability to save lives. There are also an estimated 10,000 people presumed dead and missing under the rubble that PCD have not been able to reach, as their rescue equipment and vehicles have been hit by Israeli forces. Reportedly, there are 1,760 fatalities that cannot be traced due to the use of weapons that render it impossible to find a body. Lastly, PCD states that 2,210 buried bodies from various graves across the Gaza that have been reportedly taken to an unknow location by Israeli forces.
- According to the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS), 24 per cent of Palestinian fatalities in Gaza were young adults (aged 18-29), with 26 per cent being males and 22 per cent females. This toll significantly impacts the future of Palestinian youth in Gaza, who constitute about 21 per cent of the overall population in Gaza. On 12 August, the UN highlighted the unprecedented hardship that Palestinian youth are facing, especially in Gaza. This is compounded by the death toll among students and academic staff and the destruction and closure of all higher education institutions in Gaza, depriving about 88 thousand students of their higher education. The International Labour Organization (ILO) warns that unemployment rates constitute the biggest challenge for the youth in Gaza, where young people constituted 95 per cent of the overall unemployment rate (75 per cent) in the fourth quarter of 2023. According to ILO, such rates are expected to continue to increase, limiting the future of Palestinian youth.
- As of 16 August, Member States have disbursed about US$1.6 billion out of $3.42 billion (47 per cent) requested to meet the most critical needs of 2.3 million* people in Gaza and 800,000 people in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, between January and December 2024. For funding analysis, please see the Flash Appeal Financial Tracking dashboard. (*2.3 million reflects the projected population of the Gaza Strip upon issuance of the Flash Appeal in April 2024. As of July 2024, the UN estimates that about 2.1 million people remain in the Gaza Strip, and this updated number is now used for programmatic purposes.)
- During July 2024, the occupied Palestinian territory Humanitarian Fund (oPt HF) managed a total of 98 ongoing projects, totalling $81.4 million. These projects aimed to address urgent needs in the Gaza Strip (89 per cent) and the West Bank (11 per cent). The projects were strategically focused on Education, Food Security, Health, Protection, Emergency Shelter & Non-Food Items (NFI), Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH), Coordination and Support Services, Multi-Purpose Cash Assistance and Nutrition. Of these projects, 55 projects are being implemented by international non-governmental organizations (INGOs), 31 by national NGOs and 12 by UN agencies. Notably, 32 out of the 67 projects implemented by INGOs or the UN are being implemented in collaboration with national NGOs. Since 7 October, the oPt HF has mobilized over $112 million from Member States and private donors to support urgent humanitarian and life-saving programmes across the OPT. Of total funding, 89 per cent has been allocated to projects in Gaza. A summary of the oPt HF activities and challenges in July 2024 is available through this link and the 2023 Annual Report of the oPt HF can be accessed here. Private donations are collected directly through the oPt HF. For an overall picture of the OCHA-managed pooled funds response since October 2023, please see (link).
18 augustus 2024
Today's headlines
Revocation of the JNF’s charitable status indicates massive shift in how Canada views the Israeli occupation
The revocation of the Jewish National Fund's and Ne’eman Foundation's charitable status suggests a massive shift is underway in how Canada views the illicit funding of West Bank settlements following the ICJ's opinion on the Israeli occupation.
Germany was never denazified. That’s why it’s siding with Israel today.
The Allies failed to denazify Europe by failing to dismantle the political foundations their own nations shared with the Nazi regime. Europeans need not repeat that mistake.
18 augustus 2024
Since then, Yuval and others have also found their way to newsrooms and papers across the world, calling for an end to the genocide in Gaza and the return of the hostages on CNN and ABC News. Palestinians have long said what is becoming clear to Israelis themselves: Israelis have nothing to gain from ever-increasing militarism, endless war and regional escalation. Israeli refusers are now bolstering this message internationally, single-handedly disarming critics who charge the anti-war movement with claims of antisemitism and a disregard for Israeli life. Quite the opposite, Yuval and others’ refusal to serve is driven by the sanctity of both Palestinian and Israeli lives, and the realization that one cannot sustainably come at the expense of the other. Ahead of a fast-approaching ceasefire negotiation summit that Israel will attend, Yuval spoke to a CNN anchor on live TV.
“I know that right now, when deals are refused by Israel, we have to tell our government to stop the war, this is the only right solution to save the lives of Palestinians that are dying everyday and going through a living hell in the past few months, saving the lives of Israeli soldiers that are now present in Gaza and dying everyday, and obviously the lives of hostages … It’s a matter of life and death.”
The new refusers are building a movement to end the war on Gaza. As an Israeli organization, their focus is on Israelis. They tell them the bitter truth: this war will kill the remaining hostages, lead to more suffering and death, and destroy the chance for a better future. This is a message that can resonate with a wider audience in Israel and increase the number of refusers. Soldiers are essential to sustaining Israeli government policies. Without them, there can be no war and no occupation. That’s why the movement they are building has the potential to transform the horrors of the war into a future of peace and justice for Israelis and Palestinians. As they build their movement, the new refusers require support. That’s where we at Refuser Solidarity Network (RSN) come in. We were founded during the Second Intifada to support a similar refuser organization and have been backing refusers ever since. Based on more than twenty years of experience, we’re providing the new group with everything they need to be as effective as possible. As well as providing direct financial assistance, we help with other immediate needs like media outreach and legal aid. We work with them to build their capacity to grow the movement and to devise strategies for long term resilience.
In solidarity,
Executive director
Refuser Solidarity Network
17 augustus 2024
Today's headlines
‘Words like Slaughter:’ A comparative study of The New York Times reporting in Ukraine and Gaza
Writers Against the War on Gaza
An in-depth comparison of The New York Times coverage of the Russian invasion of Ukraine vs. Israel’s genocidal war on Gaza shows how the Times dutifully launders the news to fit the U.S. government’s agenda.
Voters are sending a clear message ahead of the DNC: An arms embargo on Israel is good policy and good politics
Democrats are looking to unite the party during their National Convention in Chicago and polls show one way for Kamala Harris to do this is to pledge to stop arming Israel.
16 augustus 2024
Ruim tien maanden duurt de Israëlische genocide in Gaza. Het leed en de schade zijn onvoorstelbaar en alles overweldigend! Ruim 40 duizend Palestijnse doden, van wie 60 procent vrouwen, kinderen en bejaarden. Ruim 90 duizend gewonden en tienduizend vermisten. Vrijwel de hele bevolking is ontheemd. Tweederde van alle woningen en infrastructuur is verwoest.
Deze cijfers betreffen bovendien ‘slechts’ de ‘directe’ gevolgen van het geweld. Onderzoekers stellen dat het aantal ‘indirecte doden’ zich de komende maanden zal vermenigvuldigen, met als voornaamste oorzaak de uitbraak van ziektes in de Gazastrook.
Ongehoord trauma
Volgens de VN heeft de internationale gemeenschap deze mate van destructie sinds de Tweede Wereldoorlog niet meegemaakt. De kosten van wederopbouw zullen op z´n minst 50 tot 70 miljard euro bedragen. En niet in cijfers uit te drukken is het collectieve van de Palestijnse bevolking, in Gaza en elders.
Miljoenen mensen door de Israëlische barbaren, niet aflatend, als opgezweepte circuspaarden de piste van Gaza rondgejaagd, steeds weer geconfronteerd met nieuwe massale slachtingen in hun gelederen.
Hier speelt vooral mee dat de ruim twee miljoen Palestijnen in Gaza niet kunnen vluchten voor het geweld. Zij zijn opgesloten op 365 km2 en worden opgejaagd tot de dood hen inhaalt. Dat aspect onderscheidt Gaza van alle andere brandhaarden.
Stilte van de dood
Ondanks het ongekende niveau van destructie en lijden hebben de machtsblokken die Israël kunnen beteugelen – de VS en EU voorop – dat nagelaten. Van hen mocht Israël dit jaar tot driemaal toe de bindende maatregelen van het Internationaal Gerechtshof schenden. Ook mocht Israël de door westerse staten zélf getrokken ‘rode lijnen’ overschrijden.
Voor alle duidelijkheid: kán er iemand ingrijpen? Jazeker! Alle landen, met elkaar verbonden in de Verenigde Naties, hebben zelfs een naar internationaal humanitair recht geldende verplichting om gezamenlijk, - dan wel iedere staat voor zich - op een op direct daadwerkelijk effect gerichte wijze in actie te komen. Jegens Israël als dader en de V.S. als medepleger. En wel middels het opleggen van keiharde sancties, het verbreken van diplomatieke banden, het bevriezen van economische betrekkingen, het verbieden van handelsrelaties, beslaglegging van roerende en onroerende goederen en het bevriezen van tegoeden; afijn kijk maar eens naar wat er tegen Rusland aan strafmaatregelen uit de pan kwam rijzen. Datzelfde arsenaal aan sancties en strafmaatregelen sist nu ook in eenzelfde soort pan jegens Israël. Zodra die op het vuur zal worden gezet. En dan zijn daar tenslotte ook nog de naar internationaal humanitair recht voor elke staat van de Verenigde Naties geldende verplichtingen tot het opsporen, vervolgen, berechten en bestraffen van Israëlische daders en Amerikaanse medeplegers van de meest afschuwelijke gruweldaden, indien de eigen staten ter zake in gebreke blijven om zelf strafrechtelijk op te treden tegen hun onderdanen. Onder internationaal recht hebben zij daartoe zelfs de plicht.
De conclusie is dat het Westen, waaronder Nederland, middelen en de plicht heeft om de Palestijnen te beschermen tegen het genocidale Israëlische geweld. Maar het doet het niet. Als het om het lot en de rechten van de Palestijnen gaat, heerst in Den Haag, Brussel en Washington de stilte van de dood.
Analyse | NOS erkent gebrek aan aandacht voor internationale rechtsorde
Vorige week berichtten wij in deze nieuwsbrief over een kritische brief die wij aan de NOS hadden gestuurd. In die brief uitten wij onze verbijstering over het feit dat de omroep nauwelijks aandacht had besteed aan het baanbrekende oordeel van het Internationaal Gerechtshof over de juridische consequenties van de Israëlische bezetting van de Palestijnse gebieden. Wij meldden toen ook dat wij een antwoord hadden ontvangen, waarin de omroep erkent dat onze klachten en verontwaardiging gegrond zijn, en dat de redactie niet de juiste afweging heeft gemaakt.
Deze week publiceerden wij een artikel waarin de we dieper op de kwestie ingaan. De conclusie luidt dat het oordeel van het hof, en de ook voor Nederland vérgaande betekenis van dit oordeel, door de gebrekkige aandacht van de media aan de meeste Nederlanders voorbij is gegaan. En dat is een zeer ernstige zaak. .
16 augustus 2024
Don't Miss Out: Register Now for Palestine Advocacy Days and Save $50!
As we inch closer to Palestine Advocacy Days, happening from September 22nd to 24th, 2024, in Washington, DC, we’re excited to share more details about this year’s program.
This year’s program is designed to empower and equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to make a lasting impact on Capitol Hill for Palestine:
Day 1: Sunday, September 22nd
Welcome: Connect with fellow advocates, organizers, and community members as we kick off the event with a warm welcome and shared commitment to justice.
16 augustus 2024
Humanitarian Situation Update #205
Gaza Strip
More Palestinian families fleeing west towards Deir al Balah following another Israeli evacuation order on 16 August. Photo: OCHA
Key Highlights
- At least 40,000 Palestinians have been killed in 10 months, including at least 10,627 children of whom 663 were under one year of age, the Gaza Ministry of Health reports.
- Over 170,000 people are estimated to be sheltering at 122 IDP sites, makeshift shelters and collective centres affected by the 16 August evacuation order issued by the Israeli military, according to the Site Management Working Group.
- Stock reserves necessary for disinfecting drinking and domestic water are only sufficient for one month, the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Cluster warns.
- The entry of commercial food cargo into Gaza increased in July compared with June, the Famine Early Warning Systems Network reports.
Humanitarian Developments
- Israeli bombardment from the air, land, and sea continues to be reported across much of the Gaza Strip, resulting in further civilian casualties, displacement, and destruction of houses and other civilian infrastructure. Ground incursions and heavy fighting also continue to be reported. Rocket fire by Palestinian armed groups toward Israel was also reported.
- On 12 August, Secretary-General António Guterres condemned the “continued loss of life in Gaza.” He reiterated the “urgent appeal for an immediate ceasefire and the unconditional release of all hostages…the need to ensure the protection of civilians and for unimpeded and safe humanitarian access into and across Gaza.” The UN Chief further emphasized that “international humanitarian law, including the principles of distinction, proportionality, and precautions in attack, must be upheld at all times.” On 15 August, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Türk, similarly mourned the loss of life in Gaza and stated: “Most of the dead are women and children. This unimaginable situation is overwhelmingly due to recurring failures by the Israeli Defense Forces to comply with the rules of war…The scale of the Israeli military’s destruction of homes, hospitals, schools and places of worship is deeply shocking.” He further noted: “Our Office has documented serious violations of IHL by both the Israeli military and Palestinian armed groups, including the armed wing of Hamas.”
- Between the afternoons of 12 and 15 August, according to the Ministry of Health (MoH) in Gaza, 108 Palestinians were killed and 249 were injured. Between 7 October 2023 and 15 August 2024, at least 40,005 Palestinians were killed and 92,401 were injured, according to MoH in Gaza. Casualty figures covering until the afternoon of 16 August are not available as of the time of reporting.
- As of 13 August, 115 infants eight months old and younger were reportedly killed since 7 October 2023, according to the MoH in Gaza. These include 48 (42 per cent) who were less than one month old at the time of their death. The MoH announcement followed the reported tragic killing of two newborn twins in an Israeli airstrike on 13 August that targeted an apartment in southeastern Deir al Balah. Commenting on the incident, UNICEF Executive Director, Catherine Russell, denounced the “indescribable suffering” children are enduring in Gaza. According to the Gaza MoH, as of 1 August, 10,627 children were among the 32,280 fatalities for whom MoH has documented full identification details, including 663 children under one year of age.
- The following are among other deadly incidents reported between 12 and 14 August:
- On 12 August, at about 15:40, six Palestinians, including three females, were reportedly killed and others injured when a house was hit near Al Tahlia area, in eastern Khan Younis.
- On 12 August, at about 20:40, 10 Palestinians, including women and children, were reportedly killed and others injured when a house was hit in Abasan Al Kabira, in eastern Khan Younis.
- On 13 August, at about 6:00, seven Palestinians, including one child, were reportedly killed and others injured when three houses were hit near Ash Shuhada roundabout in Al Bureij Refugee Camp, in Deir al Balah.
- On 13 August, at about 22:45, eight Palestinians including five females, one baby and two children were reportedly killed and others injured when a house was hit in southern An Nuseirat Refugee Camp, in Deir al Balah.
- On 14 August, at about 14:10, five Palestinians including three children were reportedly killed and others injured when a street vendor stall selling water and groceries was hit in Al Sha’er neighbourhood in Batn As Sameen area, in western Khan Younis.
- On 14 August, at about 15:40, 13 Palestinians were reportedly killed and 31 others injured in several airstrikes that reportedly struck a house and affected two other houses in its vicinity in the area between Ash Sheikh Nasser and Maan, in eastern Khan Younis city. Some people reportedly remained under rubble.
- On 14 August, at about 17:30, 12 Palestinians, including a child, were reportedly killed and others injured when a house was hit in Az Zaytoun neighbourhood, in eastern Gaza city.
- Between the afternoons of 12 and 16 August, no Israeli soldiers were reported killed in Gaza, according to the Israeli military. Between 7 October 2023 and 16 August 2024, according to the Israeli military and official Israeli sources cited in the media, more than 1,530 Israelis and foreign nationals were killed, the majority on 7 October and its immediate aftermath and including 330 soldiers killed in Gaza or along the border in Israel since the beginning of the ground operation. In addition, 2,208 Israeli soldiers were reported injured since the beginning of the ground operation. As of 16 August, it is estimated that 115 Israelis and foreign nationals remain captive in Gaza, including hostages who have been declared dead.
- The Israeli military issued an order on 16 August that affects six blocs in Deir al Balah and Khan Younis, including two within the Israeli-designated zone in Al Mawasi in western Khan Younis. This is one of the largest evacuation orders affecting the zone to date and it shrinks the size of the so-called “humanitarian area” to about 41 square kilometres, or 11 per cent of the total area of the Gaza Strip. Initial mapping indicates that this order affects 122 IDP sites, makeshift shelters, and collective centres (UNRWA and non-UNRWA) that are collectively hosting over 170,000 people, according to the Site Management Working Group (SMWG). Earlier on 13 and 15 August, the Israeli military issued two other evacuation orders, primarily targeting areas had already been under evacuation orders in eastern and central Khan Younis. The first order affected 1.82 square kilometres in Bani Suheila and Al Mahattah, with an estimated population of about 5,200 people and the second order affected 3.6 square kilometres in Al Qarara and As Sater neighbourhoods in central Khan Younis.
- So far in August, eight evacuation orders were issued by the Israeli military, affecting tens of thousands of people in Khan Younis and, to a lesser extent, in northern Gaza. Combined, the ongoing shortage of shelter supplies, including tents and NFIs, hygiene supplies such as jerrycans and shampoo, and limited access to basic services at arrival sites are exacerbating conditions facing displaced families, rendering them increasingly vulnerable as they struggle to meet their most basic needs. On 16 August, UNRWA stated that with the issuance of new evacuation orders, fear has once again spread among families who have nowhere to go and “people remain trapped in an endless nightmare of death and destruction on a staggering scale.”
- There is an urgent need for increased hot meal capacity in Gaza due to recurrent waves of displacement, the World Food Programme (WFP) reported on 12 August. Many community kitchens in central and southern Gaza struggle due to unstable supplies of humanitarian cargo and the lack of food and fuel. The situation has worsened since 22 July following the issuance of multiple evacuation orders in Deir al Balah and Khan Younis, which forced the relocation of four kitchens and the closure of 19 food delivery points. Moreover, in Deir al Balah, about 1,400 metric tons of food stocks in one of the warehouses became inaccessible and only one WFP warehouse with about 3,000 metric tons of commodities is currently accessible but is insufficient to meet the August cycle requirements. In July, 70 community kitchens in Gaza supported by WFP provided around 11.5 million hot meals to more than 200,000 people, the majority in central Gaza.
- For the first time in ten months, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) was able to deliver more than 2,400 veterinary kits across the Gaza Strip. This follows the successful delivery of 500 tons of fodder. The kits aim to safeguard and improve livestock health, thereby sustaining livelihoods and preventing the spread of disease from animals to humans. The delivery includes iodine wound spray, salt blocks, multivitamins and disinfectants. FAO estimates that about 70 per cent of meat and dairy-producing livestock in Gaza have been slaughtered, consumed or lost due to the ongoing hostilities, contributing to severe food insecurity in Gaza.
- The entry of commercial food cargo into Gaza increased in July compared with June, the Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET) reported, citing data from Israel’s Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT). This has resulted in an overall increase in the volume of food that entered Gaza, mostly through Kerem Shalom Crossing, from an estimated 47,443-61,530 metric tons in June to 79,082–86,925 metric tons in July. Of the total food cargo entering through Kerem Shalom Crossing in July, only eight per cent was humanitarian aid and the rest were commercial trucks, FEWS NET added. Furthermore, the results of two market surveys commissioned by FEWS NET in July showed a high reliance on both humanitarian aid and market purchases, a slight improvement in food availability and diversity in Deir al Balah and Khan Younis coupled with a deterioration in other governorates, and persistent challenges to market functionality including high food prices, lack of liquidity and the emergence of “thieves markets.”
- Following the closure of Rafah crossing in early May, humanitarian organizations have faced a range of obstacles that impeded their ability to regularly pick up supplies entering through Kerem Shalom Crossing, including insecurity, continued hostilities, impassable roads and lawlessness. Consequently, there was a 61 per cent reduction in the total volume of humanitarian aid that was picked up by humanitarian organizations from Kerem Shalom Crossing between May and July compared with the period between January and April (94 vs. 37 trucks per day).
- The launching of two rounds of a polio vaccination campaign in the Gaza Strip at the end of August and in September is critical to prevent the spread of variant poliovirus type 2 (cVDPV2) in the Gaza Strip and reduce the risk of its re-emergence, the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF highlighted on 16 August. Each round of the campaign requires at least 96-per-cent coverage, where MoH in collaboration with WHO, UNICEF, UNRWA and partners will provide two drops of novel oral polio vaccine type 2 (nOPV2) to more than 640,000 children under ten years of age. The UN agencies stressed that the success of the vaccination campaign depends on the implementation by parties to the conflict of humanitarian pauses for seven days to “allow children and families to safely reach health facilities and community outreach workers to get to children who cannot access health facilities for polio vaccination.” Other factors essential for the campaign’s success include the availability of “cash, fuel and functional telecommunication networks to reach communities with information about the campaign.” “Without the humanitarian pauses, the delivery of the campaign will not be possible,” WHO and UNICEF warned.
- The collapse of Gaza's solid waste management system, exacerbated by ongoing hostilities, access restrictions and a critical shortage of essential resources, has created additional, urgent humanitarian needs. The two major landfills are inaccessible and non-operational, leading to the uncontrolled accumulation of waste at over 140 temporary dumping sites throughout the Gaza strip. This solid waste situation has drastically heightened public health risks, as decaying waste fosters the spread of diseases, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) warned, based on findings of an assessment carried out in June. According the UNDP assessment, the waste management infrastructure is currently in a critical state as most vehicles and equipment have been destroyed. Only one out of five medical waste collection vehicles is operational, only one out of 12 medical waste disinfection autoclaves that had been supplied by UNDP to hospitals is functioning, and neither of the two medical disinfection microwaves is in service. Moreover, only 20 per cent of the 251 waste collection vehicles and 18 per cent of the 7,300 waste containers are currently available for use. The assessment highlights the necessity of restoring access to major landfills, ensuring a steady fuel supply, and securing funding for new waste management equipment. UNDP is supporting two projects that collect about 680 tons of waste daily from Rafah, Khan Younis, and Deir al Balah, accounting for 60 per cent of southern Gaza’s 1,100 tons of daily waste generation, and a total of around 90,000 tons of waste was collected between January and 15 July 2024. In northern Gaza, the Municipality of Gaza reported that there are about 150,000 tons of accumulated waste in Gaza city, warning that this significant buildup of waste is significantly heightening the risk of disease spread.
- According to the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Cluster, the Coastal Municipalities Water Utility (CMWU), the main WASH service provider in Gaza, is currently managing water chlorination across the Gaza Strip using its contingency reserves of sodium hydrochloride. In the absence of additional supplies, existing reserves are expected to last for only one month, raising significant concerns for the ability to disinfect water. The situation is further complicated by the need for increased chlorine dosing, with the current concentration requirement now double the previous level (12 per cent compared with six per cent) due to degradation from prolonged storage and rising temperatures. Efforts to import sodium hydrochloride into Gaza have continued to face considerable obstacles, and no shipments have so far arrived in Gaza due to ongoing access impediments. According to UNICEF, disinfectant chemicals are considered "dual use" and are only allowed into Gaza selectively. In response, the WASH Cluster in Gaza is developing a comprehensive chlorination plan to facilitate the importation of chlorine, ensure the availability of necessary supplies, coordinate distribution, and support the CMWU in effectively disinfecting drinking and domestic water before distribution. The lack of chlorine poses a serious threat to public health, as inadequate water disinfection increases the risk of waterborne diseases spreading among the population. On the other hand, in a positive development, UNRWA announced on 15 August that a crucial water well in Khan Younis, destroyed during military operations, has been rebuilt and is now the largest source of clean drinking water for 100,000 displaced people, serving as a vital lifeline for families in the area.
- Between 1 and 15 August, out of 109 planned humanitarian assistance missions to northern Gaza that were coordinated with the Israeli authorities, only 46 were facilitated, 37 were denied access, 19 were impeded, and seven were cancelled due to logistical, operational, or security reasons. In addition, out of the 177 humanitarian assistance missions to areas in southern Gaza that were coordinated with the Israeli authorities, only 96 were facilitated, 46 were denied, 19 were impeded, and 16 were cancelled.
- The overall number of denied aid missions so far in August is the same as the number of denied missions in the whole month of July (83) and the rate of denial has increased from 15 to 29 per cent of missions for which coordination was requested. Moreover, in southern Gaza, although the number of requested missions in the first half of August fell by around 10 per cent compared with the corresponding period in July (177 vs. 196), the number of impeded missions increased from 15 to 19 and the number of denied missions surged from 12 to 46. Also comparing the first halves of July and August, there was a two-fold increase in the number of requested missions to northern Gaza (from 53 to 109) but a five-fold increase in the number of denied missions (from 7 to 37). Accordingly, these figures reveal a concerning rise in barriers to aid, particularly in northern Gaza, impacting hundreds of thousands of vulnerable people and indicating a more restrictive environment for humanitarian operations.
- As of 14 August, Member States have disbursed about US$1.6 billion out of $3.42 billion (47 per cent) requested to meet the most critical needs of 2.3 million* people in Gaza and 800,000 people in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, between January and December 2024. For funding analysis, please see the Flash Appeal Financial Tracking dashboard. (*2.3 million reflects the projected population of the Gaza Strip upon issuance of the Flash Appeal in April 2024. As of July 2024, the UN estimates that about 2.1 million people remain in the Gaza Strip, and this updated number is now used for programmatic purposes.)
- During July 2024, the occupied Palestinian territory Humanitarian Fund (oPt HF) managed a total of 98 ongoing projects, totalling $81.4 million. These projects aimed to address urgent needs in the Gaza Strip (89 per cent) and the West Bank (11 per cent). The projects were strategically focused on Education, Food Security, Health, Protection, Emergency Shelter & Non-Food Items (NFI), Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH), Coordination and Support Services, Multi-Purpose Cash Assistance and Nutrition. Of these projects, 55 projects are being implemented by international non-governmental organizations (INGOs), 31 by national NGOs and 12 by UN agencies. Notably, 32 out of the 67 projects implemented by INGOs or the UN are being implemented in collaboration with national NGOs. Since 7 October, the oPt HF has mobilized over $112 million from Member States and private donors to support urgent humanitarian and life-saving programmes across the OPT. Of total funding, 89 per cent has been allocated to projects in Gaza. A summary of the oPt HF activities and challenges in July 2024 is available through this link and the 2023 Annual Report of the oPt HF can be accessed here. Private donations are collected directly through the oPt HF. For an overall picture of the OCHA-managed pooled funds response since October 2023, please see (link).
16 augustus 2024
Today's headlines
Fighting the Israeli army in Gaza: Inside the battle for Shuja’iyya
In a testimony obtained by Mondoweiss, a resident of Shuja'iyya recounts his motivations for wanting to join Hamas's al-Qassam Brigades to fight against the Israeli army.
New ceasefire talks begin in Doha as official death toll surpasses 40,000
Amid skepticism that Netanyahu intends to continue derailing a prisoner exchange deal for as long as possible, White House advisor John Kirby said the ceasefire talks that began on Thursday were “promising.”
DNC ‘Delegates Against Genocide’ urge a ‘no’ vote on Democratic Party platform
Delegates Against Genocide
Delegates Against Genocide, a coalition of delegates to the Democratic National Convention (DNC), calls for delegates to vote ‘No’ on the 2024 Democratic Party platform over its failure to demand a ceasefire in Gaza and a U.S. arms embargo on Israel.
What you need to know about the latest round of Gaza ceasefire negotiations
Calls for renewing ceasefire talks come amid threats of a regional war in response to Israeli assassinations in Iran and Lebanon. Netanyahu has systematically worked to undermine talks and a prisoner exchange deal. Will this time be any different?
‘Strong record of supporting the U.S.-Israel relationship’: a look at Tim Walz’s votes on Palestine as a member of Congress
A review of Tim Walz’s time in Congress from 2007 to 2018 shows he supported multiple Israeli wars on Gaza, rejected the international consensus on the illegality of West Bank settlements, and opposed any unilateral declaration of a Palestinian state.
15 augustus 2024
Today's headlines
Biden out, Harris in, Palestine still in the crosshairs: Why our movement must push forward
The Palestine movement shook the Democratic Party and forced out a sitting president. This is just one indication of what our movement can do to liberate Palestine. Until the last sky, we can't stop now.
What it’s like living in a tent in Gaza
Gaza's landscape is dominated by tents that have become homes to the hundreds of thousands of displaced Palestinians. But building a tent and living in one with your entire family isn't easy.
14 augustus 2024
We looked at the Middle East, where the US deployed a naval strike group to the Eastern Mediterranean amid escalating tensions between Israel and Iran.
Finally, we take a closer look at the relationship between Russia, Palestine and Israel, following Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas's visit to Moscow.
Is US preparing for Israel-Iran war by deploying more ships to Middle East?
As the region anticipates what an Iranian response to Israeli assassinations will be, US moves forces to the region.
What's behind Russia's 'soft power' moves on Israel-Palestine?
Mahmoud Abbas is the latest Palestinian leader to visit Moscow amid Israel's continuing onslaught of Gaza.
Israeli crowds storm Al-Aqsa Mosque, West Bank villages on Jewish holiday
Far-right government minister joins march on Al-Aqsa in occupied East Jerusalem on Jewish mourning day Tisha B'Av.
14 augustus 2024
Humanitarian Situation Update #204
West Bank
A Palestinian woman was displaced after Israeli forces demolished her house for lack of an Israeli-issued building permit, which is almost impossible to obtain, Jericho. Photo: OCHA
Key Highlights
- The number of Palestinian children killed by live ammunition fired by Israeli forces has almost tripled since 7 October compared with the preceding 10 months (115 compared to 39).
- The number of Palestinian children injured by live ammunition fired by Israeli forces has more than doubled since 7 October compared with the preceding 10 months (1,411 compared to 615).
- Israeli settlers assault two Palestinian children by handcuffing them, breaking their legs, and urinating on them in a settler outpost near Bethlehem.
Humanitarian Developments (6 August -12 August)
- During the reporting period, Israeli forces killed five Palestinians, and another 54 Palestinians, including 11 children, were injured by Israeli forces and Israeli settlers across the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. Eight out of the 11 children were injured by Israeli forces’ live ammunition. In the West Bank, Palestinians shot and killed an Israeli civilian and a Palestinian in two separate incidents. On 7 and 11 August, two Palestinian men succumbed to wounds sustained by Israeli airstrikes on 5 August, bringing the total number of Palestinians killed during that Israeli forces’ operation in Jenin to seven.
- On 6 August, Israeli forces shot and killed a Palestinian man near Khirbet ‘Atuf, southwest of Tubas city. The body of the man is currently being withheld by Israeli forces. The Israeli military claims that the man was on his way to attack Bakaot settlement with a firearm. The Palestine Red Crescent Society’s (PRCS) medics were physically assaulted by Israeli forces when they arrived at the scene. Israeli forces seized their phones, took them to the back of the ambulance, and started physically assaulting them while other soldiers pointed their guns at them and threatened them to stay silent.
- On 6 August, a Palestinian was shot and killed by Israeli forces at the Tunnels checkpoint after he attempted to stab a group of soldiers stationing at the checkpoint. One female member of the Israeli forces was injured. The body of the Palestinian man is being held by the Israeli authorities.
- On 6 August, Israeli forces shot and killed two Palestinians and injured three others during an operation in Kafr Qud village in west Jenin city. The forces encircled and broke into a Palestinian house where local sources reported an exchange of fire could be heard. Two bodies were taken away by Israeli forces and three Palestinians were arrested during the operation. On 11 August, one of the Palestinians arrested died from wounds sustained by live ammunition while he was under Israeli custody.
- On 7 August, Israeli forces shot and injured three Palestinians, including two children aged 12 and 13, during an operation in Askar Refugee Camp, east of Nablus. According to UNRWA, Israeli forces entered the main street of the camp and as they were crossing the main road, opened fire at Palestinians who were standing in front of their homes. No confrontations were reported in the area.
- On 8 August, Israeli forces shot and injured two Palestinian boys, aged 12 and 17, during an operation in Qalqiliya city. According to the Qalqiliya municipality, Israeli forces entered the city, leading to armed clashes between Palestinians and Israeli forces, where the boys were injured.
- On 10 August, Israeli forces shot and injured four Palestinians, including three children, during an operation in the village of Beit Furik, east of Nablus. According to the Beit Furik Municipality, Israeli forces entered the village where confrontations erupted between Palestinian who threw stones at the Israeli forces, who fired live ammunition at the Palestinians.
- On 11 August, Palestinians shot and killed an Israeli civilian, and injured a Palestinian man who holds Israeli citizenship, in a drive-by shooting on Route 90 in the northern Jordan Valley. Palestinians in a vehicle opened fire on a passing car near the junction of the Israeli settlement of Mechola on Route 90, after which they proceeded to drive and shoot at other vehicles. Following this incident, Israeli forces closed Route 90 and Route 578, as well as all checkpoints leading to the Jordan Valley and Jericho for about three hours, causing severe traffic congestion, while they searched for the perpetrators in nearby villages.
- On 12 August, a Palestinian man shot and killed one Palestinian and injured one other Palestinian and an Israeli settler in east Qalqiliya city. The Palestinian who perpetrated the attack was later shot and killed by Israeli forces. A Palestinian man shot at an Israeli settler who was fixing his vehicle at a Palestinian-owned auto repair shop. The settler was injured, and two other Palestinian bystanders were hit in the process. The shooter then left the scene towards Road 55 where he reportedly exchanged fire with Israeli forces and was killed near Azzun village. His body and vehicle are being withheld by the Israeli forces.
- Between 7 October 2023 and 12 August 2024, 594 Palestinians were killed in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, in addition to two who died of wounds sustained prior to 7 October. These include 577 killed by Israeli forces, ten by Israeli settlers, and seven where it remains unknown whether the perpetrators were Israeli forces or settlers. There are over 100 instances of Palestinian bodies being withheld by Israeli forces. The number of Palestinian children killed by Israeli force’s live ammunition has almost tripled (115 compared to 39) and the number of Palestinian children injured by Israeli force’s live ammunition has more than doubled since 7 October compared with the preceding 10 months (1,411 compared to 615). During the same period, 15 Israelis, including nine members of Israeli forces and five settlers, were killed by Palestinians in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. In Israel, attacks by Palestinians from the West Bank resulted in the killing of ten Israelis and six Palestinian perpetrators.
- During the reporting period, Israeli settlers perpetrated 25 attacks against Palestinians, resulting in six injuries, including two children, and damage to property. Palestinians perpetrated three attacks against settlers in this period, resulting in the injury of one Israeli settler. Between 7 October 2023 and 12 August 2024, OCHA recorded around 1,250 attacks by Israeli settlers against Palestinians, of which around 120 led to Palestinian fatalities and injuries, around 1,000 led to damage to Palestinian property, and around 130 led to both casualties and property damage. The following are some of the key incidents documented by OCHA during the reporting period:
- On 6 August, Israeli settlers believed to be from Havat Ma’on, physically assaulted and injured two Palestinians shepherds, including one woman, near Tuba, Hebron. The settlers attempted to seize the herd of about 400 sheep and take them towards the settlement. Other Palestinians intervened to stop the settlers and prevented them from taking the sheep further, during which two Palestinians were injured. The settlers eventually left the area, and the injured Palestinians were treated on the ground by PRCS.
- On 6 August, a group of Israeli settlers believed to be from Evyatar settlement outpost, attacked Palestinian property in Yatma village, south of Nablus city. According to the village council and the affected villagers, a group of Israeli settlers threw stones and set fire to Palestinian property, causing damage to three residencies, a vehicle scrap yard, one car, and olive trees. One man reported that the settlers set fire to the main entrance of his home and threw stones at him while he was trying to extinguish the fire. No injuries were reported.
- On 7 August, Israeli settlers threw stones and injured a Palestinian woman on the road between Al Bireh and Al Jalazun Refugee Camp, Ramallah. Local community sources reported that Israeli settlers gathered at Israeli military observation towers along the barrier of Beit El settlement, where they threw stones at Palestinian vehicles. Israeli settlers have frequently used these towers to throw stones at Palestinian vehicles. A Palestinian woman was driving with her windows open when one of the stones hit and injured her head. The woman managed to drive to the entrance of Al Jalazun Refugee Camp and lost consciousness. She was later transferred to the hospital and received medical treatment. At least two vehicles sustained damage as a result of the attack.
- On 9 August, a group of armed Israeli settlers believed to be from Itamar settlement, physically assaulted and injured a Palestinian man near Awarta town, southeast of Nablus city. The Palestinian man was driving to work after he passed through the Awarta checkpoint, when an Israeli vehicle blocked his path. Four masked Israeli settlers, one of them armed, exited the vehicle and attacked him and his vehicle with sticks. The man managed to escape and went to the hospital. The man reports that his vehicle was partially damaged.
- On 12 August, Israeli settlers believed to be from a newly established Israeli outpost settlement near Khallet an Nahala, physically assaulted and injured two 15-year-old Palestinian boys near Artas, Bethlehem. The boys were herding sheep around Artas village when they were attacked by a group of Israeli settlers armed with knives, which the settlers put to their necks and forced them into the nearby settler outpost. The settlers then assaulted the boys, broke their legs, and urinated on them. Afterwards, the settlers handcuffed the boys, put them in a vehicle and threw them in an open area near Artas where one of the locals noticed them lying on the ground and called for an ambulance. The boys were then taken to a nearby hospital for treatment.
- Between 6 and 12 August, Israeli authorities demolished or forced the demolition of nine Palestinian-owned structures, one of which was a punitive demolition and eight were due to the lack of Israeli-issued building permits, which are almost impossible to obtain. Eight of the demolished structures were in Area C and East Jerusalem. As a result, 37 Palestinians, including 13 children, were displaced and around 789, including 520 children, were otherwise affected.
- On 7 August, the Israeli Civil Administration along with Israeli forces dismantled and confiscated three donor-funded tents in the Birin herding community, Hebron governorate. The incident took place in Area C for lacking an Israeli-issued building permit. As a result, three families comprising 15 people including 6 children were displaced. The tents were provided by the Palestinian Authority as a response to a previous demolition that took place on 4 July 2024 in the same area.
- On 7 August, the Israeli Civil Administration along with Israeli forces, demolished an under-construction building belonging to the village council of Furush Beit Dajan in Area C, Nablus governorate. As a result, the village of Furush Beit Dajan, comprising 774 people were affected. The targeted structure was a donor-funded, two-story building that was intended to contain the village council offices and the council hall. According to the head of the council, the demolition took place due to a lack of an Israeli-issued permit. In response, the council immediately appointed a lawyer to follow up on the case, but they were unable to secure a building permit. Additionally, the head of the council was fined 5,000 NIS by Israeli forces for building in Area C without a permit. Since 7 October, Israeli authorities have demolished 16 structures, displacing almost 50 people and almost 20 children.
- On 8 August, the Israeli Civil Administration along with Israeli forces used explosives to punitively demolish a residential apartment in a three-story building in Dura town, Area A in Hebron governorate. The demolished apartment belongs to Momen Masalama's family, a Palestinian who committed a stabbing attack in Israel which resulted in killing an Israeli and injuring others on 1 April 2024. Another apartment in the building suffered from cracks and had some windows damaged. Vegetable crops in a nearby agricultural land were also damaged. The Israeli forces evacuated at least 10 families from the neighbouring houses for more than four hours during the demolition. As a result, one family comprising eight people, including a child were displaced and two other families comprising 13 people, including three children were affected.
- Between 1 January and 12 August, 750 structures were demolished and 963 were displaced for lacking Israeli-issued building permits in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, compared with 566 structures demolished and 644 people displaced in the corresponding period in 2023.
- Between 7 October 2023 and 12 August 2024, Israeli authorities demolished, confiscated, or forced the demolition of 1,380 Palestinian structures across the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, displacing more than 3,100 Palestinians, including 1,375 children, which is more than double compared to the same period of time before October 7, where 1,252 Palestinians were displaced, including 579 children. The demolitions after 7 October include over 500 inhabited structures, 100 uninhabited residential structures, more than 300 agricultural structures, more than 100 water and sanitation (WASH) structures, 200 livelihood structures, and about 100 infrastructure and other structures. Since 7 October 2023, more than 181,000 Palestinians have been affected at least once by 25 incidents of demolitions and destruction of public infrastructure during Israeli forces’ operations, in Tulkarm and Jenin. Many of these people have been affected more than once in multiple incidents.
14 augustus 2024
$20B in Arms to Israel Disregards Ceasefire & the Will of the People
AJP Action is outraged by the Biden administration's approval of a $20 billion arms sale to Israel, coming on the heels of the $3.5 billion in military aid authorized just last week. This decision directly opposes the administration's stated goal of promoting stability, calm, and a ceasefire in Gaza and the rest of the region. Instead, it will embolden Israel to escalate violence and unrest, further harming Palestinians and destabilizing the Middle East. Furthermore, this move shows blatant disregard for the demands of a majority of Americans who want an immediate ceasefire and 62% of Democrats who want the U.S. to halt all weapons to Israel
The horrifying "dawn massacre" that occurred just days ago, carried out with American-made weapons, is a stark and tragic reminder of the deadly impact of these arms sales. On August 10, 2024, Israel struck the Al-Tabaeen school in eastern Gaza City, where displaced Palestinians were seeking shelter during the ongoing Gaza genocide. This brutal assault resulted in the deaths of at least 100 Palestinians, with 47 others injured. Many victims were trapped in the school as the fire spread, according to Palestinian health authorities. Multiple media investigations have confirmed that U.S.-made weapons were used in this atrocity, underscoring the dangerous consequences of continued American military support for Israel. The massacre at Al-Tabaeen is not an isolated incident but part of a broader pattern of indiscriminate violence against Palestinian civilians, made possible by the steady supply of American arms. Israel’s ongoing genocide in Gaza has claimed the lives of possibly over 180,000 Palestinian lives.
Additionally, the U.S.'s recent deployment of an aircraft carrier, a guided-missile submarine, and additional F-15s and F-22s to the region underscores how Israel's actions are increasingly undermining American geopolitical interests. Far from being a strategic asset, Israel's reckless behavior is proving to be a significant liability, complicating U.S. foreign policy and entangling our nation in conflicts that serve neither our interests nor those of the broader region.
We urgently call on Congress to reject this $20 billion arms sale. Approving this deal would not only further implicate the United States in violations of human rights but also endanger our own national security and international standing. It is well overdue for the U.S. to reassess its relationship with Israel, follow international law as well as its own laws, and halt the flow of weapons to Israel which have proven to only fuel violence and oppression from a far-right-wing, apartheid government.
In solidarity,
AJP Action
Americans for Justice in Palestine Action (AJP Action) is a nonprofit organization advocating for legislation supporting the human rights of the Palestinian people and endorsing candidates for office who support those rights.
14 augustus 2024
Today's headlines
‘No place will be safe in all of Palestine’: Palestinians brace for prospect of regional war
Palestinians fear that if a regional war breaks out, Israel might try to use the opportunity to carry out a second Nakba.
The ICJ finds that BDS is not merely a right, but an obligation
The ICJ’s authoritative ruling on the Israeli occupation makes clear that boycotts, divestment, and sanctions against Israeli occupation, colonization, and apartheid are not only a moral imperative but also a legal obligation.
13 augustus 2024
Today's headlines
‘Maybe a war will lessen the pressure on Gaza’: Dispatch from Beirut
During the past week, Israeli jets have been flying very low over Lebanon, a constant reminder of the looming threat of war. "If they want to wage war on us, so be it. Perhaps it could lessen the pressure on Gaza," my mother says.
Israeli media’s coverage of the rape of Palestinian detainees shows support for sexual violence in service of genocide
Israeli media coverage of the rape of Palestinian detainees demonstrates the widespread acceptance within Israeli society of sexual violence as a weapon of genocide.
International condemnations of Israel’s massacre at Gaza school as pressure grows on Netanyahu to reach ceasefire deal
Hamas demands a plan to implement the original ceasefire deal proposed by the U.S. last July ahead of a new round of negotiations set to start this week
12 augustus 2024
Humanitarian Situation Update #203
Gaza Strip
Many Palestinian families fleeing from Madinat Hamad in Khan Younis following an Israeli evacuation order on 11 August. Photo: Themba Linden/OCHA
Key Highlights
- A school hosting hundreds of displaced families in Gaza city was struck by the Israeli military, resulting in mass casualties.
- More than half of schools used as shelters have been directly hit, UNCIEF reports.
- Two new evacuation orders were issued by the Israeli military; to date, about 84 per cent of the Gaza Strip has been placed under evacuation orders.
- The cumulative impact of access constraints is perpetuating a continued cycle of deprivation and distress among affected people. Since 1 August, about a third of aid missions within Gaza were denied access by Israeli authorities.
Humanitarian Developments
- Israeli bombardment from the air, land, and sea continues to be reported across much of the Gaza Strip, resulting in further civilian casualties, displacement, and destruction of houses and other civilian infrastructure. Ground incursions and heavy fighting also continue to be reported. Rocket fire by Palestinian armed groups toward Israel was also reported.
- Between the afternoons of 9 and 12 August, according to the Ministry of Health (MoH) in Gaza, 198 Palestinians were killed and 430 were injured, excluding those whose bodies are yet to be identified. Between 7 October 2023 and 12 August 2024, at least 39,897 Palestinians were killed and 92,152 were injured, according to MoH in Gaza.
- On 10 August, the Israeli military hit Al Tabi’een School in Ad Daraj neighbourhood in Gaza city, killing and injuring dozens of internally displaced people (IDPs) who had sought refuge at the school. The school-turned-shelter was reportedly hosting hundreds of internally displaced families when it was hit, and at the time of the strike, people were performing the dawn prayer at the school’s prayer hall. According to initial reports from Palestinian Civil Defense (PCD), about 90 people were killed, including 11 children and six women, and tens injured. At least 70 bodies were reportedly transported to Al Ahli hospital, and some could not be identified as their bodies were disfigured in the explosion. The hospital is one of 16 hospitals that remain only partially functional in the Gaza Strip. The hospital was overwhelmed by the mass casualty incident amid a critical shortage of medications, clean water and hospital beds. Subsequently, humanitarian partners on the ground visited the school and have been providing families who returned to the school with drinking water, food parcels, hot meals, hygiene kits, as well as clothing and other non-food items. Partners also provided psychological first aid (PFA) and psychosocial support activities for children and their parents.
- The following are among other deadly incidents reported between 8 and 10 August:
- On 8 August, eight Palestinians were reportedly killed and others injured when a house was hit in Al Bureij Refugee Camp, in Deir al Balah.
- On 8 August, six Palestinians were reportedly killed and two others injured when a house was hit in Al Qarara, in Khan Younis.
- On 9 August, four Palestinians, including two women, were reportedly killed and others injured when a house was hit in western An Nuseirat Refugee Camp in Deir al Balah.
- On 9 August, at about 16:00, four Palestinians including three children were reportedly killed when an apartment was hit nearby the Power Distribution Company, in the vicinity of Al Samar Junction, in central Gaza city.
- On 9 August, at about 20:10, four Palestinians including three children were reportedly killed and six others injured when a house was hit in the vicinity of Khadija School, in Deir al Balah.
- On 9 August, at about 22:00, five Palestinians were reportedly killed and 17 others injured when a house was hit and two adjacent houses were damaged, in western An Nuseirat Refugee Camp, in Deir al Balah.
- On 10 August, at about 2:25, six Palestinians were reportedly killed and 15 others injured when a house was hit in Jabalya, in North Gaza.
- Between the afternoons of 9 and 12 August, one Israeli soldier was reported killed in Gaza, according to the Israeli military. Between 7 October 2023 and 12 August 2024, according to the Israeli military and official Israeli sources cited in the media, more than 1,530 Israelis and foreign nationals were killed, the majority on 7 October and its immediate aftermath and including 330 soldiers killed in Gaza or along the border in Israel since the beginning of the ground operation. In addition, 2,204 Israeli soldiers were reported injured since the beginning of the ground operation. As of 12 August, it is estimated that 115 Israelis and foreign nationals remain captive in Gaza, including hostages who have been declared dead.
- On 10 and 11 August, the Israeli military issued two evacuation orders, mostly for areas that were previously placed under evacuation. Initial mapping indicates that the areas affected by these orders encompass about 23 IDP sites, 14 water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) facilities, and four educational facilities. The first order, issued on 10 August, affected 1.35 square kilometres in east and central Khan Younis, and mostly included areas that were previously placed under evacuation notices. The second order, issued on 11 August, affected 0.84 square kilometres that encompass Madinat Hamad as well as parts of Al Jala'a, Al Kateebeh, and As Sater neigbourhoods. The bloc is located within the so-called “humanitarian area” and has an estimated population of about 23,000 people, according to the Site Management Working Group, most of whom are IDPs. Except for Al Jala'a, these neighbourhoods had previously received evacuation orders.
- As of 12 August, Israel's unilaterally declared “humanitarian area,” in Al Mawasi, has been reduced from 58.9 square kilometres in early 2024 to approximately 46 square kilometres, covering about 12.6 per cent of the Gaza Strip. In total, about 305 square kilometres, or nearly 84 per cent of the Gaza Strip, have been placed under evacuation orders by the Israeli military.
- Since 4 July, the UN Human Rights Office (OHCHR) has recorded 21 strikes against schools serving as shelters in the Gaza Strip, which have resulted in at least 274 fatalities, including women and children. This includes at least seven schools serving as IDP shelters that were reportedly hit since 1 August, namely: Dalal Al Mughrabi School on 1 August, Hamama School on 3 August, An Nasser and Hasan Salama schools on 4 August, Al Zahra and Abelfattah Hamouda schools on 8 August, and Al Tabi’een School on 10 August. In a statement issued on 10 August, OHCHR condemned the increased frequency of strikes by the Israeli military “on schools where hundreds of thousands of forcibly displaced Palestinians have sought shelter, conducted with apparent disregard for the high rate of civilian fatalities.” OHCHR further stated: “Despite IDF statements that all measures are taken to avoid civilian harm, the repeated strikes on IDP shelters in areas to which the populations have been forced to move, and the consistent and predictable impact on civilians, suggest a failure to strictly comply with obligations required by International Humanitarian Law (IHL), including the principles of distinction, proportionality, and precautions in attack.”
- More than half of schools used as IDP shelters have been directly hit in the last 10 months, with devastating consequences for children and families, UNICEF reports. According to the most recent assessment of school damages by the Education Cluster, which relies on satellite imagery collected on 6 July, 85 per cent of school buildings (477 out of 564) were directly hit (344) or damaged (133). These include 264 public schools, 156 UNRWA schools and 57 private schools. According to PCD, some 180 schools serving as shelters of displaced people have been directly hit since October 2023. At the same time, humanitarian actors on the ground are attempting to support children in schools as part of the launching of UNRWA’s “Back to Learning” program, which started on 1 August in Gaza city, Deir al Balah and Khan Younis. The programme, which is initially targeting 45 schools and will gradually expand to 94 schools (approximately 28,000 children), seeks to provide safe spaces for children to play, learn and cope with trauma. This intervention could become increasingly difficult to implement should attacks against schools continue.
- "The unrelenting war in Gaza continues to inflict horrors on thousands of children, keeping far too many separated from their loved ones,” stated UNICEF Communication Officer, Salim Oweis, in a press briefing on the impact of the ongoing war on children in Gaza. On 6 August, UNICEF conducted a successful mission to reunite seven children with their families, including an 8-month-old baby who was reunited with his family in North Gaza months following his evacuation to receive neo-natal medical care at Al Aqsa hospital in Deir al Balah. Another three children were reunited with their father in North Gaza after their mother and sibling were killed in southern Gaza, UNICEF reported to CNN. Moreover, one child in the UNICEF mission was reunited with his grandmother, who will take care of him after his mother, father and siblings were killed. This UNICEF program has been running since March and entails tracking relatives of unaccompanied children who have been orphaned, lost or separated from their families. Jessica Dixon, child protection coordinator at UNICEF told CNN that there are several causes for family separation, including the detention of family members while moving from the north to southern Gaza, and highlighted that operational constraints include “a huge lack of access…a lack of security, [and] a lack of communications.” According to UNICEF, the number of unaccompanied or separated children in Gaza is unknown as “it is nearly impossible to gather and verify information under the current security and humanitarian conditions.” However, based on an analysis of global conflict trends, UNICEF estimates that there are at least 17,000 unaccompanied or separated children in Gaza.
- Access constraints within Gaza, driven by intense hostilities, the division between the north and south and frequent evacuation orders, severely impede the delivery of life-saving humanitarian aid to hundreds of thousands of vulnerable people across Gaza. Between 1 and 11 August, out of the 85 coordinated humanitarian assistance missions to northern Gaza, only 34 were facilitated by Israeli authorities, 32 were denied access, 13 were impeded, and six were cancelled due to logistical, operational, or security reasons. In addition, out of the 122 coordinated humanitarian assistance missions to areas in southern Gaza, 63 were facilitated by Israeli authorities, 36 were denied, eight were impeded, and 15 were cancelled. Combined, denied missions (68) comprise about a third of planned missions since 1 August. The cumulative impacts of access constraints undermine efforts to address urgent humanitarian needs, perpetuating a continued cycle of deprivation and distress among affected people across Gaza.
- As of 12 August, Member States have disbursed about US$1.6 billion out of $3.42 billion (47 per cent) requested to meet the most critical needs of 2.3 million* people in Gaza and 800,000 people in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, between January and December 2024. On 10 July, DSC/RC/HC Mohannad Hadi stated that, “more funding is urgently needed – as is a safe, enabling environment inside Gaza. Increased funding now will enable the humanitarian community to scale up operations as soon as conditions permit. For funding analysis, please see the Flash Appeal Financial Tracking dashboard. (*2.3 million reflects the projected population of the Gaza Strip upon issuance of the Flash Appeal in April 2024. As of July 2024, the UN estimates that about 2.1 million people remain in the Gaza Strip, and this updated number is now used for programmatic purposes.)
- During July 2024, the occupied Palestinian territory Humanitarian Fund (oPt HF) managed a total of 98 ongoing projects, totalling $81.4 million. These projects aimed to address urgent needs in the Gaza Strip (89 per cent) and the West Bank (11 per cent). The projects were strategically focused on Education, Food Security, Health, Protection, Emergency Shelter & Non-Food Items (NFI), Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH), Coordination and Support Services, Multi-Purpose Cash Assistance and Nutrition. Of these projects, 55 projects are being implemented by international non-governmental organizations (INGOs), 31 by national NGOs and 12 by UN agencies. Notably, 32 out of the 67 projects implemented by INGOs or the UN are being implemented in collaboration with national NGOs. Since 7 October, the oPt HF has mobilized over $112 million from Member States and private donors to support urgent humanitarian and life-saving programmes across the OPT. Of total funding, 89 per cent has been allocated to projects in Gaza. A summary of the oPt HF activities and challenges in July 2024 is available through this link and the 2023 Annual Report of the oPt HF can be accessed here. Private donations are collected directly through the oPt HF. For an overall picture of the OCHA-managed pooled funds response since October 2023, please see (link).
12 augustus 2024
Today's headlines
The Fajr massacre: Every 70 kg bag of human remains is considered a martyr
Tareq S. Hajjaj
The bodies of Palestinians killed in the latest Israeli massacre in Gaza were destroyed so far beyond recognition that doctors have only been able to give grieving families an anonymous bag of human remains to bury.
In significant reversal, Church of England head says Israeli occupation must end following ICJ opinion
“The [recent] Advisory Opinion by the International Court of Justice,” Archbishop Justin Welby writes, “makes definitively clear that Israel’s presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territories is unlawful and needs to end as rapidly as possible."
Campus protests and the battle over ethical universalism
The campus protests for Gaza and their critics both claim to be upholding universal human rights. But only the protesters are upholding a true ethical universalism, while their critics are engaged in a cynical maneuver to justify genocide.
11 augustus 2024
Today's headlines
End Israel’s system of economic apartheid in Palestine
Often overlooked, Israel's intentional system of economically fragmenting and dispossessing Palestinians is an essential part of its plan to ethnically cleanse the land and deny Palestinian liberation.
No one agrees on what ‘Jewish values are.’ That’s why they matter
Joseph Grim Feinberg
If there is going to be a self-consciously “Jewish” contribution to the Palestinian cause, it’s better to invoke concrete Jewish values than to rely on the unearned authority of Jewish identity.
11 augustus 2024
Dear Reader, I’m appalled.
TIME Magazine just published an interview with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that normalizes the heinous crimes his government is committing in Gaza.
War criminals shouldn’t be given a platform to minimize and deny genocide. Will you take a few minutes to write to TIME and demand they do better?
Email now
The Israeli military has killed at least 40,000 Palestinians in Gaza, forced two million people to flee their homes, and turned access to clean drinking water into a weapon of war. Famine has set in as Palestinians across Gaza starve to death.
This horrifying violence receives only passing mention in TIME’s interview with Netanyahu. The article entirely omits the words “famine” and “genocide,” treating the Israeli government’s indiscriminate slaughter and brutal siege as normal acts of war. And it gives Netanyahu a platform to minimize and deny these blatant war crimes, with minimal pushback.
Journalists have a duty to report responsibly on the crimes against humanity being committed in Gaza. Write to TIME Magazine now and demand a real coverage of Israel's genocide in Gaza.
Liv Kunins-Berkowitz
Media Coordinator
11 augustus 2024
Today, the GenocideGames come to a close in Paris.
Despite their repressive measures, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and host country France were unable to stop the many creative protests against the participation of apartheid Israel.
Algerian Judoka Messaoud Dris refused to compete against the representative of Israel’s genocidal regime, while judokas Nurali Emomali from Tajikistan and Abderrahman Bushita from Morocco refused to shake hands with Israeli representatives.
Fans held Palestinian flags and banners reading “Genocide Olympics” and wore t-shirts spelling out “Free Palestine” in the stadiums where Israel’s Team Genocide competed.
Graffiti along the banks of the Seine river denounced Israel’s Gaza genocide during the opening ceremony. An activist rappelled down a tall building with the Palestinian flag on her back. The Israeli cycling team was met with Palestinian flags and a genocide banner. Paris was plastered with stickers and posters on the Genocide Games. And this morning, actions took place during the Women's marathon.
The hashtags #BanIsrael and #GenocideGames were trending on social media.
Conscientious athletes, groups on the ground in Paris, kept the spotlight on Israel’s Gaza genocide against 2.3 million Palestinians during the Olympics. Together, we made this a story the press could not ignore.
Take action today, during the closing ceremony, to remind everyone:
There’s nothing to celebrate at the #GenocideGames
Through it all, genocidal Israel continues to massacre, burn and starve masses of Palestinians in Gaza, with the death toll standing at 40,000, including hundreds of athletes.
Through it all, international sporting bodies like the IOC and FIFA continue to shamefully shield Israel from accountability for its trifecta of crimes against Palestinians: war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide.
FIFA postponed a planned decision on banning Israel from world football until the end of this month, guaranteeing genocidal Israel’s football team a chance to compete at the Olympics.
FIFA and the IOC have been ignoring calls from the Palestinian Olympic Committee, the Palestinian Football Association, the Asian Football Confederation, more than one million signatures from people around the world, members of parliament, international athletes, international jurists, and Mandla Mandela, Nelson Mandela’s grandson, to ban apartheid Israel from sports, just as apartheid South Africa was.
But we won’t let those calls go unanswered.
Today we keep the spotlight on the IOC’s complicity. Tomorrow we turn to FIFA.
The Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel
Olympische Genocidespelen 2024 groot succes voor Israel en de V.S. op nieuw ingevoerde onderdelen !!
Bij de Olympische Genocidespelen 2024, die nu hun afsluiting gaan vinden, hebben met name Israël en de V.S. op een aantal nieuwe landenonderdelen buitengewoon goed gepresteerd. Deze nieuwe Olympische nummers zijn, na een intensieve lobby vanuit de zichzelf daarbij als beschermer van de mensenrechten afficherende Westerse wereld, aan de reeds bestaande Olympische onderdelen toegevoegd. En het zijn met name Israël en Verenigde Staten, die het leeuwendeel van de gouden en zilveren medailles op deze nieuwe nummers hebben binnengehaald.
Op het nieuw toegevoegde onderdeel “Platbombarderen van civiele infrastructuur van onschuldige medemensen”, dat hier dus voor het eerst deel uitmaakte van de Olympische Genocidespelen, heeft Israël met vlag en wimpel de gouden medaille gewonnen. Niets is overeind gebleven. Alle infrastructuur is volledig kaal geslagen! En totaal vernietigd! Op dit onderdeel hebben de Verenigde Staten de zilveren medaille in de wacht kunnen slepen. En wel door het vergaren van extra punten voor wat betreft hun inspanningen bij de aanleveringen van de benodigde massavernietigingswapens en bommenwerpers.
Een tweede onderdeel – eveneens een hier op deze Olympische Genocidespelen van 2024 voor het eerst toegelaten tak van sport – waarop Israël overtuigend goud wist te winnen is het onderdeel “Het volledig aan flarden scheuren van volslagen machteloze medemensen, vooral ook kinderen en vrouwen, totaal ontheemd levend opeengepakt in tentenkampen”. Ook op dit onderdeel heeft Israël zich een natie betoond die, op het terrein van het in stukken uiteen rijten van onschuldige, machteloze mensen, opeen gehoopt in tenten, volstrekt superieur is. Op meesterlijke wijze heeft Israël daarvoor zwaar geschut en explosieven weten te richten tegen opeengepakte onschuldige mensen, als totaal ontheemden levend in linnen tenten. En op die manier is ook hier de gouden medaille van harte verdiend, waarbij de Verenigde Staten wederom zilver hebben weten te verwerven door ook hier weer de benodigde zware bommen en nadere grove munitie aan te slepen.
Een derde gloednieuw onderdeel, voor het eerst hier bij deze Olympische Genocidespelen aan het reeds bestaande arsenaal van Olympische nummers toegevoegd, is “Het massaal uithongeren van onschuldige medemensen”.
Israël heeft, bij de uitvoering van dit nummer, het steeds zo weten te spelen dat hierbij steeds weer de indruk werd gewekt dat betrokken uithongering van zijn kant heus wel meeviel. En zo heeft Israël hier, op sluwe wijze, zijn medestrijders op dit onderdeel min of meer in slaap gewiegd. Zodat Israël uiteindelijk zijn kans kon waarnemen om meer dan 2,5 miljoen onschuldige mensen, waaronder in overgrote meerderheid vrouwen, kinderen en ouden van dagen, tot totale uithongering te brengen! Een duizelingwekkende prestatie, die voor geen enkele andere deelnemer als haalbaar kon gelden! Zelfs niet voor de Verenigde Staten, die hier opnieuw met het zilver genoegen moesten nemen.
Er zijn, de afgelopen weken, nog een aantal andere nieuwe onderdelen aan deze Olympische Genocidespelen gekoppeld geweest, maar deze worden verder aan nationale en internationale sportpers overgelaten. Hier, in het kader van OSPACA, worden slechts de meest eclatante successen op deze Genocidespelen vermeld.
Duivelse misdadigheid verplaatst zich naar de Olympische Spelen
Wat een schoffering van de Olympische Gedachte !!
De Westerse machten en krachten, die zijn de baas over de Olympische Spelen. Een Westerse wereld, met enkele Westerse landen uitgezonderd. En het zijn grotendeels deze Westerse machten en krachten die het liefst optreden als een bende koesteraars van dolzinnige Israëlische barbaren.
En tot die laatste categorie behoort ook Nederland.
Maar juist ook onder de macht van de Westerse wereld zijn deze Israëlische genocidalen van harte welkom. En worden deze vele malen tienduizendvoudige massaverdelgers van Palestijnse vrouwen en kinderen, afkomstig van de terroristenstaat Israël, op de nu begonnen de Olympische Spelen als van harte welkom aangemerkt. En dit tot volstrekte verbijstering en diep afgrijzen van ieder mens met nog enig gevoel voor beschaving.
Met hun on-voor-stel-ba-re vernietigingsdrift jegens gewone mensen hebben deze genocidale Israëlische maniakken op ONZE planeet, in gezamenlijkheid met de Westerse machten en krachten, een absolute hel voor miljoenen Palestijnse medemensen ontketend. In alle openheid en voor ieders oog zichtbaar. Maar ondanks deze duivelse misdadigheid jegens de Palestijnen doen deze Westerse machten en krachten alsof er geen vuiltje aan de lucht is!
De Russen mogen van diezelfde Westerse machten en krachten natuurlijk niet aan de Olympische Spelen meedoen, klaarblijkelijk hebben ze tot nu nog te weinig oorlogsslachtoffers gemaakt om op te vallen. En het is hier de Wereld Gezondheid Organisatie (WHO) geweest, die nog onlangs in dit verband heeft verklaard dat alleen al de totale vernietiging, die tot op heden door de Israëlische terroristische massamoordenaars is aangericht, de bewoonbaarheid en leefbaarheid van Gaza nu reeds zo volledig ten gronde heeft gericht, dat zelfs bij een mogelijke stop van de nu altijd nog maar voortgaande verwoesting van dit leefgebied van miljoenen Palestijnen, het te verwachten dodental, onder deze mensen daar, nog tot een veelvoud van het huidige cijfer van vernietigde mensenlevens zal doen toenemen.
En dit dan door de nasleep van ondervoeding als gevolg van de uithongerings-campagne door de Israëlische duivels, door gebrek aan drinkwatervoorziening, door het totaal weggevaagd zijn van alle infrastructuur die mensen nu eenmaal nodig hebben om te kunnen leven en overleven, en noem verder maar op – kortom als gevolg van het nu al tot niets meer dan enkel een reusachtige puinhoop annex vuilnishoop gereduceerd zijn van Gaza, als gevolg van de Israëlische monsters. En toch staan de Westerse machten en krachten voor deze Israëlische ondieren bij deze Olympische Spelen te juichen!
Wat een ongehoorde schoffering van de Olympische gedachte is dit alles! En juist ook van een instituut als de Olympische Spelen en diens eerbiedwaardige historie. Het waren de oude Grieken in de Homerische tijden, honderden jaren voor Christus, die de Olympische Spelen hebben ingesteld. Als een heilig gebeuren. En wel om spook van de oorlog in elk geval enige tijd uit te bannen. En met verder ook nog het idee om zich tijdens die Olympische Spelen omtrent oorlog en vrede te bezinnen.
De oude Grieken, die kenden geen overkoepelende statelijke structuur, maar enkel een systeem van elkaar onafhankelijke stadstaten. Met omliggende gebieden die tot hun territoir behoorden. Zelfstandige stadstaten die vaak onderlinge verbintenissen aangingen. Maar ook met grote regelmaat met elkaar in oorlog waren. De meesten van u zullen bijvoorbeeld wel eens gehoord hebben van de oorlogen tussen de Steden Athene en Sparta.
Maar eenmaal in de 4 jaar, zo hadden de goden de gehele Griekse bevolking opgelegd, moesten er in de stad Olympia wekenlang sportwedstrijden worden gehouden. Om de onderlinge verhoudingen tussen de stadstaten te verbeteren en gezamenlijk de goden te bidden en offers te brengen. Alle Griekse stadstaten waren verplicht om aan de vierjaarlijkse spelen in Olympia deel te nemen.
En het belangrijkste bij dit alles was dan nog wel dat alle onderlinge oorlogen gedurende de Olympische Spelen in heel Griekenland verboden waren en gestaakt moesten worden!
Hoe anders is dit nu bij de huidige Olympische Spelen!! Daar zullen nu juist Israëlische en Amerikaanse oorlogsmaniakken bewerkstelligen dat een gerichte uitroeiing van honderdduizenden mensen in Gaza, juist ook bij deze karikatuur van zogenaamde “Olympische Spelen”, met volle kracht zal worden voortgezet! Dat is alles wat er van de Griekse beschaving Anno 2024 mag overblijven.
De gelijkgeschakelde Westerse pers, in handen van de Westerse machten en krachten, maakte afgelopen vrijdag 26 juli, via de NRC bekend:
“Israëlische sporters zijn welkom, onder hun eigen vlag. Tot grote woede van de Palestijnen en hun medestanders. Zo verscheen vorige week een filmpje van een pas verkozen Franse volksvertegenwoordiger die zei dat de Israëliërs niet welkom waren. Eerder dit jaar weigerden de Ierse basketbalsters handen te schudden met tegenstander Israël voor aanvang van een wedstrijd. Of dat ook op de Spelen zal gebeuren, valt te bezien; het IOC houdt streng toezicht. Op de Spelen in Tokio weigerde een Algerijnse judoka in actie te komen tegen een Israëliër en dat kwam hem op tien jaar schorsing te staan. De Franse overheid kondigde extra veiligheidsmaatregelen aan voor het Israëlische team, dat nu 24 uur per dag onder bewaking staat. Tijdens het groepsduel tussen de voetbalelftallen van Israël en Mali, afgelopen woensdag in het Parc des Princes, werd een ‘anti-terreurcordon’ opgetrokken van duizend agenten.”
En zo zie je maar weer. Duizend zwaar gewapende agenten worden ingezet om eerbied voor de af-grij-se-lij-ke genocidale apartheidsstaat Israël er desnoods met zwaar wapengeweld in te timmeren. Ja, zo zijn de manieren van wat zich als het ”Vrije Westen” betitelt.
En nog mooier: zichzelf aanprijst als de “Bewaker van de Mensenrechten”.
STOP DE Genocide op de Palestijnen NU VANAF DE OLYMPISCHE SPELEN 2024
10 augustus 2024
Today's headlines
‘Shrapnel, stones and scattered human flesh’: Testimonies from survivors of Gaza school bombings
On Thursday, August 8 , Israeli airstrikes targeted two schools in Gaza City, killing at least 17 people and the injury of dozens others. For testimonies of some of the survivors, see our site.
New lawsuit takes Canary Mission to court under anti-doxxing law
CAIR Chicago has filed a landmark federal lawsuit against Canary Mission, the shadowy pro-Israel website that has targeted pro-Palestinian individuals with doxxing attacks for nearly a decade.
Toronto ‘charity’ trains students to join the Israeli military
A 20-year-old in Toronto is in a coma after suffering an injury while fighting for the Israeli military. His high school, which encourages enlistment in Israel, should lose its charitable status and be investigated for violating Canadian law.
Minnesota activists criticize Tim Walz for refusing to meet with Palestinians
According to Minnesota activists, Governor Tim Walz canceled an agreed upon meeting with Palestinian families who have lost relatives in Gaza after learning they wanted to talk about state divestment from Israel.
10 augustus 2024
Biden just sent $3.5 billion in military funding to Israel, and within 24 hours, Israel massacred over 100 Palestinian people at the al-Tabin school in Gaza City.
As the sun dawned this morning, people praying at the school were bombed by Israel—their bodies shredded to pieces. These were bombs made in the U.S.
I can’t describe the depth of rage I feel watching our people slaughtered, starved, kidnapped, tortured, raped, and expelled over and over again with my tax dollars.
Our politicians think they can get away with sending billions to mass murder Palestinian families. And they’re wrong.
They underestimate our rage, our tenaciousness, and our steadfast commitment to the precious life of every Palestinian person enduring this horrific genocide.
We’re fighting back. Join us at the March on the DNC in Chicago Aug. 19-22 to raise your voice in the streets and make the Democratic Party face our demands.
Dear reader, this will be a historic, massive march for Palestine and for collective liberation, with the following demands:
- Stand with Palestine
- Money for Jobs, School, Healthcare, Housing, and Environment, Not for War!
- Stop police crimes! Community control of the police now!
- Justice, Peace, and Equality!
USCPR has joined the Coalition to March on the DNC because we firmly believe the Democratic Party needs to be held accountable.
Our Democratic politicians, who profess to care about human rights, have perpetuated violence against Black and brown communities in the U.S., while funding and fueling Israel’s U.S.-backed genocide in Palestine.
They’ve made the active choice to criminalize our liberation movements, and to further the mass oppression of our people everywhere across all communities. No more.
The Democratic Party has blood on their hands. We won’t rest while they send bombs raining down to brutally massacre our Palestinian people in Gaza.
Do not be distracted. Stay focused on our extremely urgent demand for an arms embargo to block the bombs to Israel. Now.
Onward to liberation,
10 augustus 2024
In zijn recente bindende uitspraak eist het Internationaal Gerechtshof van Israël om zich onmiddellijk terug te trekken uit Oost-Jeruzalem, de Westelijke Jordaanoever en de Gazastrook. En tevens wordt in dit oordeel van het Internationaal Gerechtshof geëist dat alle Staten van de Verenigde Naties zich per direct gaan inzetten om deze stappen bij Israël mede af te dwingen.Dit alles in het kader van het onvoorwaardelijke recht van de Palestijnen op zelfbeschikking, waaraan niet valt te tornen.
De VS, de EU en zijn lidstaten lieten Israëls kolonisering van Palestijns gebied al die jaren onbestraft. Sterker, landen als Nederland werkten er actief aan mee, door handel met de nederzettingen toe te staan en op militair gebied samen te werken.
De tweestatenoplossing moet uiteindelijk ook leiden tot een definitieve oplossing rondom het gezag over de stad Jeruzalem. [c] Alamy
In het oordeel van het Internationaal Gerechtshof wordt nauwkeurig beschreven hoe de tweestatenoplossing alsnog kan worden bereikt, en hoe dat vooral in handen ligt van derde landen zoals Nederland. Wij beschreven de stappen die Nederland daartoe moet zetten. Daar kan letterlijk vandaag mee worden begonnen.
NOS erkent: te weinig aandacht voor oordeel Gerechtshof
Op 31 juli stuurde The Rights Forum een kritische brief aan de NOS waarin wij onze verbijstering uitten over het feit dat de omroep nauwelijks aandacht had besteed aan de bindende uitspraak van de hoogste internationale gerechtelijke instantie op deze planeet, het Internationaal Gerechtshof. Het is een voor Israël vernietigend oordeel.. In de berichtgeving van de NOS kwam daar niets van terug.
Deze week ontvingen wij een antwoord van de omroep, waarin zij erkennen dat onze klachten en verontwaardiging gegrond zijn, en dat de redactie niet de juiste afweging heeft gemaakt. De enkele korte berichtjes die aan het onderwerp zijn gewijd deden geen recht aan de uitspraak, schrijft de NOS. De redactie heeft verder aangegeven dat ze hebben besproken wat er nodig is om in het vervolg betere keuzes te maken.
Films | Stories from Palestine in LAB111
De komende weken heeft de Amsterdamse bioscoop LAB111 vijf films van Palestijnse makers in zijn programmering opgenomen.
'De uitwissing van Palestina en haar bevolking vindt plaats terwijl de wereld toekijkt. We zien vernietiging, dood en wanhoop. Stories From Palestine: Land And Spirit is een programma dat het rijke culturele erfgoed wil laten zien van de Palestijnse bevolking. De filmcollectie, waarin Palestijnen centraal staan, documenteert niet alleen hun strijd, maar toont ook de historische relatie van het volk met hun land,' schrijft LAB111 op de programmapagina.
Klik hier om te zien welke films op het programma staan en om kaartjes te kopen.
Op 22 augustus vindt een speciale vertoning plaats van Five Broken Cameras. De Nederlands-Palestijnse fotograaf en regisseur Sakir Khader verzorgt die avond de introductie.
Kijk terug | Zomergasten met Sakir Khader
De Nederlands-Palestijnse fotograaf en regisseur Sakir Khader was op zondag 4 augustus te gast bij het VPRO-programma Zomergasten. De NRC schreef in zijn recensie van de aflevering dat het 'geen makkelijke zit zou worden. Dat was al duidelijk vanaf de eerste minuten, waarin de 33-jarige Khader uitlegde waarom hij zo jong al ‘ja’ had gezegd op deelname aan het programma: "Ik weet niet of ik er over een paar jaar nog ben, met het tempo waarmee mijn collega’s worden afgemaakt."'
'Nee, geen makkelijke zit – maar wel een belangrijke. En Khader had duidelijk verhalen te vertellen: hij sprak openhartig over verloren vrienden en collega’s; over hoe hij anderen wilde inspireren om de camera op te pakken en de geschiedenis vast te leggen; over zijn schuldgevoel jegens zijn moeder, die zich zo veel zorgen om hem maakte. Over zijn innige band met Palestina, waar de bommenregen geen einde kent.'
Bekijk de hele aflevering op NPO Start door op onderstaande afbeelding te klikken.
Protest | Wake van Mensen in het Zwart Nijmegen
Op zaterdag 27 juli vond de eerste Wake van Mensen in het Zwart plaats in Nijmegen, uit protest tegen Israëls voortdurende misdaden tegen de Palestijnen. De volgende editie van de wake staat gepland op zaterdag 31 augustus om 14.00 uur, op het Koningsplein - Marienburg in Nijmegen. Alle steun vanuit de regio Nijmegen is van harte welkom.
9 augustus 2024
Humanitarian Situation Update #202
Gaza Strip
Palestinians fleeing from from Al Qarara and Wadi Al Salqa areas in Khan Younis following an Israeli evacuation order on 8 August. Photo: Themba Linden/OCHA
Key Highlights
- Thousands of Palestinians have moved towards western Khan Younis and western Deir al Balah in the past 72 hours, the UN and aid partners report.
- At least 287 aid workers, including 205 UNRWA staff, have been killed since October 2023, according to data received by the UN and its partners.
- Water and sanitation partners are warning of flood risks, including in Al Mawasi, as they ramp up preparedness efforts ahead of the winter season; key supplies need to enter Gaza to ensure there is sufficient flood prevention and response capacity.
- Volume of aid entering Gaza has more than halved since early May, from a daily average of 169 trucks in April to less than 80 trucks in June and July.
Humanitarian Developments
- Israeli bombardment from the air, land, and sea continues to be reported across much of the Gaza Strip, resulting in further civilian casualties, displacement, and destruction of houses and other civilian infrastructure. Ground incursions and heavy fighting also continue to be reported. Rocket fire by Palestinian armed groups toward Israel was also reported. On the morning of 9 August, the Israeli military announced that it launched a military operation in Khan Younis.
- Between the afternoons of 5 and 8 August, according to the Ministry of Health (MoH) in Gaza, 76 Palestinians were killed and 253 were injured. Between 7 October 2023 and 8 August 2024, at least 39,699 Palestinians were killed and 91,722 were injured, according to MoH in Gaza. Casualty figures covering the period until the afternoon of 9 August are not available as of the time of reporting. The MoH documents the full identification details of casualties and has recently published the breakdown of 32,280 out of 39,480 fatalities as of 1 August for whom full details have been documented by MoH (also available on the Health Cluster’s Unified Dashboard here); according to MoH, these include 10,627 children, 5,956 women, 2,770 elderly, and 12,927 men. Among the child fatalities, MoH further reported that 663 children are under one year of age, representing about six per cent of killed children whose full identification details have been documented.
- On 5 August, at least 80 bodies of unidentified Palestinians were transported from Israel into Gaza, according to the Palestinian Civil Defence (PCD) quoted in media. They report that it was unclear whether these were bodies dug up from cemeteries or whether they were detainees who had been killed. The bodies were consequently buried in a mass grave in Khan Younis. Previously on 30 January, Israeli forces had returned between 80 to 100 Palestinian bodies after they claimed they were searching for the bodies of Israeli hostages.
- On 8 August, Al Zahra and Abdelfattah Hamouda schools in eastern Gaza city were reportedly hit, resulting in the killing of 16 Palestinians among internally displaced persons (IDPs) who were reportedly sheltering at both schools, according to PCD quoted in the media. According to the Israeli military, Palestinian armed groups reportedly operated “command and control centers” at both schools, which were “targeted in an intelligence-based IAF [Israeli Air Force] strike.” Earlier on 5 August, the UN Human Rights Office (OHCHR) reported an unfolding pattern of Israeli forces’ strikes on schools in Gaza, killing many IDPs seeking shelter. They report that over the past month, 17 schools have been struck, killing at least 163 Palestinians, including children and women. Such attacks are escalating, according to OHCHR, as at least seven schools were struck only in the eight days prior to the press statement. All seven schools were reportedly serving as shelters for IDPs, while one school was also serving as a field hospital. OHCHR further stressed: “While the collocation by armed groups of military objectives with civilians or the use of the presence of civilians with the objective of shielding a military objective from attack constitute violations of International Humanitarian Law (IHL) it does not negate Israel’s obligation to comply strictly with International Humanitarian Law, including the principles of proportionality, distinction and precaution when carrying out military operations. Israel, as the occupying power, is also obliged to provide the evacuated populations with basic humanitarian needs, including safe shelter.”
- The following are among other deadly incidents reported between 5 and 8 August:
- On 5 August, at about 11:55, eight Palestinians were reportedly killed and others, including children, injured when a car belonging to the Gaza police force was hit while reportedly being used to distribute aid in Al Mattahen area in southeastern Deir al Balah. The Gaza Police Directorate stated that five of its officers were killed in this airstrike.
- On 5 August, at about 16:00, seven Palestinians were reportedly killed and others injured when the vicinity of the secondary school in eastern Al Bureij Refugee Camp was hit, in northern Deir al Balah.
- On 6 August, at about 17:40 hours, four family members, including a journalist and a woman, were reportedly killed and others injured when a tent was hit in the vicinity of Abu Nuweira School in Abu An Nater junction area in Bani Suheila, in eastern Khan Younis. According to the Government Media Office (GMO), the killing of this journalist has increased the number of journalists killed since 7 October to 166 journalists and media workers.
- On 7 August, at about 14:45, five Palestinians were reportedly killed and others injured when an IDP camp was reportedly hit, and a fire broke out, in Ash Shahaydeh area in Abasan Al Kabira east of Khan Younis. The bodies of the killed were reportedly charred by the fire.
- On 8 August, five Palestinians were reportedly killed and ten others injured when a residential building was hit on As Sahaba Street in Gaza city.
- On 8 August, at least 15 Palestinians, including three girls, one baby girl and at least two women, were reportedly killed and several others, including children, were injured when a residential square was hit, in the vicinity of Al Butran roundabout in Al Bureij Refugee Camp, in Deir al Balah.
- Between the afternoons of 5 and 9 August, no Israeli soldiers were reported killed in Gaza, according to the Israeli military. Between 7 October 2023 and 9 August 2024, according to the Israeli military and official Israeli sources cited in the media, over 1,529 Israelis and foreign nationals were killed, the majority on 7 October and its immediate aftermath and including 329 soldiers killed in Gaza or along the border in Israel since the beginning of the ground operation. In addition, 2,199 Israeli soldiers were reported injured since the beginning of the ground operation. As of 9 August, it is estimated that 115 Israelis and foreign nationals remain captive in Gaza, including hostages who have been declared dead.
- On 7 and 8 August, the Israeli military issued three new evacuation orders affecting 42.6 square kilometres in northern and southern Gaza, most of which were previously placed under evacuation notices. The first order, issued on 7 August, ordered people, including IDPs, present in the areas of Beit Hanoun, Al Manshiya and Ash Sheikh Zayed in North Gaza to immediately evacuate to known shelters in Gaza city. On the same day, the Israeli military ordered residents of the same area to immediately evacuate to Deir al Balah and Az Zawayda, announcing that Salah ad Din Road is a safe and fast route for their movement. On 8 August, the Israeli military ordered residents of central and eastern Khan Younis to immediately move to the so-called “humanitarian area,” which was unilaterally declared by Israeli forces as a “safe zone” and has changed in size over the course of hostilities and now spans about 47 square kilometres, or some 13 per cent of the Gaza Strip. Initial mapping indicates that the areas recently placed under evacuation encompass about 230 IDP sites, 91 WASH facilities, 67 educational facilities, and five functional health facilities including the Indonesian Hospital. Thousands of Palestinians have moved towards western Khan Younis and western Deir al Balah in the past 72 hours, the UN and aid partners report.
- Humanitarian aid workers operating in the Gaza Strip continue to face enormous risks as they continue to deliver life-saving aid in an unsafe and insecure environment, and many have been killed with their families. On 7 August, one of the staff members of the World Central Kitchen and a father of four was killed by an Israeli airstrike near Deir al Balah, the organization reported. According to data received by the UN and its partners, at least 287 aid workers, including 205 UNRWA staff, have been killed since October 2023. Echoing the call the by the UN Secretary-General for “full accountability for each and every one of these deaths,” UNRWA Commissioner-General, Philippe Lazzarini, stated that the number of UNRWA staff killed is “by far the largest loss of personnel killed in a single conflict or natural disaster since the creation of the United Nations,” adding that “these are not numbers…[they] are teachers, doctors, nurses, engineers, support staff, technicians who spent their life supporting the community. Many were killed with their families, others were in the line of duty.” Similarly emphasizing the enormous risks facing humanitarian staff operating in the Gaza Strip, the regional chief of the World Food Programme (WFP), Corinne Fleischer, stated on 8 August: “Operations are super-complicated. We work in a war zone. Roads are destroyed. We are waiting hours at checkpoints for green lights to move….[and] the risks are high. Very high. We have bullets close to our convoys. We’re there repairing roads. We’re there moving with our trucks. We’re there reaching people. And it’s very dangerous.”
- Health workers in Gaza have been operating under extremely adverse conditions that challenge their ability to respond effectively, which in turn places the lives of critically ill and injured patients at greater risk. According to the Health Cluster, the still functional health facilities are operating beyond capacity while facing numerous mass casualty incidents as well as a continuous surge in communicable diseases due to overcrowding, poor living conditions, and a lack of access to clean water, hygiene kits and sanitation facilities. There are also critical shortages of hospital beds and medications, constrained access to spare parts and fuel to operate generators, and attacks on health care facilities. Marking 300 days of war, the Health Cluster led by the World Health Organization (WHO) reported that it has documented 492 attacks on health care in the Gaza Strip and that currently 56 per cent of hospitals (20 out of 36) and 58 per cent of primary health care centres (73 out of 126) are non-functional. Furthermore, according to the Gaza MoH, as of 1 August, more than 885 health workers in Gaza have been killed and at least 310 have been arrested since October 2023. This death toll comprises about 3.5 per cent of the health workforce in Gaza prior to the war, which according to the MoH 2022 annual report stood at about 25,000 health workers.
- Describing the immense strain on Gaza’s health system and the challenges facing health workers as a nightmare, Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP) stated that many “medical workers have continued to work without being paid, eating properly, seeing their families, having a home to go to, or having enough water to drink or wash in.” In a testimony provided to MAP UK, an intensive care unit doctor at Al Aqsa Hospital said: “The huge volume of patients coming in and the severity of the injuries are unbelievable and beyond our ability to treat. Simple cases pass away in your arms because there is no space or no basic medical supplies.”
- Water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) Cluster partners are ramping up preparedness actions for the winter season, with a particular focus on flood risks, amid severe shortages of essential WASH supplies and widespread damage to WASH infrastructure, including the stormwater drainage system. Already before the war, approximately 180 locations across Gaza were identified as being at high-risk of flooding and the stormwater drainage network was deemed inadequate. The situation is estimated to have significantly deteriorated due to extensive damage to wastewater networks, storm drainage and canals, combined with blockages caused by debris and rubbish. In heavily affected areas such as Khan Younis, where over 80 per cent of infrastructure has been assessed as compromised, there is already significant clogging and flooding, and raw sewage is accumulating in streets and at IDP sites, particularly in areas where there is a high concentration of people such as Al Mawasi. During the rainy season, this deterioration poses a dual threat of increased flooding and water source contamination, which could lead to serious public health risks, the WASH Cluster warned. As part of preparedness efforts in coordination with key WASH partners, the Cluster said it is currently compiling a prioritized list of necessary supplies that need to urgently enter Gaza to ensure there is sufficient operational capacity for flood prevention and response, including to mitigate the impact of potential floods on hundreds of thousands of people, particularly IDPs living in low-lying areas in tents and makeshift shelters. These supplies include personal protective equipment (PPE), mobile pumps, jetting and vacuum trucks and hoses.
- Entry of aid supplies into Gaza remains challenging due to access constraints and high levels of insecurity. On 6 August, citing security concerns, the Israeli authorities closed the Kerem Shalom Crossing, halting five planned humanitarian missions, including a rotation of humanitarian personnel, and preventing the collection of critical supplies. In addition, the Erez West (Zikim) entry point has been closed for maintenance since 2 August, with humanitarian supplies now being redirected to the Erez Crossing. Over the past three months, aid cargo that entered Gaza via Kerem Shalom Crossing and was picked up by aid agencies dropped by more than 80 per cent, from a daily average of 127 trucks per day in April to about 23 trucks per day in July. Moreover, while the majority of aid cargo entering Gaza between January and April crossed via Kerem Shalom Crossing, this percentage has steadily decreased, with aid that could be picked up by humanitarian agencies from the crossing currently comprising only 29 per cent of aid getting into Gaza. Overall, humanitarian aid entering Gaza has more than halved since the Rafah ground operation began and Rafah Crossing was abruptly closed in early May, dropping from a daily average of 169 trucks in April to 94 trucks per day in May to less than 80 trucks per day in June and July.
- On 5 August, the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) reported that it had been unable to transport aid from crossing points to its warehouses in Gaza for three months, with an estimated 488 pallets of aid, for which NRC is the consignee, stranded at Kerem Shalom Crossing. While some relief items were moved to their warehouse by the Logistics Cluster on 3 August, the situation remains dire, the NGO added. Referencing the recent NRC update, Jan Egeland, NRC Secretary-General, highlighted the severity of the crisis: "There is still no real access for aid to the starving population…law and order has broken down…donkeys carry aid for lack of fuel and trucks.”
- Between 1 and 8 August, out of 67 planned humanitarian assistance missions coordinated with the Israeli authorities to northern Gaza, only 24 were facilitated, nine were impeded, 29 were denied access, and five were cancelled due to logistical, operational, or security reasons. Moreover, in southern Gaza, out of 99 coordinated humanitarian assistance movements, 48 were facilitated by the Israeli authorities, seven were impeded, 33 were denied, and 11 were cancelled.
- As of 9 August, Member States have disbursed about US$1.6 billion out of $3.42 billion (47 per cent) requested to meet the most critical needs of 2.3 million* people in Gaza and 800,000 people in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, between January and December 2024. On 10 July, DSC/RC/HC Mohannad Hadi stated that, “more funding is urgently needed – as is a safe, enabling environment inside Gaza. Increased funding now will enable the humanitarian community to scale up operations as soon as conditions permit. For funding analysis, please see the Flash Appeal Financial Tracking dashboard. (*2.3 million reflects the projected population of the Gaza Strip upon issuance of the Flash Appeal in April 2024. As of July 2024, the UN estimates that about 2.1 million people remain in the Gaza Strip, and this updated number is now used for programmatic purposes.)
- During July 2024, the occupied Palestinian territory Humanitarian Fund (oPt HF) managed a total of 98 ongoing projects, totalling $81.4 million. These projects aimed to address urgent needs in the Gaza Strip (89 per cent) and the West Bank (11 per cent). The projects were strategically focused on Education, Food Security, Health, Protection, Emergency Shelter & Non-Food Items (NFI), Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH), Coordination and Support Services, Multi-Purpose Cash Assistance and Nutrition. Of these projects, 55 projects are being implemented by international non-governmental organizations (INGOs), 31 by national NGOs and 12 by UN agencies. Notably, 32 out of the 67 projects implemented by INGOs or the UN are being implemented in collaboration with national NGOs. Since 7 October, the oPt HF has mobilized over $112 million from Member States and private donors to support urgent humanitarian and life-saving programmes across the OPT. Of total funding, 89 per cent has been allocated to projects in Gaza. A summary of the oPt HF activities and challenges in July 2024 is available through this link and the 2023 Annual Report of the oPt HF can be accessed here. Private donations are collected directly through the oPt HF.
9 augustus 2024
There is no amount of empty political rhetoric that changes the material reality on the ground right now: Israel is massacring Palestinian families and forcing them into a torturous cycle of endless forced displacement, with U.S. bombs and military funding.
The Democratic Party needs to stop arming Israel, now, while the life of every Palestinian survivor in Gaza is on the line. In 10 days, we will march on the Democratic National Convention to raise that demand. 
Your Activist Scoop
- Recently released video footage and human rights reports have further exposed the sexual abuse and torture Israel is committing against kidnapped Palestinians at secret concentration camps. Yet most U.S. politicians and media outlets have remained silent.
- The anti-Palestinian group AIPAC dumped $8.5 million in dark money to unseat Rep. Cori Bush, which amounts to foreign election interference.
- Vice President Kamala Harris villainized protesters against genocide once again, this time silencing and threatening them with a Trump win at her rally in Detroit.
Watch this latest reel from USCPR Action.
- You’ve firmly shifted U.S. public opinion to support Palestinian rights. New polling shows 70% of Democratic voters and 53% of all voters support stopping U.S. military funding to Israel if Israel rejects the ceasefire deal, which it has continuously done.
- Over 200 city councils have passed ceasefire resolutions.
- Your protests have created enough pressure that politicians are becoming worried about public perception. 
- The summer of resistance is going strong. Hit the streets! .
Onward to liberation,
9 augustus 2024
Decisions made in Washington have real consequences for Palestinians - it’s our duty to demand change
The fight for justice and freedom for Palestinians has never been more urgent. The situation is becoming increasingly dire as we near a full year of genocide in Gaza. This demands that we amplify our voices and ensure our representatives in Congress consistently hear us loud and clear. Each year, we've come together to push for change in policy impacting Palestine, but this year is different. The stakes are higher, the need is greater, and your presence is essential.
Now more than ever, we must continue our relentless advocacy for Palestine.
This September, we will gather with one clear message: the U.S. must stop funding the oppression of Palestinians. Our collective voices and actions can shift the conversation, change policies, and save lives.
Your participation in Palestine Advocacy Days is not just about showing up—it's about standing up. Standing up against the normalization of apartheid, against the silence of our elected officials, and the continued occupation of Palestinians. Together, we can make it impossible for Congress to ignore our calls for justice.
The decisions made in Washington have real consequences for the lives of Palestinians. By joining us, you’ll be part of a powerful movement pushing for tangible change and ensuring that our government lives up to the principles of human rights and justice for all.
Palestine Advocacy Days, October 2023
In solidarity,
Ayah Ziyadeh,
AJP Action
9 augustus 2024
Today marks ten years since Mike Brown was killed and the Ferguson uprising began.
August 9, 2014, was a hot Saturday in St. Louis. Mike Brown Jr., a teenager, was walking in his neighborhood at the Canfield Apartment complex when officer Darren Wilson stopped and attacked him. Mike was shot six times with his hands up.
My life changed forever that day.
In the summer of 2014, Palestinians were also grieving. A war in Gaza claimed over 2,000 lives, and 16-year-old Mohammed Abu Khader was kidnapped and killed by settlers in Jerusalem. At that moment, Palestinians and Black communities shared their grief and anger. The impact of that time is still felt today.
One week after Mike’s death, I marched in Ferguson with Palestinians and allies. We carried a banner that read, "Palestine Stands With Ferguson." Today, we carry that same message in the Unity March organized by Mike Brown’s family.
Ferguson transformed me. Ferguson transformed our movement. It brought the U.S.-based Palestine movement back to its anti-colonial roots. In the 1960s, we looked to Malcolm X, the Black Panthers, and SNCC as our allies, instead of relying on UN promises and US-mediated negotiations. In the aftermath of Mike Brown’s killing, we stood together with revolutionaries on the streets of Ferguson, reviving a long-dormant solidarity and internationalism.
The campaigns to Stop the ADL and End the Deadly Exchange were born from the Ferguson moment. This movement also inspired the Dream Defenders’ delegations to Palestine and return visits from Palestinian organizers to St. Louis. We remain indebted to Bassem Masri, our late Palestinian comrade, who put his body on the line for the 400 days of protest to livestream, lead political education, and make connections.
Ferguson taught us that the fight for justice is a collective responsibility.
Ferguson taught us that to struggle for a free Palestine also means to struggle to end the construction of Cop City.
Ferguson taught us that no one is free until everyone is free.
These lessons are our lifeline, our unwavering guide as we stand over 305 days into the brutal genocide unfolding in Gaza. We refuse to wait for an election to liberate Palestine. We will not be silenced or deterred by shifting rhetoric from candidates; our protests and demands for an arms embargo will only grow louder. Now, more than ever, as we face the rising tide of fascism, we must boldly declare that a free Palestine belongs at the forefront of the progressive agenda, alongside urgent calls for racial, immigrant, and climate justice.
It is we—Palestinians, Black and brown communities, queer individuals, and activists united across all struggles—who will dismantle the support that the US provides to Israel. We are the force that will demand change.
Every single one of us has a role to play in this fight. Our voices matter. Our actions matter. Don’t give up hope, and don’t stop crying out for justice.
With solidarity,
Sandra Tamari
9 augustus 2024
Today's headlines
At least 56 Palestinians killed across Gaza as Israel bombs two more schools in latest massacres
Qassam Muaddi
A reported 15 Palestinians were killed in Israeli strikes on the Abdel Fatah Hamoud and the al-Zahraa schools in Gaza City. With these latest massacres, the number of Palestinians killed by Israeli attacks on Thursday alone rose to at least 56.
‘We have the right to demand better’: Arab Americans wrestle with the 2024 presidential election
Samaa Khullar
Arab Americans are viewing the U.S. presidential race with anger and disillusionment. “I just feel like our voices aren’t being heard,” says Palestinian American Mervat Saudi. Both parties “are not in the best interest for my own people.”
Promising signs that Palestine advocacy is building political power in Washington
The Israel lobby built its strength on the fact that its opposition was politically weak. Kamala Harris's choice of Tim Walz over Josh Shapiro and the massive cost it took to defeat Jamaal Bowman and Cori Bush show this is no longer the case.
8 augustus 2024
Today's headlines
The World Court has ended the Oslo ruse
The ICJ’s ruling that international law protects the rights of Palestinians, and they need not negotiate with their oppressors for those rights, dealt a definitive blow to decades of Western efforts to situate Israel outside the reach of the law.
So all civilians and other legal entities from all the United Nations countries, directly or indirectly involved in aspects of international and international humanitarian law in this case, as well all people threatened by the loss of protection with respect to these rights as such, should come together, right now. To undertake legal action against its own administrations.
In order to command legal action as sentenced by the Highest Legal Court on the planet, 19 July 2024, specifically by the following obligations of this Court, par. 274:
“The Court observes that the obligations violated by Israel include certain obligations erga omnes. As the Court indicated in the Barcelona Tractation Case, such obligations are by their very nature, “The concern of all States” and “ in view of the importance of the rights involved, all States can be held to have a LEGAL interest in their protection”.
Nota Bene: “All States can be held to have a LEGAL interest in their protection”. I.e. the protection of the international humanitarian laws erga omnes.
Among the obligations ERGA OMNES violated by Israel are the obligation to respect the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination and the obligations arising from the prohibition of the use of force to acquire territory as well as certain of this obligation under international humanitarian law and international human rights law”.
And, as stated by the world's highest Legal Authority, further on,
par. 275:
“As recalled in the Declaration on the Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Cooperation among States in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations,
“[E]very State has the duty to promote, through joint and separate action, realization of the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, in accordance with the provisions of the Charter, and to render assistance to the United National in carrying out the responsibilities entrusted to it by the Charter regarding the implementation of the principle” (General Assembly resolution 2625 (XXV))”.
So the International Legal Order, as determined by the International Court of Justice, is in this chapter quite clear. In cases with respect of obligations ERGA OMNES all UN States are bound to take action, both through joint and separate action. If there is no easily opportunity in the direction of nearly joint action, as a result of veto´s and other blockades by western powers - as it is already for sure in advance –, and therefore it is not a viable proposition, then “individual action” of separate States remains the only, nevertheless compelling way.
Here in the Netherlands legal actions will be undertaken against the Kingdom of the Netherlands – its administration totally defaulting to implement the ICJ-judgement. By Dutch and foreign individual civilians, groups and legal organizations as plaintiffs, in order to force the Dutch State:
1. to declare officially its submission to the pronouncement of the ICJ;
2. according to the specific obligations with respect to the erga omnes legal issues, as represented above, to start immediately economic, political, diplomatic actions, directed at painfully effective pressure with regard to Israel.
Pro-Israel prosecutor Wesley Bell defeated incumbent Cori Bush in Missouri's 1st District primary. He got $9 million worth of help from AIPAC.
Confirming a Criminal Policy
8 augustus 2024
Israel’s finance minister, Bezalel Smotrich, has said that starving people in Gaza might be “justified and moral.”
No. Never. Of course not !! The man is crazy !
The laws of war are clear here. The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court says that intentionally starving civilians by “depriving them of objects indispensable to their survival, including willfully impeding relief supplies” is a war crime. Which should be allowed the status of erga omnes.
Smotrich’s comments this week have sparked international condemnation – rightly so – but it’s hardly the first time an Israeli government official has said such things. Similar statements have come from other top-ranking leaders since the beginning of Israel’s assault on Gaza after the October 7 attacks.
Early on, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, and Energy Minister Israel Katz all made public statements expressing their aim to deprive civilians in Gaza of food, water, fuel, and electricity. And, according to international humanitarian law, they all are aall, as a consequence, criminals of the most weighty cathegory
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as early as October 19 said Israel would not allow humanitarian assistance “in the form of food and medicines” into Gaza through its crossings “as long as our hostages are not returned.”
So, when Finance Minister Smotrich said this week that “no one in the world will allow us to starve two million people, even though it might be justified and moral in order to free the hostages,” it was hardly a surprise. In fact, it was more a like a reminder of the government’s ongoing devilish policy.
We’ve discussed here before the Israeli government’s use of starvation as a weapon of war and collective punishment in Gaza since October. We’ve highlighted the legally binding orders of the International Court of Justice, requiring Israel to enable the provision of basic services and humanitarian assistance. We’ve also looked at Israeli military strikes on aid workers.
Throughout, we have emphasized again and again the crazy fallacy of Israel’s attempt to justify mass starvation as a legitimate response to the Hamas-led attacks on October 7.
The devastating impact of Israel’s restrictions on humanitarian aid to Gaza continues. In its latest briefing on Monday, the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) reports acute malnutrition cases among children in northern Gaza have increased by more than 300 per cent from May to July.
No one needed Smotrich’s reminder. Everyone knows Israel’s policy. And the humanitarian catastrophe it’s causing is clear.
The only question is: when will Israel’s allies apply serious pressure on the Israeli government to end this policy?
8 augustus 2024
There’s no way to sugarcoat this—despite the ongoing genocide, despite the murders of Palestinian families with U.S.-made and funded 500lb bombs, despite the urgency of this moment, and despite the obviousness of the solution to end this bloodshed (ending weapons to Israel), we have not accomplished our goals.
We have made progress. We still have momentum. But the reality is, we’re taking on an entire apartheid state and the AIPAC-bought U.S. political system behind it. This week's stinging defeat of Congresswoman Cori Bush—the first Black Lives Matter elected official and a stalwart ally of Palestine—only underscores how much further we have to go.
Much has been written in the press about AIPAC’s power and this moment, but outside of Congresswoman Tlaib’s essential voice, Palestinian voices have not been uplifted. This is a long email that I felt compelled to write to share with you how we understand this moment and how we plan to fight back. As being a Palestinian-led organization in the U.S.
Since the genocide began last year, we have been overwhelmed and inspired by supporters and activists like you mobilizing for Palestinian liberation in the U.S. like never before. Yes, we haven’t ended the genocide, but our collective accomplishments should not be overlooked:
- In 2015, only 50 Democrats in Congress skipped Netanyahu’s speech. This year, over 150—over half of all Democrats—did.
- Millions have marched in solidarity with Palestine at thousands of protests.
- You've collectively made over 2 million calls and emails demanding a permanent ceasefire and an end to weapons to Israel through USCPR and USCPR Action tools alone.
- Public opinion remains firmly on our side—over half of all Americans and over 70% of Democratic voters support an end to weapons shipments.
- Pressure from our movement effectively pushed Kamala Harris’s presidential campaign to pick Tim Walz for VP, instead of the expected front-runner and Governor of PA Josh Shapiro, who has yet to fully denounce his past racist remarks toward Palestinians.
- Over 200 city council resolutions calling for ceasefire show the power of local organizing.
As a Palestinian organizer, I understand just how frustrating, how devastating, that reality is. And I know that some of you have been going hard for 10 months and that beyond the obvious rage and frustration, burnout and cynicism are also creeping in.
It is rational in the face of what we are fighting against. It is a human reaction to our politicians' indifference to U.S.-made and taxpayer funded bombs being used to murder Palestinian families indiscriminately.
But whether it takes 1 year or 5 or 50, we must keep fighting. For far longer than 10 months, generations of Palestinians have modeled sumud – perseverance. And we must continue standing with them.
This is a long-term struggle, and we must turn our despair, our anger and our cynicism into a long-term commitment to fight for Palestinian liberation. Because the majority of people are already on our side. Polling results show that 64% of all U.S. voters support the proposed ceasefire deal and 53% support halting military funding to Israel.
And let’s be clear: Our next president must change U.S. policy on Gaza.
Our job is to continue fighting until every politician realizes there is no path to victory without responding to the demand of the majority of U.S. voters who want to see a permanent ceasefire and an end to military funding to Israel through an arms embargo.
With the upcoming Democratic National Convention in Chicago, the moment is now to double down on our organizing. On our protesting. On our social media advocacy.
Every. Single. Action. Matters in this fight.
So if you’re burned out, take the time you need to think and breathe. But please, commit to being in this fight for the long haul. No matter who wins in November, no matter how much money AIPAC spends, and no matter how long it takes, we will be here, alongside you, day in and day out, fighting for Palestinian liberation.
The first step in the path to that liberation is ending the billions of dollars in military funding the U.S. sends every year to support Israel’s apartheid regime.
In solidarity,
Executive Director
7 augustus 2024
The information below is provided on a bi-weekly basis by Clusters and select Technical Working Groups operating in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT).
Gaza Humanitarian Response Update
UN team assessing the situation of displaced people in three schools in Gaza city. Photo: OCHA
- During the reporting period, 48 Health Cluster partners reached about 264,000 people across the Strip. As of 3 August, there are 14 Emergency Medical Teams (EMTs) supporting the local healthcare workforce, including three in northern Gaza.
- Following the detection of Vaccine-Derived Poliovirus (VDPV) Type 2 in environmental samples collected from Deir al Balah and Khan Younis, a risk assessment led by the Ministry of Health in Gaza (MoH) has been conducted in collaboration with Health Cluster partners, which included assessing sensitivity for the detection of Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP, which is weakness and softness in the muscles of the limbs), environmental surveillance and immunization assessments at the sub-national level. Polio is one of the causes of AFP.
- Eighty-five sick and severely injured patients were evacuated to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) for specialized care.
- Efforts to expand bed capacity at critical hospitals continue, with the delivery of 40 emergency beds to Al Aqsa Hospital and 100 mattresses to Nasser Hospital, ensuring every bed has a mattress.
- Health and Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Clusters are working together to strengthen WASH-related Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) interventions.
- Numerous mass casualty incidents continue to stretch partners’ capacities to respond to trauma and emergency cases, amid a critical shortage of hospital beds.
- Hospital generators remain at a breaking point due to overuse, the lack of alternative power generation options and constrained access to spare parts, placing the lives of critically ill and injured patients at risk.
- The lack of access to clean water, hygiene kits, and sanitation facilities continues to pose major health risks and drive a surge in acute respiratory infections (currently exceeding 990,000 cases), diarrheal illnesses (577,000 cases), acute jaundice syndrome (107,000 cases) and skin infections. These health issues are exacerbated by poor living conditions and overcrowding in Gaza, making it even more challenging for healthcare providers to respond effectively.
- Partners continue to conduct Mid-Upper Arm Circumference (MUAC) screenings in shelters and healthcare facilities across the Gaza Strip. Since mid-January, 214,409 children aged 6-59 months, and 9,451 pregnant and breastfeeding women (PBW) have been screened for malnutrition. Of those screened, 13,837 were diagnosed with acute malnutrition and have been receiving treatment: 10,798 children diagnosed with Moderate Acute Malnutrition (MAM), and 3,039 with Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM). Additionally, 724 PBW have been enrolled for treatment.
- Partners have maintained service delivery despite the repeated evacuation orders by the Israeli military and recurrent displacement. As of 4 August, four stabilisation centres, 100 outpatient treatment sites and 307 blanket supplementary feeding sites are providing nutrition services. Two SAM stabilization centres in North Gaza and Gaza governorates received two nutrition kits equipment and five kits for the case management of children who require inpatient care for SAM.
- Between 20 July and 2 August, 55,082 children under the age of five (CU5) and 23,297 PBW received 30 days needs of Lipid-based Nutrient Supplements (LNS-MQ) across Khan Younis, Dier al Balah, and Rafah, under the Blanket Supplementary Feeding Programme. Along with LNS-MQ distribution, 38,611 mothers and caregivers received key Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) E-messages.
- Preliminary results of a soft survey on breast feeding and use of breastmilk substitutes in Gaza show that only two out of every five infants under six months of age are exclusively breastfed. Additionally, caregivers are feeding their children formula milk, either purchased or received as a donation. These feeding practices are concerning given the associated risks of increased infant morbidity and mortality in emergencies, especially as the water and sanitation situation continues to deteriorate.
- Repeated displacement, insecurity and access constraints continue to hamper the early detection of children and women requiring nutrition services and the scale-up of operational presence to provide needed support. Tents have been set up to conduct malnutrition screenings and provide services, but the lack of privacy renders breastfeeding counselling challenging.
- Repeated displacement, including among children diagnosed with malnutrition, has made it difficult for partners to monitor and follow up on malnutrition cases and for families to carry supplies for malnutrition prevention and treatment.
- Insecurity, access constraints, and limited infrastructure hinder the delivery and storage of nutrition supplies like LNS-SQ, Ready-to-Use Therapeutic Food (RUTF), and Ready-to-Use Infant Formula (RUIF).
Food Security
- As of 4 August, 13 out of 18 bakeries supported by humanitarian partners were operational in the Gaza Strip – four in Gaza city, two in North Gaza and seven in Deir al Balah. One bakery in Deir al Balah temporarily closed between 28 July and 4 August due to its location in a high-risk area that was placed under an evacuation order by the Israeli military on 28 July. The five bakeries in Rafah remain closed due to the ongoing hostilities.
- As of 1 August, and to improve people’s access to bread, 50 per cent of bread production at all 13 active bakeries is purchased by partners to be distributed for free along with cooked meals, while the other 50 per cent is sold at a reduced NIS 3 (US$0.8) per two kg of bread.
- Partners provided cooked meals to 148 people (patients and their companions) who were medically evacuated from Gaza at the end of July. Overall, as of the end of July, around 500,000 cooked meals prepared in 150 kitchens were provided daily to families across the Strip. This is a 30 per cent decrease, compared with up to 700,000 meals provided at 200 kitchens in early July, attributed to the lack of food supplies and cooking fuel associated with the limited flow of humanitarian cargo into central and south Gaza.
- A one-time distribution of ready-to-eat food parcels has targeted newly displaced people in western Khan Younis based on close monitoring of displacement and return movements. In late July, partners distributed food parcels to around 2,000 households in Al Mawasi area, with support from community representatives. This was the first large-scale food distribution since the Israeli military operation in Rafah began in early May.
- Around 80 metric tons of animal feed were distributed by partners in southern and central Gaza throughout July, thereby contributing to the local production of meat and dairy products, which are key to ensure a nutritious diet, especially for children.
- As of early August, and due to multiple evacuation orders in Khan Younis and Deir al Balah since 22 July, at least 20 food distribution points, 18 cooked meal provision points and two warehouses located in/near areas placed under evacuation orders were affected; most of their activities remain suspended. Thirteen were closed and five were forced to relocate. Staff of food partners have also been displaced, further contributing to the disruption.
- Food supply stocks are currently insufficient to meet food parcel requirements and their timely distribution in August. Insecurity, damaged roads, the breakdown of law and order, and access limitations have worsened along the main humanitarian cargo route between Kerem Shalom Crossing and Khan Younis and Deir al Balah. This has resulted in critical shortages of aid commodities to sustain humanitarian operations, increasing the risk of spoilage and infestation of stranded food supplies due to high temperatures.
- The passage of fuel and humanitarian supplies between southern/central Gaza and the north and via all crossings remains impeded. Ensuring there is a continuous fuel supply to all the bakeries and other essential services remains partners’ top priority.
- Most distributed food rations contain gluten, negatively affecting hundreds of people with celiac disease and other medical conditions associated with gluten. FSS partners are currently seeking to bring in gluten-free flour.
- The lack of a constant flow of seeds, fertilizers and other animal and crop production inputs is a key obstacle hampering the restoration of local food production in Gaza. There is an urgent need to strengthen advocacy for, and implementation of, a dual-track approach to food assistance and livelihood interventions. Agricultural activities, including small-scale gardening that is critical to enhance dietary diversity, remain largely suspended. The implications of missing the upcoming agricultural season will likely devastate people’s livelihoods.
- The lack of entry of commercial supplies into northern Gaza for nearly three months has resulted in a near total absence of protein sources such as meat and poultry on the local market, with only a few types of locally produced vegetables available at unaffordable prices. Moreover, markets in central and southern Gaza are affected by ongoing hostilities, the reduced entry of commercial truckloads and the high risk of looting. Fewer varieties, less quantities and higher prices are observed. Fresh produce is available but at inflated prices compared with the first half of July. For example, the price of eggs has increased by more than 60 per cent - while personal hygiene items are barely seen in the market.
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
- Between 29 July and 4 August, the Coastal Municipal Water Utility/Palestinian Water Authority (CMWU/PWA) reported that the average water supply for safe drinking and domestic purposes was approximately 93,000 cubic metres across the Gaza Strip, or just about a quarter of water supply prior to the escalation of hostilities. This includes 49,500 m3 of water produced by water wells (municipal, UNRWA, private).
- In July, 75,460 litres of fuel were received by WASH partners, a 29 per cent increase compared with June, although it only addresses 70 per cent of the minimum operation threshold and 35 per cent of the essential critical needs to ensure the public health objectives of the WASH sector.
- In northern Gaza, the lack of fuel deliveries for 10 days in late July meant the population was reliant on the North Mekerot supply line and private vendors. Repair works on UNRWA groundwater wells are ongoing and only four out of seven are operational.
- The Israeli military’s evacuation orders in Khan Younis have stopped the access of WASH partners to two reservoirs, ten groundwater wells and four brackish water desalination plants, with serious concern that these facilities will be damaged or destroyed. Therefore, groundwater wells in western Khan Younis have increased water production hours to compensate and water trucking has scaled up from 400 to 600 cubic metres a day.
- Ten UNRWA health facilities/medical points were assessed with the WASH Fit tool, which ensures that different partners cover the specific criteria of health facilities and assess the capacity to respond in the event of an infectious outbreak. Plans are ongoing to expand the work of Infection Prevention Control technical teams to other facilities.
- The lack of generators and alternative energy sources, combined with the shortage of fuel and spare parts to operate existing generators, continue to severely hamper water production and sewage pumping, exposing the population to major health risks across the Gaza Strip. For example, there is currently a lack of fuel and spare parts to address reported sewage flooding between Az Zawaida and An Nuseirat Refugee Camp, particularly around As Sawalha pumping station.
- The Middle Area Short Term Low volume (STLV) and South Gaza STLV desalination plants were closed on 27 July due to nearby bombardments that risked damaging the operational plants.
- Israeli forces have reportedly damaged the Canada reservoir water facility in Rafah. Footage shows soldiers detonating explosives on the pump machinery. The site remains unassessed. The Canada reservoir is a critical blending and distribution point for central and western Rafah, serving 150,000 people prior to the escalation of hostilities.
- WASH response actors cannot keep up with the high number of requests to remove sludge from septic tanks and cesspools and flooded sewage from streets due to a lack of vacuum trucks. The private sector is also struggling to meet demand.
- The depletion of chlorine reserves, consumed at double the rate before the war, requires the urgent import of new chlorine supplies to facilitate water purification.
Shelter and Non-Food Items (NFI)
- Between 22 July and 6 August, following the issuance of several evacuation orders by the Israeli military and notwithstanding minimal resources, Shelter Cluster partners provided family tents to 327 families who were displaced from east to west Khan Younis or from parts of Deir al Balah to other locations.
- In northern Gaza, partners provided 245 tents to a new IDP site in Jabalya, and 250 tents to IDP families returning to their damaged buildings, while preparations are ongoing to dispatch additional tents and NFIs. In Deir al Balah, NGO partners provided shelter materials and NFIs to about 115 families who were recently displaced from northern Gaza.
- The Shelter Cluster continues to track destinations and needs of new IDPs in Deir al Balah and Khan Younis governorates and provide, where possible, shelter support (e.g. tents, NFIs, sealing off kits).
- Partners remain unable to implement a meaningful Shelter response due to the severe lack of shelter materials and NFIs in Gaza mainly due to access and logistical impediments, the breakdown of law and order, and the risk of looting. There is no clear data on shelter and NFI materials already at Kerem Shalom Crossing and could not be picked up by partners due to lack of access.
- Restrictions by the Israeli authorities on the transport of shelter materials between northern and southern Gaza means that partners cannot cover needs as they arise.
- Recurrent displacement and limited access to many locations continue to hinder the ability of Shelter and NFI actors to carry out assessments and develop a comprehensive understanding of needs.
- Between January and June 2024, Child Protection partners in Gaza provided critical case management services to highly vulnerable children, with over 12,000 cases recorded by partners. Most are children with disabilities, many of whom have been injured in hostilities and others who have pre-existing disabilities and have lost their support network and/or assistive devices (e.g. wheelchairs and hearing aids) during multiple rounds of forced displacement. Cases of neglect, post-traumatic stress disorder or psychological distress among children are among the most critical concerns that necessitate the scale up of mental health and trauma support. (see the Child Protection online dashboard).
- UNRWA Protection teams continue to identify and respond to the exponentially increasing protection risks and needs of displaced people in Khan Younis and Deir al Balah, by conducting visits to shelters and IDP sites, undertaking focus group discussions and key informant interviews with IDPs, monitoring aid distribution, and ensuring follow up on previously identified vulnerable cases. They also continue to provide Explosive Ordinance Risk Education (EORE) and Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) awareness sessions.
- The Protection Cluster and partners kicked off the Emergency Protection Responder (EPR) training, targeting 100 responders, to build a workforce of frontline protection actors to support humanitarian response across Gaza. More than 250 people have registered for the training, with several other community groups and NGOs expressing interest.
- GBV messages and tips on safe identification and referral were further disseminated during the reporting period. GBV sub-cluster has also updated the content of the Dignity Kits to include winter-specific items.
- Following the opening of sheltering services in cooperation with the Center for Women Legal Research and Consulting, efforts continue to introduce GBV, child protection (CP) and other related service providers with the safe shelter's operating procedures, criteria and legal framework for protecting and empowering women and families.
- Ten explosive hazard assessments (EHA) at humanitarian sites and 13 route assessments in support of inter-agency convoys were conducted during the reporting period. In-person EORE sessions continue to be delivered, with a focus on displacement areas in Nuseirat, Deir al Balah, Khan Younis and Gaza; digital campaigns using SMS, radio and social media; awareness-raising sessions for humanitarians; distribution of materials, and Training of Trainers (ToT) sessions for local partners.
- Insecurity, the disruption of aid flows, the breakdown of law and order, and the denial of entry of critical items continue to hinder the Protection Response. Denied items include mine action supplies, sanitary pads, dignity and Menstrual Hygiene Management Kits (MHM) for women and girls, recreational materials for children, as well as assistive devices for persons with disabilities.
- Shortage of tents affects the ability to expand group-based psycho-social support and support safe space or temporary accommodation for unaccompanied children. The limited availability of supplies, including menstrual hygiene management kits and dignity kits, on the local market in southern Gaza has disproportionate impact on women and girls at risk of GBV and increasing their vulnerability to disease and violence.
- Widespread blackout, poor access and connectivity to communications services, fuel shortages and damage to key infrastructure continue to curtail mobility, and implementation of activities. Repeated evacuations, ensuing displacements and limited access to areas affected by hostilities, including in northern Gaza, continue to constrain community outreach, referral pathways, and protection activities.
- Following the evacuation orders in Khan Younis, findings of a recent assessment by GBV sub-cluster partners showed that 44 per cent of service providers who responded were forced to close service delivery points and could not relocate, with a disproportionate impact on women, girls under 17 years of age, the elderly, and PBW. Repeated displacement denies women and girls access to any safety, shelter, food and safe drinking water. The findings point to the increasing difficulty to trace the beneficiaries and resume service provision amid frequent evacuations.
- The indirect impact of the evacuations is the increasing cost of service delivery as transportation is becoming more costly and communicating with the beneficiaries is becoming more limited. Frontline workers, who are also displaced, are working in a space that is rapidly shrinking, threatening their ability to ensure continued support and cope with the increasing demand for their services.
- Cash shortages are hindering the use of Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) by some recipients, negatively impacting living conditions, increasing the risk of exposure to violence or exploitation for women and girls, and hindering the ability of partners to pay local service providers and staff salaries.
- The closure of the Rafah Crossing continues to impede the entry/exit of international aid workers.
- Lack of funding continues to limit the deployment of additional EOD experts and Explosive Ordnance Risk Education and Conflict Preparedness and Protection (EORE-CPP) teams to meet the soaring needs. Administrative hurdles, such as registration of organizational entities and delayed provision of visas, continue to prevent the scale up of mine action work.
- During the reporting period, Cluster members supported about 15,000 children (43 per cent boys and 57 per cent girls), by delivering psychosocial support, recreational activities, awareness sessions, and informal learning activities in North Gaza, Gaza, Deir al Balah and Khan Younis governorates. Cluster Members established more than ten new Temporary Learning Spaces (TLS) to enhance opportunities for a return to learning. Currently, there are 48 TLSs (28 in Deir al Balah, 19 in Khan Yunis, and one in north Gaza), providing improved access to learning for approximately 8,750 students.
- On 1 August, UNRWA launched a “Back to Learning” programme at UNRWA schools/shelters in Gaza city as well as Deir al Balah and Khan Younis governorates. The programme seeks to provide safe spaces for children to play, learn and cope with trauma. The first phase is focused on expanding psychosocial support activities, creating spaces for children to reunite with old friends and make new ones, and raising awareness on the risks of explosive ordnance, with plans to gradually expand to cover nearly 100 schools. The second phase will focus on reading, writing and math lessons, among other informal learning activities, until conditions allow for the resumption of formal education (source: Education Cluster 5W dashboard).
- Education supplies, which are crucial for the return to learning, continue to be labelled as non-humanitarian items and are repeatedly denied entry into Gaza. On 28 July, three trucks carrying UNICEF education supplies, which were initially approved for entry, were denied entry and forced to turn back to Al Arish. This deprives children and teachers of the needed educational materials.
- Attacks on education continue. The Education Cluster released the findings of a new damage assessment that relies on satellite imagery collected on 6 July, showing an increase of 6.5 per cent in the number of damaged school buildings compared with the May analysis. Nearly 85 per cent of school buildings are currently estimated to require significant reconstruction before they can be used for education purposes, which means that at least 525,000 students will have no learning spaces to return to. According to the Ministry of Education, as of 6 August, 9,317 students and 397 educational staff have been killed, while more than 14,614 students and 2,246 teachers have been injured since 7 October.
Emergency Telecommunications (ETC)
- On 27 July, the ETC shared the findings from the inter-agency security assessment conducted at three sites on 21 July to identify a joint operating base for humanitarians in Gaza city. The summary of the findings included the critical gaps, action points, and challenges in setting up a Security Communications Systems (SCS) repeater site in Gaza city.
- Four solar-powered solution kits were successfully delivered to Gaza city on 24 July.
- The ETC Cluster also continues to advocate for the need to import more ICT and telecommunications equipment into Gaza to set up common communications services. For more information on ETC activities, please visit: Conflict | Emergency Telecommunications Cluster (ETC) (
- Due to escalating hostilities, increased restrictions on the movement of commodities, damaged infrastructure and lack of fuel and spare parts, local Mobile Network Operators and Internet Service Providers in the Gaza Strip are experiencing network outages and are unable to conduct the necessary repairs. Current conditions are also rendering it difficult to maintain the functionality of the remaining network and have resulted in the loss of connectivity in Rafah.
- The availability of telecommunications equipment is severely limited, hampering the delivery of ETC services. A significant amount of equipment has been damaged or destroyed, and the import of new equipment has been lengthy and challenging. Only 20 satellite phones, 30 VHF digital radios, four VHF repeaters and four solar power solutions have been coordinated for importation into Gaza with Israeli authorities since 7 October 2023.
- Increasing insecurity, displacement, and relocation of staff from Rafah to Deir al Balah have rendered it difficult to deploy shared ETC communications services or provide face-to-face technical support for humanitarian responders.
- The lack of funding has limited the ETC Cluster’s capacity to address immediate communications needs for humanitarian responders in Gaza. Thus far, less than 32 per cent of requested funding (US$1.8 million) by the Cluster under the updated OPT Flash Appeal has been received.
Protection against sexual abuse and exploitation (PSEA) remains a cross-cutting priority for all clusters. Aid distribution must be delivered with dignity and respect. Any wrongdoing can be reported through SAWA toll-free number 164. SAWA will assist and provide services free of charge and with the utmost confidentiality.
7 augustus 2024
Cori Bush Upheld Morals, Serving as an Example for all Current and Future Elected Officials
In an attempt to combat the masses, the Zionist lobby spent millions of dollars in a desperate attempt to undermine Congresswoman Cori Bush’s candidacy for re-election to Missouri’s 1st Congressional District. Like many of you, we are highly disappointed in Tuesday night’s primary results. However, AJP Action recognizes that this loss represents the Zionist lobby’s desperate grasps for relevance, as they have to fundraise and spend millions of dollars to defeat candidates that stand up for human rights.
In solidarity,
AJP Action
7 augustus 2024
Humanitarian Situation Update #201
West Bank
Israeli settlers torched residential tents in Al Mughayyir village in Ramallah governorate, displacing two Palestinian families. Photo: OCHA
Key Highlights
- Sixteen Palestinians, including two children, were killed by Israeli forces during the reporting period. Nine of these were from airstrikes.
- The number of Palestinians displaced in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, by demolitions and confiscations has more than doubled since 7 October compared with the preceding 10 months (3,070 compared to 1,252).
- Since 7 October, about 181,000 people have been impacted at least once by 25 incidents involving demolitions and destruction of roads, water and sanitation facilities, and other public infrastructure, mainly during Israeli forces’ operations in Tulkarm and Jenin.
- More than 1,500 Palestinians are at risk of imminent displacement in the Al Bustan area of Silwan, in East Jerusalem, the Norwegian Refugee Council warns.
Latest developments (after 5 August)
- Initial reports indicate that 13 Palestinians were killed in the West Bank on 6 and 7 August. Israeli media indicate that Israeli forces shot and killed a Palestinian man for allegedly stabbing a border patrol officer at the Tunnels Checkpoint, Bethlehem. The body of the man is currently being withheld by Israeli forces. Moreover, the Israeli army quoted in media claims that four Palestinians were killed in airstrikes and seven were killed by live ammunition in Jenin. According to Palestinian sources, a Palestinian man succumbed to wounds sustained during the airstrike in Jenin. One Israeli soldier was injured during the operation. According to the Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS), Israeli forces shot at their ambulances and prevented them from evacuating the casualties.
Humanitarian Developments (30 July-5 August)
- During the reporting period, Israeli forces killed 16 Palestinians, including two children, and injured another 56 Palestinians, including six children. In Israel, a Palestinian from the West Bank stabbed and killed two Israeli civilians and injured two others. On 2 August, a Palestinian paramedic from the Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) died from wounds sustained on 27 July in Balata Refugee Camp, Nablus city. The paramedic sustained shrapnel wounds to his head from an Israeli airstrike and live ammunition in his legs. Two other Palestinians died during the same incident.
- On 30 July, Israeli forces shot and killed a 16-year-old boy after he allegedly attempted to stab them at Beit 'Einun junction near Hebron. The body of the boy is currently being withheld by Israeli authorities.
- On 30 July, Israeli forces shot and killed a Palestinian man during an Israeli forces’ operation in Nablus city. During the operation, Palestinians threw stones at Israeli forces, who shot live ammunition at Palestinians. According to local sources, the Palestinian man was reportedly not involved in this encounter and was heading to his home.
- On 3 August, an Israeli drone strike killed five Palestinians travelling between Zeita and Attil villages, in northern Tulkarm. According to local sources, their car was struck twice. The first strike’s explosion caused one of the fatalities to fly about ten metres away from the vehicle. The second strike incinerated the vehicle and the people inside.
- On 3 August, an Israeli drone strike killed four Palestinians between Iktaba and Bal'a, southeast of Tulkarm city. The Palestinians were driving on a dirt road and upon reaching a point where the car could no longer drive, they exited the vehicle and continued on foot. An Israeli military jeep on the scene reportedly opened fire at them, followed by a drone missile strike. The bodies of the Palestinians are being withheld by Israeli authorities. According to the Israeli military, the nine Palestinians killed in the two incidents in Tulkarm were responsible for attacks against Israeli security forces and Israeli settlers and were on their way to perpetrate further attacks.
- On 4 August, a Palestinian man stabbed and killed two elderly Israeli civilians and injured two others before he was shot and killed by an Israeli police officer in Holon city in Israel. The Palestinian man comes from the town of Salfit in the West Bank.
- On 5 August, Israeli forces shot and killed four Palestinians, including one child, and injured nine others while conducting an operation in Aqqaba town, Tubas. Undercover Israeli forces followed by Israeli military forces surrounded a house in the town and positioned snipers around it. Palestinians in the building exchanged fire with Israeli forces, and as a result three Palestinians were killed, and one was injured and arrested. During the operation, Palestinians threw stones and Israeli forces opened fire and injured eight Palestinians. Israeli forces then broke into the Tubas Turkish Government Hospital where Palestinians threw stones at Israeli forces, who fired live ammunition, and killed a 14-year-old Palestinian boy who was in the vicinity of the hospital but was reportedly not involved in the confrontation.
- Between 7 October 2023 and 5 August 2024, 587 Palestinians were killed in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, including two who died of wounds sustained prior to 7 October. These include 570 killed by Israeli forces, ten by Israeli settlers, and seven where it remains unknown whether the perpetrators were Israeli forces or settlers. During the same period, 14 Israelis, including nine members of Israeli forces and five settlers, were killed by Palestinians in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. In Israel, attacks by Palestinians from the West Bank resulted in the killing of ten Israelis and six Palestinian perpetrators.
- During the reporting period, Israeli settlers perpetrated 27 attacks against Palestinians, resulting in 17 injuries, including two children, and damage to property. Palestinians perpetrated five attacks against settlers in this period, resulting in the injury of one Israeli settler. Between 7 October 2023 and 5 August 2024, OCHA recorded 1,143 attacks by Israeli settlers against Palestinians, of which 114 led to Palestinian fatalities and injuries, 964 led to damage to Palestinian property, and 127 led to both casualties and property damage. Since 7 October, some 255 Palestinian households comprising 1,500 people, mostly herding families, including 720 children, have been displaced amid settler violence and access restrictions. The following are some of the key incidents documented by OCHA during the reporting period:
- On 30 July and 2 August, Israeli settlers believed to be from Givat Assaf and several surrounding settlements, attacked the village of Burqa in Ramallah governorate. The settlers cut down a metal fence surrounding a Palestinian house on the western outskirts of the village and attempted to set fire to the Palestinian home. Palestinian residents woke up while the door was on fire, and together with the village residents managed to douse it. Moreover, Israeli setters vandalized property by writing anti-Palestinian slogans on the houses' walls. Three days later, the settlers returned and set fire to one Palestinian vehicle and threw stones towards nearby houses. No injuries were reported in both incidents.
- On 31 July, armed Israeli settlers shot and injured two Palestinians and assaulted nine others with sticks and stones in the herding and farming community of Khirbet an Nahla, Bethlehem governorate. The settlers, believed to be from a nearby settlement, attacked farmers who were repairing a stone wall that the settlers had damaged in a previous attack. The settlers tried to kick the farmers off the land, who refused to leave, at which point the settlers fired at the farmers and attacked them with sticks and stones, resulting in the 11 injuries. Additionally, the settlers damaged three vehicles belonging to Palestinians that were parked nearby. Israeli forces intervened by shooting tear gas to disperse everyone, after which they confiscated the vehicles. After midnight, the owners were able to retrieve their vehicles from the area.
- On 31 July, a Palestinian from Sa’ir, Hebron governorate, stabbed and injured an Israeli settler on Road 60 near Kiryat Arba settlement, in Hebron city. The Palestinian, who was driving a vehicle, approached the settler's vehicle and opened fire with a handgun before stepping out of his own vehicle and stabbing the settler. The Palestinian fled the scene, and Israeli forces are still searching for the perpetrator.
- In three separate incidents, on 31 July, 1 August and 4 August, armed Israeli settlers uprooted 140 olive trees and grape vines in Umm Fagarah community of Masafer Yatta, which is located in an area designated by the Israeli military in the 1980s as a closed miliary zone (“Firing Zone 918”). During the three attacks, Israeli settlers cut fencing around three dunums of agricultural land, set fire to an agricultural structure, destroyed agricultural equipment and uprooted trees.
- On 3 August, Israeli forces shot and injured two Palestinians, physically assaulted another one, and fired tear gas while they accompanied Israel settlers who were attacking Al Mughayyir village, Ramallah governorate. Another three Palestinians needed medical treatment for tear gas inhalation. In addition, two households comprising ten people, including six children, were displaced for the third time in less than a year as a result of this attack. Initially, eight Israeli settlers believed to be from Adei Ad settlement and other nearby outposts attempted to attack the village. Residents did not allow them to enter, and the settlers withdrew for a short while, returning with about 50 settlers and a group of Israeli soldiers. The soldiers shot live ammunition, rubber bullets and tear gas toward people in the village, while the settlers destroyed Palestinian property. According to affected people, Israeli settlers set fire to two residential tents, two water pump motors, a mobile latrine and one kitchen, destroying them and all they contained. Three other latrines were partially damaged by the fire. Four solar panels were also destroyed by stone-throwing. Lastly, Israeli settlers cut part of a metal fence surrounding agricultural land, set fire, and destroyed fifty beehives, and partially damaged several others. All the destroyed residential property, including the tents and mobile latrines, were donor-funded following two previous settler attacks on the same households. According to affected people, Israeli forces prevented medical teams and fire brigades from reaching the area to assist the injured and put out the fire.
- Between 30 July and 5 August, Israeli authorities demolished or forced the demolition of 23 Palestinian-owned structures, 22 of which were due to the lack of Israeli-issued building permits, which are almost impossible to obtain. All demolished structures were in Area C and East Jerusalem. As a result, 27 Palestinians, including 10 children, were displaced and about 105, including 38 children, were otherwise affected.
- On 31 July, the Israeli Civil Administration along with Israeli forces demolished an agricultural structure, two animal shelters and an agricultural water cistern for lack of Israeli-issued building permits in Beit 'Awwa, Hebron governorate. During the incident, seven water tanks were destroyed. The same water cistern was demolished in February 2012.
- On 1 August, the Jerusalem Municipality along with Israeli forces delivered at least nine demolition orders against residential houses due to be implemented within one week and some families have started leaving their homes, in Al Bustan area of Silwan, East Jerusalem. The demolition orders are part of a plan to build and expand an Israeli settlement project by establishing public spaces designated for Israelis. According to the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), who is representing 85 demolition cases in the community, “Al-Bustan, home to about 1,550 Palestinians and 150 housing near the Jewish Quarter of the Old City. This has led Israeli authorities to focus on increasing the Jewish presence and displacing Palestinians. All structures in Al-Bustan are currently unprotected and at risk of demolition.”
- On 5 August, the Israeli Civil Administration along with Israeli forces demolished an agricultural water cistern in Al Jwaya community, Hebron governorate for lack of an Israeli issued permit. As a result, one family comprising 13 people including five children were affected.
- Between 1 January and 5 August, 730 structures were demolished and 880 were displaced for lacking Israeli-issued building permits in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, compared with 563 structures demolished and 639 people displaced in the corresponding period in 2023.
- Between 7 October 2023 and 5 August 2024, Israeli authorities demolished, confiscated, or forced the demolition of 1,355 Palestinian structures across the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, displacing more than 3,000 Palestinians, including 1,343 children. This is more than double the number when compared to the same period before October 7, when 1,252 Palestinians were displaced, including 579 children. The demolitions after 7 October include over 500 inhabited structures, 100 uninhabited residential structures, more than 300 agricultural structures, more than 100 water and sanitation (WASH) structures, 200 livelihood structures, and about 100 infrastructure and other structures. Since 7 October 2023, more than 181,000 Palestinians have been affected at least once by 25 incidents of demolitions and destruction of public infrastructure during Israeli forces’ operations, in Tulkarm and Jenin. Many of these people have been affected more than once in multiple incidents.
- As of 9 August, Member States have disbursed about US$1.6 billion out of $3.42 billion (47 per cent) requested to meet the most critical needs of 2.3 million* people in Gaza and 800,000 people in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, between January and December 2024. Increased funding now will enable the humanitarian community to scale up operations as soon as conditions permit. For funding analysis, please see the Flash Appeal Financial Tracking dashboard. (*2.3 million reflects the projected population of the Gaza Strip upon issuance of the Flash Appeal in April 2024. As of July 2024, the UN estimates that about 2.1 million people remain in the Gaza Strip, and this updated number is now used for programmatic purposes.)
- During July 2024, the occupied Palestinian territory Humanitarian Fund (oPt HF) managed a total of 98 ongoing projects, totalling $81.4 million. These projects aimed to address urgent needs in the Gaza Strip (89 per cent) and the West Bank (11 per cent). The projects were strategically focused on Education, Food Security, Health, Protection, Emergency Shelter & Non-Food Items (NFI), Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH), Coordination and Support Services, Multi-Purpose Cash Assistance and Nutrition. Of these projects, 55 projects are being implemented by international non-governmental organizations (INGOs), 31 by national NGOs and 12 by UN agencies. Notably, 32 out of the 67 projects implemented by INGOs or the UN are being implemented in collaboration with national NGOs. Since 7 October, the oPt HF has mobilized over $112 million from Member States and private donors to support urgent humanitarian and life-saving programmes across the OPT. A summary of the oPt HF activities and challenges in July 2024 is available through this link and the 2023 Annual Report of the oPt HF can be accessed here. Private donations are collected directly through the oPt HF.
Online version
Recent publications
- Humanitarian Situation Update #200 | Gaza Strip
- Humanitarian Situation Update #199 | Gaza Strip
- Reported impact snapshot | Gaza Strip (7 August 2024)
- Gaza Humanitarian Response Update | 22 July-4 August 2024
- Gaza Strip access and movement | July 2024
- Humanitarian Situation Update #198 | West Bank
7 augustus 2024
Today's headlines
‘The martyrs were cut up and burned’: Survivors of the latest tent massacre in Gaza recount the horror
On August 4, the Israeli army bombed a group of tents inside the compound of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital, killing three people. The bombing caused a number of tents to catch on fire, resulting in the injury of dozens of displaced civilians.
Israeli rape of detainees is the result of a society that sees Palestinians as ‘human animals’
Israel has claimed that it is fighting “human animals” in Gaza. But now, Israeli society's own monstrous sadism, deriving from a deep hate of Palestinians, is on display for the rest of the world to see.
7 augustus 2024
Iran's response to Israel looms. What are the possible scenarios?
With tension in the Middle East at its highest since October 7, how did we get here and what could happen next?
6 augustus 2024
Gov. Walz Nomination is a Welcome Step, Harris Must Build On It
On the back of strong grassroots organizing to ensure a vice presidential running mate that will not criminalize our movement, AJP Action welcomes Vice President Kamala Harris’ decision to nominate Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as her running mate over the anti-Palestinian and pro-genocide Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro.
As both the current Vice President and the presumptive Democratic nominee for President, Harris has an opportunity to influence President Biden’s carte blanche policy toward Israel, which has destroyed both Biden’s legacy and public trust in the party’s most fundamental values. As a candidate for President amid a horrific genocide, it is crucial that she speak out against the status quo of unconditional support for Israel’s reckless warfare, crimes, and oppression of the Palestinian people. We urge Harris to push for an immediate ceasefire and arms embargo on Israel and to oppose Israel’s regional aggression. The death and destruction must stop, and voters across the country can be mobilized by an anti-war Democratic ticket.
In solidarity,
AJP Actio
6 augustus 2024
Today's headlines
Surviving until the next raid: Life in Nur Shams refugee camp under Israeli assault
Since October 7 Israel’s crackdown on the West Bank town of Tulkarem has intensified. Raids are almost daily, have been more destructive and lethal, and have transformed the lives of more than 8,000 Palestinians living in the city’s refugee camps.
International campaign targets tanker supplying Israeli war planes with Texas oil
A growing international coalition is fighting to prevent vessels carrying military fuel to Israel from docking in the Mediterranean Sea.
Israel kills Palestinians across Gaza and the West Bank as it braces for response to assassinations
As Israel awaits Iran's and Hezbollah's responses to assassinations carried out last week, Israeli forces bombed three shelters in Gaza, killing 47 Palestinians, and escalated attacks in the northern West Bank, killing 12.
5 augustus 2024
Humanitarian Situation Update #200
Gaza Strip
Extensive destruction in Bani Suheila, Khan Younis. UN teams reported that almost every building in the area was destroyed or damaged following repeated incursions. Photo: Themba Linden/OCHA
Key Highlights
- Three schools sheltering displaced people were reportedly hit in 48 hours, resulting in mass casualties, according to Palestinian Civil Defense.
- Sixty-three per cent of structures in Gaza have been damaged as of 6 July, including 10,100 structures newly assessed as damaged in Rafah city, UNOSAT reports.
- Detected malnutrition cases among children in northern Gaza increase by more than 300 per cent in July compared with May, the Nutrition Cluster highlights.
- UNRWA launches a new learning programme, as Education Cluster partners continue to face constraints in supporting children’s psychosocial and cognitive wellbeing.
Humanitarian Developments
- Israeli bombardment from the air, land, and sea continues to be reported across much of the Gaza Strip, resulting in further civilian casualties, displacement, and destruction of houses and other civilian infrastructure. Ground incursions and heavy fighting also continue to be reported. Rocket fire by Palestinian armed groups toward Israel was also reported.
- In his last briefing to the press, OCHA Head of Office in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT), Andrea de Domenico, emphasized the need to scale up humanitarian operations. He said he has witnessed over the past 300 days “the absolute physical and psychological exhaustion of an entire population” and that the people in Gaza “have been deprived of the mere thinking of what tomorrow could bring for them,” warning that we cannot allow ourselves to become “immune to horror.” He further noted that, due to heavy access impediments and widespread security risks, ongoing aid efforts continue to fall short of the enormous needs in Gaza, which has become a graveyard for children as UN Secretary-General had warned. Nonetheless, De Domenico highlighted that humanitarian partners are carrying out many critical life-saving activities, ranging from providing people with water, food, tents, clothing, hygiene items, nutritional supplements and cash, screening children for malnutrition, equipping hospitals with bed stretchers and medicines, supporting medical evacuations, providing fuel to bakeries, water and sanitation facilities and telecommunication providers, and monitoring displacement trends, damages, family separation and detentions, among others.
- Between the afternoons of 1 and 5 August, according to the Ministry of Health (MoH) in Gaza, 143 Palestinians were killed and 341 were injured. Between 7 October 2023 and 5 August 2024, at least 39,623 Palestinians were killed and 91,469 were injured, according to MoH in Gaza. Moreover, according to the Gaza Government Media Office (GMO) and Palestinian Civil Defense (PCD), there are some 10,000 people reportedly missing or under rubble in Gaza. The MoH documents the full identification details of casualties and has recently published the breakdown of 28,185 out of 37,900 fatalities as of 30 June for whom full details have been documented by MoH (also available on the Health Cluster’s Unified Dashboard here); according to MoH, these reportedly include 9,351 children, 5,320 women, 2,414 elderly, and 11,100 men. The documentation process is ongoing by the MoH. Fatalities include 885 health workers, MoH further reported.
- On 3 and 4 August, three schools hosting thousands of IDPs were reportedly hit in Gaza city, causing multiple fatalities and damage. On 3 August, 17 Palestinians, including children and women, were reportedly killed and tens of others injured when Hamama public school was hit in Sheikh Radwan neighbourhood in Gaza city, according to PCD. Furthermore, on 4 August, at least 30 Palestinians were reportedly killed when two other schools, An Nasser and Hasan Salama, were hit in Nasser neighbourhood, reported PCD, which also stated that 16 people were missing under the rubble of Nasser school as of 19:00 based on families’ testimonies. Following these events, the GMO reported that Israeli forces have so far targeted 172 shelters hosting tens of thousands of IDPs, including 152 public and UNRWA schools where more than 1,040 people were killed.
- The following are among other deadly incidents reported between 2 and 4 August:
- On 2 August, at about 15:00, six Palestinians were reportedly killed when a group of people was hit in Tal El Hawa, south of Gaza city.
- On 2 August, at about 20:30, five Palestinians, including three children, a woman and an older man, were reportedly killed and four others injured when a residential building was hit in As Sabra area, in Gaza city.
- On 3 August, at about 3:00, eight Palestinians, including an unidentified number of women and children, were reportedly killed and others injured when a house was hit in Al Fakhura area in Jabalya Refugee Camp, in North Gaza.
- On 4 August, at about 2:10, five Palestinians were reportedly killed and 15 others injured when two tents were hit in Al Aqsa Hospital, in Deir al Balah.
- Between the afternoons of 2 and 5 August, no Israeli soldiers were reported killed in Gaza, according to the Israeli military. Between 7 October 2023 and 5 August 2024, according to the Israeli military and official Israeli sources cited in the media, over 1,529 Israelis and foreign nationals were killed, the majority on 7 October and its immediate aftermath and including 329 soldiers killed in Gaza or along the border in Israel since the beginning of the ground operation. In addition, 2,176 soldiers were reported injured since the beginning of the ground operation. As of 5 August, it is estimated that 115 Israelis and foreign nationals remain captive in Gaza, including hostages who have been declared dead.
- On 4 August, the Israeli military issued a new evacuation order warning people living in areas in southern Khan Younis and northern Rafah to immediately move westwards to Al Mawasi. This area was unilaterally declared by Israeli forces as a “safe zone” and has changed in size over the course of hostilities and now spans about 47 square kilometres, or some 13 per cent of the Gaza Strip. The recent order affected 24 blocs covering 18 square kilometres, with an estimated population of more than 11,000 compared with about 48,000 people prior to October 2023, according to the Site Management Working Group (SMWG). Furthermore, according to initial mapping, the area affected by the recent order includes 41 displacement sites, 19 water and sanitation facilities, 12 schools and two functional medical points. In general, observations by aid partners tracking population movements indicate that, despite recurrent evacuation orders, many families continue to stay in areas placed under evacuation due to high levels of insecurity and lack of safety across Gaza, harsh living conditions in displacement sites, displacement fatigue, and limited access to aid and basic services in general. Highlighting the dire conditions facing people across Gaza who are enduring multiple rounds of displacement, UNRWA said on 3 August: “People in Gaza are constantly displaced, living in tents under the scorching summer sun with minimal access to drinking water.”
- A surge in malnutrition levels among children in northern Gaza has been observed in July, the Nutrition Cluster reports, and only two out of five children received nutrition supplements over the past three months. In North Gaza and Gaza governorates, and while screening levels were relatively low due to access constraints and insecurity, over 650 children were diagnosed with acute malnutrition, a 47-per-cent increase compared with June when 443 cases were detected, and more than a three-fold increase compared with May when 145 cases were detected. Moreover, a record 25 cases of severe acute malnutrition (SAM) with medical complications were admitted to the stabilization centre at Kamal Adwan Hospital in July, compared with 27 SAM cases in May and June combined. There were, however, no malnutrition-related deaths reported in July among the children cared for by humanitarian partners and health actors. The July increase in detected cases follows modest improvements in April and early May, during which UNICEF’s post-distribution assessments showed that improved humanitarian access contributed to improvements in the diets of children between six and 23 months of age. The Nutrition Cluster attributes worsening nutrition conditions to access constraints, shortages of essential nutrition supplies, limited availability of fresh vegetables, fruits and meat, poor water and sanitation services, the related spread of disease outbreaks, and poor infant feeding practices. In northern Gaza, acute supply shortages have meant that only eight per cent of nearly 50,000 children the Cluster aims to provide with nutrition supplements received these supplies in July, down from 18 per cent in June and 13 per cent in May. Since malnutrition in Gaza is driven by poor diets, inadequate access to basic services, and deficient caring practices, the Cluster reiterates its urgent call for enhanced access to ensure that children, pregnant women, and breastfeeding mothers in particular receive the aid they need.
- Children in Gaza have not been able to exercise their right to learn and have been continually traumatized while humanitarian partners continue to face a range of constraints in implementing Education in Emergencies (EiE) programming and supporting the psychosocial and cognitive wellbeing of children, teachers and caregivers, a new report by the Education Cluster highlights. All 625,000 school children in Gaza have lost a full scholastic year, and as of 30 July, 9,211 school children and 397 teachers have been killed and more than 14,200 students and 2,200 teachers have been injured, according to the Ministry of Education. The Education Cluster further notes that educational facilities have been systematically damaged and destroyed and used for military purposes, with nearly 93 per cent of school buildings assessed as directly hit, damaged or likely damaged. Many schools had to be used as shelters for displaced families seeking safety, but overcrowded conditions and limited WASH facilities have contributed to unhygienic conditions, the spread of disease, lack of privacy, and heightened protection risks. Meanwhile, the ability of Education Cluster partners to implement planned activities has been continually undermined by: insecurity; impediments to humanitarian access; lack of approval of fuel requests for any Education partner; restrictions on the entry of educational supplies that are also unavailable on the local market such as recreational and psychosocial support kits; and significant lack of funding whereby only 35 per cent of the required funds for the Education response have been received as of 1 August. As a result, only 365,000 children, or about 54.7 per cent of the Cluster target in the Flash Appeal, have been reached with EiE services, which initially focused on recreational activities, assistive devices for children with disability, and psycho-social support and have in recent months focused on continuity of learning in non-formal settings through the establishment of Temporary Learning Spaces. However, the current number of children reached with EiE services may be lower as the 365,000 figure includes over 101,000 children who were in Rafah and lost access to EiE services due to the military operation that began in early May and the resultant displacement and suspension of education and other services.
- On 1 August, UNRWA, the largest provider of EiE across Gaza, launched a “Back to Learning” programme that seeks to provide safe spaces for children to play, learn and cope with trauma. The first phase of the programme is focused on expanding psychosocial support activities across 45 UNRWA schools/shelters, including arts, music, drama, games and sports, creating spaces for children to reunite with old friends and make new ones, and raising awareness on the risks of explosive ordnance, with plans to gradually expand to cover 94 schools. The second phase will concentrate on reading, writing and math lessons, among other informal learning activities, until conditions allow for the resumption of formal education. For this to happen “Gaza urgently needs an immediate, durable ceasefire,” stated Scott Anderson, UNRWA Director in Gaza. Since October 2023, more than 500 UNRWA counsellors have reached about 700,000 internally displaced people (IDPs), including 500,000 children, with psychosocial support services, including “psychosocial first aid, individual and group counselling, fatigue management sessions, recreational activities, Explosive Ordnance Risk Education (EORE) and protection cash assistance.”
- A recent UNOSAT preliminary analysis, based on satellite imagery collected in July 2024, shows that 65 per cent of permanent crop fields in the Gaza Strip (97.6 out of 150.5 square kilometres) exhibited a significant decline in health and density, up from 63 per cent (94.2 square kilometres) in June 2024. At the governorate level, compared with June, the percentage of damaged cropland increased from 75 to 76 per cent in North Gaza, from 69 to 73 per cent in Gaza, from 56 to 59 per cent in Deir al Balah, from 58 to 59 per cent in Khan Younis, and from 52 to 55 per cent in Rafah. The increase is attributed to razing, heavy vehicle activity, bombing, shelling, and other conflict-related dynamics that resulted in damage to orchards and other trees, field crops and vegetables. Also based on satellite imagery collected in early July, UNOSAT published the findings of its eighth comprehensive assessment that showed a further increase in damage and destruction of structures across Gaza compared with the 3 May analysis, the majority in North Gaza (2,300 structures) and Rafah (15,030 structures) governorates. In Rafah city, the total number of structures assessed as damaged now stands at 13,237 structures, 76 per cent of which (10,100) have been newly assessed as damaged. Overall, as of 6 July, UNOSAT estimates that 63 per cent of structures in the Gaza Strip are assessed as destroyed or damaged (severely, moderately or possibly); these include 156,409 structures and encompass 215,137 housing units.
- As of 5 August, Member States have disbursed about US$1.6 billion out of $3.42 billion (47 per cent) requested to meet the most critical needs of 2.3 million* people in Gaza and 800,000 people in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, between January and December 2024. On 10 July, DSC/RC/HC Mohannad Hadi stated that, “more funding is urgently needed – as is a safe, enabling environment inside Gaza. Increased funding now will enable the humanitarian community to scale up operations as soon as conditions permit. For funding analysis, please see the Flash Appeal Financial Tracking dashboard. (*2.3 million reflects the projected population of the Gaza Strip upon issuance of the Flash Appeal in April 2024. As of July 2024, the UN estimates that about 2.1 million people remain in the Gaza Strip, and this updated number is now used for programmatic purposes.)
- During July 2024, the occupied Palestinian territory Humanitarian Fund (oPt HF) managed a total of 98 ongoing projects, totalling $81.4 million. These projects aimed to address urgent needs in the Gaza Strip (89 per cent) and the West Bank (11 per cent). The projects were strategically focused on Education, Food Security, Health, Protection, Emergency Shelter & Non-Food Items (NFI), Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH), Coordination and Support Services, Multi-Purpose Cash Assistance and Nutrition. Of these projects, 55 projects are being implemented by international non-governmental organizations (INGOs), 31 by national NGOs and 12 by UN agencies. Notably, 32 out of the 67 projects implemented by INGOs or the UN are being implemented in collaboration with national NGOs. Since 7 October, the oPt HF has mobilized over $112 million from Member States and private donors to support urgent humanitarian and life-saving programmes across the OPT. Of total funding, 89 per cent has been allocated to projects in Gaza. A summary of the oPt HF activities and challenges in July 2024 is available through this link and the 2023 Annual Report of the oPt HF can be accessed here. Private donations are collected directly through the oPt HF.
5 augustus 2024
Today's headlines
The fallout from Israel’s assassination of Ismail Haniyeh demonstrates the Biden administration’s failures
The Biden administration wants a ceasefire deal but is not prepared to put pressure on Israel to make it happen. Netanyahu knows this and is pushing forward with the genocide of the Palestinians, and regional war with the Axis of Resistance.
Palestinian demonstrators are back in Haifa – and facing police oppression
Since Israel’s genocidal attack began in October, a terror campaign has also been carried out against Palestinians with Israeli citizenship, including quashing any signs of solidarity with Gaza. Despite this repression, protests are starting again.
Biplob Cholbe (Revolution Must Continue): a statement in solidarity with the student movement in Bangladesh
As we, the militants of Hind’s Hall, continue our fight for Palestine, we draw inspiration not only from the Palestinian resistance but from every struggle for liberation across the globe, including the student protesters of Bangladesh.
Living remotely: an Palestinian expatriate’s struggle from Gaza to Beirut
Zainab Nasser
The sun rises over Beirut and the city stirs to life. For many, it's a new day filled with promise and potential, maybe hope or pain. But for me, a Gaza-born expatriate who spent 25 years in Gaza, each dawn brings a blend of hope and dread.
5 augustus 2024
2 active reservists in the Israeli army have threatened to refuse conscription in the shadow of Israel’s assault on the Gaza Strip, signaling a growing refusal to participate in Israeli war crimes. We are here to bring you these new refusers’ stories, and why they turned to refusal as their tactic to resist the war. War refusers are diverse, both in their backgrounds and in their politics. While our beliefs do not always strictly align with that of every new refuser, we do believe that war refusal is a radical act, and that war refusers’ motivations ought to be documented. We at the Refuser Solidarity Network look forward to bringing you up-to-date news and stories from the growing refuser wave, and thank you for your support.
Nearly 10 months into Israel’s assault on Gaza, tens of thousands of Palestinians have been killed, but the Israeli hostages have yet to return home. My name is Yuval and I live in Jerusalem. For the past 6 years I served as a combat medic paratrooper in the Israeli army. First as conscript and later as a reservist. I am also one of 42 reservists who published an open letter of refusal following Israel’s invasion of Rafah in May. We vowed to refuse future draft orders because of our country’s continued assault on Gaza and unwillingness to accept a deal that would bring the hostages home. Now, we need your support: Sign this petition supporting me and other refusers of the war on Gaza.
I've always had moral conflicts regarding my service. They were inevitable, stemming from the everyday injustices carried out by our military in the West Bank, or from serving in Hebron myself, a city where Israel’s unjust policies are at their most visible.Only after I finished my mandatory service,with the guidance of the “Freedom School” program I participated in, I began my journey learning more about the history of our conflict and began questioning some core beliefs that so many Israelis hold, recognizing much denied hard truths, regarding the historic wrongs Israel has dished out to the Palestinians. In the process, I began to question the strongest Israeli consensus: that of the military.
Before the shock of October 7th, I was already on the path to becoming a refuser. I was planning to leave my unit, where I served for years alongside close friends, by telling my friends that I was leaving after the holidays. When the war suddenly broke out, a day before I planned to leave, it changed everything.I was shocked, as anyone else, to hear about the horrific massacre Hamas carried out on the 7th. And when my unit was recruited, I joined them; I could not leave my friends as their medic. I felt that I needed to help guard the innocent civilians that were attacked in their homes.
At the war’s outset, I was serving in some of the Israeli towns that were destroyed during the attack. We witnessed houses burned down, cars punctured from bullets, destruction everywhere. Nearly everyone I know, including myself, lost someone that was close to them, most of which were unarmed civilians.
Those traumatic events have brought Israeli public opinion to the darkest point I've ever seen: Denying the very existence of innocent civilians has become mainstream, and demands to ignore international law and abandon any and all past restraint grow louder. Ten months into the war, the realization of those ideas into government policy has become clear.
The level of destruction I saw in Gaza was beyond all imagination. Daily Israeli bombings killed countless civilians, and even some of our own hostages while completely destroying all of Gaza’s infrastructure. As time went by, my qualms grew larger, especially when I went inside Gaza myself, while Israel chose to refuse a hostage deal in exchange for ending the war.
Our daily lives in Gaza were carried out in people’s homes, where I felt the absence of the Palestinian families who were forced to flee, and I was left sitting among their belongings. We used those homes to protect ourselves from Hamas’s snipers, but tactical decisions ended up mixing with soldiers' sentiment of revenge: the homes we stayed in were vandalized, graffiti was done, and small souvenirs were taken from each home. When my commanding officer ordered us to burn down the house we stayed at, justifying his orders with military reasons not nearly legitimate enough to take away the home of a few families, I declared that I’m not willing to participate and left.
The day-to-day reality I witnessed on the ground, as time went on, with the hostages still in captivity reminded me that when given the option, Israel is only willing to resort to military force. This was on full display well before the invasion of Rafah, and only further underscored on numerous occasions by an Israeli government unwilling to end the war in exchange for the hostages. When the nation has the opportunity to use other tools at its disposal – diplomatic, for one – it’s not ready to do so, even against popular will. For Netanyahu, whatever plan exists to save the hostages is merely a selling point, even if that means reducing the lives of the remaining hostages to a PR strategy.
My experiences in Gaza, those from before the war, and the sights we've seen after the 7th of October massacre, have all led me to believe that militarism is only a source of pain, for both Palestinians and Israelis. I'm Israeli and I consider myself pro-Palestinian, and know that the establishment of a Palestinian state is the only just solution to the occupation.
In solidarity,
Yuval Green
4 augustus 2024
We know that many U.S. institutions are directly invested in “Israel Bonds” — unrestricted investments in the Israeli government held by community institutions, from local and state governments to pension funds to universities to places of worship.
These are, in effect, investments in the Israeli government’s horrific genocide and ongoing oppression of Palestinians.
But we’re fighting back. Across the country, the effort to divest our institutions from the Israeli government and military is growing rapidly, and JVP members are helping make it happen.
Just last week, the Guardian broke the news that many U.S. elected officials are pushing to invest even more of our tax dollars into the Israeli government and military. And they are crossing international rights lines to do so.
That’s why we’re fighting to end these investments for good.
These investments are often made in the name of “Jewish safety.” But we know better: We refuse to have our community used to justify filling Israel’s war chest.
This push for divestment is making a difference.
From religious institutions to unions, communities across the U.S. are building momentum for Israel Bonds divestment.
Already, the United Methodist Church and the Presbyterian Church, which together hold tens of billions in investments, have voted to divest from Israel Bonds. The American Federation of Teachers (AFT), the second-largest teachers union in the country, has also confirmed that it decided against renewing its Israel Bonds investment last year.
The call to invest in life and in our communities — not in the genocide of Palestinians — is being heard.
And right now, JVP members are building power in coalitions from Rhode Island to Ohio to Philadelphia, adding to the wave of campaigning by demanding that their local and state governments divest from Israel Bonds.
As Jews, we have a powerful role to play in pushing our communities to invest in life, not weapons and war.
Dani Noble
Senior Campaigns Organizer
4 augustus 2024
Today's headlines
Mainstream media coverage of Israel’s assassination campaign misleads the U.S. public
Israel’s provocative assassinations of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh and Hezbollah commander Fouad Shukr have raised the risk of a wider war in the Mideast, but the U.S. media would rather celebrate Israeli espionage than hold it to account.
African attitudes to, and solidarity with, Palestine: From the 1940s to Israel’s genocide in Gaza
Kribsoo Diallo reviews African perspectives on Israel's genocidal war on Gaza, the rise and fall of Zionist influence in Africa, and the state of African grassroots solidarity with Palestine.
3 augustus 2024
Today's headlines
‘An entirely preventable disaster’: Health officials warn of catastrophic polio epidemic in Gaza
Tareq S. Hajjaj
Sewage water is flowing in most of the streets of the Gaza Strip. Mountains of garbage are piling up next to crowded refugee camps and shelters. In some areas of the strip, children can be found rummaging through the piles of trash in search of food or scraps that their family can use.
Harris threatens to further alienate Muslim voters with Shapiro VP pick
Support from some Pennsylvania Muslim leaders for Josh Shapiro has revealed rifts within the community and highlighted Muslim and Arab-American voters’ desire to center Palestinian rights this election.
Call to action: Thwarting Israel’s master plan in the West Bank will take solidarity on the ground
Noura Khouri
Defeating the zionist master plan of dividing the West Bank in two and taking over the entire territory will require that solidarity activists put their bodies on the line to defend threatened Palestinian communities.
Polio and the public health crisis in Gaza
Yumna Patel
Israel’s genocidal assault on Gaza brought a polio epidemic to the besieged enclave. Palestinian public health expert Yara Asi explains what this latest development could mean for public health in Gaza and the world. Visit our site!
3 augustus 2024
Say NO to a VP candidate that attacks Palestine advocacy
Having officially clinched the Democratic nomination for President, Vice President Harris has signaled she will be announcing her running mate this coming week. While there are several candidates, among them Gov. Andy Beshear, Sen. Mark Kelly, Gov. Jay Robert “J.B.” Pritzker, and Gov. Tim Walz, no candidate represents a more staunchly Zionist, pro-Israel and pro-genocide agenda than Governor Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania. Join us in telling VP Harris to say “no” to Pro Genocide Josh as her running mate.
On Friday, The Philadelphia Inquirer uncovered a racist anti-Palestinian article written by Governor Shapiro in his college newspaper, where he would describe Palestinians as “too battle-minded” to coexist with Israel, call Arabs as “belligerent,” and claim that Palestinians could not “establish their own homeland” “even with the aid of Israel and the United States.” More recently, Shapiro has antagonized and attacked pro-Palestinian student protestors, comparing them to the “KKK” and perpetuated rhetoric that has enabled the genocide of possibly 186,000 Palestinians in Gaza as well as anti-Palestinian racism across the United States. VP Harris cannot allow such a blatantly racist and pro-genocide candidate to be appointed to the second highest office in the country. As AJP-Action, we join many in calling on VP Harris to avoid a divisive figure like Shapiro as her running mate and appoint someone that cares for all Americans.
We need your help to urgently call on Harris to chart a new path and avoid Pro Genocide Josh as her running mate. Join us this weekend in calling on VP Harris to choose a running mate that will avoid alienating the pro-Palestinian community and human rights advocates she needs to vote for her.
Together, we can push VP Harris to move away from Biden’s policy on Gaza.
In solidarity,
AJP Action
2 augustus 2024
President Biden Must End Policy of Israeli Appeasement Deliberate Regional Aggression & Escalation
Americans for Justice in Palestine Action (AJP Action) urges President Joe Biden to prevent Israel from inciting a broader conflict in the Middle East following multiple extrajudicial assassinations of political leaders in both Lebanon and Iran, threatening all-out regional warfare due to Israeli aggression. The right-wing Israeli government is dragging the United States into a broader conflict against its will as a majority of Americans call for a total ceasefire. President Biden must take decisive action to end his policy of appeasement with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, enforce a ceasefire deal, and prevent further escalation.
According to many mainstream foreign policy analysts, Israel’s recent assassinations have sabotaged Biden’s purported ceasefire deal, which has been Netanyahu’s clear objective. As the genocide has overshadowed Biden’s legacy and contributed to the end of his reelection campaign, Netanyahu’s actions jeopardize any prospect of repair while inflaming regional tensions and compromising U.S. interests.
Even among Israelis, there is significant opposition to Netanyahu’s approach. Many Israelis recognize the detrimental impact of Netanyahu’s aggressive policies on their security and international standing. On Thursday, Biden assured Netanyahu about his commitment to Israel's security as they discussed "new military deployments" with the pretext of protecting Israel from Iran. But despite Biden’s calls for a ceasefire, Netanyahu’s refusal to comply underscores Israel’s disregard for both American and international efforts to de-escalate the situation.
Instead of sending more weapons, the Biden Administration must send a clear message to Netanyahu that the U.S. will not support his war ambitions and will not be dragged into a wider regional conflict. Biden’s inability to check Netanyahu’s worst behaviors has only bolstered Israeli recklessness and lack of respect for American interests.
AJP Action calls on President Biden to:
- End the policy of appeasement: President Biden must stop yielding to Netanyahu’s demands and halt Israel’s aggressive actions by ending all weapons transfers and aid.
- Enforce a ceasefire: Immediate efforts must be made to implement a ceasefire agreement and prevent further loss of life and destruction in the region.
- Prevent U.S. involvement in a broader war: Biden must ensure that the U.S. does not get entangled in a wider regional conflict, which would have devastating consequences for all parties involved.
- Stop further escalation by Israel: The U.S. must leverage its influence to curb Israel’s escalatory tactics and promote a diplomatic end to the genocide.
Israeli aggression has consistently undermined basic principles of justice and human rights. As Biden is no longer beholden to an election, he must do the right thing and end this war. President Biden must stand firm against Netanyahu’s provocations and prioritize peace and stability in the Middle East as he closes out his term.
In solidarity,
Dr. Osama Abu Irshaid
2 augustus 2024
Today's headlines
A Palestinian journalist visited Ismail Haniyeh’s home in Gaza to report on his death. Israel assassinated him too.
Ismail al-Ghoul had become a household name for anyone following the war on Gaza. When he went to Ismail Haniyeh’s hometown to cover a commemoration of his killing, Israel assassinated him too.
In supporting Israeli army rapists, right-wing protesters signal the coming Israeli civil war
A recent speech in support of Israeli soldiers detained for torturing and raping Palestinian detainees shows the Israeli right not only wants to escalate the ongoing genocide against Palestinians but also threatens bloodshed between Israeli Jews.
After 300 days of ‘Operation al-Aqsa Flood’: Nasrallah declares ‘new phase’ of war, vows ‘inevitable’ response to Israeli attack on Beirut
Qassam Muaddi
In a strident speech on Wednesday evening, Hezbollah leader Hasan Nasrallah said that the fighting with Israel has “entered a new phase” that goes “beyond supporting Gaza,” vowing an “inevitable” response to Israel’s Beirut bombing.
2 augustus 2024
Humanitarian Situation Update #199
Gaza Strip
A Palestinian family trying to dig out what remains of their possessions after their house was destroyed in Bani Suheila, Khan Younis. Photo Themba Linden OCHA
Key Highlights
- Two journalists were killed in an Israeli airstrike, the UN Human Rights Office reports.
- There is a high risk of a further spread of infectious diseases across Gaza amid chronic water scarcity and the total inability to manage waste and sewage, warn UN agencies and local authorities.
- UNRWA has recorded 40,000 cases of Hepatitis A since October 2023 and the Health Cluster is preparing for the worst-case scenario of a polio outbreak.
- Eighty-five sick and severely injured patients were medically evacuated from Gaza, in the largest medical evacuation since October 2023 and the second since early May.
Humanitarian Developments
- Israeli bombardment from the air, land, and sea continues to be reported across much of the Gaza Strip, resulting in further civilian casualties, displacement, and destruction of houses and other civilian infrastructure. Ground incursions and heavy fighting also continue to be reported.
- Between the afternoons of 29 July and 1 August, according to the Ministry of Health (MoH) in Gaza, 117 Palestinians were killed and 205 were injured. Between 7 October 2023 and 1 August 2024, at least 39,480 Palestinians were killed and 91,128 were injured, according to MoH in Gaza. Casualty breakdowns covering until the afternoon of 2 August are not available as of the time of reporting.
- The following are among the deadliest incidents reported between 28 July and 1 August:
- On 28 July, at about 12:50, five Palestinians, including a four-month-old infant and two women, were reportedly killed and several others injured when a tent for internally displaced people (IDPs) was hit in Al Mawasi area, in Khan Younis.
- On 28 July, at about 16:20, ten Palestinians were reportedly killed and tens of others injured when a house was hit in Khan Younis city.
- On 29 July, at about 12:00, five Palestinians, including a journalist, were reportedly killed when a location was hit near Abu Hmaid Roundabout in central Khan Younis.
- On 29 July, at about 13:30, five Palestinians were reportedly killed when a group of people was hit in the vicinity of Al Fardus School near Rafah coast, in western Rafah.
- On 30 July, at about 13:45, at least nine Palestinian males were reportedly killed when a group of Palestinians was hit at the entrance of An Nuseirat Refufee Camp, in northern Deir al Balah.
- On 31 July, at 13:10, ten Palestinian men were reportedly killed and several others injured when a car was hit in northern Az Zawayda, in the vicinity of the Shomar factory on Salah ad Din Road, in central Deir al Balah.
- On 31 July, two Al Jazeera journalists, a correspondent and a photographer, were killed in an Israeli Air Force drone attack on their car on Aydia Street near Al Shifa Medical Complex, which also killed a Palestinian boy on his bicycle, according to the UN Human Rights Office (OHCHR). According to the Government Media Office (GMO), the killing of the two journalists has increased the number of journalists killed since 7 October to 165 journalists.
- On 31 July, at about 23:20, six Palestinian men were reportedly killed and several others injured when a car was hit at the entrance to Al Maghazi Refugee Camp, in central Deir al Balah.
- On 1 August, at about 17:10, 15 Palestinians were reportedly killed and about 29 others injured when Dalal Al Mughrabi public school was hit in Ash-Shuja’iyeh area, east of Gaza city, according to the Palestinian Civil Defense (PCD). PCD reported that the school was hosting thousands of IDPs and was destroyed.
- Between the afternoons of 29 July and 2 August, no Israeli soldiers were reported killed in Gaza, according to the Israeli military. Between 7 October 2023 and 2 August 2024, according to the Israeli military and official Israeli sources cited in the media, over 1,529 Israelis and foreign nationals were killed, the majority on 7 October and its immediate aftermath and including 329 soldiers killed in Gaza or along the border in Israel since the beginning of the ground operation. In addition, 2,176 soldiers were reported injured since the beginning of the ground operation. As of 2 August, it is estimated that 115 Israelis and foreign nationals remain captive in Gaza, including hostages who have been declared dead.
- On 30 July, PCD reported that 42 bodies were recovered from the area of eastern Khan Younis following the withdrawal of the Israeli military, but the lack of resources and severity of infrastructure damage are hindering the ability of its teams to reach all areas impacted by the operation. During the military operation, PCD noted that denial of access by Israeli forces resulted in them not being able to respond to the tens of calls they received from stranded and injured people in the area.
- “Nowhere in Gaza is safe, and conditions remain volatile… This has severely limited humanitarian operations and forced food distribution points to close and evacuate,” stated the UN World Food Program (WFP) on 30 July. Limited fuel deliveries and ongoing hostilities have severely constrained the ability to operate critical facilities, including bakeries. As of 1 August, only 12 out of 18 bakeries supported by humanitarian partners remain operational across Gaza. The volume of distributed food assistance, through food parcel distribution, bakeries and community kitchens, is currently insufficient to meet the enormous needs and lacks dietary diversity. This is further exacerbated by the scarcity of commercial commodities and high prices, particularly in northern Gaza. Despite these challenges, WFP said it assisted over 1.1 million people in Gaza in July, including with general food assistance and multi-purpose cash assistance.
- In an additional major setback for WASH infrastructure in Gaza, the Israeli military allegedly destroyed with explosives on 27 July a key water production and distribution facility, in Tal as Sultan area of Rafah governorate.  The facility includes a 3,000-cubic-mere blending and distribution reservoir and three water pumping stations.  The WASH Cluster reported that the destruction appears to have been targeted and would severely impact water treatment and distribution both now and during the recovery phase. Prior to the war, the reservoir served a population of 150,000 and many more during the mass displacement period in Rafah.
- The impact of ongoing power outages and fuel shortages on WASH services in the Gaza Strip remains severe. Between 22 and 28 July, no fuel was delivered to WASH facilities in northern Gaza, threatening the shutdown of water wells, water trucking and wastewater pumping and affecting hundreds of thousands of people, according to the WASH Cluster. During the same period, the water and wastewater facilities in southern Gaza received 142,575 litres of fuel, averaging approximately 20,368 litres per day. Coupled with access constraints and infrastructural damage, water supply throughout Gaza thus remained critically low during this period at an average of 98,272 cubic metres of water per day, or about one-fourth of the potential capacity of 378,500 cubic metres per day, the Cluster reported.
- On 31 July, the Palestinian Water authority (PWA) announced that it successfully delivered about 50,000 litres of fuel to water facilities in northern Gaza. With this delivery, the largest to WASH facilities in northern Gaza since the start of the war, up to 40 water facilities, including 15 water wells in Gaza city, 13 in Jabalya, six in Beit Lahia and two in Beit Hanoun, received the fuel needed to produce approximately 30,000 cubic metres of water per day. Nonetheless, existing fuel deliveries continue to fall short of the daily essential requirement of 70,000 litres to operate WASH facilities, leading to chronic water scarcity. Field observations and site visits by WASH partners suggest that the range of water availability and consumption in the Gaza Strip is between two and nine litres per capita per day. According to humanitarian standards, the minimum amount of water needed in an emergency is 15 litres per capita per day.
- On 29 July, Khan Younis Municipality reported that 50 per cent of its machinery (14 out of 26) have been destroyed and rendered out of service, negatively impacting its ability to collect and transfer solid waste, open roads and remove rubble. Furthermore, Gaza Municipality stated on 28 July that about 80 per cent of its machinery have been destroyed while the rest are in bad condition. Both municipalities indicated that the lack of machinery, spare parts and fuel are driving an increase in the accumulation of solid waste, water shortage and sewage overflow, thereby aggravating public health and environmental conditions. On 1 August, the Coastal Municipalities Water Utility (CMWU) noted that a further spread in infectious diseases and respiratory illnesses is anticipated due to continued sewage overflow. The CMWU urgently appealed for international support to repair sewage facilities and infrastructure and provide the required equipment and spare parts.
- Hospitals in Gaza are struggling to cope as they have become inundated with wounded patients due to successive mass casualty incidents, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) stressed. With medical teams at Nasser and Al Aqsa hospitals, MSF noted, for example, that the 27 July attack on Khadija School dealt a major blow to Al Aqsa Hospital in Deir al Balah, which prior to the war had 220 beds and is now providing care to 550-600 patients. Citing the MoH, MSF added that Nasser Medical Complex in Khan Younis has critically low levels of blood units. On ten occasions in July, MSF teams responded to the influx of mass casualties but struggled to save lives; in the words of Alice Worsley, MSF nurse activity manager at Al Aqsa Hospital: “Even the most dedicated response can’t always save lives without enough supplies, beds, and medical staff.”
- Public health conditions in Gaza continue to deteriorate as recurrent evacuation orders and mass displacement have further shrunk people’s access to safe drinking water and sanitation facilities, according to the Health Cluster. Moreover, the overflow of untreated wastewater and sewage in the streets and the mounting accumulation of solid waste continue to fuel water and vector-borne diseases, while access to emergency medical services is increasingly compromised, particularly for pregnant women, persons with disabilities and the elderly. There are also growing concerns that displaced households, who are repeatedly forced to relocate, might seek shelter in the few still partially functional and already overwhelmed hospitals, which would further jeopardize health service delivery, underscored the Cluster.
- Amidst a rapidly worsening situation, the Health Cluster is preparing for the worst-case scenario of a polio outbreak. Briefing the press in Geneva, the World Health Organization (WHO) spokesperson Christian Lindmeier emphasized that, while efforts are ongoing to acquire vaccines, as in the case of food and medical supplies, “it is not enough to just get [them] across the border.” The WHO spokesperson called for a ceasefire or, at the very least, clear roads and safe access to allow partners to reach each and every person in Gaza with the necessary vaccinations. “Otherwise, the vaccines would be sitting, as many other trucks are, across the border, either on the Rafah side or at the other checkpoints either inside…or outside Gaza,” he warned.
- Meanwhile, Hepatitis A continues to rage across Gaza, with 800 to 1,000 new cases of acute jaundice syndrome reported weekly at UNRWA health centres and shelters. Since October 2023, UNRWA has recorded nearly 40,000 cases in its shelters and clinics, against only 85 during the same period prior to the war. “This is a frightening increase,” underscored UNRWA Commissioner-General Philippe Lazzarini. According to WHO data, a total of 107,000 cases of acute jaundice syndrome have been identified through the disease surveillance network since last October.
- On 31 July, 85 sick and severely injured patients - 50 adults and 35 children - were medically evacuated from Gaza, accompanied by 63 family members and caregivers, with the support of WHO, the Government of the UAE and other partners. This is the largest medical evacuation from Gaza since October 2023 and only the second evacuation since the closure of Rafah Crossing in early May. The patients were first transferred from Gaza via the Kerem Shalom Crossing to Ramon Airport in Israel, and then flown to the UAE to receive the necessary treatment. Fifty-three patients have cancer, including four children, 20 have trauma injuries, while the other 12 suffer from chronic conditions, including thalassemia, fanconi anaemia, and cardiac, liver and kidney diseases. In another operation jointly coordinated by WHO, Belgium, the European Commission and the Palestine Children’s Relief Fund, four children suffering from cancer, hearing impairment and respiratory disorders, who had already been evacuated to Egypt prior to the closure of Rafah Crossing, were transferred to Belgium on 30 July, accompanied by 12 family members, to receive specialized care. Welcoming the successful medical evacuation to the UAE, the WHO Director-General, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, highlighted that thousands of sick patients in the Strip continue to “suffer needlessly” and reiterated WHO’s appeal for “the establishment of evacuation corridors via all possible routes, including the Kerem Shalom and Rafah crossings to Egypt and Jordan, and from there to other countries,” and for “evacuations to the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, to be restored.”
- According to the Protection Cluster, protection teams continue to track the release of Palestinians who were arbitrarily detained from Gaza and provide them with emergency assistance, including medical care and support to reunite with their families. At least 53 Palestinian detainees from Gaza and the West Bank have died in Israeli detention since 7 October 2023, according to a new report by OHCHR. As of the end of June 2024, the Israel Prison Service (IPS) reported that there were 9,440 detainees described as "security detainees,” almost double the 5,088 held at the end of September 2023. The number of detainees from Gaza is unknown. Furthermore, the report lists the capturing of Israeli and foreign nationals on 7 and 8 October 2023 by Palestinian armed groups, with over 250 persons initially taken, including 36 children, and refers to the many testimonies of mistreatment and abuse by those released. The report finds that at least 310 Palestinian medical staff, as well as patients, companions and IDPs have been detained during raids on schools, hospitals and IDP shelters, with many of the detainees being unaware of the basis for their detention. Through interviews with released detainees and based on reports by NGOs, the report states that Israeli forces have allegedly committed acts of sexual and gender-based violence and that “many of those detained and subsequently released have reported being subject to forms of torture or other ill-treatment including severe beatings, electrocution, being forced to remain in stress positions for prolonged periods, or waterboarding.” According to the report, Israeli authorities have also suspended the access of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in both Gaza and the West Bank, further limiting access to the most vulnerable. On 7 October, more than 10,000 workers and medical patients from Gaza were legally present in Israel and were also taken into custody; it is estimated that 3,200 detainees were released into Gaza, 6,441 were transferred to the occupied West Bank and around 1,000 of them remain unaccounted for.
- Impediments to humanitarian access are ongoing, including the restrictions imposed by Israeli authorities on the entry of certain humanitarian supplies (e.g. mine action supplies, recreational and psychosocial support kits), the closure of Rafah Crossing, continued hostilities, damaged and impassable roads, the risk of unexploded ordnance, attacks on aid convoys, and the breakdown in public order and safety. These continue to limit the entry of aid into Gaza and significantly hinder the delivery of aid and basic services to hundreds of thousands of people across Gaza. Between 1 and 29 July, an average of 77 truckloads of aid supplies entered Gaza daily, representing a decline of about 42 per cent compared with the daily average of 132 trucks between January and April 2024.These numbers represent humanitarian cargo that was picked up from any of the entry points into Gaza. Within Gaza, in July, out of 157 humanitarian assistance missions coordinated with the Israeli authorities to northern Gaza, 67 missions were facilitated by the Israeli authorities, 42 were impeded, 30 were denied, and 18 were cancelled due to logistical, operational, or security reasons. Moreover, out of 386 aid mission requests to reach areas south of Wadi Gaza that require coordination, 250 missions were facilitated by the Israeli authorities, 46 were impeded, 53 were denied, and 37 were cancelled. Facilitated missions involved food distributions, movement of emergency medical teams, fuel distributions, assessments, delivery of supplies to hospitals, and support for WASH activities.
- As of 2 August, Member States have disbursed about US$1.6 billion out of $3.42 billion (47 per cent) requested to meet the most critical needs of 2.3 million* people in Gaza and 800,000 people in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, between January and December 2024. On 10 July, DSC/RC/HC Hadi stated that, “more funding is urgently needed – as is a safe, enabling environment inside Gaza. Increased funding now will enable the humanitarian community to scale up operations as soon as conditions permit. For funding analysis, please see the Flash Appeal Financial Tracking dashboard. (*2.3 million reflects the projected population of the Gaza Strip upon issuance of the Flash Appeal in April 2024. As of July 2024, the UN estimates that about 2.1 million people remain in the Gaza Strip, and this updated number is now used for programmatic purposes.)
- The occupied Palestinian territory Humanitarian Fund (oPt HF) has 111 ongoing projects, for a total of $88 million, addressing urgent needs in the Gaza Strip (89 per cent) and the West Bank (11 per cent). Of the total, 63 projects are being implemented by international non-governmental organizations (INGOs), 34 by national NGOs and 14 by UN agencies. Since 7 October, the oPt HF has mobilized over $112 million from Member States and private donors to support urgent humanitarian and life-saving programmes across the OPT. Of total funding, 89 per cent has been allocated to projects in Gaza. A summary of the oPt HF activities and challenges in June 2024 is available through this link and the 2023 Annual Report of the oPt HF can be accessed here. Private donations are collected directly through the oPt HF.
2 augustus 2024
We openen deze nieuwsbrief met een brief aan de regering van onze leden Cor en Oda Hulsen, die premier Schoof en de zijnen in scherpe bewoordingen oproepen zich aan het internationaal recht te houden, zoals het Internationaal Gerechtshof op 19 juli nogmaals duidelijk maakte, toen het de laatste sluiproute voor steun aan Israël illegaal verklaarde.
Vervolgens vind je op de website een groot overzicht van wat de BDS beweging internationaal en mede door jullie activiteiten, tot nu toe voor elkaar heeft gekregen! En we zoomen in op gevolgen van de boycot voor de Rode Zeehaven van Eilat: die is bankroet.
Een strijdbare groet van het docP team; blijf BDS-en!
Regering, luister naar het Internationaal Gerechtshof!
Deze brief is een appèl van onze leden Cor en Oda Hulsen aan de regering om zich aan de Grondwet en het internationaal recht te houden, conform de adviserende opinie die het hoogste gerecht ter wereld op 19 juli jl. uitgaf.
"Het zionistisch terrorisme brengt u niet tot staan door “een opgestoken vingertje’ of een “onderonsje in Jeruzalem of Tel Aviv”. Dat mag u toch na 76 jaar meer dan duidelijk zijn"
Impact van BDS in tijden van genocide
Het is 19 jaar geleden dat de grootste Palestijnse coalitie de historische oproep deed tot het boycotten van, desinvesteren in en sancties opleggen tegen het Israëlische regime van militaire bezetting, kolonisatie, apartheid en nu ook genocide.
In de afgelopen 19 jaar heeft de BDS-beweging wereldwijd een enorm netwerk opgebouwd, ondersteund door vakbonden en landbouwcoalities, maar ook bewegingen voor rassen-, sociale, gender- en klimaatrechtvaardigheid, die samen tientallen miljoenen mensen vertegenwoordigen. Het heeft een grote impact gehad op het isoleren van apartheid-Israël, onder andere door ervoor te zorgen dat grote multinationals, zoals G4S, Veolia, Orange, HP, PUMA en anderen hun medeplichtigheid aan Israëls misdaden tegen de inheemse Palestijnen geheel of gedeeltelijk beëindigden.
Israelische economie stort in elkaar
De grootschalige boycot van Israël dreigt de staat op de knieën te krijgen. Sowieso kan het land niet overleven zonder de miljarden militaire steun die het van vooral de VS krijgt en ook van EU-landen. Daarnaast zijn al meer dan 46.000 bedrijven failliet gegaan, is de haven van Eilat bankroet en zijn er enorme tekorten in alle vitale sectoren van de economie.
De geweldloze BDS-beweging voor vrijheid, rechtvaardigheid en gelijkheid wordt gesteund door de absolute meerderheid in de Palestijnse samenleving. BDS verwerpt alle vormen van racisme en discriminatie.
2 augustus 2024
Afgelopen woensdag kwam de politiek leider van Hamas in de Iraanse hoofdstad Teheran om het leven, waarschijnlijk als gevolg van een in het geheim geplaatste bom. Hoewel de moord op Haniyeh (62) nog niet is opgeëist, twijfelen weinigen eraan dat Israël er verantwoordelijk voor is. Een dag eerder doodde Israël in de Libanese hoofdstad Beirut met een luchtaanval de hoogste militaire commandant van de beweging Hezbollah, Fuad Shakr.
Gevaarlijk spel
Met de aanslagen pleegt Israël een misdadig en hoog spel. Het lijkt het Iraanse regime en zijn bondgenoten, Hezbollah voorop, uit te dagen tot een grootschalige gewapende krachtmeting, met alle risico’s van een regionale oorlog van dien.
31 juli 2024, Beiroet, Libanon: Een Palestijn hangt een foto op van Ismail Haniyeh, de in Iran vermoorde politieke leider van Hamas, in een hal in het Palestijnse vluchtelingenkamp Burj al-Brajneh. (c) Marwan Naamani/dpa / Alamy
De vrees is ook dat de moord op Haniyeh het einde betekent van de onderhandelingen over een staakt-het-vuren in Gaza. Haniyeh was een sleutelfiguur bij die onderhandelingen.
Juridische consequenties | Oordeel Gerechtshof legt Nederland bindende verplichtingen op
Op vrijdag 19 juli presenteerde het Internationaal Gerechtshof zijn oordeel over de juridische consequenties van de Israëlische bezetting en kolonisering van de bezette Palestijnse gebieden. De veelgehoorde bewering dat dit oordeel, gepresenteerd in de vorm van een adviesopinie, ‘niet bindend’ zou zijn, is misleidend.
Weliswaar is een adviesopinie geen bindend vonnis, maar dat betekent niet dat die vrijblijvend is. Integendeel, hij neemt ook voor Nederland bindende verplichtingen mee.
Wat is een adviesopinie?
Een adviesopinie is een oordeel van het Internationaal Gerechtshof over een specifiek vraagstuk van internationaal humanitair recht, voorgelegd aan deze hoogste Gerechtelijke Instantie van de wereld. Daarin beschrijft het hof hoe dat juridisch dient te worden begrepen op grond van het geheel van internationale wetten en verdragen.
Die verdragen zijn bindend, en brengen verplichtingen met zich mee die van toepassing zijn op alle staten ter wereld.
As voorbeelden van dergelijke verplichtingen noemt het hof het respecteren van het Palestijnse recht op zelfbeschikking, en van het verbod op het verwerven van grondgebied met geweld. Niet alleen Israël heeft zich daar aan te houden, maar iedere staat ter wereld, waaronder Nederland.
Het hof oordeelt dat alle staten verplicht zijn de door Israël gecreëerde ‘illegale situatie’ niet te normaliseren, en af moeten zien van elke medewerking aan het (voort)bestaan ervan. Als concrete verplichting noemt het hof het instellen van een verbod op handel met, en investeringen in, Israëls ‘illegale aanwezigheid’ in bezet Palestijns gebied.Wil je meer weten over de verplichtingen die het oordeel van het Gerechtshof met zich meebrengt? In dit artikel zetten wij de voor Nederland belangrijkste punten op een rij.
Publiek en belanghebbenden volgen de zitting van het Internationaal Gerechtshof op 19 juli in het Vredespaleis in Den Haag. Het oordeel van de 15 rechters heeft ingrijpende consequenties voor Nederland. © ICJ
Regering wist al in 2014 dat handel niet was toegestaan
Het verbod op handel met de nederzettingen had Nederland al in 2014 moeten instellen. In februari en april van dat jaar werd de regering door de eigen juristen gewaarschuwd dat het toestaan van die handel en investeringen in strijd is met het Palestijnse recht op zelfbeschikking, en een schending van het internationaal recht waarvoor Nederland aansprakelijk kan worden gehouden. Die waarschuwingen werden genegeerd, en de handel juist gestimuleerd.
Haast maken
Hoewel het oordeel van het hof duidelijk maakt dat Nederland zijn relaties met de nederzettingen ingrijpend moet veranderen, en dat daarbij bovendien haast gemaakt moet worden, overheerst de stilte. De regering heeft twee weken na de presentatie van de adviesopinie nog niet van zich laten horen. Dat is rechtens volstrekt onaccep-tabel.
Wat gebeurt er nu op de Westoever?
De Brit John Oliver stond vorige week in een uitzending van zijn tv-programma Last Week Tonight uitgebreid stil bij de situatie op de door Israël bezette Westelijke Jordaanoever. In een half uur tijd geeft Oliver op vaak cynische wijze een goed beeld van Israëls beleid ten opzichte van de Palestijnen en zijn illegale annexatie van het gebied. Sinds de aanval van Hamas op 7 oktober, en met de ogen van de wereld volledig gericht op Gaza, is de situatie op de Westoever sterk verslechterd.
1 augustus 2024
Pasgeboren baby's in Gaza, klein en kwetsbaar, verkeren direct na hun geboorte in levensbedreigende situaties die alsmaar nijpender worden. Zo werd deze week bekend dat polio is uitgebroken in het gebied.
Door het gebrek aan medische zorg, voedsel en schoon water, lopen baby's een gigantisch risico. Wij zetten in Gaza alles op alles om de allerjongsten te redden, bijvoorbeeld door babypakketten uit te delen.
CARE ondersteunt burgers in Gaza met mobiele medische teams, drinkwater, voedsel en babypakketten. Wij werken met lokale partners, waardoor we één van de weinige hulporganisaties zijn die van binnenuit noodhulp kunnen leveren.
1 augustus 2024
Today's headlines
The real reason Israel is assassinating Hamas and Hezbollah leaders, and why it won’t stop the resistance
Israel’s assassination of Hamas and Hezbollah leaders doesn’t aim to weaken the resistance. Its real motive is to restore the image of military and intelligence superiority in the eyes of the Israeli public.
U.S. officials react to Israeli assassinations of Hezbollah and Hamas leaders
White House officials denied involvement in the Israeli assassinations of Hezbollah commander Fouad Shukr and Hamas politburo chief Ismail Haniyeh while also pledging an “unwavering commitment” to Israel if it faces retaliatory strikes.
Israel assassinates Hamas and Hezbollah leaders: What comes next for the region?
GW pressured federal prosecutors to ban students from campus in retaliation for encampment protests
Alumni for Justice in Palestine at The George Washington University
As alumni of The George Washington University, we condemn the university’s retaliation against students arrested at the Palestine solidarity encampment on GW’s campus.